Okay, this way, I feel relieved. Fang Xiao nodded slightly and motioned to Huang Yunjie, who had stood up, to sit back in his seat.

After a moment of silence, Fang Xiao then turned his gaze to Takeo aside, and then asked Takeo: By the way, Takeo, how are you doing with the troops I asked you to reorganize?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Wu Xiong immediately raised his hands to Fang Xiao, and then said aloud: Lord, please rest assured, I have already arranged this matter on my schedule.

It is expected that within 10 days, all the troops will be re-integrated and managed in accordance with your requirements.

After hearing Wu Xiong's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

He had explained to Takeo before that he had asked Takeo to reorganize all the soldiers in his territory, as well as the newly captured soldiers, and then integrate them into three regiments.

They are the Eastern Corps, the Western Corps and the Air Corps.

From now on, the Eastern Corps will be handed over to Takeo for command.

Mainly responsible for the defense and security of the entire territory.

The main thing to train is various defensive and counterattack abilities.

The Western Corps was led by Hu Yu, and Xu Chui was appointed deputy commander.

It mainly trains the offensive capabilities of Western Corps to deal with future wars.

As for the air corps, Bai Qing is in charge.

It mainly trains the long-range strike capabilities of the air corps, taking advantage of the high mobility in the sky to carry out air strikes against the ground and people, or to carry out long-range strikes against enemy air units.

Of course, the close combat capabilities of the air corps also need to be trained.

After all, in war, it is impossible to say that we can guarantee that the enemy will not approach every time.

If you are approaching, then melee capabilities are necessary.

Generally speaking, the main focus is on long-range shooting capabilities, supplemented by melee capabilities.

At the same time, the selection requirements for the air corps are also relatively high.

The selected soldiers must have relatively strong reaction and thinking abilities.

Able to respond to various emergencies in a timely manner.

Therefore, it is okay to say that the Eastern Corps and the Western Corps are fine. As for the Air Corps, it does take a lot of time to slowly integrate.

Now that Fang Xiao has received Wu Xiong's assurance, he feels relieved.

There is no need to urge this aspect, after all, there should be no war in a short period of time.

As for continuing to expand to the west and capture the forces in the west, there is no rush in this regard.

Fang Xiao currently plans to follow Di Xiyang to search for traces of god-level creatures, and see if he can tame a god-level one-star flying creature as a mount for himself and Di Xiyang respectively.

It will be convenient to help the two of them fight later.

And the integration of the Eastern Corps, the Western Corps and the Air Corps is also a problem.

If there is no integrated training, it is obviously not good to start a war.

Because only after the integration is completed and the new captured soldiers are conquered in the future, can they be quickly integrated into it.

And if you want to launch an attack on the forces in the west, you must conduct an investigation beforehand.

To investigate this matter, it is definitely impossible for Lord Fang Xiao to serve as a scout and go to investigate.

This matter must be left to the air force, so there is no rush.

The various resources in Fang Xiao's current territory are so abundant that outsiders can hardly imagine them.

The funds are also quite abundant, so there is no need to worry about running out of money in a short period of time.

Therefore, war matters can be put aside for the time being.

Now I know that everything is going very smoothly.

Fang Xiao stood up from his seat, and then said aloud: Okay, next, everyone just needs to do what they should do. Don't make any mistakes. Let's go eat first.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao took the lead and walked towards the side hall.

Soon, everyone came to the side hall and took their seats.

Not long after, the maids brought the sumptuous breakfast.

Then everyone started to enjoy it.

After breakfast, these confidants left here respectively.

Everyone went to deal with what they should do.

Fang Xiao looked at Di Sunset who was sitting next to him, and then said aloud: Sunset, then let's go to Broken Rock City to meet the shadow guards?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly.

Then he and Fang Xiao stood up and walked outside.

Last night, Fang Xiao told Di Xiyang what he thought.

He and Di Xiyang planned to find a god-level one-star flying creature as their respective mounts.

However, Di Xiyang told Fang Xiao that even with Broken Rock City's background, she could not know where there were god-level one-star creatures.

This made Fang Xiao feel a little disappointed at the time.

But later Di Xiyang told Fang Xiao that although she didn't know, the shadow guards in Broken Rock City might know this information.

After all, they are all retired top-level people from Broken Rock City, and they have lived long enough.

Then, it is very likely that we will learn some rumors that Di Xiyang and Fang Xiao are completely unaware of.

If the two of them had not broken through to the god level, it would be basically impossible to see the shadow guards in Shattered Salt City.

But now that the two of them had god-level strength, Di Xiyang told Fang Xiao that it shouldn't be too difficult to see those shadow guards.

The two quickly arrived in front of the leader of Jin Yuhu in the courtyard.

It is worth mentioning that the god-level job transfer order is indeed extraordinary.

After Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang used the god-level one-star job transfer order for the riding profession, they were already prepared for the death of the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger.

After the job transfer was completed, I discovered that the riding profession brought about by this job transfer order was quite special.

It has a total of 6 skills, one of which allows it to contract up to 10 flying creatures with god-level one-star or below strength at the same time.

In other words, as long as Fang Xiao has no more than 10 contracted flying creatures, then there is no need to worry about the death of the previously contracted mounts.

If there are more than 10, the mount contracted first will die directly in order.

Now Fang Xiao only has one contract with the Golden Yuhu leader, so naturally the Golden Yuhu leader will not die and will not be affected at all.

