Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 859 Beyond the Avenue

Qin Feng knew that he couldn't stay any longer. If the spirit of the Eternal Realm really came, there would be only a dead end.

At this moment, his mind moved, and he activated the space summon again...

The surrounding space just flickered slightly, and then calmed down...

Space Summoning still doesn't work...

This ruin is really weird!

The Avenue of Heaven and Earth here seems to be different from the Three Thousand Avenues of the God Realm!

If there are differences, it is normal for some magical powers to fail.


But at this moment, a low growl came from the front again...

Heaven and earth shook again, the pressure of heaven and earth became stronger, and the temperature around them plummeted without limit...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

On Qin Feng's arm, at a speed visible to the naked eye, layers of frost formed, extremely cold, and penetrated into the bone marrow...

Qin Feng was shocked!

This guy must be the spirit of the Eternal Realm, and it is getting closer and closer to him...

He must escape!

As for how to escape, he had already prepared his back...

But just as Qin Feng was about to flee, another direction rang out with a bird chirping. . . .

The screeching sound was like metal grinding, sharp and harsh...

The invisible power of sound waves shook Qin Feng's blood and blood, and his soul was about to collapse...

With such a momentum, it is definitely a spirit monster in the eternal realm...

This time the situation is even worse!

The two spirits of the Eternal Realm came towards this side.

Qin Feng's scalp felt numb....

He hurriedly dodged and disappeared out of thin air.

In the void, there is only a spot of light smaller than a sesame, which is hard to see with the naked eye...

As soon as Qin Feng disappeared, the roars of whales and birds in the distance became more intense, very impatient...

Boom~! Boom~!

In the void, the roaring potential is like overwhelming mountains...

The two spirits locked on the spot of light and came at full speed...

Here is their world!

They won't let this human escape....

At the same time, the double universe, the sky above the temple of reincarnation.

Suddenly, the space shook and Qin Feng appeared out of thin air...

"It really works!"

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, as he had guessed.

Although he couldn't teleport out and enter his own dual universe, it was no problem.

Immediately, he dodged and came to a teleportation formation, and started the big formation nervously...

He is also not sure whether this teleportation formation will fail in the return space...

A slap in the face!


A big burst of vibration, blooming a thousand zhang aura!


Qin Feng disappeared!

After a while, the world suddenly became brighter and brighter. . .

Qin Feng looked up and looked around.

This is where the Covenant resides in the God Realm.

He has returned to the realm of the gods safely!

Qin Feng is ecstatic!

His conjecture was indeed correct.

All Heavens and Myriad Realms are based on the Three Thousand Great Dao, and the Great Dao of Return to the Ruins is somewhat different, obviously it is a world beyond the Three Thousand Great Dao...

If it can surpass the three thousand avenues, there will be a way to crack the way of returning to the ruins.

In terms of the Great Way of Space, there is nothing more than the Lord of the Universe.

Even the Lord of the Ancient God Realm grew up all the way from the Lord of the Universe.

It can be said that the lord of the universe is an alien above the three thousand avenues, so their potential is infinite...

It is precisely because of this that the Lord of the Universe is much rarer than those who possess the Divine Foundation of the Heavens...

As for the master of the dual universe like Qin Feng, it is even more unique...

It is also easier for him to escape from the ruins than the master of the single universe...

In other words, Guixu is no longer a dangerous place for Qin Feng.

As long as he wants to escape, he can escape at any time.

This means that next time, he can safely go back to the market and look for more great opportunities...

This is also a kind of talent.

If those celestial beings of the Great Perfection knew about it, it would be too late to envy...

At the same time, something is happening in the distant Lingyun Hall.

At this time, three gods have appeared.

One of the three gods was an old man with a childish face.

He is the ancestor of the True Extreme Sect, and is respected as the True God.

The second is a middle-aged man with a dignified expression. He is the ancestor of the Jiuyuan Sect and is revered as the God of Jiuyuan.

The third is a middle-aged beautiful woman with elegant temperament, from Yaochi Mountain, who is revered as the God of Yaochi...

At this moment, the three gods listened to the report of Geng Yi Tianzun.

The gods listened respectfully at the side...

As for those true gods, false gods, and quasi-gods, not to mention, they listened to each one quietly, not even daring to breathe...

After a while, the three gods were surprised when they heard the report.

"Geng Yi, are you telling the truth? Qin Feng and Qin Lei are really as good as you said~"?"

"Geng Yi, you didn't deliberately exaggerate Qin Feng and Qin Lei in order for us to take action? 99

"Yeah! Our south has always been poor in resources and lacking in talents, how can He De be able to produce such a genius? There are two at a time!

The three gods couldn't believe it...

The three of them are at the top, and they don't care about the ranking of the big forces, so they don't know what happened in the competition...

