"Little friend, are you sure that Tiansheng will take the shot? Not Chunyu?"

True God asked again.

In fact, he wanted Qin Feng to change his mind.

The Holy Ancestor that day was much stronger than Chun Yu Tianzun!

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Senior, I'm sure!

"It's... ok!"

Zhenji Tianzun looked helpless.

Since Qin Feng had to choose this, he couldn't stop it.

Besides, Qin Feng said it in front of everyone.

"Little friend, then be careful! Tiansheng, come and test! 99

"Yes! Your lord!

Heavenly Sage Patriarch was overjoyed, and he stepped into the air and reached the center of the hall.

Although he also felt that Qin Feng had the strength of the threshold of the gods, his purpose was not to prevent Qin Feng from being promoted, but to teach Qin Feng a lesson.

He wants Qin Feng to make a fool of himself!

In that case, even if Qin Feng was promoted successfully, he would still be a laughing stock...

"Qin Feng, are you ready?"

The ancestor of Tiansheng had a smug look on his face.

He seemed to have seen Qin Feng making a fool of himself.

"Tiansheng Taoist friend, let's start!

As soon as these words fell, all the gods came to watch, waiting for the battle.

They wanted to know what Qin Feng's strength was, even the three gods were no exception.

"Qin Feng, you look good!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ancestor of Tiansheng suddenly shot, and his huge fist slammed directly at Qin Feng's Tianling...

This time, he did his best...

The power of that blow shocked the "three eight seven" heaven and earth, and all the gods changed color one after another.

Except for the three peaks of the gods, the other seven people thought that they couldn't resist, Qin Feng's situation was not good!

True God also frowned secretly, worrying about Qin Feng...

It was at this moment that Qin Feng made his move and punched him directly...


Two fists meet!

A loud bang!

Endless sound waves!

The Eight Directions Universe Shakes~!

Below the gods, all the hearts and souls are shaking, the soul is about to disperse, and it is extremely terrifying!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

In the next second, the ancestor of Tiansheng was in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, and countless cracks appeared in his body...

There was also a look of horror in his eyes.

But before anyone could think about it, his body shattered into pieces, turning into a huge cloud of blood...

The three gods and the gods are all stunned!

There was also an exclamation below!

"My God! The ancestor of Tiansheng was blasted with a punch by Lord Qin Feng!

But it's not over!

That punch exploded, Qin Feng chased after the victory!

His palm turned into a big hand that reached the sky, covering the sky, and countless divine fires of creation spewed out from the palm of his hand, forming an endless golden sea of ​​fire, swallowing the blood mist all over the sky...

The ancestor of the heavenly sage who was being resurrected was instantly blasted away, and the divine fire that destroyed the sky and the earth devoured the endless blood mist and primordial spirit...

"Ah~! Ah~! Let go... let me go!"

A shrill and terrifying scream rolled out from the blood fog...

The gods clearly sensed that the momentum of the ancestors of the heavenly sage was constantly plummeting...

If this goes on, Heavenly Sage Patriarch will die!

Oh my God!

This Qin Feng actually has the ability to kill the gods!

The gods were terrified!

The eyes that looked at Qin Feng changed one by one.

His eyes were full of fear, and even a trace of fear...

At this moment, none of the gods dared to underestimate Qin Feng...

Even the three gods were moved...

They can also kill the Heavenly God Realm, but they can't do it so quickly...

This Qin Feng is not easy!

The three of them couldn't help but take a deep breath and paid more attention to Qin Feng...

In such a short time, the momentum of the ancestor of Tiansheng plummeted by 30%...

The gods looked terrified.

"Save me! Great man, save me!

At this moment, the ancestor of Tiansheng was completely panicked.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape the sea of ​​fire.

If it goes on like this, he will die...

So, he started desperately calling for help...

"Hey! Little friend Qin Feng, let him go!

The true God sighed.

After all, Tiansheng Patriarch is also a rare talent.

There is a shortage of talents in the south, and any god is rare.

True God is dedicated to safeguarding the unity of the South, and has no partiality.

Qin Feng nodded slightly and withdrew his divine fire.

True God is good to him, and this face still has to be given.

When the fire was withdrawn, the blood mist shrank, and the ancestor of the heavenly sage was resurrected...

He looked at Qin Feng in extreme horror, like a mouse seeing a cat, he involuntarily took a few steps back...

He never imagined that the young man in front of him had grown to such a terrifying level...

"You go back!

True God gave him an angry look.

The ancestor of Tiansheng looked embarrassed and lowered his head to return.

Along the way, everyone cast a strange look, and many of them gloated.

Especially those few gods, all of them were happy in their hearts.

In this battle, the ancestor of Tiansheng was injured by the fire of creation, and his strength lost 30%, which can be said to have fallen sharply.

If he rebuilds it again, it will take at least decades.

But a month later, it will be the day when the road to return to the ruins begins.

At that time, the distribution of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth will be arranged according to the strength of the gods.

Originally, the ancestor of Tiansheng ranked fourth among the top ten top forces.

This time his strength has plummeted, I am afraid that the ranking will drop to the bottom.

Those gods whose rankings may rise are naturally happy in their hearts, and it is difficult to rejoice in misfortune...

The ancestor of Tiansheng also saw the smiles of those few people, and his heart was extremely depressed and embarrassed...

He wanted to make Qin Feng make a fool of himself, but it was himself who made the fool.

Even the interests of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth are greatly damaged...

Thinking of this, the ancestor of Tiansheng was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood...

At this moment, the voice of the true God resounded behind him.

