Fang Xiao couldn't wait to take the lead and walked into the main room on the third floor.

I saw that many places inside were much more refined than before, especially the bed, which was more than twice as big as before. It would not be a problem to sleep four people on it.

He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, now he truly had the air of a lord.

After looking at all the rooms on the third floor, Fang Xiao walked to the courtyard. Then they reassigned their residence to Xu Chui and the others.

Then he returned to his house and rested.

Before going to bed, he took a look at the second three-star village-level lord's mansion drawing that he had posted to the trading house.

Found it hadn't been sold yet.

But he is not in a hurry. Since the first one can be sold for 28,000 gold coins, he thinks this one should be about the same. At most, the waiting time will be a little longer.

But it doesn't matter, he can afford to wait.

After all, the money he urgently needed has already been used, and the total cost was less than 10,000 gold coins.

There are still a lot of gold coins left in my hand now. At the moment, there is nothing to spend money on, so you can take your time.

After checking the gold coins in the lord's warehouse with satisfaction, Fang Xiao quickly fell asleep.

On the morning of the fifth day, before dawn, there was a knock on the door outside.

Fang Xiao rubbed his eyes, then sat up from the bed and walked towards the door: Who is it? What's the matter?

Soon Xu Chui's voice came from outside: Lord, the soldiers on duty just now came to report that refugees have arrived at the gate of our territory.

The soldiers on duty are waiting at the door of the lord's mansion now. I would like to ask you how to deal with these refugees?

Hearing this, Fang Xiao couldn't help but become energetic instantly.

Then he quickened his pace and quickly reached the door.

Stretching out his hand to open the door, Fang Xiao walked towards the yard: Come on, come with me to have a look.

Fang Xiao glanced at the yard and found that Zhu Wen, Bai Qing, and Wang Mang had also gotten up.

At this time, he was standing on the side of the yard waiting.

So he stretched out his hand to wave, then took steps towards the door of the lord's mansion.

The reason why Fang Xiao was excited was not because he could increase the population in his territory.

After all, the people who had been looted from Zhuxiao Village had not yet been completely resettled.

The reason why he was excited was that among these refugees, there were likely to be some people with special characteristics.

These are talents, which are in short supply in his territory right now.

After arriving at the door of the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao saw a familiar face.

They were ordinary militiamen before, but now they have been transformed into elite spearmen.

I have met the lord. The soldier immediately saluted Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao waved his hand gently: Let's go, take me to see those refugees.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the soldier nodded quickly, and then took the lead in taking steps towards the front.

After taking Fang Xiao all the way to the west gate, Fang Xiao immediately discovered that there were about dozens of people standing at the door.

Fang Xiao walked towards these refugees. Before he could speak, he heard the system prompt:

‘There are 49 refugees who have come to seek refuge with you. Do you accept it? (Please note that after acceptance, each household must be provided with a house, a field, and enough [wheat seeds infected by mysterious power] to sow a field within 3 days.)'

After hearing the system prompt, Fang Xiao couldn't help but move his eyebrows slightly.

Then his eyes glanced at these refugees.

What made him frown was that before he accepted it, he couldn't see the specific information panel of these refugees.

You can't even see features or anything like that.

However, three days was quite generous, and it was completely enough for Fang Xiao to make arrangements for them.

Now that the territory has expanded to a five-star village, it does need more people.

Even if none of these refugees have the characteristics, it doesn't really matter.

So Fang Xiao thought about it for a while and immediately accepted it.

After he accepted it, all the refugees who had defected could see detailed information panels in his eyes.

Fang Xiao quickly scanned these refugees and began to look for refugees with characteristics.

Soon, two refugees caught his attention.

[Name: Qian Ling. 】

[Occupation: None]

[Feature: Potential (all attacks have a 50% chance of causing double damage.)]

[Strength: Ordinary level 2 stars]

[Loyalty: 50]

【Happiness: 20】

[Introduction: She may be a talented warrior with extremely high potential. 】

Qian Ling is a girl in somewhat tattered clothes. She looks thin and frail, with a dirty face. She is following a strong middle-aged woman.

Fang Xiao really didn't expect that such a thin and delicate girl would have such characteristics.

It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

As for the other one, he was a similarly thin young man who looked a little malnourished. He coughed slightly from time to time and seemed to be sick.

[Name: Huang Yunjie]

[Occupation: None]

[Characteristics: Sharp mind (when dealing with any matter, can easily find out the flaws in it.) Quick thinking (when dealing with any matter, can be completed with faster efficiency.)]

[Strength: Ordinary level 1 star]

【Loyalty: 50】

【Happiness: 10】

[Introduction: A master of affairs, he can easily help you solve all kinds of troublesome and trivial matters. 】

It's okay for Qian Ling, after all, Fang Xiao now has several subordinates with combat characteristics.

In fact, combat power is not very scarce.

But Fang Xiao was really excited to see Huang Yunjie's characteristics.

He has long been troubled by various matters in the territory.

Not to mention the various major things that he usually needs to manage the territory, he also needs to handle the small things one by one.

This is really unbecoming of a lord.

Not to mention Huang Yunjie's characteristics, he actually possesses two of them, and they are both management-type characteristics.

This is really a very, very suitable steward of the territory.

After his eyes lingered on Huang Yunjie for a moment, Fang Xiao took steps towards Huang Yunjie.

Soon, he came to Huang Yunjie.

Zhu Wen, Xu Chui and the others all followed Fang Xiao, and there was a sense of pressure that made Huang Yunjie subconsciously take a step back.

Fang Xiao stretched out his hand to support Huang Yunjie: Are you sick? It looks like the situation is not good.

Since you have come to seek refuge in my territory, you will become my people from now on. Let's go. I will take you to the medicine shop first and let the medicine man give you a good diagnosis and treatment.

‘You have a convincing effect on your newly defected subjects, your identity as a lord is detected, and you gain the [Prestige] characteristic. ’

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