Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 256 Game against each other

Prince Chixin's face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

Even though he had already expected that Chi Ling would speak like this, Prince Chi Xin still couldn't help but feel angry.

Prince Chixin squinted his eyes and stared at Chiling opposite him.

After a while, he slowly said, Can I use your power?

If I wanted to borrow your power, would I still mobilize the Second and Third Legions?

Chi Ling, don't always use your petty thoughts to speculate on others. The reason why I came here this time is very simple. I can continue to send more troops to help surround and kill those raging god-level creatures.

But if I take action to deal with that mysterious force, you are not allowed to interfere, let alone make any small moves behind my back.

Prince Chixin was too lazy to go around and around with the opponent anymore, so he simply got to the point and had a direct showdown with the opponent.

After hearing the words of Prince Chixin, Chiling couldn't help but sneered, and then said aloud: You still mobilized the second and third legions when you learned that you failed to strangle those god-level creatures. You are undoubtedly showing off. Show us.

I'm telling you, if you don't deal with these raging god-level creatures first, then you can't even think of making any rash move against me.

After hearing Chi Ling's words, Prince Chi Xin's face became extremely gloomy.

He finally understood that Chi Ling planned to fight him to the end without giving him the slightest chance to make a detour.

Faced with this situation, Prince Chixin was undoubtedly quite angry, but at the same time he was a little helpless.

Because if Chi Ling doesn't let go, he really doesn't dare to mess around.

So after being silent for a long time, Prince Chixin slowly spoke up and said: Okay, then I will follow you to eradicate these raging god-level creatures first, and then dispatch troops to destroy the new The rising mysterious force.”

At that time, you are not allowed to make any small moves against me behind my back. Otherwise, I will not make any compromises and we can go to war directly.

After hearing Prince Chixin's words, Chixing's expression immediately changed, and then he quickly spoke out to smooth things over: Prince Chixin, what are you saying? It's too serious, too serious, it won't be serious, it won't be serious.

Everyone is thinking about the Chiyun Empire. After all, Prince Chixin is fully aware of the dangers of these god-level creatures.

If we don't resolve this first, we'll all have trouble sleeping, right?

After Chi Xing finished speaking, Chi Ling's expression softened, and then she said, Okay, since you said so, Prince Chi Xin, then I don't have any reason to object.

After these raging god-level creatures are dealt with, Prince Chixin, you can go and do whatever you want. I will never have any interference from my side.

After hearing Chi Ling's promise, Prince Chi Xin's expression softened.

Then after thinking for a while, he spoke out and said: I can send an additional second legion here. Do you think there is any problem?

After hearing the words of Prince Chixin, Chiling pondered for a moment, and then said: These god-level creatures are quite difficult to deal with. I think it is not enough to only send one more legion. What do you think? Prince of Red Heart?

After hearing Chi Ling's words, Prince Chi Xin couldn't help but snorted, and then said aloud: Then send the second legion and the third legion. There will be no problem now, right?

After hearing Prince Chixin's answer, Chiling smiled with satisfaction, and then said: Okay, Prince Chixin is really happy, I will also send two more corps here.

I believe that with such a force, we will be able to completely eliminate those raging god-level creatures.

Prince Chixin narrowed his eyes: Then let's end this matter.

Later, I will give new instructions to the Second Army and the Third Army.

After the words fell, Prince Chixin stood up from his seat and walked back to the living room.

Obviously, he no longer wanted to have any further negotiations with Chi Ling.

Wait until Prince Chixin leaves.

Chixing turned his gaze to Prince Chiling on one side, and then asked aloud: Prince Chiling, how credible do you think the words that Prince Chixin said just now are?

After hearing Chixing's question, Chiling smiled slightly, and then replied softly: Whether what he said is true or false, it actually doesn't matter.

If this thing is true, then the reason why these god-level creatures are wreaking havoc in the Chiyun Empire is entirely because this guy, Prince Chixin, goes out to make enemies for no reason.

And if the news he said is false, then his sinister intentions can be imagined.

Of course, these can be put aside, because this is a good opportunity to infiltrate the legion of Prince Red Heart. We must seize this opportunity and let our people infiltrate it without Prince Red Heart being able to detect it.

Prince Chixin's power is a bit too great. If we hadn't always supported you, Your Majesty, the person sitting in this position would be Prince Chixin.

Chi Ling's words are undoubtedly quite heartbreaking.

After Chi Xing heard Chi Ling's words, his expression darkened.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, Chixing spoke up and said, Okay, then let's do what you said, Prince Chiling.

Upon hearing this, Prince Chi Ling smiled softly, then gave a slight salute to Chi Xing, then stood up and left the living room.

On the other side, Fang Xiao also received news from the flames and flames in the territory.

After learning about the Chiyun Empire, they arranged for the army to encircle and suppress the flames to deal with this situation.

After Fang Xiao thought carefully for a while, he finally decided to arrange for some god-level creatures to wreak havoc in the early stage to distract the attention of the Chiyun Empire.

The god-level creatures that were arranged again were quickly determined.

That is Yu Bing, Yu Lei, and 5 bees.

First of all, Yu Bing and Yu Lei are not particularly large in size.

As for the five bees, not to mention, they are quite small.

In this case, it is naturally not easy to attract others' attention.

When it comes to large-scale killing capabilities, whether it is Yu Bing Yu Lei or 5 bees, they are obviously fully capable.

In this case, choosing them to support is undoubtedly the best choice.

In fact, Fang Xiao had originally thought about letting Huo Huo and Huo Miao's tribe go to the Chiyun Empire to wreak havoc.

