After listening to Grandpa Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Since Grandpa Di Xiyang said that the pressure in the field released by the other party is similar to that of Di Xiyang.

That means that the opponent is probably a god-level one-star creature.

It satisfies the needs of two people and is definitely something you can’t let go of.

After Di Xiyang was silent for a while, he immediately spoke to his grandfather and said, By the way, grandpa, besides this news, is there any other news?

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Di Xiyang's grandfather immediately shook his head, and then said aloud: God-level creatures and god-level existences, except for those who create super powers, are basically not exposed to the public.

I don't know the specific reason, but this is the only news I've learned about god-level creatures so far, and there are no others.

After hearing his grandfather's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly, and then said aloud: It's good to have news, so thank you, grandpa.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Di Xiyang's grandfather stretched out his hand, rubbed Di Xiyang's hair, and then said aloud: Xi Xiyang, there is one more thing I can tell you.

That is, after non-human creatures reach the god level, they undergo a qualitative change.

You can communicate with any race without any barriers.

So, if you can really capture the god-level creature in the Infernal Abyss, you may be able to get some information about other god-level creatures from him.

After hearing his grandfather's words, Di Xiyang quickly thanked him.

Then he turned his gaze to Fang Xiao who was aside.

Seeing that Fang Xiao was a little stunned, he quickly asked: Ms. sir, what are you thinking about?

Let's set off now and rush to the Infinite Abyss.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao came back to his senses and nodded slightly.

Then they followed the setting sun and walked outside together.

What he was thinking about just now was quite simple.

That is, what Grandpa Xiyang said just now reminded him of his talent for proficiency in languages.

This talent given by the system is very similar to what Grandpa Di Xiyang said just now.

Grandpa Di Xiyang just said that all non-human creatures will gain the ability to communicate with other races without barriers after reaching the god level.

In this case, isn't it equivalent to the language proficiency talent given to players like them by the system?

What exactly is this world like?

Fang Xiao couldn't quite figure it out for a while.

However, this is not the time to think about this. Next, we should develop our own power and improve our strength.

If we can't even reach the top of this world, how can we reveal the essence of this world?

Fang Xiao knew this very well.

Therefore, he did not dwell too much on this aspect. After leaving the hall with Di Xiyang, he quickly came to the side of the leader Jin Yuhu.

The last two people rode the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger together and rushed towards the east direction quickly.

At the same time, there was an underground cave hundreds of kilometers west of Dawn City.

The escaped Grand Elder and Third Elder of the Glory Alliance are hiding here.

This is also the new temporary base of the Glory Alliance.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the shadows.

After coming out, he immediately saluted the first elder and the third elder, and then said to them, I've met the first elder and the third elder.

After seeing the person coming out of the shadows, the great elder not only raised his eyebrows, but then asked the other person: I will arrange for you to guard the Dawn City side and keep an eye on the strange things there.

You are rushing back now. Is there something abnormal happening over there?

After hearing the great elder's question, the figure who came out of the shadows immediately answered: Yes, just last night, two strange phenomena appeared in the sky above Dawn City.

The two visions are exactly the same. They are both the shadow of a flying dragon.

After hearing the words of the man who came out of the shadows, the great elder couldn't help but tremble.

Then he quickly asked aloud: How big is the outline of the flying dragon's shadow?

The man did not dare to hesitate and quickly answered: Each one is about a hundred meters long.

One hundred meters long... The great elder could not help but be silent for a moment, and then slowly said: Damn it, they actually gave birth to two god-level one-star beings.

And since they are flying dragon phantoms, it means that the two god-level one-star beings born are not ordinary professions, but riding professions.

This is too difficult to deal with. If both of them can get god-level flying mounts, it will be quite troublesome.

If we are against them, and they are not riding god-level professions that also have god-level mounts, these two guys will probably not have any problem even if they fight across levels.

After listening to the words of the great elder of the Glory Alliance, the second elder next to him not only turned a little pale.

He didn't know much about god-level existences.

Therefore, after the introduction by the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, he instantly understood that it was basically hopeless for him to seek revenge.

After all, even if his leader can reach the god level and rush back, he has no idea how powerful he is at the god level or what kind of profession he is.

If you are only one-star god-level and not a riding profession, then dealing with that newly rising force will definitely be a dead end, no different from giving away your life.

Therefore, after a brief silence, the second elder suddenly spoke up and said: Great Elder, I think we should not stay here anymore. I think we should continue to move west to completely distance ourselves from that force and let them We will never be found.”

Things are really too troublesome now. It's basically impossible to get rid of them. And once they discover our existence, we probably won't be able to escape even if we want to.

After hearing the somewhat dejected words of the third elder of the Glory Alliance, the great elder of the Glory Alliance pondered for a moment and then stood up.

Then he spoke out and said: You are right, now is not the time to show off your anger.

There is probably no hope of revenge in this life. We evacuate here immediately to ensure our own safety and preserve the flame of the Glory Alliance. That is the most important thing.

Everyone packed up their things immediately and we continued moving west.

