Qian Ling immediately bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao: Thank you, Lord.

No need to be polite, just handle the things I asked you properly. Fang Xiao waved his hand gently, signaling Qian Ling to get up.

Then I will go directly to Baisen City to find Wu Xiong to hand over matters? Qian Ling glanced at Fang Xiao and then asked quickly.

Fang Xiao pondered for a moment, and then replied: Well, you let Gubas take you there, and at the same time, it doesn't have to come back.

Just stay over there in Baisen City and help you protect the safety there.

After listening to Fang Xiao's words, Qian Ling's eyes lit up slightly, and then he quickly said: Thank you, Lord.

She is Fang Xiao's confidant, so she naturally knows what kind of strength Gubas is. With such a being, she will follow her to Baisen City to protect the safety of Baisen City.

Qian Ling's psychology was completely stable, and he had basically no worries.

Next, we only need to manage the government affairs in Baisen City well, and there will basically be no problems.

As for government affairs, Qian Ling also assisted Huang Yunjie in handling many things in Dawn City.

And he is often exposed to various territorial affairs, and he still has some experience in this area.

Fang Xiao said nothing more and directly gave the order to the soldier next to him, asking him to take Qian Ling to leave here and set off to find Cubas.

Then let Cubas take Qian Ling to Baisen City to hand over the position.

After Qian Ling left, Fang Xiao thought for a while and then decided to continue looking for new god-level creatures as mounts today.

Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang and Bing Jingbingxue out of the lord's mansion and rushed to the east gate of Dawn City.

What Fang Xiao is looking for this time is the earth centipede.

That god-level one-star creature looks like a centipede. Its name is quite long, with a full 12 characters.

Fang Xiao just listened to it once and felt quite a headache, so he directly issued an order to ask the other party to change the name and no longer use the previous name.

Instead, it was changed to the very easy-to-remember name Earth Centipede.

Although the other party was quite reluctant, as Fang Xiao was the other party's master, the other party could not disobey Fang Xiao's orders, so the matter was settled.

Soon, Fang Xiao came to the open space on the east side and saw many holes in the open space.

Fang Xiao spoke directly and said: Earth Centipede, I have something to ask you.

As Fang Xiao finished speaking, there was soon movement in the hole on the ground.

An ugly creature that looked like a centipede quickly emerged from it, and then crawled in front of Fang Xiao: Master, I wonder if you have anything to ask me?

After Fang Xiao looked at the earth centipede for a while, he then asked aloud: Don't you know the traces of many god-level creatures? I need to contract a new mount now. Please tell me, how far is this territory from me? Where is the nearest god-level creature?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Earth Centipede quickly answered: From here, about 600 kilometers to the southwest, there is a crack there.

About a kilometer below the crack, there is a large underground space. There are two god-level one-star creatures living in that underground space.

I have dealt with him before.

After hearing Earth Centipede's answer, Fang Xiao not only raised his brows, but then said aloud: When you get there, can you dig a hole directly into that underground space?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Earth Centipede immediately shook his head proudly, and then replied loudly: Master, don't worry, this kind of thing is a piece of cake for me, there is no problem at all.

After hearing the other party's answer, Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then after thinking for a while, he decided to set off with the Ice Crystal Ice Snow, Yu Bing Yu Lei, and Earth Centipede.

As for Huo Yan and Huo Miao, they will stay in the territory to protect the safety of Dawn City.

Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang to find Yu Bingyu Lei: Now I need you to take me to the southwest to surrender a new companion.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Yu Bing Yu Lei naturally had no objection and immediately nodded, finally motioning for Fang Xiao to come up.

Fang Xiao didn't say much, and immediately jumped onto Yu Lei's back with Di Xiyang.

Ice crystal ice and snow jumped on Yu Bing's body.

Then Yu Lei spread his wings and quickly rushed towards the southwest.

As for the Earth Centipede, he was operating underground. Fang Xiao had no need to worry about him or pay attention to him.

With the bonus of the talent of moving like a cunning rabbit, the flying mount was extremely fast, and it didn't take long to reach the crack that the earth centipede mentioned.

This crack is not very big, only three meters wide.

If a person wants to jump down, he can still do it, but it is absolutely impossible for people like Yu Bing and Yu Lei to fly down.

However, Fang Xiao had nothing to worry about. After all, he had no intention of jumping from this crack. Instead, he let the earth centipede dig a hole in the ground and then take them down.

The earth centipede is very large, at least larger than Yu Bing and Yu Lei.

Therefore, it is definitely not a problem for Yu Bing Yu Lei to run down through the hole made by the earth centipede.

Fang Xiao had previously considered letting Cubas go to Baisen City to guard the city because of his size.

The size of Gubas is so huge that the other mounts under Fang Xiao's hand cannot compare with Gubas.

With such a huge size, it is natural to consider that if there are any god-level creatures to conquer in the future, and the terrain has requirements, Gubas will not be suitable.

This is the reason why Fang Xiao sent him away. Now it seems that there is no problem with Fang Xiao's decision, and it is undoubtedly quite wise.

At this time, the Earth Centipede also emerged from the ground, exposed its head, and then spoke to Fang Xiao in the sky: Master, if there is no problem, then I will start shooting down now. There’s a hole, you have to catch up immediately.”

After hearing Earth Centipede's words, Fang Xiao immediately nodded, and then motioned Yu Bing and Yu Lei to swoop down.

Yu Bing and Yu Lei suddenly understood and immediately turned around and rushed directly downwards.

When the Earth Centipede saw this scene, he no longer hesitated and immediately dug a huge hole in the ground and quickly headed downwards.

