Soon, Cubas was hovering above Linsen's territory.

At this time, Lin Sen also saw clearly that there was someone on Cuba's head.

As Fang Xiao arrived at Lin Sen's territory, the system prompts soon rang.

It reminds Fang Xiao that he has invaded the opponent's territory and the two sides are now in a state of combat.

Fang Xiao didn't pay attention to the system prompts.

Instead, he stood on Gubas's head, looked down at Lin Sen below, and then slowly said, Are you the lord here? Then, things will be easier to handle.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao immediately jumped off Gubas' head.

Instantly jumped to the ground.

Lin Sen looked at Fang Xiao, and then there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes: Are you the guy who ranks first in the territory?

On the territory ranking list, the name of the territory and the name of the territory owner are displayed.

Players can see on the panel that Fang Xiao and Dawn City are truly No. 1 in the territory rankings, so Lin Sen knows that he is really normal.

Fang Xiao smiled softly, and then said aloud: Now that you recognize me, you should know why I came here.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Lin Sen's expression changed again, and then he slowly said, Do you think of my territory?

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said aloud: You are quite smart. Now you have seen that my mount can destroy you directly without me even having to do anything, and then capture this place. .”

I don't think you have any doubts about this, right?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Lin Sen's expression changed again and again, and finally he remained silent.

He knew that Fang Xiao was telling the truth. Not to mention Fang Xiao himself and the creatures above Gubas, even Gubas could completely destroy his territory.

Fang Xiao looked at Lin Sen for a while, then slowly said: Well, let me give you a chance to tell me, what are you good for?

If you are of great use, I can spare your life and let you surrender. If you are of little use, then I'm sorry, I will occupy your territory, and you don't need to stay in this world anymore.

Fang Xiao actually doesn't really want to accept other players. The reason is very simple.

Players are not like the natives of this world. The natives of this world are controllable, and their thoughts are quite simple, and their loyalty increases very quickly.

Players are different. Players' thoughts are very complicated. Although they show their loyalty, it is basically impossible to improve.

There is no loyalty at all.

The lawyer in Fang Xiao's territory is a player lord that Fang Xiao conquered before.

Until now, the loyalty level has only been 60 and has never been improved.

After all, the players' childhood education is completely different from that of the natives of this world. It is simply impossible for them to be loyal.

The reason why Fang Xiao stayed with the player lord before was also because the other player was very useful.

After all, there are no indigenous people who are good at law among Fang Xiao's top leaders.

Moreover, Fang Xiao is also quite clear about the composition of the forces in this world, so if the natives of this world are allowed to write the laws, Fang Xiao is actually quite uneasy in his heart.

It is undoubtedly more complete and fairer to leave it to the players to write the laws.

After all, in terms of law, the background of the two worlds is completely different. Therefore, Fang Xiao is willing to stay with the other party and offer him a considerable salary to support him.

Let the other party reflect their own value and contribute to their own territory.

But all of this is based on the premise of being valuable. If the other party has no value, Fang Xiao will naturally not accept the player's submission to him.

After all, no one knows what trouble they will cause in the future.

When he heard Fang Xiao's words, Lin Sen's face suddenly showed a hint of hope, and then he answered Fang Xiao: I can manage the territory and make plans for the territory. Do you think it's okay?

When Lin Sen spoke at this time, his tone was quite respectful.

Obviously, the players are more knowledgeable than anyone else and understand their current situation better. If they want to survive, they must not offend Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao's eyes lingered on Lin Sen for a moment, and then he slowly replied: Is that all?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Lin Sen's expression not only changed slightly, but he also didn't know what to say.

After all, he is really only good at these and has no other talents.

Looking at Lin Sen's face, Fang Xiao suddenly understood. Then he shook his head slightly and said, In this case, I can't keep you.

You know, there are quite a few native people under Fang Xiao who are good at planning and construction.

Moreover, this world is completely different from their original world, so the indigenous people are actually more suitable for the planning and construction of the city.

To put it simply, Lin Sen has no value to Fang Xiao.

Since it has no value, it is easy to solve.

The moment Fang Xiao finished speaking, his entire figure had disappeared. By the time Lin Sen reacted, Fang Xiao had already come to his side.

After Lin Sen reacted, he immediately pulled out the long sword from his waist and wanted to attack Fang Xiao. However, the next moment, an extremely strong pressure pressed on his body, making it difficult for him to move.

It is Fang Xiao’s god-level realm.

The next moment, the blood-drinking sword in Fang Xiao's hand had pierced directly into Lin Sen's heart.

Soon, Lin Sen fell to the ground and turned into a mummy.

After taking a look at Lin Sen's body, Fang Xiao raised his head again. At this time, the system had reminded him that because he killed Lin Sen, the lord, he was the final winner of this attack on Lin Sen's territory.

You can choose to destroy or occupy the territory.

Without any hesitation, Fang Xiao directly chose to occupy.

Soon, the system reminded Lin Sen that this Baisen City had become a sub-territory under Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao can perform any authority management on this sub-territory.

At the same time, like the main territory, you can also use the lord's mansion drawings and special construction drawings to develop the sub-territory.

In addition, the lord's warehouse space in the sub-territory will also be opened to Fang Xiao.

In other words, Fang Xiao now has two lord warehouses.

One is for the main territory, and the other is for the sub-territory.

At the same time, the system also prompted that he could share the permissions of this lord's warehouse in the sub-territory.

This is quite good, which means that if Fang Xiao needs to arrange a city lord in the sub-territory, then he can share the authority with this city lord.

