Immediately, Prince Chixin stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, feeling that his overall condition was a little bad.

First, his most valued disciple died, and then the Red Shadow Legion was destroyed.

Now, due to the threat from the royalists, he could not mobilize too much power to target the opponent just in case. He just hoped that nothing unexpected would happen next.

If this force cannot defeat the opponent, then Prince Chixin will have no choice but to bow his head and surrender to the royalists.

Only in this way can more power be mobilized to attack the opponent.

But if you bow to the royalists, you will definitely have to pay a huge price.

Moreover, it would be difficult to suppress the royalists in the future.

This is definitely not the result that Prince Chixin wants to see.

However, he couldn't swallow this breath.

After all, it’s not just his beloved disciple.

Even Chi Ying died in the opponent's hands.

Unless the other party is destroyed, Prince Chixin feels that he will not be able to sleep at night.

At this time, a guard came to report to Prince Chixin, saying that another messenger had been arranged from the palace.

The Red Heart Prince not only had a headache but frowned, and then took steps towards the outside.

Soon, he came to the palace messenger.

This messenger was the same as last time. After seeing Prince Chixin, he did not dare to hesitate and quickly bowed respectfully to Prince Chixin.

Then he spoke aloud: The king invites Prince Chixin to go to the palace to discuss matters.

Prince Chixin should also be aware of related matters.

The troops that were sent out to besiege and kill the raging god-level creatures were completely insufficient. They couldn't do anything to them. Now they are rushing back to ask for help.

After hearing the words of the messenger, Prince Chixin frowned slightly.

Then he answered loudly: Okay, I understand, I will rush over immediately.

After hearing Prince Chixin's words, the envoy immediately smiled softly at Prince Chixin, then turned and left here.

After the other party left here, Prince Chixin's face instantly darkened.

After a moment of silence, he immediately spoke to the secret guard beside him and said: Go and convey my order to tell the Second Army, the Third Army, and the Red Rabbit Army not to take action for the time being.

He didn't believe there was such a coincidence.

The other party didn't come early or late to summon him, but he sent someone just when he gave the order to mobilize the 2nd and 3rd Corps.

This clearly told him that the royalists had noticed Prince Chixin's movements and were warning him.

In this regard, Prince Chixin was also quite helpless.

Because he really had no way to ignore this warning and continue to act unscrupulously.

In the final analysis, it is because the power under his command is not strong enough, and there is no way to widen the gap with the royalists, and there is no way to suppress the royalists.

If he was strong and could completely suppress the royalists, he wouldn't have to be as timid as he is now.

However, there is no way to compromise now.

Now he could only leave for the palace and see what the royalists had to say.

If there was room for negotiation, he still couldn't swallow this breath. He must completely eliminate the force that killed his beloved disciple and the Red Shadow Corps.

In fact, he now has an idea in his mind, that is, he wants to tell the royalists the truth about the connection between the raging god-level creatures and that force.

However, he soon gave up the idea.

The reason is very simple. The royalists are against him everywhere. Once he tells the other party the news, the other party will definitely make a fuss about it.

It was said that he had selfish motives and deliberately linked the two things together, hoping to use the power of the royalists to help him deal with his enemies.

The Red-Hearted Prince, who was well aware of the face of the royalists, knew it all too well.

On the other side, the secret guard's instructions were quickly conveyed to the Second Army, the Third Army and the Red Rabbit Army.

The Second Army and the Third Army are the regular armies of the Chiyun Empire, and the bodyguards consist of a full 20 people.

In other words, each regular legion plus the legion commander has the configuration of 21 god-level beings.

As for the named legion, there are only 11 god-level beings including the legion commander.

Moreover, the 21 people in the regular legion are stronger than the 11 god-level beings in the named legion in terms of individual strength.

Soon, the commanders of the Second Army and the Third Army gathered together. They led the combined 40 Guards soldiers from both sides and rushed directly towards the Red Rabbit Army.

After arriving at the Red Rabbit Legion, the commanders of the Second and Third Legions soon met Red Rabbit who was integrating the personal guards.

Chitu did not expect that the Second Army and the Third Army would act so efficiently and find them so quickly.

So he hurriedly came to the two of them, and then said: I didn't expect you two to be so quick. Please wait a moment, I will be ready soon.

After hearing Chitu's words, the commander of the Second Legion immediately spoke up and said: Hurry up, it's not like you didn't hear the instructions conveyed by the secret guards. The Red Shadow Legion was destroyed in the hands of the other party. Prince Chixin Already furious.

The sooner this matter is resolved, the better.

After hearing the words of the commander of the Second Legion, Chitu quickly nodded with a smile. Soon, the personal guards under him were also ready.

The commanders of the Second and Third Legions were both resolute and resolute people.

Without saying any more nonsense, he immediately led everyone towards the location provided by the secret guard.

With a total of fifty-three god-level beings plus three god-level mounts, this lineup can be described as quite luxurious.

They all felt that there was no problem in dealing with the other party. All they wanted to do was to deal with it as soon as possible and return to Prince Chixin.

Increase your status in the heart of Prince Chi.

But just as they set off, before running far, a secret guard chased them and stopped them.

The commander of the Second Legion immediately frowned, looked at the secret guard who stopped him, and then asked aloud: Is there any new order from Prince Chixin? Why are you blocking us?

After hearing the question from the commander of the second legion, the secret guard did not dare to hesitate and quickly conveyed the latest instructions from Prince Red Heart, asking them to set off immediately and rush back to their legion's station, and not to act rashly.

After hearing the new instructions conveyed by the secret guard, the commander of the Second Legion and the Commander of the Third Legion not only looked at each other, but there was some disbelief on their faces.

