Fang Xiao turned his head, looked at the five bees on the side, and then asked aloud: Are you sure this is here?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, the five bee creatures nodded immediately, and then Miyi spoke up and said: Yes, he is deep in the swamp.

After hearing Mi Yi's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then signaled Yu Lei to continue rushing inside.

As we continued deeper into the swamp, we saw more and more dark trees.

A large number of spider webs were spread all over these trees. Finally, an extremely huge spider web covering dozens of trees came into view.

Fang Xiao also found his goal this time.

That's a spider at the very center of its web.

This spider is all black and has a human head. It looks quite scary.

Fang Xiao, on the other hand, naturally saw the other party's information panel from his body.

The other party is a god-level one-star existence.

Obviously, it is the creature that the 5 bees were talking about.

Sure enough, when Fang Xiao turned his head and walked in the direction of the five bees next to him.

The five bees immediately nodded to Fang Xiao.

Obviously, this was to tell Fang Xiao that this spider was their target.

At this time, the spider also discovered Fang Xiao and his group flying in the sky.

There was a hint of vigilance in his eyes, and then he said aloud: Are you five guys? Why are you bringing people to my territory?

Obviously, this spider had dealt with the five bees under Fang Xiao in the past.

The five bees did not answer the spider's question because Fang Xiao was their master now.

Naturally, they had no need to answer the other party's question.

After Fang Xiao looked at the spider for a while, he slowly said, You don't need to ask the five of them, because all five of them are now my mounts.

Now I am bringing them to look for you. I believe you already know my purpose.

Now I will give you two choices, either surrender to me directly now, or I will beat you until you surrender.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the spider's face revealed a vicious look.

Then he opened his mouth, and a large amount of spider silk spurted out, directly sealing all areas.

Immediately afterwards, the spider spoke out and said: If you want me to surrender, let's see if you have the ability first.

After hearing the other party's words, Fang Xiao not only raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that there is no shortage of soft bones among these god-level creatures, but there is also no shortage of hard bones.

That's good, now I can have some fun.

The next moment, the blood-drinking sword in the lord's warehouse appeared in Fang Xiao's hand.

Then Fang Xiao swung his sword fiercely, and suddenly a huge sword energy flew towards the place where the spider was, flying quickly.

The huge sword energy broke through more than a dozen spider webs one after another before stopping.

As Fang Xiao took action, Di Xiyang next to him also took action quickly.

Suddenly, a large amount of golden fist energy hit those spider webs fiercely.

However, what surprised Fang Xiao was that these golden fist energy often only broke through the protection of one layer of spider webs, and then were directly bounced back by the next spider web.

At the same time, Yu Bing Yu Lei and the others also launched an attack.

A large number of icicles, ice spikes and thunder and lightning also began to clash with the dense spider webs.

The five bees next to them also took action directly.

A large amount of wind and sand filled the air, and then spread quickly.

Soon, Fang Xiao noticed some problems through observation.

That is similar to the attacks of Yu Bing Yu Lei and Fang Xiao. Because they are relatively concentrated, they are often able to break through the protection of the spider web.

However, Di Xiyang's attacks are relatively scattered, and some of them will always be bounced back by these spider webs.

At this time, Di Xiyang and the others apparently discovered this situation.

So they immediately changed their offensive methods.

I saw that compared to Ji Xiyang's random punches before, every punch now began to accumulate force. Every punch he punched was extremely huge and extremely solid.

After colliding with those spider webs, it instantly broke through the protection of more than a dozen spider webs before disappearing, and was not bounced back again.

And after grasping this situation.

The crowd's attacks instantly became more frequent and intensive.

But what made Fang Xiao frown slightly was that this spider weaved its web very quickly.

The fast speed of weaving the web undoubtedly represents the opponent's defense ability, which is quite powerful.

Facing the attack from Fang Xiao and his group, he was not at a disadvantage in a short period of time.

No wonder the other party is so arrogant, he does have the ability to be arrogant.

However, the strength brought by the defensive ability is that the opponent's attack ability is not very strong.

During the defense, the opponent tried to spit out venom several times.

However, the power of these venoms was not strong, and they were easily defeated by Fang Xiao and the others.

In other words, the spider in front of him is a guy with weak offensive ability and strong defensive ability.

Facing this kind of existence, Fang Xiao really felt quite disgusted.

But it's just disgusting. If the other party consumes Fang Xiao and the others like this, it will definitely not be possible for them to consume more.

After all, there is only one of them, and there are quite a lot of them on Fang Xiao's side.

In fact, if Fang Xiao had a god-level existence with fire attributes, it would be much easier during the fight.

After all, most of the opponent's spider webs are weak to fire.

It's just that whether it's Huo Miaoyan, Red Fox or Fire Fox, they all have their own things to do in the territory, and it's really difficult to bring them over.

Of course, not bringing them here is just a little troublesome. Overall, the impact is not big. At most, it is a waste of more time.

Fang Xiao naturally had enough time. As both sides continued to attack and defend, the spider began to be at a disadvantage.

Because the speed of its network is getting slower and slower, it is obvious that this kind of high-speed web defense is also very expensive for him.

As for Fang Xiao, the situation is quite stable.

After all, there were so many on Fang Xiao's side, and every attack he launched required the spider to weave dozens of times as many spider webs as defense.

Their consumption is definitely incomparable to that spider.

The two sides continued fighting like this for nearly an hour. Finally, the speed at which the spider weaved its web could no longer make up for the lost speed.

