Soon, all the god-level creatures in the territory gathered to the west of Dawn City.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Xiao decided to arrange for Mi Yi, who had returned, to inform Huo Huo Miao and their clansmen and ask them to come and gather.

This time is not to cause trouble in the past, but to directly attack the city of Chiyun Empire, so the more god-level creatures, the better.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Mi Yi immediately nodded in agreement, and then flew in the direction of Yan Huomiao and his clan members.

After Mi Yi left, Fang Xiao arranged for Fire Fox and Red Fox to go to two sub-territories respectively, so that the two god-level creatures stationed there could also return.

After Fire Fox and Red Fox left, Di Xiyang glanced at their backs, and then said, Can you bring back the ice crystals from Broken Rock City?

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao not only turned his head to look at Di Xiyang in surprise, but then said aloud: Isn't this not good?

Although Broken Rock City can be said to be a force on its own side because of the setting sun.

But he is definitely not Fang Xiao's subordinate.

Therefore, the god-level creatures arranged by Fang Xiao's two sub-territories can be directly transferred back.

However, Broken Rock City cannot be easily mobilized.

Otherwise, it would be bad if there is any misunderstanding.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang immediately spoke up and said: After you marry me, Dawn City and Broken Rock City will be one and the same. Both will suffer, and the other will prosper.

So, there is no need to waste a combat force and arrange it there. I will write a letter here and give it to the people over at Broken Rock City. They will not say anything more, let alone any misunderstandings.

Seeing that Di Xiyang had figured out his thoughts, Fang Xiao said nothing more, and then said, Okay, I will arrange for Earth Centipede to bring your letter over and mobilize the ice crystals back.

After hearing Fang Xiao's answer, Di Xiyang nodded slightly, then asked Fang Xiao to take out the letter from the lord's warehouse and began to write quickly.

After finishing writing, Fang Xiao called Earth Centipede out of the ground, and then handed the letter to him, asking him to hand it over completely to the people in Broken Rock City.

And let the ice crystals over there rush back immediately.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Earth Centipede did not dare to hesitate and immediately left with the letter in hand.

Because the sub-territory was the closest to here, it didn't take long for Bingxue and Gubas to be called back by Red Fox and Fire Fox.

After seeing Fang Xiao, Cubas immediately spoke out and said: Master, I really miss you. Staying near that territory is so boring. I can't find anyone to talk to.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but smile when he heard this. Cubas was too big, and he was a god-level being. No one in the sub-territory would dare to talk to him.

This is normal.

So Fang Xiao spoke up and said, What? Can't you bear the loneliness? Then after the things here are dealt with, I'll leave you here and arrange for others to go over. What do you think?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas' eyes immediately lit up, and then he nodded quickly: That's great, Master, you are so considerate.

Not every god-level creature is like Gubas and cannot bear loneliness.

Therefore, it will be fine if another god-level creature comes over when the time comes.

At this time, after hearing Guvas's words, the human-faced spider next to him said: I heard you brag before, saying that you were in the abyss and stayed alone for hundreds of years. Why are you in another territory now? After staying for a few days, you will lose your temper?

Could it be that everything you said before was false?

After hearing the words of the human-faced spider, Cuba suddenly retorted anxiously: What do you know? When I was on the other side of the abyss, I fell into a deep sleep every day.

If there is no big movement, I won't wake up at all. But over there in the territory, it's completely different. I need to pay attention to any disturbance near the territory to prevent any accidents. There is no way to fall into a deep sleep.

It's completely two different things here, you know?

Didn't you brag to me before, saying that you liked the lonely atmosphere very much when you were alone in the swamp forest? But you didn't like to communicate with other people?

Then why don't you go in my place when the time comes?

After hearing what Gubas said, the human-faced spider not only smiled, but then said: Do you want to repay kindness with hatred? I ran over to you whenever I was free to chat with you, why did you fall out now? Don’t you recognize anyone?”

If I hadn't often gone over to chat with you to relieve your boredom, you would have been even more bored.

After hearing the words of the human-faced spider, Fang Xiao not only frowned.

He didn't expect that the human-faced spider would often run over to the sub-territory and chat with Gubas.

However, Fang Xiao's brows widened again, and he didn't pay too much attention. God-level creatures themselves are quite free. After being contracted by Fang Xiao, they can maintain their own consciousness of autonomy, but they can't disobey Fang Xiao's instructions. .

As long as they obey your instructions obediently and help you do what you ask, that's enough.

There is no need to restrict them to a certain place.

At this time, after hearing the words of the human-faced spider, Gubas immediately spoke up and said: What do you mean I repay kindness with hatred? Didn't you come to squeeze me first?

And you don't want to go now. In other words, what you said before is also false. You don't like the lonely atmosphere?

After hearing what Gubas said, the human-faced spider immediately said: I didn't make it clear to you at the time. I don't like to communicate with foreigners.

You know, there are many children accompanying me in my swamp forest. If the distance is not too far, I really want to go back and see them often.

As for chatting with you, it's just because I miss my child, so I want to divert my attention, and you are more interesting.

After hearing the words of the human-faced spider, Gubas not only snorted coldly, but then said: You guy, you keep coming to chat with me emotionally, just to divert attention. It's really hateful.

During the bickering between the two, Earth Centipede and Bing Jing soon returned from Broken Rock City.

After the Earth Centipede emerged from the ground, it then spoke to Fang Xiao and said, Master, this is the reply letter from Broken Rock City to you.