We'll wait until we find an absolutely safe place and then settle down temporarily.

After hearing the instructions from the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, the men in black robes present immediately began to take action.

At this time, Fang Xiao didn't know the reaction of these bereaved dogs in the Glory Alliance.

He was currently riding the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger, leading the setting sun towards the Infinite Abyss.

Now there is the powerful mobility talent of Dongruo Cunning Rabbit, which is added to the mount.

It didn’t take too long to rush to the Infinite Abyss.

When an abyss with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers and a faint black mist constantly pouring out came into view.

Fang Xiao controlled the leader of Jin Yuhu to stop.

Obviously, the ridiculously large abyss in front of us is the endless abyss mentioned by Grandpa Di Xiyang.

Di Xiyang glanced at the abyss, and then said aloud: Mr. Sir, what should we do now? Directly drive the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger into the abyss?

However, we don't know what is going on in the abyss. Would it be too risky to rush in suddenly?

After all, grandpa just said that he had felt the oppression of the domain, but no one knows whether there is only one god-level one-star creature in it.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao thought for a moment, and then said aloud: It is indeed the last resort to rush in hastily.

We are here to directly force out the creatures inside, and then fight outside.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang not only raised his eyebrows, but then said loudly: Ms. sir, do you mean that we directly attack this abyss?

Hearing this, Fang Xiao nodded, and then said: Yes, let's see what kind of creatures can be drawn out of the abyss. If it is beyond our expectations, then we will evacuate directly.

Fang Xiao now has the talent of being as nimble as a cunning rabbit, and is quite confident in escaping.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly and agreed.

Then the two people clenched their fists together, and then smashed them down into the abyss below.

As the two men pumped out their fists, two huge storms suddenly appeared in front of their fists and swept down fiercely.

Two huge storms entangled together and quickly merged into the abyss, and a large amount of black mist was entangled.

It keeps going crazy towards the bottom.

Not long after, a huge roar came from below.

Finally, a huge pillar of black flames spurted out from the bottom of the abyss, instantly dispelling the storm created by the two people.

At the same time, a powerful oppressive force also spread from the abyss.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang looked at each other, and then they both felt relieved.

Because of the sense of oppression brought by this domain, they suddenly realized that the creature inside was indeed a god-level one-star.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang are naturally not afraid of each other.

So, the two people stood on the back of the leader Jin Yuhu, quietly waiting for the other party to appear.

Soon, a creature nearly a hundred meters long with two pairs of huge black wings on its back flew up from below.

The opponent's appearance is similar to a huge black python, but there are two sharp claws on its abdomen, which looks a bit weird.

At this time, the other party's huge eyes, which were as big as two houses, also noticed Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang.

After that, he started to speak human words, and the loud voice made Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang frown.

Who are you two? How dare you offend my territory?

The other party's words gave Fang Xiao a strange feeling, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Perhaps, this is what Grandpa Di Xiyang said, the barrier-free communication ability acquired by non-human creatures after reaching the god level.

At this time, when Di Xiyang looked at this huge god-level one-star creature, he became excited.

Then she turned her head, smiled at Fang Xiao, and then said loudly: Mr. sir, let me deal with this big guy. What do you think?

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao immediately shook his head: No.

Everything must be done safely, and we can't be arrogant. Let's work together to take him down as soon as possible to prevent any accidents.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, although Di Xiyang was a little reluctant, he did not disobey Fang Xiao's words. He just nodded aggrievedly and agreed with Fang Xiao's statement.

The conversation between Fang Xiao and Fang Xiao was undoubtedly listened to by this god-level one-star creature.

He not only narrowed his huge eyes slightly, but then said aloud: It's not like life and death!

You two guys, when I, Gubas, was roaming the world, you two guys didn't know where you were.

Although he has been retired for so many years and has lost his reputation, he does not allow outsiders to bully him.

Since you two are so reckless, let me show you what terror is.

After the words fell, Gubas immediately opened his huge mouth, and then spit out dense black mist.

The black mist quickly spreads in all directions and is always extremely corrosive.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang looked at each other, and then Fang Xiao took out his Blood Drinking Sword, while Di Xiyang clenched his fist.

The next moment, the two men launched an attack together.

The extremely terrifying sword energy and fist wind raged together, violently colliding with the entangled black mist.

The next moment, a huge hole was torn out in the black fog that was spreading everywhere.

Then Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang took control of the Golden Yuhu leader and quickly approached each other.

Although the leader of the Golden Yuhu was trembling with fear, it was, after all, the mount contracted by Fang Xiao.

With Fang Xiao's order, he could not disobey him even if he wanted to die.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang expanded their domains at the same time to resist the suppression of Gubas' domain. Therefore, in terms of domain suppression, the leader of Jin Yuhu was not affected and his speed was still quite fast.

Seeing the two men approaching him, Cubas couldn't help but spray out two streams of black mist from his nostrils.

Then he opened his mouth wide again and sprayed huge black flames directly from his mouth, forming a huge sea of ​​black flames that was about to annihilate the two people.

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