Fang Xiao did not forget to capture the mount.

The mounts are not full yet. Now that the matter in the player's territory has been resolved, it is natural to continue to recover new mounts.

Not long after, Fang Xiao brought Di Xiyang to the place where Earth Centipede lived.

After Fang Xiao arrived, Earth Centipede immediately appeared.

Then he asked Fang Xiao: Master, why are you here?

After hearing the other party's words, Fang Xiao immediately spoke out and said: I plan to conquer a new mount now, please tell me the information you know.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Earth Centipede nodded quickly, and then said aloud: Starting from here, about 2,000 kilometers northwest, there is a special race living there.

And among this race, there are five god-level one-star beings. I also got the information occasionally before.

After hearing what Earth Centipede said, Fang Xiao moved his eyebrows.

If you can conquer 5 god-level one-star mounts at once, then it will naturally be quite good.

So Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said: I will go find Yu Bing Yu Lei now, and then we will set off immediately and rush to the place you mentioned.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao said nothing more and immediately led Di Xiyang to find Yu Bing and Yu Lei.

Then let them take themselves and their mounts such as Di Xiyang and Bing Jingbingxue, and set off to the place mentioned by Earth Centipede.

Because the distance was relatively long, it took everyone a while to reach their destination.

This destination turned out to be a desert, and Fang Xiao did not expect such a landscape 2,000 kilometers northwest.

The earth centipede emerged from the ground at this time, and then said to Fang Xiao: Master, they live near this desert area.

After hearing what Earth Centipede said, Fang Xiao immediately asked: Are they operating underground?

Hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Earth Centipede immediately shook his head, and then said loudly: No, they are all flying creatures, but they usually like to cover their bodies with yellow sand.

Because their bodies are all khaki, so when mixed with yellow sand, it's almost impossible to tell the difference.

After hearing what Earth Centipede said, Fang Xiao nodded to indicate that he understood, and then commanded Yu Bing Yu Lei to fly towards the desert.

Every time he flew a certain distance, Fang Xiao waved a sword energy and slashed downwards.

Under his attack, yellow sand flew everywhere.

If there really is any hidden enemy underneath, it can't be hidden.

Fang Xiao advanced for about tens of kilometers when the yellow sand underneath suddenly boiled, and then five creatures about ten meters in size emerged from under the yellow sand.

Their appearance is somewhat similar to that of bees, they are all khaki in color and have a pair of khaki yellow wings on their backs.

After flying up, their eyes immediately fell on Fang Xiao. One of them, a god-level one-star creature that looked like a bee, immediately asked: Who are you? Why are you here? Why are you here? Is everything going on here?

After hearing the other party's inquiry, Fang Xiao immediately smiled, and then said aloud: Of course it is to find you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the bee god-level creature was not only stunned for a moment, but then asked aloud: Looking for us? Why are you looking for us?

Fang Xiao looked at him for a moment, and then slowly replied: It's very simple, I want you to be my mount. If you are more sensible, then we will make a contract directly now.

Then you can follow me back to the territory. If you don't know what to do, I'm sorry, I have to conquer you first and then make the contract.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, these five god-level creatures that looked like bees not only looked at each other.

Then one of them let out a mocking laugh and said, You're so funny, you feel like you've got us.

Since you came here with bad intentions, there is nothing more to say.

After the words fell, this god-level creature that looked like a bee immediately flapped its wings.

A large amount of yellow sand rolled up from below, and then formed a huge sandstorm, sweeping towards Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao's expression remained unchanged, and he directly raised the Blood Drinking Sword in his hand, and then said: Okay, since you are so ignorant of promotion, there is no need to hold back.

Everyone, just do it.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao directly waved the Blood Drinking Sword in his hand, and instantly a huge blade flew out.

And Di Xiyang next to him also took action at the same time, and hundreds of densely packed golden fists were smashed out, and finally collided fiercely with the sandstorm, directly destroying the sandstorm completely.

After being destroyed at the same time, there was still a large amount of residual fist energy that swept towards these five god-level creatures that looked like bees.

Fortunately, several other god-level creatures similar to bees took action and blocked these golden fists.

At this time, Yu Bing Yu Lei and Bing Jing Bingxue also took action together.

Suddenly ice and thunder raged.

The temperature of the originally hot desert air suddenly dropped, and a large amount of ice froze the yellow sand underneath.

Lines of solid ice formed one after another in the desert.

The yellow sand blends with the solid ice, and the sword energy and fist energy are raging.

Fang Xiao had to admit that he actually looked down upon these god-level creatures that looked like bees.

Their strength is indeed very strong, and their skills are quite special. The combat power they exert in this desert area is far beyond that of ordinary god-level one-star creatures.

However, Fang Xiao's side still has the advantage in numbers in the final analysis, and they can all benefit from the blessing of riding skills.

Therefore, during the battle between the two sides, Fang Xiao's side still had the advantage.

The most important thing is that Earth Centipede has not made a move until now. Fang Xiao knows very well that the other party is probably looking for an opportunity.

Finally, during the ongoing battle between the two sides, a hole suddenly opened in the yellow sand underneath, and then a huge figure jumped out from inside.

Then a large amount of black mist was sprayed out, and it instantly enveloped the body of one of the god-level creatures that looked like a bee.

