Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 2 Poisonous Scorpion Archer

Fang Xiao's eyes shifted to the strong man on the left, and the other party's information immediately came into Fang Xiao's eyes.

[Name: Takeo]

[Occupation: Sword Guard (Elite Level)]

[Professional upper limit: Elite level 3 stars]

[Characteristics: die-hard loyalty (loyalty is always at full 100, never betray)]

[Strength: Elite level 2 stars (can reach the career limit through fighting or training in training camps)]

【Loyalty: 100】

【Happiness: 95】

[Skills: Sword Cry (Elite 2 Stars), Power Splitting (Elite 1 Stars). 】

[Sword Cry (Elite 2 Star): Within one minute, increase the destructive power of your sword weapons by 70%, cool down for 1 hour]

[Power Slash (Elite 1 Star): Increase the destructive power of your next blow by 60%, cool down for 10 minutes. 】

[Introduction: You can completely trust him because he is absolutely loyal to you. 】

Fang Xiao then turned his attention to the strong man on the right.

[Name: Xu Chui. 】

[Occupation: Sword Guard (Elite Level)]

[Career upper limit: Elite 3 stars]

[Characteristics: Fighting Madman (obsessed with fighting, doubles the power of skills in battle)]

[Strength: Elite level 3 stars]

【Loyalty: 90】

[Happiness: 50]

[Skills: Sword Cry (Elite 2 Stars), Power Splitting (Elite 1 Stars). 】

[Introduction: A fighting maniac, he is eager to fight all the time. 】

Looking at the two strong physiques, Fang Xiao now understood why they consumed twice as much food as the six militiamen every day.

However, why is Xu Zhui's happiness so low? Is it because there is no fighting?

His eyes stayed on Xu Chui's face for a moment, and Fang Xiao turned his gaze to the lord's mansion behind him.

It is said to be the lord's mansion, but in fact it is just a relatively large stone house now.

[Lord’s Mansion (1-star village level): blueprint-type building]

[Upgrade requirements: 1-star village-level lord’s mansion drawing × 1, wood × 1000, stone × 1000, and gold coins × 1000. 】

[Introduction: The core of the territory, the unique building, is linked to the level of the territory. Every time the lord's mansion is upgraded, the level of the territory will be increased accordingly. 】

Then he turned his attention to a residential house in the distance.

[Simple dwellings: owners (Zhao San, Xiao Li, Zhao Xiaoxiao)]

[Introduction: A simple folk house can accommodate a family. Maybe when they get rich, they will ask the craftsmen in the territory to repair it better. 】

Come on, follow me for a walk. Fang Xiao greeted Xu Zhui and Wu Xiong, and then walked towards other parts of the village.

Not far after walking out, I saw a man holding a bow and arrow running over in the distance.

Fang Xiao cast his gaze, and the other party's information came into view.

[Name: Li Xiaosan. 】

[Occupation: Militia Archer (ordinary level)]

[Occupation upper limit: Ordinary four stars]

[Characteristics: None]

[Strength: Ordinary level 3 stars]

【Loyalty: 72】

【Happiness: 65】

[Skill: Charged Shooting (Normal 1 Star)]

[Charged Shot (Normal 1 Star): Increases the destructive power of the next arrow you shoot by 10% and cools down for half an hour. 】

[Introduction: An ordinary archer. 】

At this time, Li Xiaosan had already run up to him: Lord, a red-striped poisonous scorpion appeared at the small iron mine. The miners successfully ran back, but now they no longer dare to go mining.

Fang Xiao couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

At this time, Xu Zhui next to him suddenly became excited.

He cupped his fist at Fang Xiao: Lord, the red-striped poisonous scorpion dares to run wild here, please allow me to go and eradicate it.

Okay, lead the way. Fang Xiao immediately ordered Li Xiaosan.

Naturally, a resource point like iron ore cannot be lost.

This small iron mine in the territory is located on the east side of the village. After exiting the east gate of the village, go 100 meters to the right.

