Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 47 5-star village-level lord’s mansion

The two mysterious treasure chests can be saved first. Fang Xiao plans to wait and open them together after a certain amount is saved.

See if there is any hope of opening an epic career.

If it can be opened, then we can consider sending troops to Qinghui Village.

For drawings, you can wait until the second one just listed for sale is sold, and then proceed with the sale.

Now he has more than 30,000 gold coins in his hand, plus his previous savings. He can be considered a quite wealthy lord, so there is no need to worry.

Let's go back. Fang Xiao rode on the back of the black bear, waved to Bai Qing and Wang Mang, and drove the black bear back towards the territory.

After returning to the territory, Fang Xiao did not go back to the lord's mansion first, but went to the vegetable garden first.

There was a pig-headed soldier guarding here. When he saw Fang Xiao coming, he immediately bowed respectfully.

I've met the Lord.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly to him, then got off Wu Xiong and walked towards the vegetable garden.

After entering the vegetable garden, he observed it for a while, then selected a location and planted three peach stones that had been infected by mysterious power.

After planting, he saw the young shoots growing. After Fang Xiao observed it, he left the vegetable garden with satisfaction.

Keep an eye on this place. Fang Xiao warned the pig-headed soldiers guarding this place.

Yes, don't worry, Lord. The pig-headed soldier immediately straightened his back.

Fang Xiao said no more, got on his black bear mount again, and rushed towards the lord's mansion.

He has money now, and he has all the blueprints of the 3-star village-level lord's mansion and the 4-star village-level lord's mansion.

You can directly upgrade your territory to the 5-star village level in one go. When the time comes, you can get a 5-star village-level lord's mansion drawing, and you can directly upgrade the territory to the next level.

He was curious, what was the next level after village level?

It has to be said that Wu Xiong's mount is still very domineering. After the villagers on the road saw Fang Xiao on Wu Xiong's body, their eyes became more respectful and awed.

After returning all the way to the lord's mansion, Xu Chui and Zhu Wen were already waiting at the door.

After they saw Fang Xiao, they immediately came over.

Lord, the harvest this afternoon is better than that in the morning. Please enter the yard to check it out. Zhu Wen bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly: That's a good feeling. I'll go check it out and then upgrade the lord's mansion. It's a double happiness.

After finishing his words, Fang Xiao got off the black bear and walked towards the yard.

After some inspection, Fang Xiao calculated the statistics.

There are a total of 206 kilograms of wheat seeds infected by the mysterious power. Adding those in his warehouse, there are 1,096 kilograms.

There is nothing much to say about the White Mantis Sword Scroll and the Black Sheep Sword Scroll. They were put up for sale directly and all were sold.

There are 25 Black Sheep Swordsman job transfer orders, including those in the warehouse, there are 57, including 51 1-star job transfer orders and 6 2-star job transfer orders.

There are 21 job transfer orders for Bai Man Swordsman, and including those in the warehouse, there are 49, including 39 1-star job transfer orders and 10 2-star job transfer orders.

There are 4 mysterious treasure chests, plus 2 in Fang Xiao's warehouse, there are 6.

There are 2 apricot kernels infected by mysterious power. After upgrading the lord's mansion, you can tell Zhu Wen to plant them in the vegetable garden.

After the statistics were completed, Fang Xiao ordered Xu Zhui: Xu Zhui, take these white mantis wings to Lan Che. See how many he can collect, and then sell them to him. If you can't eat them, bring them back to me. .”

Yes, Lord Lord. Xu Chui responded immediately, and then left the Lord's Mansion with these white mantis wings.

Fang Xiao turned his attention to Zhu Wen again: Zhu Wen, go to the vegetable garden and plant these two apricot kernels. Remember to look at the positions of the saplings I planted before.

Yes, Lord. Zhu Wen responded respectfully and left with Xinghe.

After the two left, Fang Xiao walked to the kitchen.

Zhu Xiangxiang, how long until dinner is ready.

Looking at Fang Xiao walking in, Zhu Xiangxiang quickly replied: Lord, it will take up to 10 minutes.

Yeah, okay. Fang Xiao was not in a hurry when he heard the words and walked to the yard to sit down.

After dinner was ready, Fang Xiao, Bai Qing and Wang Mang went to eat first.

Xu Zhui came back first, holding a bunch of white mantis wings in his hand: Lord, Lan Che said he could only eat half of it, and there is no need to send any white mantis wings to him in the future. He said that now The number of white mantis wings is enough for him to make medicine for a long time.

Hearing this, Fang Xiao took the remaining white mantis wings and the coins brought back by Xu Zhui, and then took the remaining white mantis wings to the trading house.

Okay, I understand. Go to the kitchen and finish your meal quickly.

Hearing Fang Xiao's words, Xu Zhui quickly responded and walked towards the kitchen.

Soon after, Zhu Wen also came back. After he and Xu Zhui had finished dinner, Fang Xiao asked everyone to leave the lord's mansion temporarily, and then took out the 3-star village-level lord's mansion blueprint that he had prepared. .

Without any hesitation, he used this drawing directly.

As for the required materials, he had already bought them and placed them in the lord's warehouse.

The materials are not very valuable, the main thing is the gold coins required.

Soon, the 3-star village-level lord's mansion drawing in his hand began to emit a bright white light. Soon the light enveloped the entire lord's mansion, and then turned into white mist.

Immediately afterwards, the white mist began to expand. When the white mist dissipated, the original lord's mansion became much larger.

Fang Xiao did not hesitate, and then took out the 4-star village-level lord's mansion drawing again and used it.

The previous scene reappeared, and after the white mist dissipated, the lord's mansion in front of him already had a somewhat grand and elegant feel.

He checked the information panel of the current lord's mansion.

[Lord’s Mansion (5-star village level): blueprint-type building]

[Upgrade requirements: 5-star village-level lord’s mansion drawing × 1, wood × 5000, stone × 5000, and gold coins × 5000. 】

[Introduction: The core of the territory, the unique building, is linked to the level of the territory. Every time the lord's mansion is upgraded, the level of the territory will be increased accordingly. 】

At this time, in the lord panel, the area of ​​the territory has become 500 meters in radius.

Approximately 785,000 square meters, approximately 1,177.5 acres of land.

It can be said that the current territory is already quite large.

Nodding with satisfaction, Fang Xiao couldn't wait to walk inside.

I saw that the layout inside has changed to a layout of 1 master bedroom, 5 guest bedrooms, and 1 kitchen.

The master bedroom is a 3-story building, and the guest bedroom is a 2-story building.

At the same time, there are many more mountain stone decorations in the yard, which makes it much more elegant than the previous simple appearance.

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