After Cubas flew out of the city with Fang Xiao, Fang Xiao thought for a moment, and then said to Cubas: You are taking them back to get rid of all the soldiers here.

Fang Xiao was worried that after he left, the remaining soldiers in the city would go to the royal city to report the news, or complete the report through other methods.

No matter what it is, it is not what Fang Xiao wants to see.

Then, there is no doubt that getting rid of these soldiers is the best way.

And there aren’t many of them.

There is only one legion in this city, and there are more people than there are people.

Fang Xiao's target is also these ordinary people. These ordinary people are the resources he desires in the future.

As for these soldiers, it doesn't matter at all.

The reason why Fang Xiao didn't let Gubas and the others take action just now was mainly because Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang were on Gubas' body.

Fang Xiao was worried that something might go wrong when he started, causing the two of them to be seen by ordinary people in the city.

Then, the problem will be a bit serious by then.

Doing it in the city, there are so many people, it's not like doing it outside the city.

Therefore, if you can avoid trouble, you still have to avoid trouble.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Cubas immediately nodded to indicate that he understood.

After throwing Fang Xiao down, he immediately returned to the city with other god-level creatures.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang stood there and waited for about a quarter of an hour before they saw Cubas returning with other god-level creatures.

Cubas' face was full of excitement, and he said to Fang Xiao: Master, all those soldiers have been eliminated, including their mounts, all of them are intact.

Fang Xiao nodded immediately, and then asked aloud: Those ordinary people, you didn't hurt them, did you?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Gubas immediately spoke up and said: Master, please rest assured that we are following your instructions completely and have not harmed any ordinary people.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly. He did not question what Gubas said, because as their master, Gubas and the others would definitely not be able to disobey the orders given by him.

He just asked a redundant question to make sure.

Then Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang returned to Gubas's head, and then drove Gubas towards the next city.

After arriving at the next city, he followed suit and lured out the eight god-level beings guarding the city, and then began to kill them.

Fang Xiao is not worried at all if they don't come out, because with so many god-level creatures coming, the consequences for them if they don't come out will be much more serious than if they come out.

After all, if they come out to fight, even if they die in battle, as long as there are still people alive in the city, their bravery will be spread in the future, and their names will be remembered forever.

But if they hide in the city and do not get out, causing the battle between the two sides to spread to the city, then as long as there are people alive in the city, they will definitely be infamy for thousands of years.

Even the top officials of the empire and their families will not let go. They all know this clearly.

So as soon as they discovered god-level creatures like Fang Xiao, they rushed out.

Fang Xiao also understands this point relatively well, so he has always adopted such tactics.

The eight god-level beings in this city were eliminated without wasting too much effort on Fang Xiao's side.

After all are resolved, the loot dropped by these god-level beings after their death is still collected.

Then set out for the city to collect all the wealth and resources in the city lord's mansion and various warehouses.

Then leave the city, and let Gubas and the others go back and clean up all the soldiers in the city.

Then set off and continue to the next city.

And just when Fang Xiao was silently making a fortune.

The legions dispatched by the Chiyun Empire also officially set off, preparing to encircle and kill the raging god-level creatures.

After getting the latest information, they set off immediately.

However, this time, Yan Huo Miao and the others received the latest order from Fang Xiao, which was not to rush into the city to fight.

Instead, he ran to the city, showed his face, and ran away immediately.

In this way, they can attract the attention of the Chiyun Empire and escape as quickly as possible to prevent being double-teamed.

When things develop to this point, Fang Xiao will naturally consider that the Chiyun Empire will become angry and send a large number of troops to strangle him.

No matter what Yan Huo Miao said, they were all doing great work for Fang Xiao. Naturally, Fang Xiao couldn't just watch them have problems, so he gave them such an order.

And such an order is undoubtedly very effective. Every time the legion from the Chiyun Empire gets the latest news reported from the city and then encircles and suppresses it, they will find that they have failed.

There is no way to catch those god-level creatures running around.

This gave them a huge headache, but since they had just come out, they naturally had no shame in going back and immediately reported to the empire's senior officials, saying that there was nothing they could do.

At least you have to work hard for a while. Even if it is really useless, it is better than giving up and going back to report.

So under the constant entanglement between the two sides, Fang Xiao silently occupied more and more cities.

There are more and more god-level job transfer orders accumulated in my hands, and the snowball can be said to be getting bigger and bigger.

Two days later, these legions that were besieging and killing the god-level creatures could no longer bear it. They decided not to listen to the latest news from those cities.

Because the latest news from those cities has proven with facts that it is impossible to catch those god-level creatures wreaking havoc everywhere.

In this case, after some discussion, several legions decided that the two legions would form a group and then wander within a general range. Once the existence of wandering god-level creatures was discovered, they would immediately launch an encirclement and suppression campaign.

In this case, there might be some hope of surrounding and killing them.

After determining this tactic, many legions immediately separated and began to implement it.

However, just when they separated and started wandering around, two of the legions discovered something unusual when passing by a city.

Because this city actually had strong traces of battle, and when passing by this city, the god-level existence in this city did not come out to greet them.

You know, when they were wandering before, no matter which city they passed by, the god-level beings inside would immediately come out to greet them after sensing their arrival.

Something is obviously wrong.

