Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 235 Ice, Snow and Ice Crystals

Upon hearing this, Cubas immediately spoke diligently: Eight hundred miles east from here, there is an extinct volcano, and there is a group of fire-breathing birds on the top of the extinct volcano.

A group? Fang Xiao instantly grasped the key.

Ah, yes, they are a tribe. As far as I know, there were a total of six members of their tribe thousands of years ago, including two god-level one-star members and four god-level two-star members. Cubas responded immediately.

When Fang Xiao heard this, he not only frowned, but then stared at Gubas and hit him on the head with his fist.

Do you think that with our current lineup, we are sure to win?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Gubas couldn't help but shrink his head and finally stopped talking.

Obviously, he himself did not feel that he was sure of victory.

Fang Xiao shook his head slightly, and finally shifted his gaze from Gubas to Yu Lei and Yu Bing next to him.

Noticing Fang Xiao's gaze, Yu Lei immediately spoke up and said, As far as I know, it's about 1,000 kilometers southwest from here.

There is a big mountain there that is covered in ice and snow all year round.

And on the top of the mountain, there are two god-level one-star creatures living.

To be precise, the reason why this mountain is covered in ice and snow all year round is because of these two god-level one-star creatures.

After hearing Yu Lei's words, Fang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and then asked aloud: What abilities do these two god-level creatures have? What do they look like?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Yu Lei immediately replied: The reason why I know this news is because once, when Yu Bing and we passed by the snowy mountain, we had something to do with these two god-level creatures. touch.

The abilities of the two of them are similar to Yu Bing's, they both have ice attributes.

In terms of appearance, I can't quite describe it, but they don't have the ability to fly.

After hearing Yu Lei's words, Fang Xiao thought for a moment, and then said: Then let's set the target on the two of them, and we'll set off now.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao jumped directly onto Yu Lei's body.

Then he motioned for them to leave immediately.

Yu Bing and Yu Lei did not dare to hesitate, and immediately flapped their wings, leading Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang towards the southwest quickly.

Gubas followed the two of them and kept talking along the way, provoking Yu Bing and Yu Lei in a very subtle way.

However, after being warned several times by Fang Xiao, Gubas became completely honest and did not dare to make any more troubles.

Because all three have been contracted, they can all enjoy the talents of Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang.

At the same time, you can also enjoy the blessing of professional skills, so the flying speed is quite fast.

It didn’t take long to reach the snow-capped mountains thousands of miles away, and we arrived at dusk.

Looking at the mountain completely covered by ice and snow, Fang Xiao immediately raised his eyebrows.

I have to say, the scenery is quite nice.

Then Fang Xiao asked Yu Bing and Yu Lei: Are they two living on the top of this mountain?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Yu Lei immediately replied: Yes, there is a huge hot spring on the top of this iceberg, and the two of them have been entrenched in it all year round.

After hearing Yu Lei's answer, Fang Xiao nodded, and then signaled Yu Lei to set off directly to the mountain peak.

Yu Lei did not dare to hesitate, and then immediately flapped his wings and flew forward quickly.

Not long after, they flew all the way to the top of this snow-capped mountain.

Sure enough, I saw a small lake here, and the lake was steaming. It was obviously not an ordinary lake, but a super large hot spring.

The arrival of several people obviously attracted the attention of the owner here.

Soon, a large number of bubbles appeared on the lake, and then two strange creatures emerged from the lake.

The two of them are not big in stature, and their appearance is somewhat similar to mice, but their whole bodies are covered with white scales.

The body length is only about two meters.

Compared with Yu Bing, Yu Lei and Gubas, who were hundreds of meters in size, they were simply tiny.

After meeting Gubas, Yu Bing, and Yu Lei, Fang Xiao thought that all god-level creatures would increase in size, so each one would be bigger than the last.

But looking at it now, his previous guess was obviously wrong.

The strength of a god-level creature should have little to do with its size.

Otherwise, these two creatures that look like mice would not be so small. After all, they are both god-level one-star powers.

Fang Xiao could see the attribute panel. When the two showed their heads, Fang Xiao was sure that they were the masters here.

After seeing Fang Xiao and the others, the two of them did not immediately show hostility, but instead focused on Yu Bing and Yu Lei.

Then one of the rat-like creatures asked: Yu Bing Yu Lei, how come after thousands of years, you two want to come to us and bring so many friends with you?

Hearing the words of this god-level creature that looked like a mouse, Yu Bing and Yu Lei not only turned their heads, but were obviously a little ashamed.

Because what they bring is not friends at all.

These two god-level creatures, which looked similar to mice, obviously noticed the abnormality of Yu Bing and Yu Lei immediately.

Not only did the two of them look wary, but they then asked aloud: Yu Bing Yu Lei, what is going on? Aren't you here as guests?

Fang Xiao's eyes wandered back and forth on these two god-level creatures, and then he answered aloud: Okay, you two don't have to guess, I will tell you directly.

I came here with Yu Bing, Yu Lei and the others this time because I want to take you two back and use them as my mounts.

If you are willing, then you can avoid the pain of flesh and blood, and we can happily make a contract now.

But if you refuse, then I don't mind giving you a taste of hardship before forcibly contracting you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, these two god-level creatures that looked similar to mice not only widened their eyes in disbelief.

Then one of the god-level creatures, which looked like a mouse, asked Yu Bing and Yu Lei: Yu Bing and Yu Lei, are what they said true? Could it be that you two have been captured? Did he give a contract?”

Hearing this god-level creature that looked like a mouse question him, Yu Lei couldn't help but said: Yes, that's it. I advise you two to surrender directly, so as not to suffer a lot later. .”

