Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 857: Qinglin's Awakening

Just after the system released the task, Qin Feng also used up the energy, and the momentum of the whole body continued to skyrocket...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the Essence Orbs (Deity-level)... The cultivation base has broken through to the True God Realm by 0.7%.... The combat power has increased to 20,000 trillion Zi..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing a lot of water law energy.... The cultivation base has been raised to 17% of the true god realm... The combat power has been raised to 23,000 trillion Zi..."

At this moment, Qin Feng exudes an incomparably powerful aura of true gods, which spreads around, making the world splendid...

Everyone was shocked....

Master Qin Feng actually broke through to the true god at this moment!

At this moment, Qin Feng opened his eyes.

As soon as he waved his hand, he put away the strange eyes left by Bai Marsh.

The next second, he rushed into the crack in space, chasing and killing the two beasts Yuxi...

The field became empty, leaving only traces of battle everywhere...

Everyone stared blankly at the place where Qin Feng disappeared...

For a while, the audience was a little quiet.

Before Qin Feng broke through to the true god, he could kill even god-level spirits.

Now that he has broken through, how strong will his strength be?

People can't imagine...

In the crowd, Wen Yuan watched everything silently, with deep jealousy in his heart...

"Three Eight Seven"

All along, he has eyes above the top and is pretentious.

Because he is the very rare Lord of the Universe.

Even the gods were polite to him.

Therefore, he doesn't look down on people below the gods at all.

But Qin Feng's performance just now far surpassed him.

In other words, Yinghuo and Haoyue compete for glory...

Qin Feng is Haoyue.

He is the firefly...

This naturally made him unhappy and unwilling.

At this moment, a few sighs sounded in his mind...

That was the sigh of several gods hidden in his body.

"Tsk tsk!! That Qin Feng and Qin Lei are geniuses among geniuses! 35

"Yeah! I didn't expect that such a weak South could produce such a genius! Two at a time...'"

"Are you saying that the two of you will spoil our actions?"

"This... it shouldn't be! No matter how good these two are, they are still at the level of gods. I will wait for the seven to join forces, and even the gods will have to retreat..."

"That's right! It's a pity! It's a pity! Such excellent two geniuses were born in the barren south..."

The seven northern gods are full of admiration for Qin Feng...

Wen Yuan frowned when he heard this, and the boss in his heart was unhappy...

It was at this moment that the people in the audience gradually recovered from their shock and began to talk in a low voice...

"Everyone, do you think Qin Feng and Lord Qin Lei will be in danger? They have entered the Guixu! I heard that there are dangers in the Guixu, and the gods dare not act alone..."

"I don't know! After all, Qin Feng and Qin Lei are different, so we can't use common sense!"

"Hey! By the way, there are cracks in the ruins, which is not a good thing! If there are any god-level spirits, or even eternal spirits, then...then the entire southern part of the gods will be finished..."

As soon as these words fell, everyone panicked...

Immediately, someone said: "Everyone, let's go out and inform the gods and let them quickly repair the space crack, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable..."

"Hmm! Makes sense..."

At the moment, the crowd scattered around the audience, one by one hurried to the exit...

Everyone in the Star Alliance Qingqiu stood at the crack, anxiously waiting for Qin Feng to return...

Star Master Ziwei, Emperor Feng, Hongyue, and Lu Ming are even more uneasy.

They all know that Guixu is extremely dangerous, and they are very worried that something will happen to Qin Feng...

It's just that they didn't realize that Qing Lin, who was standing beside him, was quietly awakening.

But said that on the other side, the phantom clone rushed into Guixu, chasing after Yuxi and the two beasts.

The monster who rescued Yuxi was named Yu Chen, and he was also a god.

However, its combat power is 8,000 trillion species, which is stronger than Yuxi.

Yuxi's combat power is 6,000 trillion Zi.

In addition, Yu Chen possesses a mass of Sanqi Ancestral Water that is extremely powerful, making it even stronger...

Inside the ruins, it is cold and dark, like a bottomless abyss, filled with strange energy and dark evil, very strange...

It didn't take long for the phantom clone to catch up with the two beasts.

After all, Yuxi was hit hard and didn't escape quickly.

However, when they saw that it was a phantom avatar chasing after them, they were not afraid, and even a little disdain...

Before, whether it was Yuxi or another spirit monster, they had all played against the phantom avatar, and knew the strength of the phantom avatar...

At the moment, the two beasts turned around and slaughtered the phantom clone...

The two meet in an instant.

Yu Xi and Yu Chen each fluttered their wings and slashed towards the phantom clone together...

The phantom avatar is one enemy and two, and goes up against it...  


A loud bang!

It's like the sky is falling apart!

The two sides flew out backwards, flying hundreds of millions of miles, and they were evenly matched...

Yu Xi and Yu Chen were shocked!

How did this human suddenly increase in strength?

They don't know that after Qin Feng's strength has risen sharply, the phantom avatar will also improve at the same time....