Fang Xiao saw the opportunity in an instant, and the sword energy struck him hard, leaving a huge wound on the other person's body.

And the injury Fang Xiao caused to the opponent was like an introduction.

Immediately afterwards, more and more defensive loopholes were created by this spider. Yu Bing Yu Lei and the others also seized the opportunity and continued to leave a large number of injuries on their bodies.

Soon, the spider couldn't hold on anymore, was severely injured by Fang Xiao and the others, and then fell hard onto a tree.

There is no ability to fight back at all.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he immediately asked the others to stop, and then he quickly approached on Yu Lei.

After getting closer, Fang Xiao immediately used his contract skills and successfully contracted the other party.

At this point, all they need to do is let Di Xiyang contract a one-star god-level creature, and the mount slots for the two of them are completely filled.

You don't have to worry about this anymore.

Fang Xiao glanced at the dying spider and didn't bother to care about it.

After all, it can be seen from the mounts that have been conquered before that these god-level one-star creatures have extremely strong resilience.

Don't worry about them, just let them rest for a while, and they will soon be able to regain their mobility.

Fang Xiao turned his attention to the five bees on the side, and then spoke out and ordered: When he recovers his ability to move, you will take me to another place, the next god-level one-star creature that is relatively close to this place. There.

The other location mentioned by these five bees is relatively close to here.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, the five bees looked at each other, and then Miyi immediately said: Okay master.

After hearing Mi Yi's reply, Fang Xiao said nothing more and began to sit on Yu Lei's body and quietly wait for the spider's reply.

To Fang Xiao's surprise, this spider not only had extremely strong defense capabilities, but also had extremely strong recovery capabilities.

After only waiting on Yu Lei's body for about half an hour, the spider had completely recovered its ability to move.

Fang Xiao's eyes stayed on the spider for a moment, and then he said, Okay, from now on, you are my exclusive mount, so follow me.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao let Di Xiyang come to his side, and then pointed at Yu Bing next to him.

He signaled the spider to jump onto Yu Bing's back.

The size of this spider is not very large, at least compared to Yu Bing's size, it is not worth mentioning.

So there was no problem at all in letting Yu Bing carry him.

After the spider jumped on Yu Bing's back, Fang Xiao waved and then said: Okay, now Miyi and you five will take the lead. We will leave immediately for the next location.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Miyi nodded immediately, and then quickly flew forward with the other bees.

Fang Xiao asked Yu Bing and Yu Lei to follow closely behind.

After the sky became completely dark, Yu Bing Yu Lei finally slowed down.

Because the five bees in front have stopped.

After Yu Bing Yu Lei approached, Fang Xiao immediately asked Mi Yi: Mi Yi, have you arrived at the location?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Miyi immediately replied: As long as you climb over the mountain peak in front, you can reach it.

The other party is in the valley on the other side of the mountain.

After hearing Mi Yi's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then signaled Yu Lei to fly directly over the mountain peak.

Soon, Fang Xiao flew over the mountain with a group of mounts and came to the other side of the mountain.

Sure enough, there was a huge valley on the other side.

There were many fluorescent trees growing in the valley. Although the sky was completely dark at this time, the entire valley looked as bright as day against the backdrop of these fluorescent trees.

With these lights, Fang Xiao could clearly see that there were a large number of snow-white wolves in this valley.

In addition to the white hair on their bodies, these wolves all have a pair of pure white wings growing on their backs.

It seems that they can all fly.

Soon, a white wolf about ten meters long in the center of the valley attracted Fang Xiao's attention.

There is a high platform about 20 meters high in the center of the valley. On this high platform, the white wolf, which is more than ten meters long, is lying on it.

At this time, he raised his head and looked up at the dark night in the sky.

The appearance of Fang Xiao and the others immediately attracted the other party's attention.

Before Fang Xiao and the others could get closer, the white wolf, which was more than ten meters long, instantly vibrated the wings on its back, quickly flew into the sky, and came to the opposite side of Fang Xiao and the others.

After hovering to a stop, the pure white white wolf immediately asked Fang Xiao: What do you mean by coming here?

Fang Xiao looked at the white wolf, not only his eyes were quite satisfied.

The other party's appearance is indeed quite good, very beautiful.

As a mount, it is indeed a very good choice.

So Fang Xiao didn't mince words and answered directly: We are here this time. The reason is very simple. We want you to be a mount.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the white wolf not only widened its eyes, but then grinned with a ferocious look.

Are you guys insulting me? It is impossible for our proud wolf clan to become someone else's mount.

After hearing what the other party said, Yu Lei not only sneered loudly: Tsk, you proud wolf clan, can you please stop making me laugh?

After hearing Yu Lei's words, the white wolf not only narrowed his eyes, but also looked dangerously at Yu Lei with a fierce gaze, and then said: Zhao Feo Bird, what are you talking about?

After hearing Bai Lang's words, Yu Lei was immediately furious, and then he said in a deep voice: You bastard wolf, who are you calling a bastard bird? What a damn guy.

Before the white wolf could reply, Fang Xiao immediately interrupted the conversation between the two parties and asked directly: I just ask you, will you surrender? If you don't surrender, I will take action. ”

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the white wolf grinned and said, Stop wishful thinking here. The proud wolf tribe will not surrender.

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Xiao didn't bother to talk nonsense to the other party. He directly took out his blood-drinking sword and slashed it out.

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