Yu Bing and Yu Lei followed the hole dug by the earth centipede all the way down, and finally everyone came directly to an extremely huge underground space.

This underground space is not dark, because there are a large number of fluorescent stones above the underground space, and these fluorescent lights illuminate the underground space brightly.

And it looks quite beautiful against the backdrop of a large number of stalactites.

Soon Fang Xiao found the owner of this underground space.

There is a deep pool formed by underground water in the center of the underground space, and next to the deep pool, there are creatures that look like salamanders.

These two creatures, which look similar to salamanders, are about 5 meters long. Overall, they are not large, and their skin is golden yellow. They look quite good.

At this time, the huge noise caused by the arrival of a group of people in this underground space immediately attracted the attention of the two golden salamanders.

Soon, they opened their eyes, stood up from the pool, and turned their eyes this way.

After seeing the figure of the earth centipede clearly, one of the golden salamanders immediately said: It's you, ugly guy, what? The lesson I gave you last time was not enough? Come here again? Or do you want to rely on it? Will these guys you brought take revenge on you?

After hearing the words of the two golden salamanders, Fang Xiao took steps, walked to the front, and then said aloud: We are not here to avenge him, we are here because of you two.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the golden salamander was not only stunned for a moment, but then immediately said to Fang Xiao: What nonsense are you talking about? Does it make any difference?

Hearing the extremely rude words of the other party, Fang Xiao frowned slightly, and then said: I will give you two choices, surrender to me now or be beaten by me until you surrender.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the golden salamander immediately spit out a mouthful of saliva on the ground. The mouth he spat out was crystal clear, but after it came into contact with the ground, it immediately corroded the ground into a deep pit.

Then he turned to Fang Xiao and said, Where do you get your confidence? Do you rely on the fact that you have many people? Is it useful to have more people? This is our home court.

After the words fell, the golden salamander immediately opened its mouth and let out a strange cry.

At the same time, all the fluorescent stones in the entire underground space suddenly began to drip translucent liquid downwards.

Fang Xiao frowned inadvertently, and then used his own power to repel all the lowered liquid.

After the liquid fell, it did not corrode the ground like the saliva of the golden salamander. Instead, it began to gather quickly, and the targets of the gathering were the two golden salamanders.

Just after all the liquid gathered next to the two golden salamanders, the next moment, the two golden lava opened their mouths respectively, and one of them absorbed half of the condensed liquid.

The next moment, the bodies of these two golden salamanders began to emit a faint fluorescent light.

Upon seeing this, Fang Xiao immediately launched an attack with Bing Jing Bingxue and the others without hesitation.

And the moment Fang Xiao and the others launched their attack, the two golden salamanders immediately rushed into the deep pool in the underground space and disappeared.

The attack by Fang Xiao and others hit the deep pool, and countless stones immediately collapsed.

The pool water inside also began to tremble violently.

Fang Xiao frowned, and then immediately took the lead and ran towards the deep pool.

Soon we came to the deep pool.

I couldn't tell how deep the water in the deep pool was, and it looked quite dark.

Fang Xiao immediately turned his gaze to the earth centipede next to him, and then said, Can you dig a hole to go down?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Earth Centipede suddenly showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and then he said aloud: Master, you don't know, there is a huge underground river underneath, and this deep pool leads to that Those who are in the underground river, now they enter the underground river through the deep pool, if you want to catch up with them, you can only be good at water.

I can only move freely in the soil, but not in the water.

Fang Xiao immediately turned his attention to the ice crystals and ice and snow next to him.

You know, in the beginning, ice crystals and ice and snow lived in hot springs on the snowy mountains.

In other words, they are definitely very good at moving in the water.

Noticing Fang Xiao's gaze directed towards the two of them, Bingjing and Bingxue looked at each other, and then Bingjing immediately spoke up and said: Master, leave this matter to me and Bingqing Bingxue.

Our two abilities can protect you and Mr. Xiyang respectively, and we can go into the water with us. As for Yu Bing Yu Lei and the others, let them wait in this underground space.

After hearing Bing Jing's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly and agreed with the other party's statement.

Seeing Fang Xiao nodding, Bing Jing Bingxue no longer hesitated, and then spit out a translucent bubble, covering Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang respectively.

And after the bubble enveloped him, Fang Xiao immediately felt a chill coming over him, and then he immediately used the power in his body to repel the chill outside his body.

The next moment, Di Xiyang and Fang Xiao, who were shrouded in bubbles, immediately followed the ice crystals and ice and snow and jumped into the deep pool.

Sure enough, just as the Earth Centipede said, after entering the depths of the deep pool, there was an underground river connected underneath, and the undercurrent inside was very turbulent.

What made Fang Xiao frown slightly was that the two golden salamanders were in the underground river and did not leave, as if they were waiting for them here specially.

The next moment, one of the golden salamanders spoke up and said: You guys really dare to chase me. We originally planned to wait for you to leave and then go back to rest. Since you are so ignorant, then... Let me show you how powerful I am.

The next moment, the golden salamander suddenly opened its mouth and blew hard.

The next moment, the water flow in the underground river surged, directly forming a huge undercurrent vortex, rolling towards the ice crystals, ice and snow, Fang Xiaohe and Di Xiyang.

Fang Xiao immediately raised the Blood-Drinking Sword in his hand, and instantly struck out with a huge sword energy.

The transparent bubble that enveloped him would not hinder the power, it would only repel the water flow.

Therefore, Fang Xiao is completely free to output in the bubble.

The huge sword energy raged past, instantly splitting the undercurrent vortex in half.

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