Geng Yi Tianzun smiled bitterly: "Three Lord Gods, Geng Yi dare not make the slightest false statement!""

"The three Lord Gods, what Daoist Geng Yi said is true!

"Yeah! I've been waiting on the sidelines, fellow Daoist Geng Yi is not exaggerating..."

Several gods have agreed to prove it for Geng Yi Tianzun.

They didn't know that the description of Geng Yi Tianzun still far underestimated the strength of Qin Feng and the phantom avatar, and did not even describe one-tenth of it.

But after hearing the words of the crowd, the three gods all lit up with surprises.

"I didn't expect that we can produce such talents in the south! It's interesting!

True God strokes his beard and smiles.

"Really! The Qingqiu Realm and the Star Alliance Realm really won the first and second place!"

Lord Yaochi looked at the achievement on the jade tablet, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's just that her eyes fell on the name of Qingqiujing, and a cold light flashed in the depths of her eyes.

No one noticed this scene.

In the crowd, only Qing Lin's eyelids twitched.

However, she kept her head down and never raised her head, as if she didn't want to attract the attention of Yaochi God.

"Three Lord Gods, I hope you can save Qin Feng and Qin Lei!

Geng Yi Tianzun begged.

"You don't need to say, the three of us will be saved too! 99

"Such excellent talents are worth saving!

True God and Jiuyuan God expressed their opinions one after another.

But the Lord of Yaochi smiled slightly: "You two, the little girl is worried that it will be difficult to save. It's been a long time..."

This reminder made Zhenjizong a little nervous.

He hurriedly said: "You two, let's hurry in and see the situation first!

"It makes sense! You guys also come in with us, don't go in under the gods and make trouble!"

Following the order of the Nine Yuan God, all the gods followed one after another...

Even the ancestor of the heavenly sage reluctantly got up, he did not dare to disobey God's order.

At the moment, the three gods and the gods entered the examination area together to rescue...

There were only the players left in the hall, whispering one by one.

No one noticed that Qing Lin looked at the back of Yaochi God's departure, and deep in his eyes, there was infinite hatred...

However, she quickly calmed down and her eyes returned to calm.

She is waiting for Qin Feng to return!

She wants to tell Qin Feng her biggest secret...

It was at this moment that the discussions in the hall kept ringing.

"`Everyone, do you think the three gods can rescue Lord Qin Feng and Lord Qin Lei?"

"This... It's hard to say! The two of them have been in for a long time..."

"Yeah! The time flow in the competition area is a hundred times that of the outside world, and it's been delayed for too long..."

"Hey! It would be a pity if Lord Qin Feng and Lord Qin Lei were to fall into the Returning Ruins!"

"Let it be your fate!

The crowd was amazed.

Qingqiu and the people of the Star Alliance were even more anxious, like suffering.

However, the people in Tiansheng Mountain showed schadenfreude, and secretly snickered.

In the crowd, there was another person who was gloating.

This person is Wen Yuan.

At this moment, the discussions of the northern gods echoed in his mind.

Everything that happened outside, the northern gods could see clearly through Wenyuan's vision, and the discussion was very intense at this moment...

"Haha! The gods in the south really value Qin Feng and Qin Lei!

"Of course! There is a shortage of talents in the south, and two such outstanding people have finally come out. How can they bear to lose?"

"What a pity! They are going to be disappointed this time! According to this old man, Qin Feng and Qin Lei are dead!"

"Hey! Rushing into the Ruins of Return, and wanting to come back alive, even if the gods are consummated, it is difficult to achieve, unless it is the existence of the Eternal Realm. Qin Feng and Qin Lei are far from that kind of strength, and they must be dead!"

"It's not good for Qin Feng and the two to die (good money Zhao)! If we let them grow up, it's not good for our north! Maybe, the strength of the south can surpass our north in one fell swoop, making our north become the bottom of the gods. now..."

"Cut~! Everyone, you think too highly of Qin Feng and Qin Lei. Although these two are extremely talented, they are extremely stupid!

"how do I say this?"

"As people from the south, don't they know the danger of returning to the ruins? They broke in regardless of the consequences. Isn't this stupid?"

"Makes sense! We do look up to them!"

"Ha ha!!!"

Speaking of this, the northern gods all laughed proudly...

Wen Yuan was also relieved to hear it, and couldn't help but smile...

But at this moment, the space above the hall fluctuated for a while, and two stalwart figures appeared.

Everyone looked up and saw that the people who came were Qin Feng and the phantom avatar!

"Oh my God! Yes... it's Master Qin Feng and Master Qin Lei!"

"He... they came out!

The audience exclaimed.

Wen Yuan was suddenly dumbfounded, and the expression on his face froze!

The northern gods were also stunned, and the laughter that had not stopped became extremely embarrassing.

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