Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 858 The strangeness of returning to the market (seeking full order)

All the gods were stunned...

Only the ancestors of Heavenly Sage's eyes lit up, and there was joy in the depths of their eyes.

In his opinion, Qin Feng and Qin Lei will be finished this time...  

There are many dangers in the Gui Ruins, if you don't follow the safe route and rush around by yourself, even if the gods are consummated, they will die inside.

And there is only one safe route, and it is in the hands of the three gods of the southern gods.

It's just that that route is only opened once every trillion years, and only for one month at a time...

The gods in the south went through that route and went deep into the ruins to find the spiritual roots of heaven and earth...

Coincidentally, the spiritual roots of the earth only matured once every trillion years.

The day when the safe route is opened, is when the spiritual roots of heaven and earth mature, and it is also a great opportunity for the gods in the south.

For this opportunity, the ancestor of Tiansheng tried his best to plan a successful plan, but he did not want to be completely destroyed by Qin Feng...

This made him extremely angry!

Fortunately, Qin Feng accidentally entered the Guixu, and 90% of them won't be able to come back alive...

Thinking of this, Heavenly Sage Patriarch felt relieved...

It's just that he is not clear, Qin Feng did not enter by mistake, but took the initiative to enter...

Hongyue didn't say it clearly, because she was worried that Gengyi Tianzun and others would not be willing to rescue Qin Feng......

After all, taking the initiative to go in is equivalent to seeking death by yourself, and everything deserves it.

If you enter by mistake, morally speaking, the gods cannot see death without saving them!

Hongyue love husband is eager, has exhausted his mind.

But when she saw Tianzun Gengyi and the gods in shock, she felt even more uneasy.

Not only her, but Star Master Ziwei, Emperor Feng, Lu Ming and others all felt bad.

It seems that the problem is more serious than they thought!

"Lord Tianzun, isn't it extremely dangerous to return to the ruins?" Hongyue asked anxiously.

Gengyi Tianzun said angrily: "Then there is no need to say it! Hey! How did Qin Feng and Qin Lei enter by mistake?"

He patted his thigh vigorously, both regretful and anxious.

Qin Feng and Qin Lei are both unborn geniuses in the south. If they fall, it would be a huge loss for the south!

In the return to the ruins, the spatial orientation is changing all the time. If you stray into it, you will lose your way and eventually die in it...

To put it simply, it is absolutely impossible to enter the ruins from the space crack and return to the original path.

Because the space route has changed automatically, people who go in can no longer find their way back...

Unless they are spirits that grow up in the ruins, they are born with the ability to discern directions.

Or find a safe route and follow the road back...

The so-called safe route means that within a certain period of time, no spatial transformation will occur, so that people have a way to follow...

But over the years, the southern gods have found only one safe route.

Qin Feng wants to find a safe way back inside, but I'm afraid it's impossible...

It is for this reason that Tianzun Gengyi is extremely anxious.

"Daoist Geng Yi, Qin Feng and Qin Lei should have entered by mistake soon. I will go in quickly and rescue them. Maybe there is a chance to save the two of them..."

"That's right! It's still too late to save them now!

Several gods proposed.

Nor did they want the South to lose two such talents.

Geng Yi Tianzun nodded immediately: "Okay! Let's try! Everyone, go with Geng, I will join forces, hope it will be bigger..."

"That's easy to say! Ren is willing to give it a try!

"Ling is also willing to go!

"It's an old man!"

The digital gods complied.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Qingqiu Star Alliance showed their joy.

They were worried before.

Looking at the nervousness of the gods before, they have realized the seriousness of the problem.

Fortunately, the southern gods are more united. At this time of crisis, they have come forward one after another, which makes them very gratified...  

At the moment, together with Geng Yi Tianzun, there are nine heavenly gods ready to enter the examination area...

There were only two people who did not agree.

One is the ancestor of Tiansheng.

The other is Huoyue Tianzun, the leader of the top ten top forces.

Huoyue Tianzun's cultivation is the peak of the gods, and he has always been on good terms with the ancestors of Tiansheng...

The ancestor of the Heavenly Sage has always been proud of his dual gods, and looked down on other gods, and was even a little contemptuous of the second and third among the top ten gods.

Because although the two of them are the pinnacles of the gods, they are both the pinnacles of the gods achieved by the three-element god base, and their potential is not as good as that of the ancestors of the gods.

Only Huoyue Tianzun is extraordinary, and it is the pinnacle of the gods achieved by the Jiuji God.

Therefore, the ancestors of Tiansheng were very respectful to him, and even often flattered him.

In this way, the relationship between the two is also close, and he naturally stands on the side of the ancestor of Tiansheng...

"Fellow Daoist Huoyue, won't you go with us?"

Geng Yi Tianzun looked forward with anticipation.

All the gods also looked at Huoyue Tianzun.

Among them, Huoyue Tianzun is the strongest. If Huoyue Tianzun goes with him, the hope of saving Qin Feng and Qin Lei will be even greater.

