Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 249 Inspecting the Territory

As Fang Xiao took action, Di Xiyang and the others also followed suit.

Suddenly, a large number of lightning, ice, jab, air and sand were densely packed and attacked the white wolf.

As Fang Xiao and the others launched their attack, the white wolf also made a move. He raised his head and roared at the sky.

The next moment, the moonlight in the starry sky suddenly became condensed, and then it was instantly projected on the white wolf.

And as the moonlight fell on the white wolf, the white wolf was seen to be emitting bright, pure white light.

The next moment, the white wolf waved its two claws, and suddenly a large number of moonlight slashes flew out, colliding with Fang Xiao's attacks.

However, although this white wolf is suspected to have a combat power bonus under the moonlight, it is still not enough to face so many attacks from Fang Xiao and the others.

Soon, these Crescent Slashes were defeated by Fang Xiao's attacks. Although the white wolf dodged in time, the aftermath of the attack still hit him, leaving considerable injuries.

Seeing that the battle situation was not good for him, the white wolf immediately moved around, and then used his speed advantage to pull Fang Xiao and the others away.

Seeing this, Fang Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Because in terms of speed, no one can be his opponent.

You know, all of his mounts can be blessed by his talent of moving like a cunning rabbit.

So Fang Xiao gently waved his hand and then said loudly: Yu Lei, let him see what real speed is.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Yu Lei and the others immediately began to flap their wings, quickly changed their position, and began to besiege the white wolf.

In an instant, the gap between the two sides was revealed.

Under the siege of Yu Yulei and the others, the white wolf had no room to move around at all, and was quickly attacked by dense attacks and hit continuously.

There are more and more injuries on the body.

And his counterattack, almost as soon as it was launched, was easily resolved by Yu Bing Yu Lei and the others, and it did not pose any threat at all.

Finally, the white wolf's injuries accumulated to a certain extent.

Then Fang Xiao saw the opportunity and slashed out with a huge sword energy, instantly hitting the white wolf's back.

The horrific injuries instantly left the white wolf without any resistance, and it collapsed heavily, creating a big hole in the ground.

Seeing that the white wolf was dying, Fang Xiao immediately waved his hand to Yu Lei and the others to stop.

Then he turned his head and looked at Di Xiyang aside, and then said to Di Xiyang: Go and get rid of him.

Now Fang Xiao's 10 mount positions are completely full.

There was only room for a mount under Di Xiyang's hand.

Therefore, this white wolf naturally needs to be contracted by Di Xiyang.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

Then he immediately jumped on the back of Yu Bing next to him, signaling Yu Bing to approach the white wolf.

Soon Yu Bing came to the top of the big hole made by the white wolf.

Di Xiyang jumped into the pit and began to use his professional skills to make a contract with the white wolf.

The contract process went quite smoothly because the white wolf had completely lost the ability to resist.

After the successful contract, Di Xiyang jumped out of the deep pit created by the white wolf, and finally returned to Yu Bing's back.

At this point, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang have all 10 mounts under their control.

Next, there is no need to worry about the mount for the time being.

The next main thing is to focus on the development of the territory and the expansion of the sub-territory.

You can put everything else aside for now.

Fang Xiao glanced around the valley below, then sat on Yu Lei's back, quietly waiting for the white wolf's reply.

When the white wolf was lying in the pit, he could see that the moonlight in the sky was rapidly converging on the other person visible to the naked eye.

And as the moonlight gathered, the injuries on the opponent's body were also healing quickly.

Obviously, the opponent's ability is related to the moonlight. As long as there is moonlight in the sky, the opponent's combat effectiveness can be greatly enhanced, and the recovery ability will also be greatly improved.

In less than half an hour, the white wolf stood up from the pit.

Then he looked up at Fang Xiao and blew out a puff of air from his nose. It was obvious that he had nothing to say now. After all, he had already been contracted and it was useless to say anything.

Fang Xiao was naturally too lazy to care about what he was thinking, and immediately spoke out and ordered: Okay, now jump on Yu Bing's back and follow me back to the territory.

After the white wolf jumped on Yu Bing's back, Fang Xiao let Di Xiyang come to him, then signaled Yu Lei to take the lead and started to return to the territory.

Because this place is relatively far away from the territory, it was not until the morning of the second day that Fang Xiao rushed back to the territory.

A simple arrangement was made for these new mounts, where they needed to be temporarily stationed.

Then Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang back to the lord's mansion and began to rest.

It wasn't until evening that Fang Xiao woke up again.

Arriving at the main hall in the front yard, Fang Xiao asked the guards here to inform Takeo to let him come over.

There was not a long wait in the main hall, and Wu Xiong walked in. After entering, he immediately saluted Fang Xiao.

Then he spoke out and said: I have met the lord, what does the lord want to see me for?

Fang Xiao looked at Takeo for a moment, and then said: Next, I plan to let you continue to search for territory that meets my requirements. The search range should be expanded by about 10 to 50 times.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Wu Xiong immediately nodded to indicate that he understood, and then said aloud: Yes, Lord, I understand.

I'm going to arrange for people to start working on this matter.

Wu Xiong never made any mistakes when doing things, so Fang Xiao was quite relieved about him.

So he immediately nodded and said loudly: Okay, go ahead and do it.

After Wu Xiong left, Fang Xiao asked the maid to cook some food for him.

After the food was ready, he called Di Xiyang over and the two of them ate some food together.

Immediately afterwards, he set off to look for Yu Lei, planning to go to the other two sub-territories to inspect them carefully to see if anything went wrong.