In the future, the other party can directly contact the lord's warehouse space in the sub-territory, and then take and place things there.

Fang Xiao can also view all the other party's operations on the sub-territory lord's warehouse.

In this way, you don't have to worry about the other party quietly taking something particularly precious from the lord's warehouse.

If the other party takes the resources in the lord's warehouse, Fang Xiao can also conduct detailed questioning.

At the same time, the monthly tax revenue from the territory can also be placed directly into the lord's warehouse in the sub-territory by the city lord.

Let Fang Xiao handle it and avoid the trouble of transportation.

It can be said that the system settings in this aspect are quite user-friendly.

At this time, several of Lin Sen's confidants looked at Fang Xiao with fear in their eyes, but in the end they still attacked Fang Xiao.

Obviously their loyalty to Lin Sen was quite high, so even if Fang Xiao killed Lin Sen and occupied the territory of Baisen City, these Lin Sen's confidants had no intention of surrendering to Fang Xiao.

He even took the initiative to attack Fang Xiao and wanted to die.

Naturally, Fang Xiao would not tolerate them. He raised his hand and killed all the henchmen who attacked him, letting them die together with Lin Sen.

After dealing with them, Fang Xiao then turned his attention to the direction of the city gate.

Calculating the time, the 10,000 soldiers led by Takeo should be here soon.

Then, the remaining transaction processing work here can be left to Takeo for the time being.

However, Fang Xiao needs to think carefully about the lord's arrangement.

Takeo obviously cannot be arranged here. Fang Xiao has no doubts about Takeo's loyalty. After all, the other party has the talent of absolute loyalty, so there is no need to worry about the other party having any bad intentions.

But Takeo is very important. He must stay in the main territory and assist Fang Xiao in handling military matters.

Therefore, it is not suitable to be sent here as a lord.

Then the candidate for the lord needs to be chosen from other personnel in the main territory.

Fang Xiao stood there and thought for a long time, waiting until Takeo and his soldiers poured into the city. I have a rough candidate in mind.

I have met the lord. Wu Xiong came to Fang Xiao and then bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao waved gently, indicating to Takeo that there was no need to be polite, and then said: You should bring someone to deal with this place first, and arrange the things to be arranged.

When I rush back to the territory later, I will ask Cubas to come here with Qian Ling. By then Qian Ling will be the lord of Baisen City.

After you hand over to her, you can return directly to the main territory. These 10,000 soldiers will stay in the new territory for defense.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong immediately accepted the order: Yes, Lord, I understand.

Fang Xiao nodded to Takeo, and then walked towards Cubas.

Fang Xiao has no doubts about Takeo's ability.

He should be fully capable of arranging everything here and handing it over to Qian Ling.

As for why he chose Qian Ling, Fang Xiao thought about many reasons.

In terms of one-sided prominence, Qian Ling is not particularly outstanding, but in terms of overall ability, Qian Ling is definitely one of the strongest.

The most important thing is that Qian Ling is also a person with few management abilities.

The city lord of Baisen City does not need to be particularly outstanding in any aspect. What is needed is that he can make no mistakes and manage the place properly without causing any trouble for him.

In this regard, Qian Ling is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Soon, Fang Xiao arrived in front of Gubas, and then jumped directly on Gubas' head, signaling Gubas to return to his territory.

Without any hesitation, Gubas immediately spread his wings and rushed back towards the territory.

After returning to the territory, Fang Xiao immediately arranged for soldiers to call Qian Ling over. Not long after, Qian Ling arrived at the lord's mansion.

After seeing Fang Xiao, he immediately bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao: I have met the lord, do you know what your order is for calling me here?

Fang Xiao looked at Qian Ling, and then said in a deep voice: I asked you to come here this time because there is indeed a very important thing that needs you to do.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Qian Ling immediately spoke up and said: Lord, please don't worry. If you have anything to do, just leave it to me. I will definitely take care of it.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said aloud: You should know, I took the soldiers out to fight this morning.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Qian Ling was stunned for a moment and had some ideas in his mind, but he was still a little unsure.

Of course I know, Lord Lord, I don't know. Does this have anything to do with me?

Fang Xiao smiled softly, and then answered aloud: It does have something to do with you, because I led people on the expedition this morning just to occupy a territory. Now that territory has been occupied by me, and now I need A qualified lord, help me manage it.

And after I think about it, you are the most suitable person at the moment.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Qian Ling not only showed a touch of surprise on his face, but then quickly said to Fang Xiao: Lord, I know my own abilities best. Isn't this a bit inappropriate? After all, There are many people better than me.

After hearing Qian Ling's words, Fang Xiao shook his head slightly, and then said aloud: If you look at one aspect alone, there are indeed many people who are better than you, but overall, there are no people who are better than you. several.

So you are definitely one of the most suitable candidates. I hope that after you rush over, you can arrange the things there properly and don't let anything go wrong. This matter has been decided like this, and there is no need to shirk it anymore.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Qian Ling bowed to Fang Xiao, and then said solemnly: Thank you, Lord. Since you have such high hopes for me, I will definitely live up to your expectations. Please Don’t worry, I will definitely manage the affairs of the new territory.”

Fang Xiao smiled softly, and then directly shared the lord's warehouse in the new territory with Qian Ling.

Qian Ling, who had obtained the sharing permission, was obviously stunned. Apparently she had noticed the existence of the lord's warehouse in the new territory.

So she turned to Fang Xiao, her eyes not only a little confused?

Fang Xiao immediately spoke: Since you have become the lord of Baisen City, this is the right given to you.

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