A huge vortex formed next to him again, instantly destroying Fang Xiao's remaining sword energy.

After blocking Fang Xiao's attack, the huge whirlpool continued to sweep towards Fang Xiao.

Looking at the huge whirlpool sweeping towards him, Fang Xiao continued to swing the blood-drinking sword in his hand, constantly attacking the two golden salamanders.

At the same time, Ice Crystal Bingxue and Earth Sunset also launched attacks nearby, causing the two golden salamanders to panic.

After all, their original reliance was this underground river.

I wanted to rely on the underground river to prevent Fang Xiao and others from doing anything, but I didn't expect that Ice Crystal Bingxue actually had such ability.

This was indeed somewhat beyond their expectations.

However, when Bing Jing Bingxue brought Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang down, they saw the transparent bubble created by Bing Jing Bingxue, and thought that Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang would be restricted by the transparent bubble and would not be able to output in the water.

That's why he took the initiative to launch an attack, hoping to break Fang Xiao's shield and submerge Fang Xiao in this underground river to gain an absolute geographical advantage.

Who would have thought that Fang Xiao could attack them directly through the transparent bubbles? Now facing the attacks of four god-level opponents, these two golden salamanders quickly became completely panicked.

Especially the ice crystal ice and snow are the mounts of Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang. They enjoy the bonus of Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang's ability to move like cunning rabbits and move extremely fast in the water.

When the two golden salamanders realized that something was wrong and wanted to escape, they were instantly blocked by ice crystals and snow. There was no way to escape.

At the same time, Bingjing Bingxue, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang can all enjoy the bonus of riding professional skills, so their combat power is extremely powerful, which is not comparable to these two golden salamanders.

Under the attacks of Fang Xiao, Di Xiyang, and Ice Crystal Ice and Snow, the two golden salamanders soon suffered very serious injuries.

The two of them no longer have the toughness and arrogance they had before.

One of the golden salamanders quickly spoke out: Stop fighting, stop fighting, we two surrender.

After hearing the words of the two golden salamanders, Fang Xiao not only smiled softly, but then stopped what he was doing.

He was not worried about the two golden salamanders defrauding him. After all, with ice crystals and ice and snow around, there was no possibility of escape for the two of them.

If they deceive Fang Xiao, they will be greeted by a more rapid attack, and their end will be even more miserable.

So they don't have to do that.

After Fang Xiao and the others stopped, the two golden salamanders glanced at their injuries, and then a hint of helplessness flashed in their eyes.

Then one of the golden salamanders spoke to Fang Xiao: You are so powerful, we admit defeat, you can make a contract.

After hearing the golden salamander's words, Fang Xiao was not polite to them and immediately gestured to the setting sun next to him.

The two approached the two golden salamanders, and each used their own contract skills to start a contract with them.

Since the two golden salamanders did not resist, the contract process went smoothly, and the contract was soon successful.

After the contract was completed, Fang Xiao gestured and said, Okay, come up with us.

After the words fell, the ice crystal ice and snow controlled the bubbles, leading Fang Xiao and the others upward.

Soon, everyone returned to the original underground space.

Looking at the two somewhat dejected golden salamanders, the earth centipede then asked Fang Xiao: Master, have you subdued them?

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said aloud: Yes, they have been conquered. Do you have any other clues?

You can still run again today.

Now under the hands of Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang, the position of the mount has not yet been fully contracted.

Currently, there are Ice Crystal Ice and Snow, Feather Ice Feather Thunder, Flame Flame, Earth Centipede, Gubas, plus these two newly contracted golden salamanders, which only occupy half of the available mounts.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang can also contract five mounts respectively.

Now it is natural to maximize the strength of his side, so Fang Xiao will naturally not waste the vacant seats.

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Earth Centipede immediately said: Yes, yes, after we return to the ground, we will start from here and go southeast for about 900 kilometers. There is an extremely difficult mouse there.

He has the strength of a god-level one-star. I had a conflict with him at the beginning. We fought underground for a long time. No one could do anything to stop the other, so we just let it go.

After hearing what Earth Centipede said, Fang Xiao nodded, and then said aloud: Okay, let's go up immediately and set off.

Then Fang Xiao jumped on Yu Lei with ice crystals and snow, and motioned him to ascend upward along the hole made by the earth centipede.

The mounts were very fast, and it didn't take much time to reach the ground again.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Yu Bingyu Lei, Fang Xiao and others quickly rushed towards the rat's territory that Earth Centipede mentioned.

When we arrived at our destination, it was already dark.

Fang Xiao found that this was a not very steep mountain peak.

The top of the mountain was completely bare, with no trees to be seen.

Fang Xiao turned his head and shot around, then signaled Yu Bing Yu Lei to fall downwards.

After falling to the ground, Fang Xiao began to wait for the earth centipede to show up.

Soon, the ground next to it moved slightly, and then a big hole was made, revealing the figure of the earth centipede.

After seeing the other party, Fang Xiao immediately asked aloud: Is the other party in this mountain range?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Earth Centipede nodded quickly, and then said aloud: Yes, the master lives in the cave of this mountain peak.

He is just like me, he is also good at underground operations and poisonous attacks, and his poison is quite special. The reason why this mountain is so bare is because of the poison he produced.

Fang Xiao spoke up and said: Earth Centipede, go and lead the charge and hold him back. We will seal all his escape routes.

Earth Centipede was able to fight back and forth with the opponent in the past, but now it has the bonus of Fang Xiao's riding professional skills, plus the blessing of the talent of Moving Like a Cunning Rabbit.

It is obviously easy to entangle the other party and make it impossible for the other party to escape.

