Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 860 surprise (seeking full order)

Wen Yuan was suddenly dumbfounded, and the expression on his face froze!

The northern gods were also stunned, and the laughter that had not stopped became extremely embarrassing...

"This... how did these two guys... how did they come out?"

"Yeah...yeah! They didn't come out with the southern gods, did they come out on their own?""

As soon as these words fell, the gods in the north immediately thought of something, and looked at each other with astonishment in their eyes...

Wen Yuan also thought of something, and his face darkened.

After a long time, one of the gods swallowed his saliva and then whispered: "It seems that Qin Feng and Qin Lei are the masters of the universe! Only the masters of the universe can rely on their own strength to return home. Escape from the ruins..."

"This... This is impossible! The Lord of the Universe is extremely rare, and the probability of appearing is a hundred times lower than the appearance of the gods of the gods. Can this barren south also produce such talents?

"Yeah! We have experienced countless epochs in the north before the birth of Wenyuan, the lord of the universe! The south is much worse than our north. How can we say that we were born? 99

Some northern gods still couldn't believe it.

"Haha! Then please explain, how did Qin Feng and Qin Lei escape the return to the ruins? The old man can't think of a better explanation. 39


The gods were silent.

The Lord of the Universe has the ability to escape the ruins, and they discovered it by accident.

This secret has not been spread in the realm of the gods, and the gods of the realm of gods do not know it yet.

It is precisely because they have mastered this secret that the gods in the north dare to come to the south to grab the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

At that time, as long as they grab the treasures, they can leave the Guixu at any time, and they don't have to worry about the people in the south cutting off their retreat.

"Brother Lu said that, it seems really possible! Although Qin Feng and Qin Lei may find a temporary exit and escape, the probability of this is less than 1 in 100,000,000, almost zero. On the contrary, one of them is The probability of being the Lord of the Universe has reached 99%!

387 "Hmm! That's the only way to explain it!"

"Hey~! I didn't expect the Lord of the Universe to emerge from the south, really..."

The gods looked depressed and seemed unacceptable.

However, they already firmly believed that Qin Feng and Qin Lei must be the master of the universe.

That Wenyuan's face was even more ugly.

His cultivation talent is far inferior to Qin Feng.

The only place he is proud of is his identity as the Lord of the Universe.

But now, Qin Feng has even compared to what he is most proud of.

He was completely reduced to a foil.

This hit him too hard...

In fact, both Wenyuan and the northern gods underestimated Qin Feng.

Qin Feng is not an ordinary master of the universe, but a unique master of two universes...

"By the way, you said that one of Qin Feng and Qin Lei may be the Lord of the Universe. Shall we arrest them and bring them back to the north? The Lord of the Universe is extremely precious! 39

"The old man recommends not to do it first. We should grab the spiritual root first, and then start with Qin Feng and Qin Lei, so as to avoid the grass and the snake..."

"That's right! I support Brother Lu's suggestion. Our main purpose is to grab the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and we must not reverse the priority. Besides, Qin Feng and Qin Lei have no master of the universe, it's just our speculation... ..

"That's right! That's it!"

The gods of the north quickly reached a unanimous decision...

At this moment, the hall was already boiling.

For the safe return of Qin Feng and the phantom avatar, everyone in the south was surprised and cheered...

Unconsciously, Qin Feng and the phantom avatar have accumulated a high prestige in the southern players.

This is a world where the strong are respected.

The strong will be sought after by the world!

What's more, the south has always been weak and needs a strong person to revitalize it.

The birth of a new strong man is the emergence of a hope!

Qin Feng and phantom avatars can return safely, and the southern players are naturally excited...

Of course, the group of people in Tiansheng Mountain was very depressed, and they all looked lost...

At this moment, Qin Feng has returned to the Qingqiu family...

The people from Qingqiu and the Star Alliance cheered for a long time.

Their dangling heart finally let go.

Hongyue was even more red-eyed and wept with joy: "Husband, I almost thought you would never come back! 35

Qin Feng's heart warmed: "Silly girl, I'm not fine!"

"Hong'er, stop crying, you should be happy..."

Qing Lin also walked over with a look of joy.

She looked at Qin Feng with a smile, her beautiful eyes showed extreme admiration, and she was also secretly happy...

Qin Feng looked up at her, and his eyes lit up....

I haven't seen each other for a while, Qing Lin is actually a bit more beautiful than before, every smile is radiant, and it's indescribably beautiful...

It's just that those clear and bright pupils are a little different from before...

Qin Feng knew that the Qinglin in front of him was different from before.