Fang Xiao was relatively relieved about Qian Ling and Bai Qing, but the inspections that needed to be done naturally still had to be done.

After all, if these sub-territories can be developed, the annual tax revenue alone can provide Dawn City with a large amount of funds and resources.

Fang Xiao set off first, heading to the territory under Qian Ling's jurisdiction.

After arriving at Chuzi's territory, Fang Xiao quickly saw Qian Ling who was busy.

I have met the lord and his wife. Qian Ling bowed to Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang respectively, and then said respectfully.

Fang Xiao waved his hand slightly, indicating that Qian Ling didn't need to be polite.

Then he asked aloud: These days, you are presiding over management affairs in the sub-territory. Do you think everything is okay?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Qian Ling immediately answered aloud: Reporting to the lord, everything is going very smoothly. I have arranged all the detailed positions here, and their performance is quite good.

If Lord, you also lack management talents, then I can take some of the staff here to help you.

Hearing what Qian Ling said, Fang Xiao was completely relieved.

It seems that Qian Ling's management work here during this period is indeed quite good.

So Fang Xiao stood up and said aloud: Since there is no problem, I'm relieved. Let's go. Next, you accompany me to go around this territory, and I will take a look at the living conditions of the residents here.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Qian Ling immediately nodded to indicate that he understood.

Then, accompanied by Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang, they began to wander around the territory.

Fang Xiao looked very carefully along the way.

The residents living here are currently in quite good condition.

Moreover, the various plans in the entire territory seem to be quite orderly.

At the same time, Fang Xiao went to the territory's market to check and found that it was also quite prosperous.

Fang Xiao was completely relieved. It seemed that his vision was not wrong. Qian Ling was indeed a very qualified manager.

After this inspection, there is no need for Fang Xiao to come here frequently in the future.

Just come and observe once in a while.

After completing a circle and returning to the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao said to Qian Ling: Qian Ling, you did a very good job. Although the population area of ​​this territory is not as large as that of Dawn City , but it’s a pretty huge territory, and it’s quite troublesome to manage.”

You can manage this place in an orderly manner, which can fully highlight your abilities. It seems that I did not choose the wrong person at all. Next, you continue to work hard. I hope you can develop this territory better and let him Have a brighter future.”

At the end of each month from now on, I plan to let you sub-territory managers make a comparison. Whose territory development and management is better at that time, then I will have additional rewards.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Qian Ling's eyes immediately brightened up. Although he didn't know what the extra reward Fang Xiao mentioned was, judging from Fang Xiao's usual behavior, it was definitely a pretty generous reward.

Even a powerful job transfer order that can directly enhance their own strength is entirely possible.

Therefore, Qian Ling immediately bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao, and then said aloud: Please rest assured, leader, I will definitely develop this place better and make it more prosperous.

Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, then stood up, pulled Di Xiyang, and walked towards the outside of the lord's mansion: Okay. Then Xiyang and I will leave first to go somewhere else.

You don't need to send us away, just manage this place well.

After saying goodbye to Qian Ling, Fang Xiao quickly found Yu Lei who was waiting.

Then he jumped onto Yu Lei's back with Di Xi Yang, signaling Yu Lei to leave for the territory managed by Bai Qing.

Yu Lei's speed was quite fast, and it didn't take him too long to reach the territory where Bai Qing was.

Soon, Fang Xiao found Bai Qing who was also busy in the lord's mansion.

After Bai Qing saw Fang Xiao, he immediately stopped what he was doing, and then quickly saluted Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao stretched out his hand to lift Bai Qing up, indicating that he didn't need to be polite, and then said aloud: Bai Qing, you and I don't have to be so open-minded. You are the first group of old people to follow me, and you are also the one I trust the most. A group of people.

When you see me in the future, you only need to give a small gift. This kind of big gift is not necessary.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Bai Qing immediately said with emotion on his face: Thank you, Lord.

Fang Xiao smiled softly and then motioned for Bai Qing to take a seat.

After sitting down, Fang Xiao looked at Bai Qing's body, and then said: During this period, you have been managing all aspects of affairs in this territory. Do you think it is quite easy?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Bai Qing immediately spoke up and said: Lord, I can't say it's easy, but all the management work is quite smooth.

At present, the development of all aspects of the territory is quite orderly. You can follow me to inspect various parts of the territory. I believe you will be satisfied.

After hearing Bai Qing's words, Fang Xiao smiled softly, then stood up and said: Okay, since you said so, I will follow you to see how your management work is going. .”

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Bai Qing didn't say anything more. He slightly arched his hand towards Fang Xiao and then led the way, leading Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang towards the outside of the lord's mansion.

After walking out of the lord's mansion, Bai Qing took the lead and began to patrol the entire territory with Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang.

Fang Xiao followed Bai Qing, carefully observing all aspects of the territory.

It can be found that it is indeed as Bai Qing said.

The smiles can be seen on the faces of the people living here.

And after they saw Bai Qing, they would take the initiative to greet Bai Qing respectfully.

The architectural arrangements in the territory are also quite orderly and well planned.

After a round of inspection, Fang Xiao was quite satisfied.

Although the overall development of this sub-territory is temporarily not as good as that of the sub-territory managed by Qian Ling, the future development prospects are actually better than Qian Ling's.

It can be seen from this that Bai Qing is better than Qian Ling in terms of management ability.

Fang Xiao immediately stopped and said to Bai Qing next to him: Okay, it's very good.

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