As long as Fang Xiao and the others are given favorable output conditions, it is obviously not difficult to capture this mouse.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Earth Centipede immediately nodded to indicate that he understood, and then got directly into the ground.

Not long after, a huge sound erupted from the mountain peak. Upon seeing this, Fang Xiao immediately rushed inside with Yu Bing Yu Lei.

After rushing into the mountain peak, I saw tunnels everywhere, like a maze.

However, because there was the sound of fighting, everyone did not have to worry about getting lost. If they really couldn't find the way, they just forced the front to break through, and then broke through all the way.

Soon, everyone found the earth centipede fighting in a tunnel and the mouse in the earth centipede's mouth.

Judging from the appearance of the opponent, it is indeed no different from a mouse, but the size is much larger, about the size of an adult.

At the same time, the hair all over the body appears light red, which looks quite uncomfortable.

The red-haired rat that was fighting the earth centipede apparently also discovered Fang Xiao and the others.

Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately wanted to escape. However, the Earth Centipede was much faster than him and immediately blocked him with ease, leaving him without any hope of escaping.

Fang Xiao did not hesitate, and immediately signaled to Di Xiyang and the others next to him, and began to attack each other.

A large number of attacks continued to hit the red-haired rat, and even the surrounding mountain peaks were immediately affected, and countless boulders were seen falling downwards.

The mountain peak, which had been hit by countless tunnels, began to shake, and there was a possibility of collapse at any time.

However, this is obviously not worth mentioning to Fang Xiao and others who have god-level strength. Even if the mountain peak really collapses, it will not pose a great threat to them.

So everyone kept fighting in this huge tunnel. Finally, with the setting sun, the fist energy failed and hit the stone wall next to it. The mountain peak could no longer hold it and collapsed completely in an instant.

Fang Xiao didn't care, and directly waved the blood-drinking sword in his hand, using the powerful sword energy to split the surrounding boulders in an instant, pounced next to the red-haired rat, and then launched attacks non-stop.

The same goes for Di Xiyang and the others, who kept attacking the red-haired rat with dense attacks. Soon, under the attack of everyone, the red-haired rat couldn't bear it anymore, and its injuries became more and more serious.

During the battle, the red-haired rat released red poisonous gas several times. However, to Fang Xiao and others who had already received information from the earth centipede, they could not pose a threat at all.

He can easily use his own attacks to disperse these poisonous gases without threatening himself at all.

At this time, seeing that he had no hope of escaping and that he could not be beaten, the red-haired rat not only sounded a little anxious in his tone: Are you helping this centipede come to seek revenge on me?

What benefit did he give you? I am willing to pay double the price.

After hearing the other party's words, Fang Xiao's movements immediately slowed down a bit, and then he slowly replied: No, I think you misunderstood. We are not helping him seek revenge from you, but we want to Contract you as a mount.

If you are willing, we will stop now. If you are not willing, we can only beat you until you are half dead and then force the contract.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the red-haired rat's eyes lit up, and then he quickly said: I am willing, I am willing, as long as you don't want to kill me, then it doesn't matter.

After hearing the words of the red-haired rat, Fang Xiao then motioned for everyone to listen, and then began to make a contract with the red-haired rat.

The process was smooth and the contract was successfully concluded soon.

Looking at the red-haired rat in front of him, Fang Xiao not only shook his head.

If I had known that the other party was so timid, I would have explained the situation directly as soon as I came in, which would have saved the battle process such trouble.

The Earth Centipede came over, and then asked Fang Xiao: Master, do you need traces of other creatures? I still have several pieces of information here.

After hearing what Earth Centipede said, Fang Xiao shook his head slightly, and then said, That's it for today. You can take me to look for two more places tomorrow.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Earth Centipede nodded, indicating that he understood.

Fang Xiao said nothing more, and then spoke to the red-haired rat: Okay, since you are now my mount, then just follow me, and now I will take you back territory.

Hearing Fang Xiao's words, the red-haired rat nodded quickly to indicate that he understood.

Then he consciously followed Fang Xiao and jumped onto Yu Lei's body.

Fang Xiao didn't say much and immediately told Yulei and the others to return to their territory.

It was already late at night when we were returning to the territory.

Since the red-haired rat was only as big as an adult and didn't take up much space, Fang Xiao let them stay in the front yard of the lord's mansion with the ice crystal ice and snow.

Naturally, the red-haired rat had no objection to this.

After arranging all this, Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang back to the backyard and rested directly.

In the morning, Fang Xiao got up early, and then rushed towards the main hall of the front yard with the setting sun.

When they arrived at the main hall, they saw that all the confidants who could come had arrived, including Takeo.

The change of positions in Baisen City obviously won't waste too much time.

Takeo should have come back yesterday afternoon, but because Fang Xiao came back too late last night and didn't go out of his way to find him, we didn't meet him.

After his eyes stayed on Takeo for a moment, Fang Xiao spoke up and said: Takeo, after you finish your meal later, go to the barracks to gather 10,000 soldiers for me. Today we will launch an attack on another territory.

When Takeo first explored, he found two qualified player territories.

Fang Xiao had only taken down one part so far, and there was one part left, so he decided to take it down today.

It is also worth mentioning that Baisen City was unexpectedly upgraded to the one-star main city level, which made Fang Xiao very happy.

After all, this saved him a lot of trouble.

After hearing Fang Xiaolan's instructions, Wu Xiong immediately spoke out and said: Please rest assured, Lord, I will go and do it immediately after dinner to ensure that nothing will go wrong.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then turned his attention to the other confidants present, and then began to ask them how their respective tasks were going.

After a round of inquiries, it was found that there was no big problem, and then Fang Xiao greeted everyone and went to the side hall to have dinner.

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