This inspection was quite beyond Fang Xiao's expectations.

Although Fang Xiao was quite confident about Qian Ling and Bai Qing, after all, they had no experience as lords before.

In Dawn City, he mainly assists Huang Yunjie in handling various matters.

Fang Xiao believes that it will take at least a long time for them to adapt to the role of managers before they can do a good job in all aspects.

However, the facts now proved to him that Qian Ling and Bai Qing's adaptability were quite amazing.

It only takes a short time to adapt to the role of a manager easily and arrange all the work in an orderly manner, which is quite good.

It seemed that my previous worries were completely unnecessary.

Then Fang Xiao spoke to Bai Qing and said, Okay, let's stop here. You continue to work on the affairs here, and I will leave first.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Bai Qing immediately bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao, and then said aloud: Yes, Lord, please rest assured, I will definitely develop this territory step by step in a down-to-earth manner. It’s getting better and better, and there will definitely be no mistakes.”

I guarantee you won't have any unnecessary worries.

Fang Xiao reached out and patted Bai Qing's shoulder, encouraging him, and then led Di Xiyang to find Yu Lei who was staying.

Then he jumped on Yulei's back, left here, and headed back to Dawn City.

Next, there is basically nothing to do.

Now we are waiting for Takeo's exploration team to send intelligence information.

If there is a suitable player's territory, then, when the time comes, set out to conquer it and develop it into your own sub-territory.

In addition, you can also look for some god-level creatures to attack, and after killing them, see if you can get some god-level job transfer orders.

If a god-level job transfer order could be obtained, it would undoubtedly be quite profitable for Fang Xiao.

Of course, there is no need to rush these things at the moment and you can take your time.

At this time, in the royal city of the Chiyun Empire.

A flying mount quickly passed over the royal city, and finally entered the palace of Prince Chixin in the royal city.

In the royal city of the Chiyun Empire, only two forces are qualified to pass directly above.

One is the royal family of the Chiyun Empire, and the other is the powerful Prince Chixin of the Chiyun Empire.

This man riding a flying mount was wearing a black robe, and on the back of the black robe was printed the family emblem of Prince Chixin's Palace.

If you look carefully, you can find that the mounts the other party rides also have the family emblem of Prince Chixin's Palace on the saddles.

A man in black robes jumped off his mount, immediately stopped moving and hurried towards the depths of Prince Chixin's palace.

Wherever he walked, no one stopped him at all. It was obvious that his status was extremely special.

It didn't take long for the man to arrive in front of a large hall. He didn't rush in, but knelt directly in front of the door.

Then he spoke out and said: Greetings to Prince Chixin, I already have news about the matter you asked me to investigate.

As the black-robed man's voice fell, a rich male voice suddenly came from inside: Come in.

After hearing this male voice, the man in black robe dared to stand up, then opened the door and walked in.

In the main hall, there was a middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous robe, sitting on the throne above.

When the man in black robe walked in, his eyes that were originally closed slowly opened.

Greetings to Prince Chixin. When he saw the other party opening his eyes, the man in black robe immediately knelt down again with great respect and saluted him.

Prince Chixin looked at the man in black robes for a while, and then slowly said: Get up and tell me all the information you investigated.

After hearing the words of Prince Chixin, the man in black robe did not dare to hesitate, stood up immediately, and then said aloud: If nothing happens, your disciple should have died in a newly rising force near the environmental forest. in the hands.

After I investigated the traces, I immediately investigated the nearby forces, and combined the information based on various clues, I can basically infer that this newly emerged strength is quite extraordinary.

It can be said that it is very worthy of attention.

After hearing the words of the man in black robe, Prince Chixin not only raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then he slowly said aloud: For the secret guard to comment like this, it seems that the other party is indeed extraordinary.

However, no matter how powerful the other party is, or how great its potential is, if it offends our Chiyun Empire, the only result will be its destruction.

Gao Yun...

He is the only disciple I have accepted in the past few years, and he is also the disciple I value most. His potential is not much worse than mine.

I was completely training him as the next leader of the secret guards, but I didn't expect that he would never come back when he went out to do a personal thing this time.

Damn it. I don't care what happens to this force. If you dare to kill my disciple, then he must be buried with my disciple.

After the words fell, Prince Chixin stood up from the throne, then took steps and walked to the man in black robe.

Then he slowly said: Go and convey my order, let Red Shadow take the bodyguards of the Red Shadow Legion, and set off for me to where that force is, and destroy all that force for me, leaving no one alive. .”

From now on, I don't want to hear any news about that force. I don't want anyone from that force to live in this world from now on.

After hearing the words of Prince Red Heart, the man in black robe couldn't help but trembled.

The Red Shadow Legion is one of the ace legions under Prince Red Heart.

Chiying is the nephew of Prince Chixin.

The personal guards of the Scarlet Shadow Legion are all of god-level strength.

One can imagine how angry Prince Chixin was at the death of his beloved disciple.

In fact, this man in black robe was quite intolerant in his heart. After all, according to his investigation, that force had regained many people from other forces.

The population of the territory is quite large. Now that Prince Chixin issues such an order, it will undoubtedly affect innocent people.

It will cause countless innocent people to die under this order.

After all, Chiying is absolutely obedient to the orders of Prince Chixin. If Prince Chixin gives the order not to leave anyone alive, then Chiying will not leave anyone alive.

This is absolutely certain.

