Looking at the sea of ​​black flames sweeping over him, Fang Xiao tightened his grip on the Blood-Drinking Sword, and suddenly a faint white light began to spread over it.

When the white light completely enveloped the Blood-Drinking Knife, Fang Xiao swung the knife out fiercely.

The next moment, a huge white sword energy flew out instantly.

And as it flies, it becomes bigger and bigger.

By the time it collided with this sea of ​​black flames, the sword energy was already hundreds of feet high.

Immediately, the sea of ​​black flames was cut into two halves by the knife.

After tearing through the sea of ​​black flames, the sword energy did not disappear, but was reduced by half, and then slashed hard on Gubas' body.

Suddenly, a wound was left on his huge body.

Black blood flowed out from the wound, and Cubas couldn't help but roar: Damn human, you really pissed me off.

After the words fell, Gubas opened his mouth wide, pointed at the endless abyss below, and then took a deep breath.

I saw that in the endless abyss below, black mist was continuously sucked into Gubas' mouth.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but frowned fiercely.

Although he didn't know what Cubas was doing, it was obvious that he must not let the other party succeed.

Otherwise, the situation will definitely be unfavorable to his side.

So Fang Xiao glanced at Di Sunset next to him, and then said aloud: Sunset Sun, attack him, don't let him continue to absorb the black mist in the abyss.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao raised the Blood-Drinking Sword in his hand, and then continued to slash the huge white sword energy towards Gubas.

Di Xiyang clenched his fists and punched out one after another.

Golden fist shadows with a diameter of hundreds of meters were condensed, and they were continuously smashed towards Gubas.

Noticing the attacks of the two men, Cubas had no choice but to stop.

I saw that his size had grown a bit larger at this time, and his entire abdomen looked a little full, which made people feel a little weird.

At this moment, Gubas's eyes suddenly turned dark, and then he exhaled hard.

I saw two huge streams of black smoke spurting out from his nostrils.

The next moment, Gubas opened his mouth suddenly, and a large amount of black flames began to condense in his mouth.

After condensing into shape, Gubas spit it out violently.

This huge fireball flew towards Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang in an instant.

And during the flight, a large amount of black mist in the Infinite Abyss was continuously absorbed by the fireball, becoming larger and larger.

After colliding with the attacks of Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang, the huge black fireball exploded instantly.

He resisted all attacks from two people.

Gubas was also not idle. After spitting out this huge fireball, he opened his mouth again and began to absorb the black mist toward the endless abyss below.

Fang Xiao frowned again, and then drove the leader of the Golden Yuhu to approach Gubas again.

And while approaching, they continued to attack.

The same thing happened on Di Xiyang's side. His hands kept moving, and one after another huge golden fist shadows overlapped and hit Cubas hard.

Gubas, who was absorbing the mist, had no choice but to stop again.

There was more than just a flash of annoyance in his eyes.

Then he opened his mouth wide and began to condense fireballs.

With the last experience, Fang Xiao directly controlled the leader of the Golden Yuhu and began to change positions quickly.

After changing to another direction, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang began to attack repeatedly.

The opponent's fireballs can only attack in one direction, and if Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang continuously attack from different directions, it will obviously be difficult for the opponent to deal with it.

Sure enough, facing Fang Xiao's attacks that constantly changed directions.

Gubas never had the chance to absorb the black mist in the Abyss.

He could only continuously condense fireballs to resist the two people's long-range attacks.

As both sides continue to consume, it can be found that Gubas' body is gradually returning to its original appearance.

At the same time, the slightly bulging abdomen gradually became flat.

Fang Xiao also roughly understood that the opponent should be able to absorb the black mist in the Abyss to strengthen himself.

And as long as Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang don't give him this opportunity, Gubas will obviously have no way to make use of the black mist of the Infinite Abyss.

As time passed little by little, the scars on Gubas began to gradually increase.

And it's getting worse.

The battle continued into the evening, by which time Gubas' body was covered with countless wounds.

His face was already covered with fatigue.

There was also a hint of fear in the eyes staring at Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang.

Finally, as Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang launched another attack, Gubas could no longer remain calm.

He directly spoke out and said: Stop it, don't fight anymore, I admit defeat, just ask for any conditions you have, I will try my best to satisfy you.

After hearing what Gubas said, Fang Xiao stopped, then slowly looked at Gubas, and said loudly: If you had done this earlier, it would be better, and you would avoid suffering so much.

The reason why we are here is very simple. I want you to sign a contract with us and become my mount.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, thinking that he heard wrongly.

After a while, he finally came back to his senses.

Then he said to Fang Xiao in disbelief: Are you kidding me? I am a god-level existence, and you actually let me be your mount?

After hearing the other party's words, Fang Xiao couldn't help but blurred his eyes for a moment, and then said aloud: What? Do you feel wronged by asking you to be my mount?

It doesn't matter if you don't agree. I'll beat you half to death in a while, and then I'll force you to make a contract. Anyway, it's the same, you just have to suffer a little more.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas' face not only froze slightly, but his whole body trembled slightly. He didn't know whether he was angry or scared.

After a while, Cubas lowered his head as if resigned to his fate, and then slowly said, Forget it, I promise you.

It was obvious that he did not have the courage to die.