It can also be seen from this that the god level is really not comparable to the legendary skills, and the two are not at the same level at all.

Soon, Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang and sat on the back of the Golden Yuhu leader, and then drove the Golden Yuhu leader quickly toward Broken Rock City.

Now that Fang Xiao has the characteristic of moving like a cunning rabbit, the speed of the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger has doubled compared to before.

Therefore, it didn't take much time at all when we arrived at Broken Rock City.

Naturally, the Broken Rock City guards patrolling in the air did not dare to stop Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang.

The two quickly flew all the way into the lord's mansion.

Soon he found Di Chenguang inside the lord's mansion.

Seeing Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang arriving, Di Chenguang was still a little unbelievable: Why did you come here on the second day of your wedding?

After hearing Di Chenguang's inquiry, Di Xiyang grinned, and then said aloud: I want to meet those old guys in Broken Rock City.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Di Chenguang's eyes not only showed a look of horror.

Then he looked at the sunset with some disbelief, and quickly spoke out: Sister, don't be confused, you know that unless Broken Rock City is facing the crisis of destruction, there is absolutely no way they will come out to see you.

Even I, the city lord, can't see them. This is the rule of our Broken Rock City from ancient times to the present, and it will never change.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, Di Xiyang smiled softly, and then said aloud: If it were before, this rule would indeed need to be followed.

But if I have god-level strength, do you think I still need to abide by this rule?

After the words fell, a powerful aura spread out from Di Xiyang's body. After it was emitted, Di Chenguang instantly felt that his whole person was suffocated.

Not only did he widen his eyes, he looked at the sunset in disbelief.

After a long time, he slowly said, Sister, how did you reach the god level?

When did a god-level job transfer order become so good? Even if we use all our strength in Broken Rock City, we still can't get such a god-level job transfer order.

After hearing Di Chenguang's confused words, Di Xiyang immediately glanced lovingly at Fang Xiao next to him.

Then he pointed at Fang Xiao and said loudly: I have to thank your brother-in-law for this. It was your brother-in-law who got the god-level job transfer order and used it for me. Now your brother-in-law and I are both god-level. Strength.

So, we now need to find two god-level creatures as mounts, and neither you nor I obviously know anything about this.

Therefore, I want to meet the old guys in Broken Rock City to see if they have any news about this.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Di Chenguang not only swallowed slightly.

There was still no reaction for a moment.

Obviously, Di Xiyang's words shocked him too much.

The setting sun ignored the morning light, and then the whole person suddenly raised his head.

The next moment, a powerful aura spread out in all directions. The surrounding guards bent down uncontrollably and instantly fell to their knees on the ground. It was even difficult to breathe.

Fortunately, this powerful momentum only lasted for a short second and was immediately taken back by the setting sun.

This aura is a skill that comes with this god-level one-star riding profession.

It is a domain skill.

This field-based skill has no duration and can be opened and closed at any time.

After unfolding, all enemies located in the field, as long as their strength is lower than the god level, will be suppressed and all-round strength reduced.

And if you are in this field, you will be strengthened in all aspects.

With this skill, it is absolutely not wrong to say that everyone below the god level is an ant.

After Di Xiyang finished doing this, it was obvious that the shadow guards who had not shown their heads in Broken Rock City could definitely sense it.

God-level beings appeared in the broken rock formations. Even if they couldn't come out, it was obviously impossible.

Sure enough, not long after, an old man with white beard and hair slowly walked out from the shadow of the hall.

After seeing the other party, Di Xiyang not only widened his eyes, but after a while, he slowly said, Grandpa?

When Fang Xiao heard this, he was not only stunned for a moment, but then followed the setting sun's gaze and looked up and down at the old man who came out.

The other party's appearance is exactly that of the earth elves, but the outline of the face can be seen to be somewhat similar to that of Di Chenguang.

After arriving in front of Di Xiyang, the old man coughed slightly, and his eyes stayed on the faces of Di Xiyang and Fang Xiao for a moment.

Then he slowly spoke out: Sunset, I didn't expect you to be really powerful, to be able to become a god-level existence.

I know everything about your wedding. In fact, I was watching from the dark. Due to rules, I can't show up in public to attend your wedding. It's really a pity.

After hearing what the other party said, Di Xiyang quickly spoke up and said: Grandpa, I really didn't expect that you are still alive. I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to force you to show up now.

The main thing is that there is something very important that I need to ask you for.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, the old man slowly shook his hand and finally said: Everyone below the god level is an ant. Since you already have the strength of the god level, even if the rules passed down from ancient times in Broken Rock City, I can make an exception for you.

Tell me, what are your requests? I will try my best to satisfy you.

After hearing the other party's words, Di Xiyang showed a grateful smile on his face, and then said in a loud voice: My husband and I have both reached the god level, so the two of us want to find some magical creatures and recover them as mounts. , for us to drive.”

Moreover, when the time comes, we can keep a god-level creature and place it here in Broken Rock City to protect the safety of Broken Rock City.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, the old man not only stared subconsciously, but after a long time, he slowly said in a deep voice: Okay, okay, I didn't expect you to be thinking about Broken Rock City until now. That's good, that's good.

I really know some news about god-level creatures.

From Broken Rock City, a thousand miles to the east, there is an abyss called the Infinite Abyss. No force dares to enter.

Because everyone who entered has disappeared, and although I have not been in, I have been close.

We can basically conclude that there is a god-level creature there.

And the pressure is similar to what you just brought.

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