Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 240 Looking at the territory

This centipede-like god-level creature heard Fang Xiao's question and immediately replied: Don't worry, Master, I'm really fast.

After hearing the other party's emphasis again, Fang Xiao didn't bother to confirm again. Anyway, he had already contracted with the other party, and it was impossible for the other party to run away.

So Fang Xiao directly agreed: Okay, you can act in the soil by yourself. Let's go, Cubas, we will return to the territory now.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao immediately jumped to the top of Gubas' head with the setting sun and ice crystals, and then signaled the other party to move.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas immediately nodded, then jumped into the air and rushed towards the territory.

Now that he doesn't have to carry the ugly centipede on his back, he is obviously in a very happy mood.

Yu Bing Yu Lei and many other god-level creatures also quickly followed up.

After returning all the way to the territory, Fang Xiao glanced at the ground not far away.

I saw a figure breaking through the ground instantly and emerging from the ground. It was the god-level creature in the shape of a centipede.

Obviously, the other party did not lie to Fang Xiao. The speed of the other party traveling through the land, if not affected, is indeed not inferior to the flying speed of Gubas and the others.

Seeing this, Fang Xiao not only nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, this can also be regarded as one of Fang Xiao's trump cards. After all, a surprise attack launched from the ground can have unexpected effects on enemies on the ground.

At this time, Takeo also rushed over with people.

After seeing Fang Xiao, he immediately bowed to Fang Xiao, and then said aloud: Lord, my investigation has produced preliminary results.

After hearing Takeo's words, Fang Xiao immediately raised his eyebrows and quickly understood what Takeo was talking about.

Obviously, he should have investigated the relatively powerful player lord nearby.

So, Fang Xiao immediately asked aloud: Okay, let's talk about it.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Takeo did not hesitate and immediately answered: First of all, a quite prosperous territory was discovered to the south of Baixiang City.

The composition of this territory is similar to what you said before.

In addition, about 200 kilometers north of our territory, we also found a territory that meets your requirements.

After hearing Takeo's answer, Fang Xiao immediately understood.

Obviously, the two locations Takeo discovered were all five-star town-level territories.

Because the description given to him by Fang Xiao before was that the lowest level was five-star town level.

As for the lower territory, Fang Xiao doesn't think highly of it yet.

As for the main city-level territories, there are not many on the territory ranking list now. The world is so big, and the possibility of being located in the same area as Fang Xiao's territory is really low.

And now, according to Takeo's investigation, it is obvious that there are no main city-level player territories near his territory.

However, being able to explore these two five-star town-level territories is a good gain.

Judging from Takeo's description, it is obvious that the five-star town-level player territory on the White Elephant City side is closer to Fang Xiao.

Better to start.

After Fang Xiao thought for a moment, he immediately spoke to Takeo and ordered: Gather 10,000 soldiers immediately, and follow me on the expedition tomorrow morning.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong immediately asked: Lord, I don't know where we are going to attack.

Fang Xiao immediately pointed his finger in the direction of Baixiang City, and then said: The territory near Baixiang City.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong immediately accepted the order and left with the others.

After Wu Xiong left, Fang Xiao rushed back to the lord's mansion with Di Xiyang.

It is necessary to occupy the player's territory, because although Fang Xiao can plunder the territory of the indigenous forces in this world, there is no way to take their territory as his own.

Without the recognition of the system, even if Fang Xiao forcibly occupied the territory of the indigenous forces, he would not be able to develop there.

This is why after the White Elephant City power was destroyed, Fang Xiao would rather move all the population and resources to his own territory than occupy White Elephant City.

Because there is no point in occupying Baixiang City.

It’s no different than occupying a piece of ruins.

Only by occupying the player's territory, incorporating it into a sub-territory, and gaining recognition from the system can it truly develop as a development area.

As for the power of other players, Fang Xiao has nothing to fear.

Because it can be seen from the territory rankings that he is now far ahead.

The level of a territory often represents the heritage of the territory.

After all, being able to obtain higher-level lord's mansion blueprints, apart from luck, can only be achieved through strength.

In other words, even if the territory level is not 100% linked to the territory's background, most of them are.

Especially since Fang Xiao has now become a god-level being and has conquered a lot of god-level creatures as his mounts.

He really doesn't believe that any player force can be his opponent at the moment.

The next morning, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang got up early and rushed towards the main hall in the front yard.

After arriving at the main hall in the front yard, I saw that all the confidants had gathered here.

Fang Xiao's eyes spread across their faces, and finally landed on Wu Xiong, and then he said to Wu Xiong: Wu Xiong, are you ready for what I asked you to prepare last night?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Takeo immediately nodded, and then replied loudly: Lord, we are completely prepared and can set off at any time.

Hearing this, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then stood up and said, Okay, let's go have a meal first. After breakfast, everyone will do whatever they need to do. Wu Xiong and I set off to capture a place. The territory will serve as a new stronghold for our power.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the confidants present not only looked at each other, but many of them also had thoughts.

All along, when dealing with other forces, Fang Xiao always only plundered them without occupying territory.

They originally thought that this was because their territory had not yet been fully developed, so Fang Xiao wanted to focus on developing his old capital first.

Then think about other things.

Moreover, Fang Xiao suddenly announced this news. In their opinion, there is no doubt that his territory has almost developed, so he plans to expand.

And if it expands, there is no doubt that it will be necessary to arrange responsible persons at the new stronghold.

