I have to say that although Gubas looks very scary, his first impression is very bad and extremely fierce.

But if you really get along with him, you will find that his personality is not very fierce.

And he's the kind of person who talks a lot and can't stop talking.

When he introduced his glorious achievements to Fang Xiao, he explained them in quite detail, making Fang Xiao feel as if he was immersed in the scenes of that year.

This eloquence is indeed quite good.

After the other party finished speaking, Fang Xiao immediately asked aloud: You are so eloquent. Don't you feel bored after staying in the Abyss for so many years?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas shook his head slightly: What's so boring? For more than 1,000 years, I have been basically dormant and rarely wake up.

Unless someone enters the Infinite Abyss and disturbs my sleep.

After hearing Gubas's words, Fang Xiao realized that this was the case.

No wonder Gubas was able to stay in the abyss and endure the loneliness for so long.

It turned out that he was basically awake.

At this time, Gubas's voice changed, and then he asked aloud: By the way, Master, how many years have you two survived?

Even humans, although their life span is not as good as ours, can still have a life span of nearly ten thousand years after breaking through to the god level.

You two must have been alive for at least several thousand years, right?

After hearing Gubas' inquiry, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang not only looked at each other, but also had strange expressions on their faces.

Then Fang Xiao replied: Both of us are only in our twenties or thirties.

To be precise, Fang Xiao is in his 20s and Di Xiyang is in his 30s.

After hearing Fang Xiao's answer, Gubas not only slowed down his flying speed, but his eyes widened in disbelief.

The voice was full of surprise: How is it possible? You two have reached the god level when you are only in your twenties and thirties. How did you do it?

After hearing Gubas' question, Fang Xiao raised his foot and stepped on Gubas' head, and then replied loudly: You should ask less about things you shouldn't ask. It has nothing to do with you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas snorted and finally answered aloud: You said it as if I wanted to know, I don't care.

Okay, we will soon reach the place where those two bastards are. We must teach them a lesson later.

After flying for a certain distance, a valley filled with white mist came into view.

Fang Xiao glanced at the valley filled with white mist, and then asked aloud: Is this the misty valley where those two god-level creatures live?

Gubas nodded slightly, and then replied loudly: Yes, it is their hometown. I will call them out in a while, and then the three of us, Master, will come together and beat them up first. And then conquer it.”

Soon, Cubas brought Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang to the top of the misty valley, and then Cubas opened his mouth and pointed downwards.

Then a huge pillar of black flame spurted out from his mouth, burning fiercely towards the misty valley below.

Just when the pillar of flame was about to fly into the misty valley, a huge icicle with a diameter of several hundred meters suddenly rose up inside, and then violently collided with the pillar of flame.

Suddenly countless ice shards flew everywhere.

It's like ice crystals spreading in all directions, looking somewhat beautiful.

However, at the next moment, these countless ice crystals suddenly shot towards Gubas at an extremely terrifying speed.

Cubas' expression was quite indifferent, and then he opened his mouth and sprayed fiercely. The next moment, a large amount of black flames were sprayed out by Cubas.

These flames instantly collided with the flying ice crystals, and then disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the white mist in the misty valley suddenly seemed to be dispersed by something.

Two areas suddenly became extremely foggy, and then two huge figures rushed up from below.

Fang Xiao cast his eyes on these two huge figures and saw that both of them resembled sparrows in appearance, but were quite huge in size, both of them being over 100 meters tall.

At the same time, the feathers of the two of them are blue, and the feathers of the other are white.

In terms of appearance alone, it is indeed quite beautiful.

After seeing Gubas, both of them immediately had a flash of anger in their eyes.

Then the white sparrow spoke up and said: Gubas, you do not know how to live or die, what a lesson you learned back then. Haven't you had enough? You still dare to come and cause trouble.

After hearing the other party's scolding, Gubas couldn't help laughing, and then replied aloud: Yu Bing, do you still have any shame? If you two hadn't joined forces to beat me back then, would I have been unable to beat you?

After hearing what Gubas said, Yu Bing not only sneered, but then replied loudly: Gubas, are you here to make a joke?

Yurei and I are husband and wife, so we naturally work together to advance and retreat together. If you come to provoke us, do we still have to fight you one-on-one? Is there something wrong with your brain?

At this time, the big blue sparrow next to him also spoke up: Yu Bing is right. If you still want to be tortured this time, then I can help you.

However, I promise I won't let you escape as easily as last time this time. I will definitely let you leave something behind.

Of course, if you are sensible, leave now and I can spare you.

After hearing Yu Lei's words, Gubas couldn't help but became furious, and then replied loudly: Yu Bing Yu Lei, you two, don't be arrogant with me here. Why do you think I came here this time? Just to beat you up. You two!

After the words fell, Gubas then spoke to Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang above his head: Beat these two miscellaneous birds.

After the words fell, Gubas opened his mouth in an instant, and directly burned a thick black flame towards Yu Bing and Yu Lei.

Seeing Gubas taking action after a disagreement, Yu Bing and Yu Lei not only had a flash of anger in their eyes, but then they flapped their wings.

A large number of white icicles were instantly condensed next to Yu Bing's wings, while a large number of thunder and lightning were filled next to Yu Lei's wings.

The next moment, countless electric lights and icicles attacked Gubas's black flames together.

Gubas was obviously unable to deal with the double attack of Yu Lei and Yu Bing. Soon the black flames quickly disappeared, and a large number of thunder and lightning and icicles continued to attack Gubas.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he stopped watching the show. Then he gestured to the setting sun and raised the Blood Drinking Sword in his hand.