She has awakened the memory of her previous life, I am afraid that her personality will change a little, and even her attitude towards him will also change...

Qin Feng was suddenly a little worried about gains and losses...

He still has a good impression of Qinglin, I wonder if the current Qinglin's attitude towards him has changed?


Hongyue smiled when she saw Qinglin coming over.

"By the way, sister, Qin Feng has already won the bet for us. Don't forget about the red pill..."

Hongyue lowered her voice so that only the three of them could hear it.

As soon as Hongyue mentioned the red pill, Qinglin's pretty face turned red, and she jumped around cautiously...

Since recovering her past life memory, she has become even more shy...

She was a peerless genius in her previous life. She devoted her whole life to cultivation and held a high position early on. It was like this life (baeh).

It was the first time for her to have such an experience...

"Sure enough, the girl is outgoing! She's going to your man so soon! Don't worry! I won't default on my debt..."

Speaking of this, Qing Lin's face turned even redder, and he was embarrassed to look at Qin Feng...

It's just that shy look is even more lovely...

Qin Feng's mouth curved slightly, pretending not to hear the conversation between the two girls...

At this moment, in the examination area.

Top of Snow Mountain  …

The three gods surrounded the space crack and discussed for a long time...

In the end, the three of them shook their heads slightly and smiled wryly.

When the gods saw this, they felt bad.

"Three adults, how is the situation?" Geng Yi Tianzun asked eagerly.

"Hey!" True God shook his head with a wry smile.

Geng Yi Tianzun's heart squeaked: "God, Qin Feng and Qin Lei can't be saved?


The True God sighed deeply.

"The three of us have just probed with our spiritual sense. From this crack as a starting point, we penetrated hundreds of millions of miles into the ruins of the return, but neither of them could sense the breath of Qin Feng and Qin Lei. The two of them should enter the depths of the ruins, so that's it. There's no way to get them back..."

"Yeah! The range of hundreds of millions of miles is our limit, and we can't do anything beyond this limit. If we break in rashly, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back..."

"According to the little girl, this matter can only be done!

The three gods are helpless.

Geng Yi Tianzun's face was hard to look at.

He is very optimistic about Qin Feng and Qin Lei.

It's a pity that these two geniuses died like this!


Geng Yi Tianzun sighed in his heart.

The gods also shook their heads secretly, with a look of regret.

Only the ancestors of Tiansheng are happy to bloom, and they are almost happy.

That nasty guy Qin Feng is dead after all!

Hehe! What if that guy broke his bet?

Little life is still lost!

And if he's still alive, there's a chance.

He will get Qinglin eventually...

The more the ancestor of Tiansheng thought, the more proud he became.

Immediately, he took a step forward and cupped his hands: "Three Lord Gods, this crack is connected to the ruins, which is a huge potential hidden danger. I hope the three adults can quickly repair the crack, lest any god-level spirits break out..."

As soon as these words fell, the gods looked strange.

They knew that Tiansheng Patriarch and Qin Feng would not deal with it.

Heavenly Sage Patriarch said this obviously on purpose.

As long as the space crack is closed, Qin Feng and the two will have no way out, and there will be no life or death...

After listening to the suggestion, the three three gods thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

No matter what the purpose of the ancestor of Tiansheng was, what he said was true.

"Hey~! It seems that this is the only way to go! The two of you, let's do it together!""

True God sighed helplessly.

At this moment, the three gods will act together...

After a while, the crack disappeared and everything was repaired.

All the gods smiled wryly and shook their heads, secretly thinking that Qin Feng and the two were completely finished.

"Okay! It's over here! Let's go back!

Really God is in a bad mood.

The South finally produced two geniuses, and it was so lost that no one could be happy...  

Unfortunately, he has no choice.

In the crowd, only the ancestor of Tiansheng was gloating on his face, and he felt relieved.

At this moment, the true God waved his hand, the whole space shook for a while, and everyone disappeared out of thin air.

In the next second, the big bosses returned to the sky above Lingyun Hall.

There was a commotion in the hall.

At this time, the gods looked down at will.

But in the next second, their eyes widened.

In the crowd, Qin Feng and Qin Lei suddenly appeared.

" is this possible! come you're not dead yet?!

The ancestor of Tiansheng was like seeing a ghost, and his eyes were about to fall.

"What? Qin is alive, you are disappointed?

"Tiansheng, what did you say?!"

True God brows furrowed.

The ancestor of Tiansheng suddenly felt that he had lost his words, and he was stunned on the spot with an embarrassed expression.

Everyone also cast strange looks at him.

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