After breakfast, Fang Xiao signaled Takeo to go gather troops.

He took the sunset with him and went to look for the flame.

That's right, Fang Xiao plans to let Huo Yan go to protect the safety of the newly occupied territory.

It didn't take long for Fang Xiao to find the flame with Di Xiyang.

Immediately, Fang Xiao briefly told the other party about his arrangements. Regarding Fang Xiao's arrangements, Huo Yan immediately expressed that he had no objection.

I am willing to leave for that new territory and protect the safety there.

Seeing that the flames were so understanding, Fang Xiao said nothing more, and then turned his gaze to the flames next to him.

Then he spoke to the flames and said, I plan to arrange for you to leave for Broken Rock City and be responsible for protecting the safety of Broken Rock City.

These days, Fang Xiao has been busy conquering the god-level mounts, so he almost forgot about the god-level creatures he promised to Broken Rock City.

Fortunately, Di Xiyang mentioned it to him last night, so Fang Xiao decided to arrange for Huo Miao to go there today, which was considered as fulfilling his promise to Broken Rock City.

At the same time, having the protection of a god-level creature over there can also make Di Xiyang feel completely at ease.

After hearing Fang Xiao's order, Huo Miao was slightly stunned, but obviously he did not dare to resist Fang Xiao's order.

So he nodded slightly and said to Fang Xiao: Okay master, I understand.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said: Huo Miao, don't rush to set off yet. I will arrange a flying team to go with you. At that time, this flying team will negotiate with the lord of Broken Rock City. ,Explain the situation.

To prevent any misunderstandings if you suddenly run over.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huo Miao nodded, indicating that he understood.

Fang Xiao said nothing more and went directly to meet Takeo with the flames, and then asked Takeo to arrange a flying team to rush to Broken Rock City with the flames.

After Takeo arranged all these things, Fang Xiao took them and set off together towards the player's territory.

At this time, in the player's territory, Lord Wu Yue was staying in the lord's mansion, enjoying the dance of a dozen maids in front of him.

He is a very enjoyable player.

After developing the territory and establishing prestige, he directly selected more than a dozen beautiful women from the territory to be his concubines.

And he also recruited a lot of good-looking women as maids in his lord's mansion.

At this time, he was admiring it very much.

Suddenly a soldier hurried over, which made Wu Yue frown. Then he said in a somewhat impatient voice: What's going on? What happened? Why do you look like this?

After hearing Wu Yue's inquiry, the soldier did not dare to hesitate and responded quickly: Mr. Wu Yue, something bad has happened. Our sentry found a large number of troops in the distance and rushed here. We are afraid of the intruders. Not good.

After hearing the soldier's words, Wu Yue couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, unable to react.

Then he confirmed again: You mean, there are many soldiers coming towards us, and it seems that the target is us, right?

After hearing Wu Yue's inquiry, the soldier quickly nodded again, confirming Wu Yue's inquiry.

Seeing this soldier who kept nodding, Wu Yue couldn't sit still at all. He immediately waved his hand to the lady to stop jumping.

Then he took steps and walked towards the outside of the lord's mansion.

I'll go over there first. You immediately gather all the soldiers in the territory and then join them.

After hearing Wu Yue's instructions, the soldier did not dare to hesitate, nodded quickly, and then ran away quickly.

Wu Yue came all the way to the city wall. After reaching the city wall, he immediately saw dense enemy soldiers in the distance.

It was indeed heading his way.

According to the opponent's footsteps, I'm afraid that in more than 10 minutes, he will be approaching his city wall.

Wu Yue swallowed a little. If he looked at it visually, he was afraid that the number of soldiers on the other side was at least tens of thousands.

The total number of soldiers in his territory is only over 7,000.

Therefore, facing the opponent's attack, they will undoubtedly be at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Moreover, the momentum of the soldiers on the other side seemed quite oppressive, which gave Wu Yue a rather bad feeling.

When these soldiers got closer and closer, Wu Yue finally saw the specific appearance of these soldiers clearly.

At this time, he also saw the opponent's information panel clearly. When he discovered that these soldiers were all at the lowest level of epic strength, not only did her face turn pale in an instant, but she felt despair in her heart.

Because he knew very well that facing such a powerful force, it was really difficult to resist.

And just when his heart was filled with despair, a huge chirping sound suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a firebird wrapped in flames broke through the clouds and rushed down.

As the opponent continued to decline, Wu Yue also saw the opponent's specific appearance clearly.

When he saw the god-level one-star strength displayed on the opponent's panel, Wu Yue sat down on the ground, unable to even stand up.

If those soldiers with epic strength still had some hope in his heart, then this Firebird with one-star god-level strength completely dispelled his last hope.

He really couldn't figure out who he had offended and why such a powerful hostile force suddenly came over.

The reason why it is said to be a hostile force is because the other party's attitude does not look like they are coming to make peace with him.

It was obviously an attack on him.

It's just that he really can't figure it out. Whether it's an NPC or a player, he doesn't seem to have offended anyone. How could this happen?

At this time, Fang Xiao, who was among the soldiers, followed them to the bottom of the city wall. Then he jumped out of the crowd and came to the front of the soldiers.

His eyes first glanced at the top of the opponent's city wall, and soon a figure caught Fang Xiao's eyes.

Judging from the information panel he saw, the other party was the lord of Yuexin City.

Fang Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense to the other party, and rushed towards the city wall. When he came to the bottom of the city wall, Fang Xiao jumped up, and then borrowed a few words from the city wall with the help of the Blood-Drinking Crazy Knife in his hand. For the second time, he easily reached the city wall.