They did not dare to hesitate and immediately approached the city.

So when they rushed to the city, they saw an incredible scene.

The entire city lord's palace has been destroyed, and mourners are everywhere.

The legion stationed there had already been completely wiped out.

All kinds of gangsters are committing crimes everywhere, and no one can stop them.

Various warehouses in the city were even looted.

They did not dare to hesitate and landed immediately. After killing some gangsters who were doing evil everywhere, they grabbed one of the ordinary people and began to question him.

Ask him what happened in this city?

Soon, this ordinary citizen told them what happened in the city before.

Only then did they learn that the city had been attacked by a large group of god-level creatures two days ago.

These god-level creatures killed the god-level beings guarding the city and the soldiers stationed there, but fortunately they did not attack these groups of ordinary people and left directly.

However, because all the soldiers who maintained order were killed, after those god-level creatures left, the entire city completely lost order and fell into chaos.

Many people have organized themselves to fight against those gangsters who are doing evil everywhere.

Therefore, all kinds of chaotic battles have been happening from beginning to end in the past two days.

After hearing what the civilian said, the two regiment commanders who came here not only had extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

They really didn't expect that those damn god-level creatures would actually engage in such a conspiracy.

It turns out that a small number of god-level creatures were wreaking havoc everywhere just to attract their attention.

After attracting them, the real purpose is to arrange for a large number of magical creatures to sneak attack their city.

Fortunately, they had changed their tactics earlier and decided to wander separately.

If you don't act according to the news from those raging god-level creatures, otherwise, you will definitely be led by the other party, and you don't know when you will be able to discover the tragic situation of these attacked cities.

After all, the opponent killed all the god-level beings and soldiers stationed there.

Serious civil strife broke out among these ordinary people, and these cities were relatively far away from the Royal City. It was impossible for anyone to convey the news to the Royal City.

One of the legion commanders immediately spoke up and said: The problem is now too serious to be dealt with. It is no longer a problem of ravaging god-level creatures.

We must rush back immediately to complete the report. Now is the time to determine the fate of the entire Chiyun Empire. We must use all our strength to kill these guys who dare to provoke our Chiyun Empire.

After hearing the words of the legion commander, the other legion commander immediately nodded and expressed his agreement.

Immediately, the two of them said nothing more, and immediately integrated a small portion of the remaining legions under their command, and began to restore order in the city.

As for most of the rest, they immediately set off back to the royal city with them to report.

After they rushed all the way back to the city, the two legion commanders did not dare to hesitate and immediately rushed to the palace. Then they found Red Star and reported what they had discovered.

After Chi Xing heard what they reported, his expression turned extremely ugly.

He really didn't expect that those damn god-level creatures had planned it in advance.

It turned out that he was not provoking their Chiyun Empire at all, but originally planned to attack their Chiyun Empire.

He really couldn't figure out who was behind these god-level creatures, and why were they so bold?

A name emerged in his mind, and that was the Aoki Empire.

The territory of the Aoki Empire is closely connected with that of the Chiyun Empire, so the two empires often have various minor conflicts, and their relationship can be said to be quite bad.

However, because the backgrounds of the two are not much different, and there are various complex internal contradictions, no major war has occurred.

But now that these god-level creatures dare to plot against them, Akahoshi can only associate the real culprit behind them with the Aoki Empire.

After pondering for a moment, Chixing immediately arranged for envoys to summon Prince Chixin and Prince Chiling, asking them to come here immediately to discuss important matters.

About half an hour later, Prince Chixin and Prince Chiling, as well as various powerful nobles, all rushed here.

Chi Xing glanced back and forth at Prince Chi Xin and Prince Chi Ling, and then said aloud: What do you two think of the current situation?

Prince Chi Ling was the first to speak out: This matter has become very obvious. It is obvious that this is definitely a plan by the Aoki Empire to unite a large number of god-level creatures against our Chi Yun Empire.

Otherwise, I really can't figure out which god-level biological force would dare to attack our Chiyun Empire.

So the first priority now is to immediately clean up all the bastards who attacked our Chiyun Empire, and then hold the Aoki Empire accountable.

Their internal conflicts are very serious. Unless we take the initiative to launch a war against them, they will definitely not initiate a war against us. They can only use such conspiracy and tricks secretly behind their backs.

I suggest that all our legions here be dispatched and kill them all with absolute force.

After hearing what Prince Chi Ling said, Prince Chi Xin couldn't help but sneered, and then said, Do you think this is really what the Aoki Empire did?

Although the Aoki Empire has had constant minor conflicts with us for so many years, it has never resorted to such disgusting and dark methods. This is not in line with their usual style at all.

I still insist that this is most likely the work of the mysterious force I offended.

After hearing Prince Chixin's words, Prince Chiling not only stared, but then said with a gloomy face: Do you think the mysterious force you offended has the power to do such a thing?

Okay, let me assume for you that they have this ability. Then, this is also the trouble caused by you, Prince Heartless. Do you think you should bear full responsibility for this matter?

After hearing what Prince Chi Ling said, Prince Chi Xin not only stretched out his palm, slammed the table, and then said: I am willing to take full responsibility for this matter, as long as you don't do anything behind my back.

I will immediately mobilize all the legions under my command to destroy that mysterious force!

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