Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 861: The Heavenly Sage Patriarch Who Had to Die

The ancestor of Tiansheng suddenly felt that he had lost his words, and was stunned on the spot with an embarrassed expression.

Everyone also cast strange glances at him...

At this moment, anyone can see that the ancestor of Tiansheng and Qin Feng are not dealing with it...

"Go back to your place!"

The true God scolded angrily~ a sentence.

The ancestor of Tiansheng did not dare to say more, so he had to retreat in depression, but his hatred for Qin Feng became even stronger.

He thinks it's Qin Feng - making him embarrassed in public!

The true God is also depressed.

The south is already weak, if it is not united, how can it deal with the invasion of other forces?

The behavior of the ancestors of Tiansheng is not conducive to unity!

However, he quickly calmed down and looked at Qin Feng with a smile.

Seeing Qin Feng still alive, his mood suddenly improved a lot.

The South finally did not lose talent!

This may be the luck of the south is coming.

"Little friend, are you Qin Feng?"

"Exactly! Qin Feng has seen three Lord Gods!"

"Okay! Okay! So this is Qin Lei's little friend, right? 35

"Qin Lei has also seen three Lord Gods!"

Qin Feng and the phantom avatar saluted.

Zhenji and Jiuyuan both smiled and nodded.

Both had a sense of joy in what was lost and found.

On the contrary, Yaochi God's reaction was flat.

She glanced at Qin Feng lightly, and asked curiously, "Qin Feng, didn't the two of you enter Guixu? How did you get out?"

"Master Hui Yaochi, we entered the Ruins, but soon found that the situation was not right, so we turned around and rushed back, only to find that the previous crack could not be found. Fortunately, we encountered another vortex similar to the crack and escaped. …”

"After we came out, the strange vortex disappeared, and we returned to the realm of the gods, so we rushed over immediately..."

Qin Feng was talking nonsense.

"That's it! Then you two are really lucky!"

Lord Yaochi was a little emotional.

Although she felt Qin Feng's explanation was a bit far-fetched, she couldn't find a more suitable explanation.

She didn't believe that Qin Feng and the two escaped by their own abilities.

"Fellow Daoist Yaochi, it is a joy for the two of them to come back safely, and there is no need to ask more. 35

The true God interrupted the conversation between the two.

Afterwards, he said with a smile on his face: "Little friend Qin Feng, the old man heard from Geng Yi that your strength is likely to reach the threshold of the gods. But the old man looks at your cultivation, it seems that you have just broken through to the true gods not long ago. You really Do you have the power of a god?"

At this question, all the gods looked at Qin Feng with anticipation.

Everything that happened in the competition area, the gods could not see the specific battle situation.

For Qin Feng's strength, they speculated.

Everything still needs to be confirmed by Qin Feng himself.

Seeing what the gods were looking forward to, Qin Feng smiled slightly: "That's it!

As soon as these words fell, all the gods showed relief.

Qin Feng really has the power of gods!

The South is really talented this time!


True God and Jiuyuan God are smiling and happy.

Yaochi God also smiled without saying a word.

These people don't know that Qin Feng's strength is not only the threshold of the gods, he has already surpassed the limit of the peak of the gods.

At this time, Geng Yi Tianzun walked over in a happy mood.

"The three Lord Gods, Qin Feng and Qin Lei, have already come out. This time the large-scale power ranking competition is over, and the rankings of the large-scale forces have been drawn up. I hope the three adults have a look!


The three gods glanced at the jade tablet lightly and wrote down all the rankings.

Qingqiu ranked first, Star Alliance second, Hundred Demons third...

The rankings are completely fixed!

After the conference, the jurisdiction of the forces will be greatly adjusted.

In the crowd, Heavenly Sage Patriarch's heart was broken.

His bet was completely lost.

At this moment, the voice of the true God resounded in the hall.

"Everyone, this ranking competition is over. Next, Geng Yi will adjust your jurisdiction according to your ranking. The higher the ranking, the larger the jurisdiction..."

"In addition, according to the rules of the competition. The first and second place in this competition will be rewarded with True Ultimate Pills. The first place will be rewarded with two True Ultimate Pills, and the second will be rewarded with a True Ultimate Pill..."

"This time, the ones who got the reward are the Qingqiu realm and the Star Alliance realm!

As soon as these words fell, all the players in the field looked at the Qingqiu Xingmeng with envy.

Really Dan!

That is the magic pill for the false gods to break through to the true gods!

One can make a true god!

Qin Feng was also excited.

Although he doesn't need Zhenji Dan.