But in the end, this idea was given up. The reason was very simple. The tribesmen of Huo Huo Miao were not contracted by Fang Xiao.

They cannot enjoy the blessing of Fang Xiao Dongruo Cunning Rabbit's talent.

You also cannot enjoy the skill blessings of riding professions.

In this case, their flying speed is not enough, and it is very easy for them to be chased, intercepted and killed on the spot by the Chiyun Empire.

After all, they are all god-level creatures. Only when they are used in better places can they play a better role. Using them in such a place is undoubtedly a pure waste of resources.

Fang Xiao would naturally not do this.

Soon, the five bees and Yu Bingyu Lei set off for the Chiyun Empire.

In fact, Fang Xiao arranged for so many god-level creatures to go to the Chiyun Empire to wreak havoc, not just because he wanted to attract the attention of the Chiyun Empire.

Another reason is to see how many god-level beings are stationed in various cities in the Chiyun Empire.

That's right, Fang Xiao plans to take the lead and attack directly against the god-level beings stationed in the ordinary cities of the Chiyun Empire.

In this way, it can snowball quickly.

Continuously obtaining god-level job transfer orders will allow you to have more and more god-level beings on your side.

However, as for flames and flames, the two of them are still not sure about this aspect of exploration.

Because, after all, the two of them were somewhat weak, and they mainly ran to test the waters, mainly to escape, and did not dare to be too showy.

Now that the response from the Chiyun Empire has been tested, we can naturally focus on exploring the number of god-level beings in those cities.

Next, Fang Xiao waited in his own territory for news from Yu Bing Yu Lei and the five bees.

Once they get the specific situation determined by them, Fang Xiao will adjust his tactics according to the situation.

Let's see whether we should attack the cities of Chiyun Empire directly or take a roundabout way.

After the five bees and Yu Bingyu Lei entered the territory of the Chiyun Empire, they immediately began to attack various cities.

At the same time, they also cooperated with each other to attract the god-level beings stationed in the city.

Lead them all out to determine the specific number of god-level beings in the city.

They were quite spiritual during the implementation process and basically did not make any major mistakes.

Soon a greater commotion arose, and the number of god-level beings in the ordinary cities of the Chiyun Empire was determined.

And after it is determined. They arranged for Mi to leave and return to the territory to report the news to Fang Xiao.

As for the others, they continued to create unrest within the Chiyun Empire and helped Huo Huo Miao share the pressure.

As for Yu Bing, Yu Lei, and a few bees, the city manager immediately arranged for people to go to the royal city to report on the turmoil caused by them.

When the news reached the royal city, the newly dispatched troops had just been assembled.

After Chixing learned the news, he immediately arranged for Prince Chiling to be called into the palace and began discussions.

I have met your Majesty. Prince Chi Ling immediately bowed respectfully after seeing Chi Xing.

Chi Xing quickly signaled Chi Ling not to be so polite.

Then he asked Chi Ling: Prince Chi Ling, please sit down quickly. I believe you already know why I asked you to come.

After hearing Chi Xing's words, Chi Ling immediately nodded, and then said: I really didn't expect that more god-level creatures would come and wreak havoc in our Chi Yun Empire.

And I feel that if nothing else happens, these new god-level creatures that are wreaking havoc should be related to the two previous god-level creatures, because they all have one thing in common, that is, they are quite fast.

The god-level beings stationed in ordinary cities can't do anything to them.

However, I don't think you need to worry, Your Majesty. The reason is very simple. We have sent four additional legions this time to participate in the strangulation.

The opponent's extra god-level creatures won't actually cause any trouble.

But what I'm a little worried about right now is, will these god-level creatures have accomplices who will suddenly appear and make disgusting people later?

After hearing Chi Ling's words, Chi Xing frowned slightly, and spoke from behind: Prince Chi Ling, I share your concerns.

The most important thing is that Prince Chixin is not very cooperative. If these god-level creatures cannot be dealt with as soon as possible, we don't know if there will be any trouble on Prince Chixin's side.

After hearing Chi Xing's words, Chi Ling smiled slightly, and then said: Concerning this point, I don't think your Majesty needs to be too worried.

We have negotiated with the other party before. Before the threat posed by the god-level creatures is completely resolved, Prince Chixin cannot take revenge on that mysterious force.

Since that mysterious force killed his disciples and destroyed his Red Shadow Legion, he will definitely not be able to swallow this breath, so when dealing with these raging god-level creatures, he should not poke any trouble in the back.

The four new legions we have dispatched are about to leave. I don't think there is any need to issue any irrelevant orders or take other measures to influence them for the time being.

If they are unable to deal with these raging god-level creatures, we will call Prince Red Heart over for negotiation.

After hearing Chi Ling's words, Chi Xing nodded slightly, and then said: It seems that this is the only way for the time being.

Chi Ling smiled slightly, then said goodbye to Chi Xin, then turned and left.

On the other side, Fang Xiao also met Mi Yi who came to report the news.

I learned that there were basically only 8 god-level beings stationed in the ordinary cities of the Chiyun Empire.

After learning the news, Fang Xiao suddenly became excited.

There are only 8 god-level beings in each ordinary city, so it is too easy for Fang Xiao to destroy them.

The most important thing is that given Fang Xiao's speed, these god-level beings will not be able to escape at all even if they want to.

There is another more critical factor, that is, after killing the god-level beings in the ordinary cities of the Chiyun Empire, Fang Xiao can still plunder.

Collect all kinds of precious properties in the ordinary cities of the Chiyun Empire into his lord's warehouse, and make a fortune by the way.

After thinking of this, Fang Xiao couldn't hold it in any longer and immediately began to summon the remaining god-level creatures under his command.

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