Seeing the blood-drinking sword revealed in Fang Xiao's hand, the two fire foxes showed a look of hesitation on their faces.

Obviously, they knew very well that they were no match for Fang Xiao and the others.

After all, in the past, although the two of them had not had any conflicts with the five bee creatures.

However, if analyzed based on the occasional contact, no matter which one of these five bee creatures they are, they will not be much weaker than the two of them in single combat power.

So if there is a battle, I am afraid of these 5 bee creatures, they are no match at all.

Not to mention Fang Xiao and other god-level beings.

However, the two fire foxes soon noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with these five bee creatures.

With their keen observation skills, they finally determined that these five bee creatures should have suffered serious injuries and had not yet fully recovered.

As a result, the idea that they had planned to surrender was instantly thrown out of their minds, and there was a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

The next moment, the two fire foxes looked at each other, and then ran quickly in two directions.

Apparently, they planned to split up and escape.

Only one can run.

After seeing the actions of these two fire foxes, Fang Xiao couldn't help but smile.

In terms of speed, Fang Xiao felt that there was no way he could beat these flying mounts under his control.

The reason is simple. They enjoy the blessings brought by Fang Xiao's professional skills, and also enjoy the talent blessings of Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang Dongruo Cunning Rabbit.

In terms of flight speed, who can compare with it?

Therefore, Fang Xiao had no worries about the escape of these two fire foxes, because it was impossible for them to escape.

But since they are unwilling to give in, then I will make them completely despair.

Then Fang Xiao turned his gaze to Di Xiyang next to him, and then said aloud: I will take Yu Lei and Ice Crystal Ice and Snow to chase the fire fox that escaped in the north. I will leave the remaining one to you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang immediately nodded to indicate that he understood.

So Fang Xiao said nothing more and immediately commanded his men Yu Lei to chase the fox in the north with the ice crystals, ice, snow and himself.

At the beginning, Fang Xiao asked Yu Lei to control the speed and follow the opponent.

However, after chasing for a certain distance, Fang Xiao felt a little bored, and then he stopped letting Yu Lei control the speed and let him immediately catch up with the fleeing fox.

Upon hearing this, Yu Lei's speed increased dramatically, and without much effort, he quickly blocked the escaping fire fox.

Looking at Yu Lei's sudden increase in speed, the fire fox obviously hadn't reacted yet.

At the beginning, he saw Yu Lei hanging behind him, and felt that Yu Lei had reached the limit of speed, so he might be able to rely on his endurance to have a glimmer of hope of escaping.

As a result, looking back now, Yu Lei's speed reached the limit, and he was clearly teasing him before.

On the face of this fire fox, not only a look of anger flashed, but also a look of helplessness.

Since he can't compare in terms of speed, there is no doubt that he only has two choices now.

Either fight with Fang Xiao or surrender directly.

However, he was really unwilling to let him choose to surrender so directly, especially since these enemies were brought by those five damn bee creatures. He was even more unwilling to do so.

Fang Xiao also saw the reluctance of the fire fox at this time, so he gently shook the Blood Drinking Knife in his hand.

Then he spoke out and said: It seems that you are not planning to surrender directly, so there is no need to talk nonsense and just do it.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao immediately waved the blood-drinking sword in his hand.

The next moment, a huge sword energy flew towards the fire fox.

Seeing Fang Xiao take action, the fire fox had no time to think about it, let alone struggle with which choice to make.

He immediately opened his mouth, and a fiery red flame spurted out from his mouth, forming a huge fireball. Then it collided with Fang Xiaopi's slashing sword and exploded instantly.

The powerful shock wave swept up the surrounding sand, forming sandstorms with little power.

As Fang Xiao took action, the Yulei and Ice Crystal Ice and Snow under him also took action one after another.

I saw a large number of thunder and lightning and condensed icicles, fiercely sweeping towards the fire fox.

The fire fox stepped on the desert with all four limbs, and then, the yellow sand under its feet began to quickly turn into an oasis.

A large number of trees emerged from the ground, blocking the icicles and thunder and lightning that swept over them.

Fang Xiao was slightly startled when he saw this hand.

He didn't expect that this fire fox was also good at the wood attribute.

This is an unexpected surprise.

You know, none of the god-level creatures under Fang Xiao's hands are of wood attribute.

God-level creatures with wood attributes have considerable uses, such as changing barren land into fertile land, or directly forcibly changing the desert into an oasis terrain like the Fire Fox is doing now.

Judging from the current situation, the oasis where these two fire foxes stayed before was obviously not originally in the desert, but was created by the two of them.

This undoubtedly means that these two fire foxes have huge strategic value, which makes Fang Xiao's eyes even more intense.

As the two sides continued to fight, the fox soon fell completely at a disadvantage.

Although he possesses dual-attribute attack skills, facing the siege of Fang Xiao and others, he can only suffer the loss of being dumb.

The flames he created were constantly destroyed by Fang Xiao's sword energy, while the oasis and the large number of trees it created were constantly destroyed by icicles and thunder and lightning.

Soon, the desert became a mess.

Injuries began to appear on Fire Fox's body.

Finally, as time passed, Fire Fox's injuries became more and more serious, and soon he could no longer hold on.

Yu Lei seized the opportunity and struck hard with a bolt of lightning. His injuries worsened instantly, and he completely lost his ability to fight in an instant.

Upon seeing this, Fang Xiao quickly signaled Yu Lei and the others to stop, and then quickly came to the fire fox lying on the ground.