Now the combat power of the phantom avatar is close to 7000 trillion Zi, plus the increase of 200 times, it can naturally be one enemy two!


Yu Chen is angry!

It doesn't believe that the human being in front of it suddenly becomes stronger, and when it opens its mouth, it spews out three strange ancestral fires...

But at this moment, a stalwart figure appeared above the heads of the two beasts...

Qin Feng finally arrived!

The monstrous divine fire crashed down, directly blowing the two beasts out...

The phantom clone followed closely...

In an instant, the war broke out!

Qin Feng and the clone teamed up to kill the two beasts, roaring furiously...

Yu Chen's Three Wonders Ancestral Water was completely suppressed by Qin Feng's Creation God Fire...

The scene is completely one-sided!

Qin Feng did not dare to be careless.

He had heard of the danger in the ruins, and he did not dare to be careless.

He must fight quickly, otherwise he will attract more god-level spirits, and his life may be over...

At the moment, Qin Feng and the phantom clone speed up their attack...

After a while, Yu Xi, who was already seriously injured, couldn't hold on, and his whole body was cracked, and he was on the verge of collapse at any time...

At this moment, Qin Feng's mind came from the system prompt...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Qing Lin) has awakened the memory of the previous life... The true spirit and the heavenly soul have transformed... The physique has evolved to the nine-day snow spirit body..."

"Huh! This is...

Qin Feng was surprised and delighted...

The Nine Heavens Snow Spirit Body is one of the variants of the Water Saint's body, which is half stronger than the Water Saint's body...

Possessing the Nine Heavens Snow Spirit Body, he will surely become a Heavenly God Great Perfection Powerhouse in the future...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Qinglin) has broken through to the great perfection of the true god.... The host has gained combat power back.... Your combat power has increased to 20,800 trillion Zi....

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Qinglin) has broken through to a half-step god.... The host has gained combat power back.... Your combat power has increased to 22,000 trillion Zi..."

Qin Feng is overjoyed.0

After Qing Lin recovered his physique, his cultivation level rose to two small realms in a row, and his strength increased greatly...

At the moment, he slaughtered Yu Xi and Yu Chen again...

The situation of the two beasts became even more critical, and their painful and anxious roars echoed in the pitch-black void, as if they were calling for their companions...

On the other side, in Lingyun Hall, something is also happening.

A lot of things happened in the test area, and a few minutes passed in Lingyun Hall...

Just as the gods were startled and suspicious, the roaring sound in the examination area stopped abruptly...

At this moment, the jade tablet in the center of the hall bloomed, and all the dust settled...

Geng Yi Tianzun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The jade tablet glowed, indicating that there were no spirits in the test area, and the competition was over.

The gods don't know, it's not that there are no more spirits, but the last two escaped to the ruins...

In short, if there are no weirdos in the test area, it means that the competition is over and all the rankings are settled.

The ancestor of Tiansheng stared blankly at the ranking on the jade tablet, and slumped weakly on the seat...

This time, he completely lost the bet!

What's even more irritating is that not only did Qingqiujing not be overthrown by him, but he won the first place, and even the Star Alliance also won the second place...

These two forces are a team!

All the benefits are taken by them.

This made the ancestors of Tiansheng dissatisfied, and also very unwilling...

"Tiansheng Taoist friend, you have smashed this time! However, victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs, and you don't have to mind! 35

A god deliberately joked.

The ancestor of Tiansheng smiled coldly, and his heart was even more angry.

Speaking of which, Qin Feng, that little bastard, is all to blame!

The more I thought about it, the more I hated it.

At this moment, Geng Yi Tianzun took out a jade talisman and began to control...

Now that the competition is over, he should recall all the players...

After a series of seal movements, white lights lit up in the field...

After a while, many players all returned.

There were 20,000 people when we went in, and only 4.7 people left after 10,000 people...

The gods swept across the crowd with anticipation.

They are all looking for the same person, that is Qin Feng.

But after a while, all the gods were stunned.

Qin Feng is not among these people...

Even Qin Lei is gone!

At this moment, Hongyue flew up and handed over to Tianzun Gengyi anxiously...

"Lord Tianzun, there has been a change in the test area, and a space crack has appeared in the place connecting the returning market. Qin Feng and Qin Lei have accidentally entered it, and I hope you can help us find them..."

As soon as these words fell, the gods were shocked.

Geng Yi Tianzun even opened his eyes wide.

"What?! You said that Qin Feng and Qin Lei entered the Guixu?


"Not good! The two of them are in danger!

Geng Yi Tianzun panicked.

He didn't dare to break into that place alone.

Didn't Qin Feng and Qin Lei go in to seek death?

All the gods were stunned...

Only the ancestors of Heavenly Sage's eyes lit up, and there was joy in the depths of their eyes.

In his opinion, Qin Feng and Qin Lei are about to finish the game this time.

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