"Little friend Qin Feng, you really opened my eyes to this old man! I didn't expect that your strength is not the threshold of the gods, but the peak level of the gods, not bad! Not bad! Really good! 35

True God is full of praise, and the joy in his eyes is not concealed in the slightest.

The Lord Jiuyuan on the side also nodded, looking at Qin Feng with full of approval.

Only the cultivation of a true god can be compared to the peak of the gods, and I am afraid that no one will believe it.

I am afraid that the entire God Realm will not be able to produce such outstanding talents!

The luck of the south is here!

The more the three gods think, the more satisfied they become.

"Three adults, our Youth League has been promoted to the top power, is it a success?"

"Haha!! That's of course!

All three gods smiled.

It's not natural!

The people of the Youth League were even more delighted.

There was also a smile on Qin Feng's mouth.

But at this moment, another discordant voice sounded in the field.

"Three adults, the Youth League has just been promoted, isn't it wrong? 35

The person who spoke was actually the ancestor of the Heavenly Sage.

Everyone frowned.

What is this guy doing?

Qin Feng's strength is so strong, what else can't be promoted in the Youth League?

"Heavenly Sage, what do you mean?" True God was a little displeased.

The ancestor of Tiansheng bit the bullet and said: "Sir, according to the promotion rules, if you want to be promoted to the top power, you must meet two criteria. One is to have a strong person above the god level, and the other is to have five people under the true god level. above…."

"Qin Feng's strength is indeed above the god level, but his subordinates have not met the requirements! 99

With this reminder, everyone looked at the people of the Youth League.


In addition to Qin Feng, there are only four true god-level masters in the Youth League, namely Qin Lei, Qinglin, Hongyue, and Luming, and there is one less!

If you follow the strict requirements, it is indeed not up to the standard.

But Zhenji God frowned: "Nonsense! Even if the number of true gods in the Youth League is insufficient, but with Qin Feng's strength, it is understandable for the Youth League to be promoted. You still don't make trouble for no reason..."

"I... I'm just telling the truth. If the adults insisted that the Youth League can be promoted, I would not dare to refute it..."

The ancestor of Tiansheng pretended to be pitiful, and always wanted to discredit the Youth League.

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "Tiansheng Taoist friend, who said that there are no five true gods in our Youth League?"

"But... but what do I think, there are only four of you. Who is the fifth?"

The voice of the ancestor of Tiansheng was a little weak.

He is a little afraid of Qin Feng now.

"The fifth is me!

A beautiful voice sounded from the crowd.

Star Master Ziwei came out.

Everyone looked.

The next second, the gods couldn't help frowning.

No matter what they think, Star Master Ziwei is just a fake god, and it can't be regarded as a true god at all...

Immediately, the ancestor of Tiansheng gathered up his courage and said: "Qin Feng, are your people joking? She obviously only has the cultivation level of a false god, and she dares to say that she is a true god?""

Qin Feng's mouth twitched: "The rules say that subordinates with the strength of five true gods do not say that they must be cultivated in the realm of true gods. My subordinates have the strength of true gods!"

The ancestor of Tiansheng was stunned: "She has the power of a true god? Ha! Qin Feng, don't tell me, all your subordinates are geniuses, and fighting at higher ranks is like eating and drinking..."

The ancestor of Tiansheng looked disdainful.

The Youth League had only created a freak like Qin Feng, he didn't believe that everyone was like this.

Not only does he think so, other gods are also suspicious.

"If you don't believe me! You can send someone to try it!"

"Okay! Really great man, I hope you send someone to try it!"

The ancestor of Tiansheng handed over his request.

The true God has long been impatient.

He gave Tiansheng Old Ancestor a cold look and said nothing.

Since the two have reached a consensus, he will not say more.

Immediately, he looked around: "That true god is willing to take action and try this girl's strength?

As soon as these words fell, the audience was silent, and even the sound of breathing could be heard.

There was no one true god willing to end the game!

Obviously, no one dared to offend the Youth League, let alone Qin Feng!

This new force is destined to shine brightly!

Seeing that no one answered for a long time, the true God is very pleased...

He was about to announce that when the Youth League was promoted to the top power, the mutation in the field regenerated...

I saw the ancestor of Tiansheng winked at an old man beside him...

The old man was depressed and had to bite the bullet and get up.

"It's really great, Kui Zhen is willing to give it a try!"

Zhenji God frowned: "Kuizhen, you are the pinnacle of the true god, it is not suitable for you to take action!"5

But 4.7 didn't want to, and only after these words came out, Star Master Ziwei took the initiative to fight.

"Really great man, the little girl is willing to fight with fellow Daoist Kuizhen!

The True God was stunned for a moment, why are all the members of the Youth League like this?

"That's all! If you want, then do it! 99

The true God is too lazy to say much.

The crowd also appeared suspicious.

They don't believe it, everyone in the Youth League can fight beyond the ranks. After all, genius is only an event with a very small probability, and it is impossible for everyone to be a genius.

Now, the two sides have reached an agreement.

The ancestor of Tiansheng was proud again.

He thought it was Qin Feng who was floating, but did he really think that all of his people were geniuses?

After the embarrassment of Star Master Ziwei, he can make a big fuss...

Soon, Kui Array shot.

As soon as he made his move, Kui Zhen used the strongest blow, which was earth-shattering. . . .

The ancestors of Tiansheng also showed anticipation.

But in the next second, with a loud bang, Kui Array was blasted to the point of vomiting blood and flew out, and the audience was shocked...

Oh my God!

A false god's great perfection has blasted the peak of the true god!

Why are all the members of the Youth League so powerful?

Everyone involuntarily sucked in a breath of cold air.

The ancestor of Tiansheng was also stunned,

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