Then use your own contract skills to start a contract with the other party.

The contract process went quite smoothly. The other party was unable to resist at this time, and the contract was soon successful.

After the contract was successful, Fang Xiao looked at the seriously injured fire fox, and then said slowly: How can you recover from your injuries faster?

At this time, the fire fox had obviously accepted its fate. He raised his eyelids and glanced at Fang Xiao, then slowly said: My recovery ability is not bad. I don't need to do anything. I will recover slowly.

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then directly picked up the fire fox and put it on Yu Lei's back.

This fire fox is only the size of an adult, so there is no problem at all for Yu Lei to take him.

After placing the fire fox, Fang Xiao also moved it on Yu Lei's back, and then motioned Yu Lei to turn back along the original path to find Di Xiyang.

Yu Lei nodded slightly, then immediately flapped his wings and turned back towards the original path.

When he returned to the original oasis, Di Xiyang was already waiting here with another fire fox.

It seems that the efficiency of Dixiyang is much higher than that of Fang Xiao's side, but it is normal. After all, there are more god-level creatures on Dixiyang's side.

Moreover, Fang Xiao did not take action immediately at the beginning and even played with the fire fox for a while.

After taking a look at the fire fox that was severely injured by Sunset, Fang Xiao spoke up and said, Okay, Sunset, now that the matter is over, let's go back to the territory now.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he didn't say anything more and immediately commanded Yu Bing Yu Lei to take the lead in the direction of the territory.

So far, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang already have 17 god-level one-star creature mounts under their hands. Next, they only need to find three more god-level one-star mounts to completely conquer all the mounts.

With such a huge force, Fang Xiao felt that it was definitely enough for him to fight everywhere.

When we turned back all the way back to the territory, the sky was completely dark.

Since the two fire foxes were not very big, Fang Xiao directly arranged them in the front yard of the lord's possession.

Stay in this courtyard to rest with Bing Jing Bingxue and the others.

Then he returned to the backyard with the sunset.

Early the next morning, Fang Xiao and Xi Xiyang got up early, and then came to the main hall in the front yard.

At this time, all the confidants in Fang Xiao's territory have gathered and are already waiting for Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao glanced over them and finally landed on Huang Yunjie on the right.

Then he spoke to Huang Yunjie and said, Yunjie, when you first came here, you should have seen the two fiery red foxes in the yard, right?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yunjie nodded immediately, and then asked aloud: Lord, I saw these two fire foxes when I came over. Is there any problem?

After hearing Huang Yunjie's inquiry, Fang Xiao immediately replied: The two of them are very extraordinary. First of all, they are both god-level one-star creatures. Secondly, the two of them have the ability to transform deserts into oasis. Ability.

Similarly, if this kind of ability is used in the territory, it can also improve the barren land to be very fertile. I believe you should know what significance this has for the development of agriculture in the territory, right?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yunjie's eyes immediately lit up, and then he asked in disbelief: Is this really true, Lord?

Fang Xiao smiled and nodded. Seeing Fang Xiao confirm again, Huang Yunjie became completely excited, and then said: When the lord mentioned this matter to me, did he want me to take the two of them to improve the soil quality of the territory? ?”

Will the agriculture behind the territory be more prosperous?

After hearing Huang Yunjie's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said: Yunjie, you are still smart. You can guess many things without me needing to say more.

Yes, that's what I mean. After breakfast, I will take you to talk to the two of them and ask them to assist you in the construction work in the territory and strive to further develop the agriculture in the territory.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yunjie immediately stood up, bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao, and then said: Lord, please rest assured, just leave this matter to me, I will definitely handle it well. That’s right.”

When Fang Xiao saw this, he didn't say anything more, and then his eyes fell on other confidants.

Then he spoke out and said: Everyone, do what you should do well. I have seen your performance. I believe that Qian Ling and Bai Qing were arranged by me to become the city lords of the new territory. This matter You already know this.

In the future, I will occupy more territories, and there is no doubt that these territories need managers.

Then how to arrange the managers of these new territories, I will judge based on your usual performance, and then decide on the candidates.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the confidants present looked at each other, and many people became excited.

Obviously, rather than staying here in the main territory and dealing with the various tedious daily affairs of the main territory, they would rather go to a new territory and serve as managers there.

After all, as far as the main territory is concerned, in terms of status alone, they don't know how high they will be ranked.

But if you can become the lord of a new territory, then you will be directly inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Except for Fang Xiao, no one can control them.

Fang Xiao saw everyone's reactions in his eyes, and then said slowly: Okay, there is nothing else to say about today's morning meeting. Let's go eat first.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang's little hand and took the lead to walk towards the side hall next to her.

After arriving at the side hall, Fang Xiao ordered the maid next to him to start serving the dishes.

Soon, a large number of sumptuous meals were served.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang sat at the upper hand position, and then began to take the lead in eating.

After breakfast, Fang Xiao told others to do whatever they were supposed to do, while he, Di Xiyang and Huang Yunjie came to the front yard.

Then he came to the two fire foxes.

It is worth mentioning that the names of these two fire foxes are also quite long.

So when he came back from dinner yesterday, Fang Xiao gave the two of them names.

One is called Red Fox and the other is called Fire Fox.

The red fox is a male and the fire fox is a female, and they are a couple.

At this time, when Red Fox and Fire Fox saw Fang Xiao coming in front of them, they immediately stood up from the ground, and then said respectfully: I have met the master.

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