Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 254 The connection between the two

Why has Prince Chixin been looking at me? Is there something wrong with my face? Chiling noticed Prince Chixin's gaze and immediately spoke provocatively.

Prince Chixin couldn't help snorting coldly when he heard this: I think you are ugly.

After hearing Prince Chixin's words, Chiling's face not only sank slightly, but it was obvious that Prince Chixin's words made her quite unhappy.

Fortunately, at this time, the king of the Chiyun Empire spoke up and smoothed things over: Okay, Prince Chiling and Prince Chixin, I came to you this time mainly to discuss important matters.

You guys should stop having conflicts over these little things.

After hearing the words of the King of Chiyun Empire, Chi Ling and Chi Xin looked at each other, then snorted coldly at each other, turned their faces to the side, and stopped looking at each other.

King Chiyun Chixing glanced at the two of them, and then said aloud: I've called you all here this time. I believe everyone already knows why.

Yes, there are god-level creatures who dare to do evil in the territory of our Chiyun Empire.

I don't know who gave them the courage, but since the other party dares to do this, they must know the price of offending our Chiyun Empire.

If this matter is not resolved as soon as possible and spreads out, it will be a major blow to the prestige of our Chiyun Empire.

It may even cause other god-level creatures to follow suit, thinking that our Chiyun Empire is an existence that can be bullied at will.

Regarding this, I believe that not only me, but everyone here does not want to see it at all.

After all, the glory of the Chiyun Empire is the glory of all of us, and this glory cannot be violated.

After Chi Xing finished speaking, Chi Ling immediately echoed: Your Majesty the King, there is nothing wrong with your statement. I fully support it.

As for how to deal with these raging god-level creatures, I will always obey your orders from His Majesty the King.

After hearing Chi Ling's words, Chi Xing couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

He was not surprised by Chi Ling's attitude. After all, Chi Ling, as the leader of the royalist party, was quite respectful to him, the king.

So Akahoshi turned his attention to Prince Chixin next to him.

After his words fell, Prince Chixin remained silent and did not speak.

So he wanted to see what Prince Chixin's attitude was.

Speaking of which, although Prince Red Heart had always been quite at odds with him and the royalists, the other party had never hindered everyone in major matters of right and wrong.

He believed that the other party would have a suitable attitude in this matter.

Under the gaze of Chixing, almost a quarter of an hour passed before Prince Chixin finally spoke slowly: These god-level creatures who do not know whether to live or die, dare to offend the territory of our Chiyun Empire. It is indeed a crime. Unforgivable.

They must be eradicated with the fastest and most severe strikes, and all entities related to them must also be eradicated.

Only in this way can everyone see the power of our Chiyun Empire and our majesty that cannot be provoked.

Only in this way can we completely prevent this kind of thing from happening again from now on.

This matter is related to the glory of our Chiyun Empire, so naturally I fully support His Majesty the King.

I wonder what His Majesty the King plans to do here?

After hearing Prince Chixin's words, Chixing not only flashed his eyes slightly.

He could be regarded as hearing the underlying meaning of Prince Chixin's words.

Obviously, Prince Chixin is willing to assist him in handling this matter, but the royalists must make efforts and cannot leave this matter to Prince Chixin.

Otherwise, Prince Chixin would definitely not be happy.

After understanding the meaning of Prince Chixin's words, Chixing smiled slowly, and then said aloud: Well, I decided to send the commanders of the First Army and the Thirtieth Army and the personal guards before leaving. I wonder how Prince Chixin and Prince Chiling feel about encircling and suppressing these raging god-level creatures?

In the Chiyun Empire, there are a total of 30 numerically ranked legions.

They are the First Legion and the Thirtieth Legion.

As for those special legions given names, they are not included.

It is worth mentioning that this does not mean that the special legions given names are stronger than these legions named in numerical order.

In fact, the two sides are exactly the opposite. In terms of overall strength, these legions named in numerical order are not comparable to those special legions given names.

It can be said that these 30 numerically named legions are definitely the well-deserved ace legions of the Chiyun Empire.

Among these legions, the first legion to the fifteenth legion have been completely infiltrated by Prince Red Heart.

It can be said that these 15 legions are completely following the orders of Prince Red Heart.

The remaining 15 legions were firmly controlled by the royalists.

Among them, Chi Ling controls the largest number of legions, controlling the 20th to 30th legions.

Chi Xing's arrangement is undoubtedly to allow Chi Ling and Chi Xin to contribute at the same time.

After hearing Chi Xin's instructions, Chi Ling thought for a moment, then smiled and said: I have no objections here, Prince Chi Xin, what about your side?

After hearing Chi Ling's inquiry, Prince Chi Xin's eyes wandered back and forth on the faces of Chi Ling and Chi Xing, and then nodded slightly: Since there is no problem on your side, there will naturally be no problem on my side.

Then let me continue with the arrangement and let the First Army and the Third Division solve this troublesome matter.

After hearing that both of them agreed to his proposal, Akahoshi immediately nodded with a smile on his face, and then said, Okay, now that the matter is settled.

After you two return, please arrange this matter quickly.

After hearing Chi Xing's words, Chi Ling stood up first, and then said aloud: It's better to go sooner rather than later. I'll go back and start making arrangements.

After hearing Chi Ling's words, Prince Chi Xin nodded, indicating to Chi Ling that it was okay.

Chi Ling turned her head, her eyes lingered on Prince Chi Xin's face for a moment, and then she walked out of the living room in a leisurely manner.

After Chi Ling left, Prince Chi Xin stood up from his seat, nodded slightly to Chi Xing, and then turned around and left.