But he didn't want to, the voice of Geng Yi Tianzun fell, and the sneer of the ancestors of Tiansheng sounded in the field.

"Daoist Geng Yi, this deity advises you not to waste your time! Even if you try to save it, you won't be able to save it, and you will even risk your life in it..."

As soon as these words fell, all the gods frowned.

Qingqiu and the people of the Star Alliance were even more angry in their hearts.

It's fine if this guy doesn't save people, he's still talking nonsense here...

"Tiansheng Taoist friend, what do you mean by this?", Geng Yi Tianzun looked displeased.

The ancestor of Tiansheng smiled coldly: "Hehe! Daoist Geng Yi, you forgot the flow of time? The flow of time in the test area is a hundred times that of the outside. We have passed here for a few minutes, and two or three hours have passed in the test area. 99

"In this way, Qin Feng and Qin Lei should have been in for a long time, not just now. It's too late for you to save people now!"

Speaking of the end, the face of the ancestor of Tiansheng is full of schadenfreude.

"Everyone, we have already missed the best time to save people, so don't do it in vain!"

Huoyue Tianzun also spoke.

As soon as these words came out, the gods were stunned.

Yes! It seems like this is the case. Could it be that Qin Feng and Qin Feng are really going to die?

"Are we going to die?"

Geng Yi Tianzun is a little unacceptable.

One of the gods sighed: "Hey! Brother Geng Yi, I'm afraid we're really a step too late. There were constant noises in the test area before, it should be when something went wrong. According to the time, an hour or two has passed... "

"This... how should this be? 35

"Brother Geng Yi, hurry up and inform the three gods! Maybe they have a solution! Besides, there is a crack in the ruins, and the three gods need to be repaired..."

"Makes sense!

At the moment, Geng Yi Tianzun took out the jade talisman and began to notify the three gods...

It is at this moment, returning to the ruins.

After an earth-shattering battle, Yu Xi and Yu Chen were finally killed by Qin Feng and the phantom clone...

Looking at the large amount of law energy suspended in front of him, as well as the two water essence beads, Sanqi Ancestral Fire...

Qin Feng was very excited.

He opened his mouth to take a breath and swallowed it all...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the energy of the massive water law.... Your cultivation base has increased to 22% in the real god realm. The combat power has been increased to 24,300 trillion Zi...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for swallowing the water pearls (two).... Your cultivation base has increased to 35% of the real god realm... The combat power has increased to 26600 trillion Zi..."

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully refining the 'Sanqi Ancestral Water'... Your True Spirit, Divine Base, and Heavenly Soul have been thoroughly purified by the Sanqi Ancestral Water..."

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your physique has been promoted to the eternal water body.... The combat power has been increased to 29000 trillion Zi..."

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

He has finally reached the Eternal Body of Water.

Sanqizu fruit is amazing!

If you get the Six Spirit Ancestral Water, you should be able to upgrade to the Creation Water Body.

At that time, he will be the Creation Water and Fire Body, which is equivalent to the Creation Fire and Wind Body of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm...

In addition, his combat power has reached 29,000 trillion Zi, which is extremely close to the limit of the peak of the gods.

The limit of Tianshen's peak combat power is 30,000 trillion Zi.

That Huoyue Tianzun's combat power 387 is 30,000 trillion Zi.

However, Qin Feng's increase was 200 times, much higher than that of the gods.

In other words, Huoyue Tianzun, the head of the ten gods, is no longer his opponent.

The leader of the ten top forces in the future should be him.

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more he looked forward to it.

"Ding! Remind the host... You have killed three god-level spirit monsters, and the accumulated merit value exceeds 100 trillion. The host can open the refining of heaven and earth spirit tools (auxiliary type)..."

"Ding! Remind the host... You have completed the fifth stage of the god-level collection task, and the rich god-level rewards have been distributed, and the host can receive it at any time..."

Qin Feng's eyes are shining, it's really a double happiness!

However, he has no time to deal with this place and must leave Guixu as soon as possible.

It's dangerous here after all.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng has to go back the same way.

But when he turned around, he was stunned.

It's just that the crack in the space when he came has disappeared. No matter how his consciousness swept across, he couldn't find any trace of the crack. It seems that the space has changed unknowingly...

At this time, the surrounding temperature inexplicably dropped, and it became more and more gloomy and cold...

Qin Feng vaguely felt bad and wanted to leave the battlefield.

He hurriedly thought about it, and wanted to use the space to summon and teleport back directly.

Tried it, but it didn't work!

At this moment, a low roar resembling a whale and a dragon resounded through the entire return to the ruins...

The whole space trembled for it~!

A looming mighty Hao Shangtian descends from all directions...

Qin Feng's expression changed greatly.

Because that heavenly might surpassed the peak of the gods, and even surpassed the great perfection of the gods, could it be the emergence of the Eternal Realm?

The Eternal Realm can easily kill the great perfection of the gods...

But Qin Feng's strength is far from the great perfection of the gods!

This thought made him even more uneasy...

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