Fang Xiao's eyes stayed on Red Fox and Fire Fox for a moment.

Then he nodded slightly and spoke slowly: No need to be polite, I'm here to see you two now because there are some things that you two need to do.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Red Fox and Fire Fox looked at each other, and then they both lowered their eyebrows and said to Fang Xiao, Master, please do as you please.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then pointed his finger at Huang Yunjie next to him, and then spoke out and ordered: In the next period of time, you two will follow him, obey his orders, and help him with various things in the territory.

The main thing is to make use of your two wood attribute abilities. I believe it's nothing to you two.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Red Fox and Fire Fox glanced at Huang Yunjie next to them, then nodded slightly, agreeing.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he didn't say anything, turned around, stretched out his hand and patted Huang Yunjie's shoulder.

Then he spoke to Huang Yunjie and said, After that, the two of them will be temporarily left to your command.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yuanjie immediately nodded excitedly, and then said aloud: Please rest assured, Lord, I will definitely not disappoint Your Lord's expectations.

You know, these are two god-level creatures, and now Fang Xiao has full authority to command them.

It goes without saying that he was moved and excited.

After hearing Huang Yunjie's words, Fang Xiao couldn't help but smile softly, and then reached out to pat Huang Yunjie's shoulder again.

Then he spoke out and said: I have always been very at ease with you when doing things, and you have never let me down, so there is no need to say more like this in the future.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yunjie immediately saluted Fang Xiao, and then quickly responded: Yes, Lord.

Fang Xiao didn't say anything more. After letting Red Fox and Fire Fox follow Huang Yunjie, Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang to look for the five bees.

After arriving at the habitat of the five bees, I saw them perching on a piece of grass. When they saw Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang approaching, they immediately flew up and greeted them.

After arriving in front of Fang Xiao, Mi Yi was the first to speak out: I wonder why you came to see us?

After hearing Mi Yi's inquiry, Fang Xiao glanced at him, and then slowly said: It's very simple, I still have three magical one-star creatures as mounts, so can you give them to me? Provide three messages?”

Specify the location of three god-level one-star creatures?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Mi Yi and several other bees looked at each other.

Then Miyi spoke up and said: We can indeed provide relevant information, but there are only two pieces, and there is really no third piece.

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said aloud: Two are fine, come and tell me first.

Fang Xiao has not asked Earth Centipede yet. Judging from Earth Centipede's situation, he should still have information about god-level one-star creatures.

So these five bees have two messages here, which is actually enough.

After all, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang can only contract 10 god-level one-star creatures respectively. If there are more, they will not be able to contract. At most, they will kill each other to see if they can reveal the corresponding job transfer order. .

But in this regard, there is no rush for the time being.

First of all, gathering 20 mounts is the most important thing.

After listening to Fang Xiao's words, Mi Yi immediately spoke up and said: The two god-level one-star creatures we know are located far away from the desert where we were originally.

If we set off from the territory, it will still take a lot of time. Because they are far apart, we can't describe the detailed coordinates.

But we can take you directly there, Master.

After hearing Mi Yi's words, Fang Xiao pondered for a moment, and then responded: You guys stay here for now, I will come look for you later.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang away from here temporarily and rushed towards the place where the Earth Centipede was.

Since the two god-level creatures known to these five bees are very far away.

Then, you can consider asking about the situation at Earth Centipede first.

If the soil centipede is relatively close, then start with the soil centipede first.

Finally, let’s deal with the two god-level one-star creatures provided by these five bees.

Not long after, Fang Xiao brought Di Xiyang to the location of the Earth Centipede.

As soon as I arrived here, the earth centipede came out of a hole in the ground.

With a flattering voice, he spoke to Fang Xiao and said, Master, why did you come to see me? Do you want to attack a new god-level creature?

Hearing Earth Centipede's words, Fang Xiao immediately understood.

The other party must have information about other god-level one-star creatures.

That's why he talked to himself like this after he rushed over.

Fang Xiao nodded immediately, and then answered aloud: Yes, there are still three god-level one-star creatures left, so I plan to completely resolve this matter in the next two days.

How many coordinates of one-star god-level creatures do you have over there? Are they far away?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Earth Centipede immediately spoke up and said: Master, I have the coordinates of two god-level one-star creatures here. One of them is not too far away from here, and the other one is quite far away. far away.

You may consider attacking the one-star god-level creature nearby first.

After hearing what Earth Centipede said, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said: Okay, let's do it. You wait here for a while, I'll call Yu Bing Yu Lei and the others.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Earth Centipede nodded, indicating that he understood, and quietly stayed where he was and waited.

Fang Xiao said nothing more and immediately set off to return to the territory, and then went to where Yu Bing and Yu Lei were stationed.

After finding them, Fang Xiao immediately spoke to Yu Lei and said: I plan to follow Earth Centipede to recover a new mount, and if I do this, I will take you two with me.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Yu Lei immediately answered: No problem, Master.

Fang Xiao nodded lightly and said nothing more. Then he took Yu Bing and Yu Lei to find the five bees, and then asked them to follow him.

As for Bing Jing and Bing Xue, Fang Xiao did not plan to take them with him this time, and just let them stay in the lord's mansion to protect the safety of the territory.