The next moment, a large amount of white light filled Fang Xiao's Blood-Drinking Sword. Following Fang Xiao's fierce swing, a huge white sword energy flew out from the Blood-Drinking Sword.

Then it quickly grew in size, and in just a few seconds, it turned into a huge sword energy with a diameter of several hundred meters.

Then it collided hard with those icicles and thunder and lightning.

Di Xiyang also waved his fists, and continuously punched out a large amount of golden fist energy.

Following Fang Xiao's sword energy, he quickly destroyed all the lightning and icicles together.

At this time, Yu Bing and Yu Lei also noticed Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang above Gubas.

Because Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang were relatively small, and they stood on Gubas' head, and were blocked by the unicorn horn on Gubas' head, Yu Bing and Yu Lei did not notice the two of them immediately.

Of course, the main reason was that Gubas' mouth was so vicious. Yu Bing and Yu Lei immediately had no time to pay attention to other points and focused all their attention on bickering with Gubas.

Just now, Cubas and Fang Xiao found themselves talking, but they thought they were talking to themselves.

Yu Lei not only narrowed his eyes, but then said aloud: Gubas, is this what you rely on? You brought two reinforcements here? It's really shameless. As a god-level creature, you actually colluded with humans.

After hearing Yu Lei's words, Gubas not only smiled disdainfully, but then said aloud: What time has it been, you are still doing this here, save it, you two will get a good beating from now on. That’s it.”

After the words fell, Cuba was excited and kept spitting out flames, attacking Yu Bing and Yu Lei continuously.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang also followed closely behind, and suddenly a large number of intensive attacks continued to attack Yu Bing and Yu Lei.

Soon Yu Bing and Yu Lei were unable to cope with it.

The reason is simple. Now Gubas has been contracted by Fang Xiao.

Both Fang Xiao and Gubas can enjoy the bonus of Fang Xiao's riding professional skills.

This god-level one-star riding professional skill brings considerable bonuses to both parties.

Can provide both sides with skill power.

Therefore, even without Di Xiyang, Fang Xiao and Gubas could actually completely suppress Yu Bing and Yu Lei.

Now that there is more sunset, the pressure on Yu Bing and Yu Lei is naturally even greater.

As the two sides continued to fight, Yu Bing and Yu Lei's offensive counterattacks became smaller and smaller, and a large number of scars began to appear on their bodies.

The originally beautiful feathers showed a lot of traces of being burned by the flames.

Cuba was immediately excited to the extreme, and his offensive became more and more fierce.

It can be seen that Gubas is really a very vindictive person.

As the situation became increasingly unfavorable, Yu Bing spoke up and said: Two humans, what benefits did Gubas promise to you? Why did you help him deal with us? We can promise double the benefits he promised.

As long as you can help us both in turn.

After hearing Yu Bing take the initiative to speak, Fang Xiao smiled, then his men's offensive slowed down a little, and then answered: This is very simple, Gubas has now become my contracted mount, so naturally I will spare no effort to help he.

If you two are willing to be my mounts, then I will naturally not help him deal with you two, and I will not let him deal with you two anymore. What do you two think?

Hearing Fang Xiao's words, Yu Bing and Yu Lei not only widened their eyes, they were filled with disbelief.

Then Yu Lei mocked: Gubas, have you fallen to this point? As a god-level existence, you are willing to be someone else's mount. What should I say about you?

It's such a shame, seeing you now makes me want to laugh.

After hearing Yu Lei's ridicule, Gubas not only became extremely angry, but also attacked more and more rapidly.

Fang Xiao saw that Yu Bing and Yu Lei didn't seem to have any intention of surrendering, so Fang Xiao showed no mercy and the offensive became increasingly fierce.

Soon, under the attacks of Fang Xiao and the others, Yu Bing and Yu Lei were seriously injured, and then quickly fell downwards.

The two directly smashed away the fog in the misty valley, and finally hit the ground hard, leaving two deep pits on the ground.

Fang Xiao drove Gubas and quickly caught up with him. Then he came above the two and signaled Gubas to stop.

Then he said: I will give you two a choice, either become my mount, or I will teach you two more lessons and force a contract between you two.

At this time, Yu Bing and Yu Lei, who had just climbed up from the pit, not only changed their expressions when they heard this.

After hesitating for a moment, Yu Bing then said: That's it, we two surrender.

After hearing Yu Bing's words, Yu Lei not only turned his head sharply, but seemed to want to say something, but in the end he opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said: Very good, you two are very aware of current affairs.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Xiao stretched out his finger to point at Yu Bing next to him, and then said to Di Xiyang: You come to subdue Yu Bing, and I will make a contract with Yu Lei.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

Since the two were very understanding and did not resist, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang quickly successfully signed a contract between the two.

And when both of them were contracted, Cuba immediately laughed out loud: You two guys are so funny. You just laughed at me, saying that I am willing to be someone else's mount. Are you still the same now?

After hearing Gubas' words, Torpedo and Yu Bing not only looked a little ugly, but they didn't know what to say in rebuttal.

Fang Xiao not only stretched out his foot, but also kicked Gubas in the face, causing Gubas to shrink back in pain.

Then Fang Xiao spoke up: From now on, you will all be my mounts, so don't talk about these things between each other anymore.

After hearing Fang Xiao's warning, Gubas shrank his head and said nothing more.

As Fang Xiao's mount now, he cannot disobey Fang Xiao at all.

So if he goes against Fang Xiao, he will only suffer.

Fang Xiao's eyes stayed on the three of them for a moment, and then he asked aloud: By the way, where is the god-level creature closest to the Misty Valley? Come and tell me.

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