After receiving the letter spit out from Earth Centipede's mouth, Fang Xiao opened it with some disgust, and then read it.

This letter was replied by Di Chenguang, which stated that Fang Xiao could transfer the god-level creatures away at any time if necessary, regardless of his own thoughts.

After reading Di Chenguang's reply, Fang Xiao destroyed the letter and began to wait for Mi Yi to bring the flames to their tribe.

Since the place where the flames live is far away from here, it does take a while to wait.

Finally, when several figures in the distance appeared in the field of vision.

Fang Xiao knew that Mi Yi and the others were coming.

Soon, Mi Yi and the owners of those flames came to Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao stopped talking nonsense and immediately went out with many god-level creatures.

Not long after, Fang Xiao led these god-level creatures and approached a city of the Chiyun Empire.

The huge movement here immediately attracted the attention of the god-level beings guarding the city.

Soon, eight god-level beings flew out of the city riding flying creatures.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang were currently above Cuba's head, and Cuba's huge body completely obscured their presence.

As long as they don't take the initiative to show their faces, basically no one will notice them.

The reason why he didn't show up was because Fang Xiao was worried that the information here would be leaked.

A group of god-level creatures besieging a city, and a group of god-level creatures and humans besieging a city are two completely different concepts.

Fang Xiao only planned to destroy the god-level existences in these ordinary cities, win the god-level job transfer orders, and plunder the wealth in the city to improve himself.

He didn't want to massacre the city.

So naturally it’s not easy to show up directly.

The reason why the city was not massacred was also very simple. In Fang Xiao's opinion, these people were all wealth. Now, it was not easy to plunder all these people back to their own territory.

However, after the huge existence of the Chiyun Empire is completely overturned in the future, the ordinary people in these cities will become the subjects of their own territories.

When the time comes, you can move them into your own territory and sub-territories, which will become a huge boost to your future development.

After these eight god-level beings flew out on flying creatures, their expressions changed completely when they saw so many god-level creatures.

One of the leading god-level beings immediately yelled at Gubas and the others: Where did you come from as god-level creatures? You dare to attack the city of Chiyun Empire. Do you know what this means?

It means that you will face the full range of anger of the Chiyun Empire, which is beyond your imagination. If you are wise, evacuate immediately. Maybe His Majesty will be kind enough to spare you.

After hearing the words of this god-level being, Gubas not only blew out a puff of thick black smoke, but then opened his mouth and burned the opponent with a huge flame.

Fang Xiao had already told them that once a god-level existence showed up in the city, he would launch an attack directly, and there was no need to talk nonsense.

Gubas obviously remembered Fang Xiao's instructions, and as Gubas took action, other god-level beings present also took action immediately.

These eight god-level beings not only looked disgusted, but also quickly drove the flying creatures towards the distance.

They were not thinking about escaping, because they had just discovered that these god-level creatures approaching were extremely fast, just like the god-level creatures that disrupted the Chiyun Empire before.

They have no way to escape at all.

But the failure of a battle between god-level beings would be too great.

They definitely can't stay above the city to fight, otherwise, they don't know how the city will be destroyed by then, and the people in the city don't know how heavy the casualties will be.

If that happens, even if they are lucky enough to survive, the empire's senior officials will never let them go.

Therefore, it was their last choice to distance themselves from the city.

And their reactions had already been expected by Fang Xiao.

As a god-level being who guards the city, he will naturally try his best to avoid the battle from affecting the city he guards. There is no doubt about this.

Gubas and others, who had received Fang Xiao's orders long ago, did not harm the people in the city. They immediately followed these god-level beings who had distanced themselves, and then launched a siege on them.

Completely block all their escape routes.

Then a battle without any suspense began.

Fang Xiao brought too many god-level creatures, and these eight god-level beings simply couldn't compete with them.

Moreover, the creatures they were riding were not god-level mounts, and they were quickly affected and died during the battle between the two sides.

As these flying creatures were affected and died, these god-level beings immediately fell down.

And since they are at the bottom, they are undoubtedly at a greater disadvantage.

Facing the layers of siege by the god-level creatures on Fang Xiao's side, they soon couldn't bear it anymore, and casualties began to appear. As casualties appeared, their resistance became weaker and weaker, and eventually they were all destroyed.

After they were all dead, Fang Xiao immediately asked Gubas to get close to the ground, and then pocketed all the trophies dropped by these people.

After a brief check, I found that a total of three god-level job transfer orders had dropped.

And two of them are two-star transformation orders, which means they are enough for five people to transform into god-level beings.

The snowball rolled so fast that Fang Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Then Fang Xiao signaled Cubas to enter the city, cover him up, and then began to plunder various treasures from the city's lord's palace.

Naturally, there was no need for these people in the City Lord's Mansion to stay. Fang Xiao simply ordered all Gubas to be destroyed to prevent anyone from discovering his existence.

After that, Gubas was asked to go to various warehouses in the city to collect all the resources in the warehouses.

It has to be said that the Chiyun Empire is really wealthy, and even the wealthy Fang Xiao feels a little drooling.

It is indeed a behemoth among the indigenous forces, and it is indeed quite incredible.

However, now this behemoth was being eaten by Fang Xiao quietly.

Fang Xiao believed that when this behemoth reacted, he would definitely be able to eat it into a behemoth no less powerful than the Chiyun Empire.

And when the time comes, I can completely subvert it and replace it.

By that time, Fang Xiao could be considered a being who could speak among the indigenous forces.

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