After Fang Xiao saw this iron mine, the information about the iron mine immediately came into Fang Xiao's eyes.

[Small iron mine: Contains mining cave × 1, storage mine × 1]

[Iron ore reserves: 49900/50000 (refreshed monthly)]

[Current iron ore reserves in the storage mine: iron ore × 100 (can be charged)]

[Current number of iron ore miners: 5 (maximum of 20 for small iron ore mines)]

[Current mining efficiency: Iron ore × 100/day (20/day for each miner)]

After checking the information about the iron mine, Fang Xiao soon discovered an adult-sized scorpion in the storage mine on one side of the iron mine.

Its whole body is pitch black, with many red lines on its black carapace.

Suddenly, its information also caught Fang Xiao's eyes.

【Red stripe poisonous scorpion】

[Strength: Elite 3 stars]

[Skill: Poisonous Scorpion Tail (Elite 2 Star)]

Lord, leave it to me! Xu Chui pulled out the sword in his hand and held it in front of Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao glanced at Xu Chui: Wu Xiong, go assist Xu Chui and take down the scorpion as soon as possible. Also, be careful of its scorpion tail.

Yes, Lord. Takeo immediately answered with clasped fists, and then walked towards the red-striped poisonous scorpion in the storage mine with the excited Xu Zhui.

The two people immediately surrounded the red-striped poisonous scorpion.

As the two approached, the red-striped poisonous scorpion wandering around the storage mine also discovered the two.

It raised its two scorpion pincers, raised its scorpion tail on its back, and rushed directly towards Takeo and Xu Chui.

Soon, the two sides faced each other, and the red-striped poisonous scorpion waved its tail, and in an instant, it stabbed Xu Zhui's head hard.

Xu Chui didn't panic. When the scorpion's tail came, he raised it with his sword. The sword and the scorpion's tail collided, making the sound of metal clashing.

Taking advantage of the situation, Takeo came to one side and dodged the pincers swung by the red-striped poisonous scorpion. The sword in his hand lit up with a faint shimmer, and the sword made a soft sound, and then swung it out violently.

Immediately, a hole was made in the carapace of the red-striped poisonous scorpion.

The red-striped poisonous scorpion hissed, and the poisonous scorpion tail stabbed Takeo hard.

Takeo rolled to avoid it.

At this time, Xu Chui roared angrily, the sword shimmered and let out a soft roar. He jumped up and slashed directly through the extended scorpion tail.

The scorpion's tail broke instantly, fell to the ground, and even bounced a few times.

The red-striped poisonous scorpion suddenly screamed in pain.

However, Xu Chui didn't hesitate at all. He had already dodged the pincer swing of the red-striped poisonous scorpion, approached the red-striped poisonous scorpion, and stabbed it hard into the head with a sword.

Takeo also rushed from the other side and pierced the red-striped poisonous scorpion's head with the same sword.

The body of the red-striped poisonous scorpion froze, then trembled slightly, and then fell to the ground.

Fang Xiao noticed that at the moment it fell, a faint light flashed around him, and a drawing with a faint white light and a token with a black light appeared.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but think of the god-level talent he had drawn.

His eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately took steps and walked over quickly.

Lord, I am fortunate to have lived up to my command. After Fang Xiao passed by, Wu Xiong and Xu Zhui, who was a little excited, immediately clasped their fists and saluted.

Well, good job. Fang Xiao praised the two of them, and then picked up the two things that exploded.

Suddenly, information about two things came into view.

[1-star village-level lord’s mansion blueprint: a blueprint containing mysterious power. 】

[Introduction: Due to the blessing of mysterious power, you only need to gather materials in the lord's warehouse, and then use the drawings to directly complete the building requirements. 】

[2-star job transfer order (Scorpion Archer): can transform 2 targets into elite-level professions, Scorpion Archer]

[Professional upper limit: Elite four-star]

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