But as the secret guard of Prince Scarlet Heart, he naturally has no qualifications to refute Prince Scarlet Heart's orders.

The only thing he can do is convey orders and obey them.

Therefore, although he couldn't bear it in his heart, he immediately stood up and replied loudly: Yes, Prince, I understand. I will go and convey your instructions to Lord Red Shadow.

After the words fell, the secret guard took steps and left here quickly.

After the secret guard left, Prince Chixin narrowed his eyes slightly, then took steps and walked back to his throne.

Then he took a deep breath, took a small wooden box from the side, and opened the wooden box gently.

I saw a crystal clear bead in the wooden box, and there were some vein-like lines above the bead.

At this time, the bead was completely shattered.

This bead is called the Life Bead, and it can be bound to a person. After binding, if the bound person dies in an accident, the Life Bead will be instantly shattered.

This kind of life orb is quite rare. Even Prince Chixin doesn't have many in his hands.

After accepting this disciple, Prince Chixin had high hopes for this disciple.

As he just said, he completely regarded the other party as the future leader of the secret guard for training.

The Secret Guard is the core organization under Prince Red Heart and the organization he trusts most.

His status is far beyond what other people under him can compare with.

In this way, it goes without saying how important the position of the secret guard leader is.

So when the other party told Prince Chixin that he had some private matters and needed to temporarily leave Chiyun King City to deal with it, Prince Chixin took out this treasure.

Prevent any accidents from happening to the other party.

This was originally the action of Prince Chixin.

Just in case.

After all, the other party is also a god-level existence, and in times of crisis, they can bring out their Chiyun Empire, a trump card with a profound background.

No matter how you think about it, it is unlikely that there will be a life crisis.

In the end, who would have thought that he would actually have a life crisis and die completely like that.

The high hopes placed by Prince Red Heart were completely shattered.

One can imagine how angry Prince Chixin was.

After the other party's life orb was shattered, Prince Chixin did not hesitate at all and immediately sent out the most capable person among the secret guards who was good at collecting intelligence, and arranged for the other party to go and investigate the cause of death of his beloved disciple.

The other party did not disappoint Prince Chixin. It only took less than a week to successfully collect the true cause of death of his disciple.

In this regard, Prince Chixin will naturally not let the other party go.

At this time, after the secret guard left, he immediately rode his mount and flew all the way to the headquarters of the Red Shadow Legion.

Relying on his identity as a secret guard, he easily met Chi Ying, the commander of the Red Shadow Legion.

I have met Lord Chiying. After arriving in front of Chiying, the secret guard immediately bowed respectfully.

Not only is Chi Ying powerful and in charge of the Red Shadow Legion, he is also the nephew of Prince Chi Xin. Even though he is a secret guard, he does not dare to show any disrespect to Chi Ying.

Chi Ying glanced at the secret guard, and then said slowly: If you have anything to say, just tell me.

The secret guard did not dare to hesitate and immediately conveyed his investigation and the instructions of Prince Red Heart.

After hearing the words of the secret guard, Chi Ying did not hesitate at all and agreed almost without thinking: Okay, I understand, don't worry, I will lead the personal guards and set off immediately.

It will completely destroy the opponent's power in the shortest possible time.

When the time comes, I will personally go to Prince Chixin's Mansion to deliver the mission.

After hearing Chi Ying's words, the secret guard said nothing more and immediately turned around and left.

After waiting for the other party to leave, Chiying picked up the wine next to him and took a sip. After pondering for a while, he drank the wine in one gulp.

Then he stood up and walked outside.

Go and ask all the Guards to gather here immediately.

After hearing Chi Ying's words, the soldiers next to him did not dare to hesitate and immediately left the place.

It didn't take long. 10 men wearing red armor came here quickly.

Then he bowed respectfully to Chiying: I've met Master Chiying.

Chi Ying's eyes swept over them, and finally he said slowly: Prince Chi Xin conveyed the order and asked me to take you to destroy a force.

No need to say any more nonsense, let's set off immediately and get this matter over with as soon as possible so that I can go to Prince Chixin's Mansion for recovery.

After hearing Chi Ying's words, these members of the Guards nodded immediately, and then blew their whistles respectively.

The next moment, I saw many huge griffins flying out from the distance, flying towards this side quickly.

These griffins came and hovered in front of the members of the personal guards, and the members of the personal guards did not hesitate, and immediately charged up and jumped directly on top of the griffins.

Chi Ying glanced at these members of the personal guard and the gryphons beneath them, and then turned his gaze in one direction.

Then he shouted loudly: Arudo.

As Chi Ying's words fell, a figure was seen flying over quickly from a distance.

Then he stopped in front of Chi Ying.

This is a strange creature that looks like a horse, but has a red body and a pair of blood-red wings.

Arudo is the name of this strange creature.

It is also a god-level creature in itself, and it is also Red Shadow's current combat partner.

After Arudo stopped, he snorted immediately, and then slowly spoke, a charming female voice appeared: I said Chiying, can't you just let me rest? What are you going to do today?

After hearing Arudo's words, Chiying took direct steps and rode on Arudo without saying a word.

Then he said slowly: Prince Chixin personally arranged for the secret guards to come over and convey the order for us to set off to destroy a power territory.

After hearing Chi Ying's words, Arudo immediately raised his horse's hooves excitedly, and then said in a very charming female voice: I'm almost bored to death, and finally something can make me mention it. Interesting things.

Only things like killing people can excite me.

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