After rushing all the way back to Prince Chixin's Mansion, Prince Chixin immediately called a secret guard.

Then he spoke to the secret guard and ordered: You go to the First Legion and convey my instructions.

Let the commander of the first legion, along with the personal guards of the first legion, set out immediately to kill the few god-level creatures that are wreaking havoc in the territory of the Chiyun Empire.

After killing them, immediately investigate their details. After finding out, eliminate all the guys related to them without leaving any one behind.

In addition, the 30th Army Corps will also take action, and let the commander of the First Army Corps take action according to the situation.

After hearing Prince Chixin's instructions, the secret guard did not dare to hesitate and immediately saluted Prince Chixin, then turned and left here to convey Prince Chixin's instructions.

After the secret guard left, Prince Chixin sat on his throne, frowning deeply.

He always felt that something was wrong with this matter.

After all, such a thing has never happened in the Chiyun Empire for so many years.

There must be a reason for this sudden situation.

So what is the reason? It is very worth considering.

After pondering for a while, Prince Chixin still had no good inference.

So he immediately called another secret guard, and then asked aloud: Has the Red Shadow Legion returned?

After hearing Prince Scarlet Heart's inquiry, the secret guard immediately spoke out and replied: I haven't received any news from the Scarlet Shadow Legion. They haven't come back yet.

Upon hearing this, Prince Chixin frowned, and then said: According to the time inference, we should have turned back at this time. Could it be that I was addicted to killing in that territory, so I wasted more time? ?”

This possibility is not impossible, because Prince Chixin knows Chiying's mount Arudo quite well.

The other party is quite bloodthirsty and cruel, and it is entirely possible to waste more time on killing.

He did not consider whether there would be problems with the Red Shadow Legion. After all, he knew the strength of the Red Shadow Legion clearly.

If the other party has the power to crush the Red Shadow Legion, it is unlikely that the Red Cloud Empire will have any news.

Unless the other party is a force that has risen in a short period of time.

But if it is a force that rises in a short period of time, how can the opponent have the power to crush the adapted legion?

This in itself was a logical conflict, so Prince Chixin didn't think about it at all.

After pondering for a while, Prince Chixin slowly spoke up and said: Okay, I understand. You go down first. Once Chiying comes back, ask him to come see me immediately.

After hearing Prince Chixin's words, the secret guard did not dare to hesitate, and immediately nodded to Prince Chixin, and then retreated respectfully.

As for Prince Chixin and Prince Chiling, their orders were quickly conveyed to the First Army and the 30th Army.

After receiving the order, the commanders of the two legions immediately integrated the personal guards under their command and then began to set off.

Look for traces of those god-level creatures wreaking havoc in the Chiyun Empire.

They planned to kill it as soon as possible, but they soon discovered the seriousness of the problem.

That is, the speed of these two god-level creatures is too fast, and they are quite agile.

Every time they wanted to complete the encirclement and encircle and kill the two, the two were always able to escape from their encirclement in advance, making everything they did was in vain.

This situation lasted for a whole day.

Forced by helplessness, the First Army and the 30th Army could only temporarily withdraw their troops and return to the royal city. They reported the situation to Prince Chixin and Prince Chiling in the early stage and asked for support.

They finally discovered that with the strength of the two legions alone, it was really difficult to defeat these two raging god-level creatures.

At the same time, in Prince Chixin's palace, Prince Chixin looked quite ugly at this time.

Because not long ago, he asked the secret guard again whether Chi Ying had returned.

The news I got, naturally, I haven’t come back yet.

After such a long time, no matter what happened, it was time to come back.

But he didn't come back.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is that Chi Ying and the others all encountered something unexpected.

Apart from this possibility, Prince Chixin could not think of anything else.

But he really couldn't understand, how could a small force that he had never heard of threaten the Red Shadow Army?

But now Chiying and the others have indeed not come back. No matter how unbelievable it is, Prince Chixin can only conclude this way.

Speaking of which, it was because the life beads were too precious. Otherwise, if he prepared a life bead for Chi Ying, he would be able to confirm whether Chi Ying was alive or dead.

Taking a deep breath, Prince Chixin stood up, and then spoke to the secret guard in front of him: If Chiying and the others really encounter something unexpected, then the god-level gods who have been raging in the Chiyun Empire recently The creature is probably also the other party’s handiwork.”

“That way, we can contact them directly.”

I knew that this kind of situation had never happened in the Chiyun Empire for such a long time, but it happened just recently.

After taking a deep breath, Prince Chixin said: Since the other party was able to destroy the Red Shadow Army, it proves that they are quite powerful.

And it's not even a little bit powerful. Otherwise, it's impossible not even one of them could escape.

If that's the case, then it must be taken seriously.

After pondering for a moment, Prince Chixin slowly spoke out: Let the commanders of the Second and Third Legions and their personal guards immediately set off for that force and let them completely destroy the enemy.

After hearing the words of Prince Scarlet Heart, the secret guard immediately obeyed the order respectfully, and then prepared to leave to convey Prince Scarlet Heart's order.

However, before he could take two steps, he was immediately stopped again by Prince Chixin.

After Prince Chixin pondered for a moment, he then spoke up and said: That's all, just in case, let the Red Rabbit Legion go with their two legions.

After hearing the words of Prince Chixin, the secret guard couldn't help but feel a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Prince Chixin valued the other party so much.

However, as a secret guard, he did not dare to say anything. He immediately nodded in agreement, then turned around and left here.

After the secret guard left, Prince Chixin walked back to his seat and sat down.

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