That is, the new city lord.

In this case, there are naturally many people who want to take this high-power and lucrative position.

But they all understand Fang Xiao's character relatively well.

Regarding this aspect, Fang Xiao should have already had his own ideas, if they were really ignorant and took the initiative to ask Fang Xiao for this position.

Not only will you get nothing, but you will probably get Fang Xiao's bad feeling.

So although many people were interested, no one came forward to tell Fang Xiao about the city lord of the new settlement.

Soon everyone came to the living room and sat down respectively. Then Fang Xiao ordered the maid next to him to start serving food. After a sumptuous breakfast, Fang Xiao dismissed all his confidants.

Soon, only Fang Xiao, Di Xiyang and Takeo were left in the vestibule.

Fang Xiao waved slightly to Takeo, and then said in a hurry: Sunset, Takeo, let's gather now and set off with the soldiers.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong immediately nodded in agreement, and then took steps to walk outside.

When Fang Xiao walked to the front yard, he brought the ice crystals and ice and snow with him.

In terms of high-level combat power, Fang Xiao planned to bring only Gubas, ice crystals, ice and snow, and Sunset in this expedition.

As for other god-level creatures, let them stay here in the territory to protect the safety of the territory.

As for the low-level combat power, it is naturally the 10,000 soldiers led by Takeo.

Fang Xiao did not expect these soldiers to participate in the battle.

Instead, he planned to bring high-level combat power with him, and after wiping out the top leaders of the opposing force, let these 10,000 soldiers do the finishing work.

The finishing work is very simple. You need to reintegrate the recovered sub-territories and then live there.

That's right, Fang Xiao has no intention of bringing these 10,000 soldiers back to his Dawn City.

Dawn City now has too many soldiers, so many that they are seriously overflowing.

Fang Xiao actually has this plan in mind when opening up new territory, which is to solve the problem of serious overflow of troops.

Distribute the seriously overflowing troops to other newly established strongholds, so that there will be no more problems.

Soon Fang Xiao took Wu Xiong all the way to the west gate of Dawn City.

At this time, a large number of soldiers had gathered outside the west gate, standing there neatly, looking quite oppressive.

At this time, under the auspices of Huang Yunjie, the repair work on the city wall of the territory has been almost completed. It looks quite large-scale and has a touch of grandeur.

After it is properly repaired later, anyone who comes will feel that Dawn City is a very prosperous and majestic city.

Fang Xiao didn't say much, then directly found Gubas and asked him to follow him.

Gubas naturally had no objections.

So Fang Xiao followed the setting sun, ice crystals, and snow, and rode on Gubas.

Taking the lead and heading towards the player territory on the south side of White Elephant City, the 10,000 soldiers below were hanging behind, following the figure of Cubas above.

Because of Fang Xiao's signal, Gubas' flying speed was not fast enough for the soldiers on the ground to keep up.

At the same time, it is located 50 kilometers south of Baixiang City.

There is a rather large city here.

At this time, there was a young man in rich clothes on the streets of the city, leading a group of subordinates to patrol continuously. This young man was none other than the owner of this lord, and his name was Lin Sen.

Lin Sen was in a very good mood at this time, and the reason was very simple.

This morning, I opened a wave of mysterious treasure chests, and unexpectedly, I found a blueprint of a five-star town-level lord's mansion.

He then used this five-star town-level lord's mansion drawing to upgrade his territory to one-star main city level.

After the territory has been improved, the next step is to develop the territory well.

And the outermost city wall also needs to be expanded.

Re-enclose all the expanded territory.

He is now walking on the streets with his confidants, just to instruct his confidants on how to plan and arrange the next step.

Before he came into this world. I am quite familiar with this aspect.

I don’t have any particularly powerful internal affairs management staff, so I need to proactively plan and arrange many things myself.

And just when he was happily making arrangements for his men, he saw a huge black shadow suddenly appear in the distant sky.

This suddenly made Lin Sen couldn't help but raise his head.

He saw a creature that looked like a python with wings on its back, approaching him quickly.

The opponent's huge size not only made Lin Sen's expression change slightly.

His first thought was that the other party might just be passing by.

But in the blink of an eye, he took back this idea.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst, so he immediately faced the confidants beside him and said loudly: Now immediately gather all the soldiers and horses in the camp and be on full alert. If the other party is just passing by here, then don't pay attention.

If the other party is coming for us, then prepare to fight.

In fact, Lin Sen felt a little weak now.

The strength of such a huge creature is unknown. Because the opponent is too big and far away from here, so from Lin Sen's perspective, a large part of the opponent's figure is blocked by the clouds above. Living.

So he couldn't see the whole picture, so naturally he couldn't see the opponent's attribute panel.

However, he soon no longer had this worry.

Because the other party is landing quickly downwards.

As the opponent fell, Lin Sen's entire body came into Lin Sen's eyes.

Lin Sen also saw the opponent's attribute panel. When he saw the opponent's attribute panel, Lin Sen not only turned pale for an instant, but his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

The reason is very simple. This creature is actually a god. You must know that his strength is only legendary. His closest subordinates also only have a few legendary, and the rest are only legendary.

As a result, a god-level creature suddenly appeared, and judging from the opponent's momentum, it was obviously coming towards his territory, which not only made him feel a sense of despair in his heart.

Because if we analyze it solely from the strength gap between legendary and legendary beings, I am afraid that god-level beings will be even more terrifying.

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