And if you don't have the courage to die, you will undoubtedly face only two consequences.

Either accept Fang Xiao's contract obediently, or be beaten to death by Fang Xiao and then force the contract.

As for which one to choose, Gubas is not stupid and naturally knows it well.

Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then drove the leader of the Golden Yuhu to quickly approach Gubas.

After arriving in front of Gubas, Fang Xiao immediately began to use his riding skills to make a contract with Gubas.

Gubas was very sensible and did not resist, and soon the contract between the two parties was successful.

Cubas officially became Fang Xiao's mount.

After the contract was completed, Fang Xiao's eyes stayed on Gubas for a moment.

Then he spoke out and said, Will ordinary medicine be effective for your injury?

Fang Xiao naturally had a reason for asking this.

Obviously, after reaching the god level, it is completely different from before.

Therefore, Fang Xiao really doesn't know that the drugs that are effective for ordinary injuries have no effect on god-level creatures.

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Gubas immediately shook his head: It's useless, but there's no need to bother. I just need to absorb the black mist in the Abyss, and I will be able to recover from the injury soon.

Before, I was beaten by you two so hard that I couldn't fight back. I had no chance to absorb the black mist. Otherwise, these injuries would have been healed long ago.

After hearing what Gubas said, Fang Xiao not only raised his eyebrows, but then asked Gubas: Why does the black mist in the Infinite Abyss have this effect on you?

After hearing Fang Xiao's question, Gubas said nonchalantly: I have been here for thousands of years. All the black mist here is the breath from my body that I spent a little time expelling.

So, they naturally have a huge effect on me. Firstly, they can strengthen my strength, and secondly, they can treat my injuries.

If you two hadn't joined hands to deal with me today, I would have been completely unworthy of any of you.

Even if I defeat you two, there will be absolutely no problem.

After hearing Gubasa's words, Fang Xiao finally understood.

No wonder the other party has been staying here. It turns out that he has been here for such a long time and created an exclusive venue that is extremely beneficial to him.

Watching Gubas open his mouth and begin to continuously absorb the black mist from the Abyss, while the injuries on his body continued to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, Fang Xiao jumped directly onto Gubas' head with the setting sun.

Then waited quietly.

Soon, Gubas' injuries were completely healed.

After Gubas stopped to absorb the mist, Fang Xiao asked him aloud: I have something to ask you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's question, Gubas immediately spoke out and replied: You can just ask whatever question you have. Now that you are my master, I will tell you all your questions.

After hearing Gubas's answer, Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then asked aloud: I want to ask you, do you know about the existence of other god-level creatures?

Both I and my wife can contract 10 god-level creatures respectively, so you should understand what I mean.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas not only blinked, but then said slowly: You have a really big appetite, but you are asking the right person this question.

I know the location of quite a few god-level creatures.

When Fang Xiao heard this, he immediately spoke out and said, Then tell me first, where is the nearest god-level creature from here?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Cubas immediately replied: Going south from here, about 500 kilometers away, there is a huge misty valley, and there is a pair of misty birds in that valley.

This pair of miscellaneous birds, when I met them thousands of years ago, they were both god-level one-star, the same as me.

So if you are interested, you can make these two your first targets.

After hearing what Gubas said, Fang Xiao not only raised his eyebrows, but then asked aloud: From your tone, it seems that you have a grudge against the two of them.

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Cuba nodded without any concealment, and then said aloud: Thousands of years ago, I had a little conflict with those two miscellaneous birds because of some things, and I ate them in their hands. It’s a big loss.”

Of course, if it is 1 on 1, I will definitely be able to defeat any of them. It's just that they don't follow martial ethics and join forces to deal with me, so I will suffer.

After hearing what Gubas said, Fang Xiao not only narrowed his eyes, but then said: What? Are you hinting at me?

He always felt that there was a sense of criticism in Gubas's words.

And it has to be said that god-level creatures are really quite special. After the contract was completed with those below-god-level creatures that Fang Xiao had contracted with before, their wills seemed to be affected by the contract, and they became quite well-behaved, and even his own subjective Consciousness has almost been diluted.

After Gubas was contracted, it seemed that he was not affected at all. The only thing that was affected may be the relationship between the contracts and he could not disobey Fang Xiao.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas quickly denied: How could it be? It's just a coincidence, how about it? Do you want me to take you, master, to meet them two in the misty valley?

Fang Xiao naturally understood that Gubas wanted to use his own hands to avenge the past.

But it doesn't matter. Since these are two very suitable goals, Fang Xiao will naturally not refuse.

So he nodded slightly, and then answered to Gubas: Okay, no problem, you can set off directly, take the two of us to the valley, and take good care of them.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas immediately became excited, and then he took off in an instant and rushed south quickly.

While Gubas was on his way, Fang Xiao thought for a moment, and then asked Gubas: The two miscellaneous birds you mentioned, what are their specific abilities?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Gubas immediately answered aloud: Those two miscellaneous feathered birds are different. One of them has an ice attribute, while the other miscellaneous feathered bird's ability is thunder. Attributes, if the two of them work together, it would be disgusting.

I suffered a lot back then.

After the words fell, Gubas began to tell Fang Xiao in detail about the scene when he fought with the two birds with god-level one-star strength.

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