Although the other party reacted extremely quickly and quickly moved away from the poisonous mist, half of his body was still infected by the poison, and his movements became much slower.

When there was a flaw on his side, Fang Xiao immediately seized the opportunity. Then Fang Xiao, Yu Bingyu Lei and the others focused their fire and directly severely injured the poisonous bee creature.

It fell to the ground, leaving only a breath.

The remaining bee creatures were even more powerless when facing Fang Xiao and the others.

Soon, a large number of injuries appeared on their bodies one by one, and they fell to the ground one after another.

After beating them all seriously, Fang Xiao signaled everyone to stop, and then after signaling to Di Xiyang, they began to make contracts separately.

After the contract was completed, Fang Xiao looked at the severely injured bee creatures, and then said, Is there any way to help you recover from your injuries faster?

At this time, the several bee creatures that had been contracted by Fang Xiao also completely accepted their fate.

One of the bee creatures said: Master, as long as we stay in the desert, our injuries will recover very quickly. You just need to wait here for a while.

After hearing the other party's answer, Fang Xiao nodded lightly, said nothing more, jumped directly to Yu Lei's body and began to wait silently.

After these bee creatures recovered from their injuries and were able to move freely, the sky was already dark.

Fang Xiao said directly: Okay, that's it for today. Let's go back to the territory first.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, one of the bee creatures spoke up and said: Master, since you want to conquer the mount, you might as well continue taking action, because we know that there are two god-level creatures quite far away from us. Very close.

After hearing the other party's words, Fang Xiao not only raised his eyebrows slightly, but then said: Is the other party particularly close to here? How close is it? Is the other party's strength a god-level one-star?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, one of the bee creatures immediately spoke: Master, please rest assured that both of them are god-level one-star beings. They are only more than 100 kilometers away from here and will be there soon.

After hearing the words of this bee creature, Fang Xiao immediately gave up the idea of ​​returning to the territory.

He said directly: Okay, you take me there immediately.

Now after conquering these 5 god-level one-star creatures similar to bees, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang have 15 mounts in total.

If we can capture two more, there will be only the last three left, and we can completely capture them.

At that time, you can do other things with peace of mind, without having to think about this aspect again.

Since there are god-level creatures very close to here, Fang Xiao naturally won't waste time running back.

Because this place is still quite far away from the territory, if you run back now, you will have to waste a lot of time if you want to rush back later.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words at this time, these five god-level creatures that looked like bees immediately took the lead and rushed towards the west without saying anything.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang rode on Yu Bing Yu Lei's back, and then motioned Yu Bing Yu Lei to follow these god-level creatures that looked similar to bees.

After flying for almost 100 kilometers, a desert oasis appeared in front of us.

When the desert oasis came into view, these five god-level creatures that looked like bees stopped together.

Then one of the god-level creatures, which looked like a bee, glanced at Fang Xiao on Yu Lei's body and said, Master, the two of them are in this oasis.

Because the two of them live relatively close to where we live, they often interact with each other, and their relationship is neither good nor bad.

After hearing the other party's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then set his sights on this desert oasis.

After observing for a moment, he then spoke to Yu Bingyu Lei: Let's approach directly now and subdue them, and then we can return to the territory to rest.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Yu Bing Yu Lei nodded slightly, then flapped his wings and flew quickly towards the oasis.

After arriving at the oasis, Fang Xiao was not only attracted by the beautiful scenery inside the oasis.

I saw a large number of small animals living here, which looked quite cute, adding a sense of vitality to this beautiful oasis.

At the same time, two yellow foxes about the size of an adult caught Fang Xiao's attention.

Because these two yellow foxes live in the center of the oasis, other small animals deliberately stay away from where they are when moving.

Obviously, if nothing else happens, the two of them are the owners of this oasis.

At this time, the two of them apparently also discovered Fang Xiao and others in the sky.

He immediately stood up from the bottom.

Finally, one of the fiery red foxes hesitated for a moment, then landed on one of the bee creatures, and then asked aloud: Brobastanana Kata, did you bring these guys here?

After hearing the pink fox's question, the bee creature immediately laughed: Yes, you guessed it right, and we now recognize this human being as our master.

Now we brought him here just to let him accept you two mounts. After all, we are all neighbors, right? We have recognized the master, and it must be better for you to recognize the master as well.

Fang Xiao frowned slightly as he listened to the bee creature's words.

It can be seen that the character of this bee creature is not very good, it can even be said to be a bit bad.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Fang Xiao didn't simply accept them, but contracted them with professional skills. It is completely impossible for them to disobey Fang Xiao in the slightest.

But the other party's name really made Fang Xiao feel particularly disgusting.

And he did have some admiration for the fiery red fox underneath. He was actually a genius for being able to remember this long and disgusting name so familiarly.

I must change the names of these bee creatures in the future and give them something earthy and short.

For example, one bee, two bees, and three bees are better.

At this time, the fiery red fox was already furious: Damn guy, he is so sinister and vicious. He fell into the puddle himself and wanted to drag the two of us into the water.

Fang Xiao looked at the angry red fox carefully, and then asked aloud: The matter is over, there is no need to say anything more, I will only ask once, are you two willing to surrender?

After the words fell, Fang Xiao had already taken out the blood-drinking sword from his lord's warehouse.

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