But his child Hongjun, Star Master Ziwei, and Emperor Feng are all pseudo-gods of great consummation, and they are in need of the True Extreme Pill.

In addition, Fuzhi, Pangu, and Qin Baobao are about to break through to the great consummation of the false gods, and they also need the true extreme Dan...

"Little friend Qin Feng, little friend Qin Lei, this old man is very curious about something!"

"Senior please speak!"

"I see that the two of you have similar names, and you both come from Qingqiu, so you should have a lot of origins, right? 35

"Senior is right! We are two brothers!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone suddenly realized.

The God of True God smiled all over his face: "As expected! You two brothers are amazing! Take these true magic pills and distribute them among yourselves!

As soon as the God of True God waved his hand, the six True Ultimate Pills flew towards Qin Feng...

"Hey! Lord God, the reward is only three, why did you give six?

Qin Feng caught the pill with a surprised look on his face.

The Yaochi Lord on the side was also surprised: "Friend Zhenji, how did you double the reward?"

"Daoist fellow Yaochi, look at the points of Qingqiu and Xingmeng are above 200,000 points, and the third place is only over 30,000 points. Their results are far ahead! Qingqiu Xingmeng has performed so well, this old man naturally wants to Some extra rewards!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone suddenly realized, and they all showed their envy.

The Qingqiu Star Alliance was even more delighted.

They know that the True God God rewards so many True Ultimate Pills, on the one hand, on the performance, and more on the face of Qin Feng and the phantom avatar.

This is clearly a favor to Qin Feng.

"Thank you sir!"

Qin Feng happily put away the elixir, and his affection for the true God deepened in his heart.

"Two little friends, the old man wants to ask you something..."

"Senior please say it!

"I wonder if the two little friends are willing to join our True Extremism?"

"Thank you for your love, senior! It's just that our brothers have no plans to join other forces..."

"Alright! This matter cannot be forced," Zhenji God looked regretful.

·0 for flowers·

Qin Feng cupped his hands again and said, "Senior, junior is applying to you for something?"

"What's the matter?

"Qingqiu and the Xingmeng are going to unite to form a new force called the Qingmeng. I am the leader of the Youth League, and Qin Lei is the deputy leader.

"That's fine! As long as you want to!"

"Senior, our definition of the Youth League is a top-level force, not a simple alliance..."

As soon as these words fell, the audience was shocked.

All the gods were stunned.

Even the three gods were startled.

Top-level forces, that is the core layer of the Southern Alliance!

This Qin Feng means, he wants to enter the core layer of the Southern Alliance, which touches the interests of the gods...

At the moment, the players took a deep breath, not even daring to breathe.

Even the three three gods looked serious, and communicated through voice transmission in secret.

In the south, if a faction wants to be promoted to the top force, that is an earth-shattering event!

Similarly, the promotion assessment is also very strict.

After a while, the three major gods finished their communication.

"Qin Feng, the three of us have agreed to your application!

"However, the application belongs to the application! You must pass the promotion assessment to be considered a top power!

"This rule is not aimed at your Youth League, but a rule that existed at the beginning of the League's establishment, I hope you can understand it! 35

The three gods spoke up.

Qin Feng was overjoyed: "Thank you for the three seniors! The juniors are very clear about these rules. I also invite the three seniors to assess!"

True God Lord nodded slightly: "Okay! The first rule of promotion to the top power, the Youth League must have a god-level combat power to sit in!"

"I am!" Qin Feng agreed.

"Okay! The old man sent someone to test your strength! 35

The True God turned his head and swept his gaze, his eyes fell on a young God.

This person is called Chunyu Tianzun, and he is the weakest of the ten gods.

"Chun Yu, come and test Qin Feng!

"Yes! Your lord!

Chunyu Tianzun rose up in response.


But at this moment, the ancestor of the Heavenly Sage got up with a 'shuh'.

"I'm really curious, I'm very curious about Qin Feng's strength. Why don't you give me a try for this test!

The ancestor of Tiansheng asked on the spot.

True God brows furrowed.

The strength of the ancestor of Tiansheng is the first person under the peak of the gods, so it is definitely not suitable for him to test.

What's more, this guy and Qin Feng didn't deal with it, I'm afraid he didn't have a good heart.

Immediately, the true God said: "This test, don't worry about it! You still sit down! 99

But just after the words fell, Qin Feng stopped him with a smile.

"Senior, let him do it! The junior is also very curious about the strength of Tiansheng Taoist friends!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was stunned.

Even the three gods were surprised.

Only the ancestor of Tiansheng showed joy.

How dare this kid choose himself.

You are looking for death!

He didn't know, he was on the way to death and never came back..

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