Fang Xiao looked at these two things and couldn't help but smile on his face.

It seems that this god-level talent is indeed not guaranteed.

However, the explosion rate of this red-striped poisonous scorpion should not be low. Otherwise, if the explosion rate is extremely low, it wouldn't be particularly high if it were increased a hundred times.

We can leave aside the blueprint of the 1-star village-level lord’s mansion for now.

After all, resources are still scarce.

However, this level 2 poisonous scorpion archer job transfer order needs to be thought about its use.

First of all, priority must be given to the 6 militia archers, because they are all ordinary-level professions. If they are converted into elite-level professions, the benefits will be maximized.

However, there is something else to consider.

That’s ‘characteristics’.

He had discovered before that Wu Xiong and Xu Chui were both existences with special characteristics, and this characteristic should be possessed by individuals and had nothing to do with their profession.

Because both of them are elite swordsmen, but their characteristics are different.

At the same time, Li Xiaosan is a militia archer but has no characteristics.

The effect of the characteristics is very powerful.

Whether he is a die-hard or a fighting fanatic, he is quite outstanding.

Fang Xiao thought for a moment, and then said to Li Xiaosan beside him: Take me to meet the other militia archers.

Yes, Lord Lord. Li Xiaosan nodded immediately.

After the words fell, Li Xiaosan took the lead and walked forward.

Fang Xiao followed and soon saw two militia archers at a sentry tower.

Lord, there are three more people in another sentry tower. Li Xiaosan said from the side,

Fang Xiao nodded and glanced at the two militia archers on guard on the sentry tower.

At this time, the two also discovered Fang Xiao and quickly greeted Fang Xiao and saluted.

The information about the two people came into view, and Fang Xiao discovered that neither of them had any characteristics.

After warning the two people on guard, Fang Xiao asked Li Xiaosan to take him to another sentry tower.

In the hands of three militia archers on guard at another sentry tower, Fang Xiao finally discovered a person with special characteristics.

[Name: Bai Qing. 】

[Occupation: Militia Archer (ordinary level)]

[Occupation upper limit: Ordinary four stars]

[Feature: Eagle Eye (When using long-range weapons, the base hit rate increases by 50%]

[Strength: Ordinary level four stars]

【Loyalty: 81】

【Happiness: 72】

[Skill: Charged Shooting (Normal 1 Star)]

[Introduction: A natural marksman. 】

Fang Xiao immediately nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that these features are not simple.

First of all, this Bai Qing can be confirmed as one of the candidates for job transfer.

As for the other one.

Fang Xiao actually wanted to transfer it to himself.

He found that there was a sub-profession on his panel.

I just don’t know if this sub-profession can be converted into a military branch.

So after thinking for a moment, he opened the channel directly and planned to see if there was any relevant information.

Soon, he found useful relevant information in the channel.

'Haha, I commanded my men to kill a goblin that passed near my territory, and a level 1 ordinary class transfer order was revealed to me. I suddenly wondered if I could use it, and found that it was successful. , and when the job transfer is successful, the system also prompts that our lord can have up to 5 job transfers, and they can also be replaced. I have already foreseen that job transfer orders in the trading house will be very expensive in the future. ’

After reading this message, Fang Xiao couldn't help but move his eyebrows.

Apparently, his guess was not wrong.

In this way, the current candidate for job transfer can already be determined.

One is Bai Qing and the other is him.

Then he no longer hesitated and took out the 2-star poisonous scorpion archer job transfer order and used it.

A circular aperture with a diameter of two meters appeared in the open space in front of Fang Xiao, and then a system prompt popped up:

‘Please allow the job transfer personnel to enter the job transfer aura and then confirm. ’

Fang Xiao walked in first, and then called Bai Qing to let him in too.

After both of them entered the aperture, Fang Xiao heard the system prompt sound again:

‘The job changer meets the requirements. Do you want to confirm the job transfer? ’

Fang Xiao confirmed it immediately, and then the aperture under his feet began to slowly condense two rays of light, and then disappeared into the bodies of Fang Xiao and Bai Qing.

After the light disappeared into the two people's bodies, the halo disappeared.

At the same time, Fang Xiao felt a force filling his body, strengthening his physique.

And there were many battle scenes about the Scorpion Archers flashing through his mind, making him feel as if he was personally involved in the battle.

Finally, everything returned to normal.

The system prompt sounds immediately:

‘You have successfully transferred to a sub-career. There are currently four available sub-career vacancies, and you can choose whether to replace the changed career each time you transfer. ’

Fang Xiao immediately checked his dashboard.

[Name: Fang Xiao. 】

[Strength: Elite level one star (can go to the training camp to train or fight in battle to upgrade to the career limit)]

[Lord’s additional talents: Blessing of Minerals (Elite Level), Favor of the God of Luck (God Level)]

[Sub-professional: Poisonous Scorpion Archer]

[Professional upper limit: Elite level 4 stars]

[Feature: Language conversion]

[Skill: Poisonous Scorpion Arrow (Elite 4-star)]

[Poisonous Scorpion Arrows (Elite 4-star): Concentrate the power of poisonous scorpions on the arrows, so that the next arrow shot will have the effect of scorpion poison. After hitting, the enemy will be in a highly poisonous state and cool down for 15 minutes. 】

(Remarks: Elite 4-star or above antidote potions or corresponding skills can clear the poisonous state.)

Fang Xiao couldn't help but have a satisfied smile on his face. In this way, he could also participate in the battle, and he would no longer be the weakling he was before.

Lord, thank you for your gift. At this time, Bai Qing saluted Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao's eyes moved to Bai Qing, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that Bai Qing's loyalty had increased to 95, and his happiness level had increased to 90.

Unexpectedly, using the job transfer order has such benefits.

Of course, it was also possible that this career change was very consistent with Ye Qing's characteristics.

At the same time, Fang Xiao checked the territory panel and saw that Ye Qing's consumption went from 1 silver coin per month to 1 gold coin per month, the same as Wu Xiong and Xu Zhui.

However, the food consumed has not changed, it is still x3 food per day.

It seems that Takeo and Xu Chui are just eating because they can, and it has nothing to do with their professional level.

Fang Xiao nodded to Bai Qing, and then asked: Bai Qing, do you know where there are red-striped poisonous scorpions around here?

This red-striped poisonous scorpion had a high explosion rate, and Fang Xiao became interested in it.

Bai Qing immediately shook his head: Lord, the whereabouts of the red-striped poisonous scorpions are unpredictable, and they always wander alone. They have no fixed residence and are difficult to find.

Is that so? Fang Xiao pondered for a moment, planning to take a walk first and get a thorough understanding of the environment around the village.

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