After arriving all the way to where the Earth Centipede was, Fang Xiao then signaled the Earth Centipede to lead the way.

After the Earth Centipede set off, Fang Xiao immediately jumped on Yu Lei's body, and then motioned for Yu Lei and the others to follow.

When the Earth Centipede stopped, a crescent-shaped lake appeared in front of it.

Fang Xiao immediately signaled Yu Lei to lower his height and came to the top of the earth centipede that emerged.

Then Fang Xiao asked the earth centipede with its head exposed: Is the other party in the crescent-shaped lake in front?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Earth Centipede immediately nodded, and then replied: Yes, Master, the other party lives in that lake.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then replied loudly: Okay, let's do it directly and force the other party out of this lake.

With Fang Xiao's current strength, they can directly level this set of lakes without any problems, so there is no need to worry about the opponent hiding in the lake and not coming out.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao immediately took out the Blood Drinking Knife in his hand, and then motioned to Yu Lei, Yu Bing and five bees to follow him and fly to the top of the lake.

Immediately afterwards, a huge sword energy struck hard towards the lake below.

After the huge sword energy touched the water surface, it split the water surface into two instantly, and the terrifying sword energy immediately approached the bottom of the lake.

And just when this huge sword energy was about to approach the bottom of the lake, a huge stream of water spurted out from underneath, instantly colliding with the huge sword energy.

The huge sword energy was shattered into pieces by the collision, and the water column also dissipated at the same time.

At the same time, the god-level one-star creature underneath also revealed his true appearance.

This is a being that looks like a crocodile, but his whole body is covered with a layer of light blue scales, and there are two coral horns growing on his forehead, which looks quite aesthetic.

His eyes glanced over Fang Xiao and others above, with a hint of fear flashing in his eyes.

Then he spoke out and said: I don't seem to know you, and I don't have any conflicts with you, right? Why did you come here and suddenly attack me?

At this moment, the earth centipede emerged from the soil next to it, and then asked the crocodile that surfaced: Hey, brother, do you still remember me?

After hearing the Earth Centipede's words, the crocodile immediately turned its gaze. When it saw the Earth Centipede's figure, a dangerous look flashed in its eyes.

It's you, why didn't I beat you badly enough? Now you dare to come here... When he said this, the crocodile suddenly paused for a moment.

Then there was a look of panic in his eyes: Could it be that you found all of these?

After hearing what the crocodile said, the Earth Centipede not only smiled wildly, but then said: Congratulations on your correct answer, but there is no reward.

After hearing the Earth Centipede's words, the crocodile not only shrank its head, but it was obvious that it had begun to feel fear in its heart.

Fang Xiao glanced at the crocodile, and then said aloud: Now I give you two choices, or you can be contracted by me and become my mount.

Either I lead them to have a good fight with you, and then force a contract after I severely injure you. Now I will give you 30 seconds to think about it. If you don't give me a reply within 30 seconds, then I will directly Take action.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao stared at the crocodile, quietly waiting for the other party's answer.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the crocodile's eyes were full of struggle.

Obviously, he didn't want to be let go of the direct contract, but he knew very well that facing Fang Xiao's lineup, he had no power to resist at all.

If he really disagrees, then Fang Xiao will definitely keep his word.

Beat him seriously and then force him into a contract.

Although the lake he is in is very large, for so many god-level beings, it is not a problem at all to subvert it.

And once his lake is overturned, it will be directly exposed to the land. Not only will he have no advantage at all, but he will also directly fall into a disadvantage.

Faced with the siege of so many god-level beings, it is obvious what the outcome will be.

Finally, after struggling for about 20 seconds, the crocodile slowly answered loudly: If you don't fight, I surrender.

After hearing the other party's words, Fang Xiao not only showed a smile on his face, but then said aloud: You are more sensible, so you will be spared a lot of physical pain today.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao gestured to Yu Lei and asked Yu Lei to come closer.

Soon, Yu Lei flapped his wings and landed on the crocodile's head. Fang Xiao didn't say anything and directly started to make a contract with the other party.

Since the other party did not resist, the contract process went smoothly and the contract was successful soon.

Next, it only takes two people, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang, to contract a god-level one-star creature, and then the mount slots under their hands will be completely filled.

It can be regarded as reaching the upper limit of the strength that he can currently improve.

So Fang Xiao turned his attention to the earth centipede below and the five bees beside it.

Then Fang Xiao asked them aloud: Tell me the traces of the god-level one-star creatures you know, and see who is closer to here.

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, the five bees and the earth centipede immediately told them the location they knew.

After some comparison, Fang Xiao was immediately sure.

Five bees took the lead and set off to one of the places they mentioned, because it was the closest to here in comparison.

Because there were only the last two god-level one-star creatures left, Fang Xiao did not plan to leave and return to the lord's mansion today.

It is not too late to complete the contract with these last two god-level one-star creatures first, and then set off and turn back.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, the five bees did not dare to hesitate and immediately took the lead and flew towards the southwest.

Fang Xiao rode on Yu Lei's body, and then asked Yu Lei to follow him.

It wasn't until the afternoon that everyone finally arrived at the place mentioned by the five bees.

This location is a very smelly swamp.

There are a lot of poisons in the swamp.

There are also some black trees growing among them, which look particularly gloomy.

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