Anyway, you two can't escape the fate of being contracted. After all, you should be able to see that we are five god-level beings.

After hearing Yu Lei's words, the expressions of these two god-level creatures that resembled mice changed drastically, and a flash of anger flashed in their eyes.

Then one of the god-level creatures that looked like a mouse became furious: Yu Bing Yu Lei, you two bastards, it was in vain that we entertained you so well. You actually attracted the enemy here.

You two are delusional if you want us to surrender directly.

After hearing what the other party said, Yu Bing couldn't bear to say, Bingxue Bingjing, just listen to Yu Lei and surrender directly.

Yurei and I don't want to do anything to you two. If we hurt you two, we wouldn't be able to bear it.

Becoming our master's mount will actually bring you no loss, and it won't threaten your lives. It's just that you will need to be busy in the future.

After hearing Yu Bing's words, one of the god-level creatures that resembled a mouse not only spat, but finally said, Yu Bing, you are so shameless.

If I'm not deaf, this human just said that he wants to contract the two of us with his professional skills, right?

This is completely different from the normal collection of mounts, okay? If we just accept him as our master, there will naturally be no restrictions on the two of us. We just need to help him in the future.

But if he uses his professional skills to contract the two of us, it will mean that our lives will be in his hands at any time. As long as he is unhappy, he can kill both of us at any time. Are you kidding me?

Stop talking nonsense and just take action. You two ungrateful things, there is absolutely no way I will surrender directly.

After hearing what the other party said, Yu Lei couldn't help but feel a little angry, and then he scolded: Bing Jing, don't be so shameless. When did you show kindness to me and Yu Bing?

It's just that we made good friends with each other when we passed by here. In terms of relationship, it can only be said that we met by chance, and we have a slight affection for each other.

Now you are talking about being ungrateful. You have not been kind to us. How can you be so ungrateful? You are really being punished for not eating the toast.

After the words fell, Yu Lei turned to look at Fang Xiao next to him, and then said loudly: Master, let's take action directly. These two guys are stubborn. We must teach them a lesson and let them suffer. They Only then did I realize how powerful it was.”

After hearing Yu Lei's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then turned his attention to Bing Jing and Bing Xue.

Then he pulled out his blood-drinking sword and said, Well, since you two are so ignorant and stubborn, I have no choice but to beat you two half to death first, and then force the contract.

After the words fell, the Blood Drinking Knife in Fang Xiao's hand was instantly filled with a layer of pale white fluorescence.

When the light enveloped the entire Blood Shadow Crazy Saber, Fang Xiao struck out with one strike.

In an instant, a huge sword energy began to expand, quickly slashing towards the ice crystals and ice and snow.

Seeing this huge sword energy, Bingjing and Bingxue immediately opened their mouths, and then spewed out cold air from their mouths, and finally the two cold air blended together.

The next moment, a huge ice wall rose up in horror, blocking Fang Xiao's huge sword energy in an instant, completely blocking the sword energy.

At this moment, a violent thunder and lightning hit the ice wall nearby.

Then there was another huge icicle, which also poked into the ice wall.

The next moment, the ice wall instantly shattered.

It was Yu Bing and Yu Lei who took action.

At the same time, Di Xiyang kept waving his fists, and a large amount of golden fist energy kept hitting the ice, snow and ice crystals.

On the other side, Gubas also opened his mouth, and a large amount of black flames burned toward the ice crystals and snow.

Facing the siege, Bing Jing and Bing Xue not only changed their expressions, but then their whole bodies were shrouded in a ball of pale white cold air, and they quickly rushed out.

And the moment they rushed out, these attacks came to this huge hot spring lake one after another.

The next moment, the huge hot spring lake exploded, countless water splashed everywhere, and the originally beautiful top of the mountain instantly became pitted.

After dodging this wave of attacks, Bing Jing and Bing Xue were about to escape, but were instantly blocked by Fang Xiao's sword energy.

As a last resort, the two once again used the cold air to create a huge ice wall to resist Fang Xiao's sword energy.

At this time, other attacks also came one after another.

But this time, Fang Xiao and others did not give them a chance to escape and completely blocked all their escape routes.

They had no choice but to face it head-on.

Faced with the siege of Fang Xiao and the other five, Bing Jing and Bing Xue soon became unable to resist, and a large number of scars began to appear on their bodies.

The battle only lasted for about half an hour, and both sides fell half-dead into the huge pit, dying.

Fang Xiao signaled to Gubas and the others to stop, and then he and Sunset jumped into the deep pit where the ice, snow and ice crystals lay.

Fang Xiao glanced at Sunset and finally said, Sunset, you make a contract with ice and snow, and I'll make a contract with ice crystals.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded and agreed.

Then the two immediately used their professional skills to start a contract.

Because Bing Jingbingxue was too seriously injured, there were no surprises during the contract process, and the contract was completely successful soon.

After the contract was completed, Fang Xiao looked at the two seriously injured people, and then asked Yu Bing and Yu Lei next to him: The two of them are so seriously injured now, what method can be used to help them recover quickly?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Yu Bing spoke up and said, I have an ice attribute skill that can help them heal.

After hearing Yu Bing's answer, Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction: Okay, come and help them recover from their injuries.

Yu Bing no longer hesitated, spitting out a large amount of cold air from his mouth, instantly covering the ice crystals and snow.

Sure enough, wrapped in this cold air, the ice crystals and ice snow soon became stable, and the injuries on their bodies began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the cold air did not last long and quickly dissipated.

Fortunately, both Ice, Snow and Ice Crystal were able to stand up.

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