Then the commander of the Second Legion immediately asked: What is going on? Why did the instructions conveyed by Prince Red Heart suddenly change?

The secret guard smiled helplessly, and then said aloud: I am just an ordinary secret guard. I am only responsible for conveying instructions. I am not qualified to know about this matter.

If the two legion commanders have any questions about this new order, they can ask Prince Chixin in person.

After hearing the secret guard's answer, the commander of the second legion and the commander of the third legion looked at each other, and then sighed slightly.

I know that this command basically cannot be changed.

Next, they had no choice but to leave for Prince Chixin's Mansion and find Prince Chixin for questioning.

So they no longer continued the stalemate here and immediately turned back towards their legion's station.

On the other side, Prince Chixin immediately set off for the palace after leaving Prince Chixin's palace.

After arriving all the way to the living room, I saw that the royalists had basically arrived.

King Chixing was sitting on the main throne. When he saw Prince Chixin arriving, he immediately nodded and smiled at Prince Chixin, and then motioned for Prince Chixin to take a seat.

Prince Chixin turned his head and looked at Chi Ling on the other side, then snorted coldly, walked to the seat on his left and sat down.

After Prince Chixin sat down, Chiling took the lead and said, Prince Chixin, you should know the latest news, right?

Those raging god-level creatures, the troops we sent out before can't do anything to them. Talking about strangulation is a joke.

However, I did hear some interesting news here, that is, the Second Army and the Third Army were mobilized not long ago.

I originally thought that in this moment of turmoil, the Second and Third Legions were mobilized to kill those raging god-level creatures for money, but later I found out that it didn't seem to be the case?

I wonder what Prince Chixin thinks of this?

After hearing Chi Ling's words, Prince Chi Xin couldn't help but snorted, and then said aloud: What? Does the mobilization of the Second Army and the Third Army have to destroy those raging god-level creatures?

After hearing Prince Chixin's words, Chiling stared, and then slapped the table in front of her, directly smashing the table in front of her into pieces.

Then Chi Ling said coldly: It's not like you don't know how much turmoil these rampaging god-level creatures have brought to the Chiyun Empire.

It has caused panic among the people everywhere. Even the Aoki Empire heard the news and seemed a little ready to take action.

If this turmoil is not calmed down as soon as possible, do you know how serious the consequences will be?

And at this time, you told me that the second and third legions were mobilized not to quell the turmoil or to strangle these god-level creatures. Then tell me, why were they mobilized?

Why do you think they can be justified in being transferred?

After hearing Chi Ling's question, Prince Chi Xin's face became extremely gloomy, and then he slowly said, I am here to eliminate the source of the unrest among these god-level creatures.

After the words fell, Prince Chixin couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He originally did not intend to tell this matter, because he knew that if he told it, the royalists would probably only use it to attack him for selfish reasons.

But now that the matter has come to this, Prince Chixin feels it is still necessary to say something.

At least in this way, when the matter is investigated clearly in the future and it is discovered that these raging god-level creatures are indeed connected to the mysterious force that he said.

You can give these royalists a hard slap in the face.

After hearing Prince Chixin's words at this time, as expected, Chiling couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Then he asked Prince Chixin: Oh, how interesting, Prince Chixin, you actually found the source of the turmoil?

With such important news, why don't you come and report it to His Majesty immediately? Do you have any selfish motives, Prince Chixin?

You have to wait until His Majesty personally finds you here and questions you before you are willing to tell this matter?

Hearing Chi Ling's straightforward words, Prince Chi Xin couldn't help but frown deeply.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at Chi Ling with an angry face opposite him, a little uncertain.

Although the other party had serious conflicts with him before, he had never been so stiff and spoke so straightforwardly.

Now it looks like the royalists are going to fall out with him at any time.

Seeing the gloomy and uncertain face of Prince Chixin, Chixing, who was sitting next to him, finally spoke out at this time: Okay, okay, don't speak so irritably.

I believe that Prince Chixin must have had his own reasons, so he did not report the matter to me immediately.

Come, Prince Chixin, since you said you have investigated the source of the turmoil, come and explain it to everyone in detail, so that everyone can hear what is going on?

After hearing Chi Xing's words, Chi Ling on the opposite side snorted coldly, and then made a gesture of listening.

Prince Chixin saw this. No more nonsense, he spoke directly and said: Not long ago, the disciple I accepted died outside. Then I arranged for someone to investigate, and it turned out that he died in a new rising In the hands of mysterious forces.

Then I sent the Red Shadow Legion to kill this newly rising mysterious force. Unexpectedly, the Red Shadow Legion was destroyed at the hands of this newly rising mysterious force.

Not long after the Red Shadow Legion was destroyed, these raging god-level creatures happened to appear in the Red Cloud Empire. Do you think this is a coincidence?

I don't think so. I think this newly rising mysterious force is the source of the turmoil of these raging god-level creatures.

It's just to contain the power of our Red Cloud Empire so that I can't concentrate our efforts to avenge the Red Shadow Legion.

After Prince Chixin finished speaking, Chiling not only sneered, but also said in a funny voice: Prince Chixin, is this what you want to say? Don't you think it's a little too funny?

The death of a mere disciple of yours actually led to the mobilization of the Red Shadow Army. The funniest thing is that the Red Shadow Army perished in the hands of the other party.

And at this time, these raging god-level creatures that appear in the Chiyun Empire, do you think they are the hands and feet of that mysterious force?

I would like to ask Prince Chixin, do you want to use the power of all of us to help you destroy this mysterious force? If so, just say it directly, there is no need to be so round and round.

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