After seeing Fang Xiao coming up, Wu Yue's expression not only changed drastically, because he also saw Fang Xiao's information panel clearly.

He, who also pays attention to the territory rankings, naturally knows who Fang Xiao is.

Wu Yue opened his mouth wide, looked at Fang Xiao in disbelief, and then said: Fang Xiao? It's you? Why did you bring people to attack my territory?

After hearing the other party's inquiry, Fang Xiao raised his eyebrows, because at this time he heard the announcement from the system, confirming that he had launched an attack on Yuexin City, as long as he killed the other party's lord or occupied the other party's lord's mansion. , this city can be completely occupied.

So Fang Xiao slowly spoke out: My intention of coming here is obvious, why do you need to ask more questions? I just like this territory, so I want to develop it into my sub-territory.

Now I'll give you a chance to live. Tell me what you're good at. If what you're good at happens to be what I need, then I can consider keeping you alive and letting you work for me.

However, if the ability you are good at is not what I need, then I'm sorry, your life will end here.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Yue not only swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Because he has no ability at all, luck accounts for a large part of the reason why he can develop his territory to this level.

When Fang Xiao saw Wu Yue hesitating and didn't speak, he suddenly understood. He was afraid that if he looked at Wu Yue for a long time, he would not be able to do anything.

So Fang Xiao didn't say anything and directly raised the Blood Drinking Sword in his hand.

As Fang Xiao raised the Blood Drinking Sword in his hand, Wu Yue's expression changed drastically, and then he quickly signaled the soldiers around him to attack.

I have to say that these soldiers are quite loyal to Wu Yue.

After receiving Wu Yue's order, he immediately raised his weapon and launched an attack on Fang Xiao.

However, Fang Xiao just casually struck the sword, and all the soldiers, including Wu Yue, were instantly killed by a huge sword energy without even the slightest resistance.

There is no way, this Wu Yue does not even have the strength of the legendary level, only the strength of the legendary level. The legendary level faces the god level, just like an ant facing a human being, he can easily crush him to death with one finger.

After killing Wu Yue, a prompt came from the system soon, indicating that Fang Xiao had successfully occupied this territory.

He can choose whether to destroy this territory or occupy it as a sub-territory.

Fang Xiao directly chose to occupy this territory as a sub-territory.

Following the system prompts, this Yuexin City was successfully transformed into Fang Xiao's sub-territory.

At the same time, the authority of the territorial warehouse was also directly opened to Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao checked the items in the lord's warehouse and found that they were quite wealthy.

After looking at it, Fang Xiao then put some rare things into the lord's warehouse in his Dawn City territory, and then closed the lord's warehouse in Yuexin City.

Then, open the city gate and let Takeo and the others come in with their soldiers.

After Takeo led the soldiers to control this territory, Fang Xiao came to Takeo, and then said aloud: It's still the same, you need to completely settle here first.

After I return to Dawn City, I will arrange for the new lord to come over and hand over to you at that time. After the handover is completed, you can directly return to Dawn City and continue to be responsible for military affairs.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Wu Xiong immediately nodded to indicate that he understood.

Fang Xiao then said nothing more, said goodbye to Takeo, and rushed back towards his territory with Diyang.

As for the flames, they stayed here.

After rushing back to Dawn City, Fang Xiao immediately called Bai Qing over.

Yes, this time Fang Xiao chose to let Bai Qing go to Yuexin City to serve as the new lord, because from the current point of view, Bai Qing is already the best choice besides Qian Ling.

At this time, after Bai Qing was called over, he immediately saluted Fang Xiao, and then said aloud: I have met the lord, what do you want from me?

After hearing Bai Qing's words, Fang Xiao smiled slightly, and then asked aloud: How are you doing in the territory during this time?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Bai Qing immediately spoke up and said: Reporting to the lord, because of your kindness, I live quite comfortably in the territory, and I usually have a lot of things to deal with. My whole life... It must be quite sufficient.”

After hearing Bai Qing's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said aloud: That's good, I have a very important task that needs to be handed over to you for you to go and deal with. I think besides Other than you, no one else can do it for the time being.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Bai Qing not only showed a hint of curiosity on his face, but then asked aloud: Lord, the important mission you mentioned, could it be the newly occupied territory?

Bai Qing obviously knew everything about Fang Xiao's expedition this morning. After all, he was also in the army.

So I think there is no problem in this regard.

After Fang Xiao heard the other party's inquiry, he immediately said: Yes, you are quite smart. Now I want you to go to the newly conquered Yuexin City as the lord and let you be responsible for all the affairs there.

Please help me develop the place well and arrange it properly so that no problems will arise.

After listening to Fang Xiao's words, Bai Qing immediately saluted Fang Xiao, and then said aloud: Thank you, Lord, for trusting me. Just leave this matter to me, and I guarantee there won't be any problems.

After hearing Bai Qing's words, Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then said aloud: You don't have to worry about the safety over there. Takeo brought 10,000 soldiers and placed them there. At the same time, I will also place the flames It’s also placed over there.”

With these 10,000 soldiers and the protection of a god-level creature, you don't have to worry about anything. You just need to take care of the territory's development plan and various major events.

As for all the little things in the territory, you can choose more talented people from the territory to take charge of these things. I believe I don't need to say more about these things. You can handle them yourself.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao then shared the authority of the Lord's Warehouse in Yuexin City with Bai Qing, and then explained to Bai Qing the purpose of the Lord's Warehouse.

Bai Qing immediately thanked Fang Xiao, then left the lord's mansion and went to Yuexin City to find Wu Xiong for handover.

After Bai Qing left, Fang Xiao also took steps to leave the lord's mansion.

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