Soon, Fang Xiao took Xu Zhui, Bai Qing and Wu Xiong and began to patrol around the village.

The village only has an east gate and a west gate. Beyond the east gate, there is a wilderness outside. Further east, you can see very steep mountains. At the same time, the village's iron ore point is in the wilderness over there.

After leaving the west gate, farmland is located to the west and south, and beyond is a large forest. The forest spreads widely, extending from the west to the south.

It is worth mentioning that the information on these farmlands is quite interesting.

[One acre of farmland (owned by: Zhao Sanjia)]

[Currently planted crops: Wheat seeds infected by mysterious forces. 】

[Yield: Wheat X1000]

[Introduction: Due to the infection of mysterious power, wheat seeds mature once a month. 】

This mysteriously infected wheat seed is probably unique to this world.

At this time, the wheat seeds have not yet sprouted in the field, and it is estimated that they will not mature for the first time until next month.

The area of ​​the village, centered on the lord's mansion, is 100 meters in radius, 31,400 square meters, which translates to about 47 acres.

At present, the various buildings in the village are concentrated to the east and north of the lord's mansion.

These 20 acres of farmland are evenly distributed in the west and south within a radius of 100 meters, which is obviously the limit of current reclamation.

If you want to continue cultivating, you will need to upgrade the lord's mansion and increase the village star rating.

After getting familiar with the surroundings, Fang Xiao asked Bai Qing: Are there any bows and arrows?

Bai Qing shook his head when he heard this: Lord, you did not order extra bows and arrows. If necessary, you need to go to the trade market to find a hunter to order them.

Let's go to the trade market. Fang Xiao pondered for a moment and then spoke.

The trading market is actually an open space next to the drug store.

A lot of tents and stalls have been set up here, and some residents are selling things here.

As soon as Fang Xiao came over, a fat middle-aged man ran towards Fang Xiao.

Lord, why are you here?

Fang Xiao glanced at the other party, and the other party's information suddenly came into view.

[Name: Zhu Yan]

[Occupation: None]

[Strength: Ordinary level one star]

[Characteristics: Collecting money (when managing financial-related affairs, you will get more benefits, but the happiness and loyalty of the subjects will be reduced accordingly), Greedy (when dealing with financial-related affairs, you will reasonably keep part of the profits in your own pocket) ). 】

【Loyalty: 50】

【Happiness: 95】

[Skill: None]

[Introduction: The tax officer of Dawn Village mainly manages the trade tax amount in the trade market and consumes 1 gold coin every month. 】

After reading this person's information, Fang Xiao couldn't help but gasp.

It turns out that not all features are good? And this negative trait?

Well, at least for him as a lord, this is definitely a negative trait.

I really didn’t expect that such a thing existed in his small village.

Good boy, can you still be a tax official?

Stealing the lord's money? Exploiting the lord's people? And I have to pay you every month?

Fang Xiao even wanted him to be the lord and became the tax collector himself.

Fortunately, I have just started and discovered this piece of rat shit.

Zhu Yan. Fang Xiao stared at the other person with a faint look.

Zhu Yan smiled broadly: Lord, what are your orders?

Fang Xiao reached out and patted Zhu Yan on the shoulder: I don't think you are suitable to be a tax officer.

Zhu Yan was stunned for a moment, stared at Fang Xiao, and said with some confusion: Ah? Does the Lord have other arrangements for me?

Fang Xiao nodded seriously: Yes, I have other more important arrangements for you.

I don't know what it is? Lord? Zhu Yan had a look of expectation on his face.

Fang Xiao showed a kind smile: You are quite strong and deserve a better job. You can become a miner from now on.

Thank you. Zhu Yan subconsciously wanted to thank him, but he suddenly realized after saying one word: Huh?

From now on, you will be a glorious miner in the territory. Work hard. Fang Xiao patted him on the shoulder.

Just after Fang Xiao finished speaking, Fang Xiao discovered that this guy's profile had changed.

[Introduction: A new miner in Dawn Village, maybe he had an unknown past and consumed 5 silver coins every month. 】

It seemed that as long as he, the lord, gave an order, they would not be able to resist.

Loyalty has dropped from 50 to 10, but it doesn't matter, 50 is not that high in the first place.

The happiness level dropped from 95 to 15, but this has no impact.

When miners dig every day, militia archers will follow them to protect safety and supervise.

He wasn't afraid of what Zhu Yan would do.

Speaking of which, except for the military types that are displayed on the territory panel, the territory's official personnel do not seem to be displayed, and they can be appointed and dismissed at will.

He thought for a moment, then opened the World Channel, intending to see if there was any relevant information and learn from experience.

After searching for a while, I finally found a few related ones.

'I found that the degree of freedom is very high. I can appoint and remove people from the territory at will. After appointment and removal, the system will set a base salary according to the assigned position. I can increase the other person's monthly salary at will, which can increase loyalty and happiness, or I tried lowering the basic salary set by the system, and the loyalty bottomed out. Well, very good. Now I suspect that the other party is thinking about how to kill me. Now, I want to try to see if I can raise the loyalty again. If not, I have to think of an excuse to kill him first. ’

‘By the way, why don’t the resources generated by resource points and various taxes from the territory go directly to the lord’s warehouse? Bad review, bad review, now you have to spend more money to arrange positions, and to be honest, I don't trust the people who arrange the positions, unless their characteristics can make me feel at ease. ’

'I found that I can arbitrarily formulate the laws and regulations of the territory, which is very good. As a top student in the law department, I said that I will definitely develop a complete set of criminal laws in the future. The territory itself has its own basic laws and regulations. In the trade market It was posted on the bulletin board, which is not good. I think I can arrange a legal officer in the future to directly publicize the laws I designated. By the way, the basic laws and regulations of the territory have a tax evasion penalty of ten times, which makes me very uncomfortable. , I changed the penalty to a hundred times. I wonder if any brothers have changed it to a thousand times? Do I think it is still missing? ’

'There is a small copper mine in the territory. Now the mint is open, but the mint officer of the mint has a trait of being greedy. I am convinced. This grandson will steal the money of my lord. The key is that he is the only one in the territory. With coin minting skills, who knows if there is a way to recruit talents from other places? I want to arrange for this grandson to go mining. ’

After reading these pieces of information, Fang Xiao passed Zhu Yan and walked towards the trading market.

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