Lord, on the right is my trophy. Xu Zhui scratched his head and smiled at Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly: Well, you did a good job. Thank you for your hard work.

Zhu Wen smiled at the side and said: It's not hard to do things for the lord.

This time there are a total of 20 black sheep swordsman transfer orders and 22 white mantis swordsman transfer orders.

Including what Xu Chui brought back last time, Fang Xiao had 32 Black Sheep Swordsman transfer orders and 28 White Mantis Swordsman transfer orders.

The soldiers under my command are all elite-level at present. There is no need to change their professions. They can be kept for future use.

There are already 580 kilograms of wheat seeds that have been infected by the mysterious power. After all the renovations are completed tomorrow evening, the new residents can be allocated one acre of land to each household, and then 10 kilograms of wheat seeds will be allocated to each of them. Go plant.

Of course, it was all kept in account, and would need to be repaid to him as the lord later.

Finally, there are the three mysterious treasure chests harvested today.

Fang Xiao took a deep breath, then touched the three simple treasure boxes, and then started to use them.

‘You have obtained the [Qian Yuan Stone]. ’

‘You have obtained [Qingfeng Shield]’

‘You have obtained [wheat seeds infected by mysterious power × 200]’

Opening three times in a row, Fang Xiao listened to the system prompts and immediately opened the lord's warehouse to check.

Needless to say, the wheat seeds are mainly Qianyuan Stone and Qingfeng Shield.

Qianyuan Stone is a cube stone with a diameter of 1 meter. The whole body is crystal clear and reveals some light golden luster. It looks quite beautiful.

【Qianyuan Stone】

[Level: Epic Level]

[Introduction: Some core building materials necessary for special buildings. 】

Building materials?

Is it necessary for some drawings and construction?

Fang Xiao went to the trading house to check, but no one was listing this thing for sale, and the listing was empty. It seemed that it should be quite precious now.

In this case, you can keep it and see if you will use it later.

Next is the Breeze Shield.

【Qingfeng Shield】

[Level: Epic 1 star]

[Introduction: A shield protected by the breeze, possessing powerful defensive capabilities. 】

The Qingfeng Shield is an overall blue shield with some very beautiful and mysterious carving patterns carved on the front, which is a bit mysterious.

At the same time, when holding it, you can clearly feel the breeze surrounding the shield, which reduces the weight of the shield to insignificance in your hand.

There is absolutely no heaviness like a normal shield.

Is this an epic-level weapon? It's really a qualitative change. Fang Xiao looked at the Qingfeng Shield in his hand with hot eyes.

As for the evil beast Iron Shield, it will be eliminated first.

Lord, your mount is so cool. Zhu Wen looked at the prone Wu Xiong beside him and praised him.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then walked to the side and sat down: Zhu Wen, come here, explain to me the distribution of the other villages near Qinghui Village.

Last time, because Fang Xiao only wanted to use the secret passage to attack Zhuxiao Village by surprise, he didn't ask about the other villages in detail.

Now that he has an epic shield in his hand, it gives Fang Xiao a lot of confidence.

Now that my territory has a god-level talent bonus, the drop rate of mysterious treasure chests is not low. If I develop for a period of time, I can collect more mysterious treasure chests and open them together, or maybe I can get an epic-level job transfer order.

At that time, we can directly use a large number of troops to attack Qinghui Village.

If Qinghui Village and several other villages can be captured, the population and military strength of the territory will definitely usher in a leapfrog development.

Just thinking about it, Fang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little excited.

After Zhu Wen heard Fang Xiao's instructions, he did not dare to hesitate and quickly told Fang Xiao in detail about the specific conditions of the other five villages near Qinghui Village.

After Zhu Wen finished speaking, Zhu Xiangxiang walked out of the kitchen and asked everyone to enjoy lunch.

After lunch, Fang Xiao asked Xu Chui and Zhu Wen to take people to the east wilderness for hunting again, while he took Bai Qing and Wang Mang to find Wu Xiong.

At this time, Wu Xiong was supervising the construction of residential houses. After seeing Fang Xiao, he immediately ran over.

Lord, why are you here? Wu Xiong saluted Fang Xiao and then asked with some confusion.

Fang Xiao took out the Mo Yun Tiger Guard transfer order that was revealed in the morning, and then said to Takeo: I brought this to you, you use it.

Thank you, Lord! Wu Xiong immediately bowed gratefully to Fang Xiao.

Immediately, Fang Xiao gave the Moyun Tiger Guard job transfer order to Takeo to use directly. Takeo's strength increased again and he already had three rare-level professions.

After explaining a few things about the territory to Wu Xiong, Fang Xiao took Bai Qing and Wang Mang and headed towards the Ringling Forest again.

On the way, he checked the drawings of the 3-star village-level lord's mansion that he had listed for sale.

Still not sold.

Frowning, Fang Xiao immediately adjusted the price to 28,000 gold coins.

After finishing the adjustment, Fang Xiao rushed towards the area where Xingyue Python often hangs out in the Ringling Forest.

This afternoon, he mainly planned to hunt Xingyue Python and accumulate the transfer order of Tuyue Shield Guard. It would be better if he could reveal the 3-star village level blueprint.

The current Xing Yuemang is nothing to Fang Xiao and can be easily dealt with.

After brushing all afternoon, Fang Xiao stopped when it was almost evening.

He first checked the drawing of the 3-star village-level lord's mansion that he had listed for sale.

To his surprise, it was finally sold.

It seems that until this evening, the other lords have accumulated a lot of savings, and his price has dropped to the psychological point of these people, and they are finally willing to take action.

Seeing this, Fang Xiao couldn't help but smile, and then put the second 3-star village-level lord's mansion drawing up for sale.

It's still early days, so everyone must not be able to deal with rare 1-star monsters as easily as he does.

And there must not be many people who have the talent of high explosive rate lord.

In addition, there must be many lords who are impatient and want to develop their territories quickly. Therefore, it is definitely a golden period to quickly take advantage of the 3-star village-level lord's mansion drawings now.

However, you can't put too many for sale, otherwise, other lords may not want to be taken advantage of when they see so many 3-star village-level lord mansion blueprints for sale at the same price.

During this afternoon's hunting, Fang Xiao killed a total of 20 Xingyue pythons, losing 110 kilograms of wheat seeds infected by mysterious power and 2 peach stones infected by mysterious power.

9 job transfer orders for Tuyue Shield Guards, 2 mysterious treasure chests, and 1 blueprint of a 3-star village-level lord's mansion.

At present, the lord's warehouse has 890 kilograms of wheat seeds, 3 peach stones, 12 Tuyue Shield Guard job transfer orders, and 10 1-star ones and 2 2-star ones, which can be used to transfer jobs to 14 targets.

You can go back to the vegetable garden tonight and plant the peach stones directly.

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