Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 5 Very good at being a good person

The most conspicuous location in the trade market is the bulletin board.

Fang Xiao walked over and started to check.

【Territorial Regulations】

[1. Territory citizens’ transactions must be completed in the trade market. After the transaction is completed, they must pay the tax amount to the tax official. Those who trade privately or evade taxes will be fined ten times according to the transaction amount. 】

[2. Every transaction in the shop must be kept in bookkeeping. Every morning, the shop must go to the tax official to complete yesterday's tax return. If there is tax evasion, a fine of ten times will be imposed based on the transaction amount. 】

[3. The people of the territory are not allowed to fight in the territory. If there is a dispute, they can find the peace officer or the lord to resolve it. The brawler will be fined according to the seriousness of the case. 】

Well, there are only these three basic regulations, and it seems that they should be set by the starting system.

According to the information obtained on the World Channel, it is obvious that the regulations can be changed at will.

However, Fang Xiao is not very good at this aspect. Let’s see if he can learn from the World Channel and be more reliable in the future.

Or recruit some NPC talents in this area.

After pondering for a moment, Fang Xiao quickly began to scan the market.

Finally, a stall located in the corner of the trade market attracted Fang Xiao's attention.

I saw a shirtless strong man sitting there, and there were many skinned rabbits and skinned rabbits on the stall.

The other party's information also caught Fang Xiao's eyes.

[Name: Han Cheng. 】

[Occupation: Hunter (ordinary level)]

[Occupation upper limit: ordinary five-star]

[Characteristics: Financial management expert (when dealing with financial-related issues, has a high degree of insight and can easily discover any loopholes in finance)]

[Strength: Ordinary five-star level]

【Loyalty: 85】

【Happiness: 88】

[Skills: Bow and arrow making (normal 4 stars), traps (normal 1 star), prey gathering (normal 4 stars). 】

[Bow and Arrow Production (Normal 4 Stars): Can make some strong and durable ordinary-level bows and arrows. 】

[Trap (normal 1 star): Can set some ordinary traps to trap small animals. 】

[Prey collection (normal four stars): Can completely collect various useful parts of the prey. 】

[Introduction: Hunters in the territory have a strong sense of finance and can provide you with some bows and arrows. 】

Fang Xiao was stunned when he saw the other party's characteristics.

Such a rough guy actually has such characteristics.

It's a shame to be a hunter.

It just so happens that I am considering who the tax officer should take over. This is a good choice.

I believe that with this Han Cheng here, no one who wants to evade taxes can escape.

Fang Xiao took steps towards the other party.

Soon he came to the other party: Han Cheng, I need a bow and some arrows.

Hello, Lord. Han Cheng stood up immediately and smiled at Fang Xiao: I wonder if you are in a hurry to use it? If you are in a hurry, I can give you my bow and arrows first.

If it's not urgent, I can take you to my house to pick out new ones.

Fang Xiao glanced at the bows and arrows placed next to Hancheng's stall.


[Grade: Ordinary level 4 stars]

[Introduction: A very sturdy bow that can meet daily needs. 】


[Grade: Ordinary level 2 stars]

[Introduction, simple arrows have good lethality. 】

I want these. Fang Xiao looked away and nodded lightly.

Okay, Lord, it's still the same as before, a bow costs 5 silver coins, and an arrow costs 10 copper coins. Han Cheng immediately picked up the bow and arrows next to him: Here is a bow plus 30 arrows, a total of 8 silver.

In addition, I wonder if the 20% tax after the transaction will be paid directly to you or to the tax official?

Fang Xiao took the bow and arrow and played with it a little, and it felt pretty good.

He smiled at Han Cheng: Deduct the tax directly, and I will give you the remaining money.

Also, are you interested in becoming a tax officer here? I think you are quite good and can serve as a territorial tax officer.

Hearing Fang Xiao's words, Han Cheng couldn't help but widen his eyes: Ah? Lord, is it really okay?

Fang Xiao nodded slightly: Yes, of course.

Thank you, lord, for your appreciation. Han Cheng was immediately excited.

Fang Xiao noticed at this time that the other party's loyalty had directly increased to 99, and his happiness level had increased to 98.

Is this hitting the other person's G-spot?

It's okay. Work hard from now on. Fang Xiao reached out and patted Han Cheng on the shoulder.

Han Cheng said excitedly: Lord, thank you so much for your appreciation. Just consider these bows and arrows as a thank you gift from me, and the money will be waived.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but glance at Han Cheng in surprise. This kid was quite good at being a man.

As soon as he was assigned an official position, he already knew how to give gifts to his boss.

Well, not bad, very promising.

Okay, work hard from now on. Fang Xiao took the bow and arrow and encouraged Han Cheng.

Han Cheng immediately nodded hurriedly: Lord, don't worry, I will definitely take care of the taxation.

Fang Xiao pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and then asked: Do you often go hunting in the forests to the west and south?

Han Cheng was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head: How dare I do it alone, Lord? I basically set some traps at the edge of the forest, or shoot some rabbits back.

Fang Xiao, who originally wanted to ask Han Cheng about the state of the forest, nodded after hearing this: Okay, I'm going to take people to hunt in the forest to the west. Just stay here and manage the taxes.

Han Cheng quickly handed over his hand and said, I wish your lord a smooth sailing and a fruitful return.

Fang Xiao said nothing more and officially set off with Bai Qing, Wu Xiong, and Xu Zhui.

With god-level talent and the favor of the God of Luck, it would be a waste not to fight monsters quickly.

Moreover, Fang Xiao couldn't wait to try out his newly transferred poisonous scorpion archer.

After walking all the way out of the west gate and walking for several miles, we arrived at the edge of the forest.

A lot of small herbivorous animals can be seen here.

Stepping into the forest, the vigilance of the three people around Bai and Qing obviously increased to a higher level.

Lord, over there. At this moment, Bai Qing stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance.

Fang Xiao looked in the direction pointed by Bai Qing and saw a light green python wrapped around the branches of a big tree.

If the other party is not moving slightly, it would be difficult to tell if you look carefully.

He had to sigh, he was indeed a man with the characteristics of eagle eyes, his observation skills were really incredible.

And when he saw the complete appearance of the light green python, the other party's information also came into view.

【Green Nettle Python】

[Strength: Elite 5 stars]

[Skills: Coil with great force (Elite 4 stars), Sweep (Elite 2 stars)]

This thing is very difficult to mess with at first glance, even more troublesome than the red-striped poisonous scorpion.

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