Next, Fang Xiao explained all the details of the territory to everyone, and then started to have breakfast with everyone.

After breakfast, Fang Xiao's confidants left the lord's mansion one after another and went to busy themselves with their own affairs.

Fang Xiao came to the main hall, ready to start his unpacking business.

At present, Fang Xiao's territory has reached the three-star main city level.

If you want to upgrade to the four-star main city level, you need a three-star main city level lord's mansion drawing.

The three-star city-level lord's mansion requires a legendary one-star monster to explode.

You must know that the existence of legendary level is difficult to find, there are not as many as epic level, and the explosion rate of legendary level drawings is even lower than that of epic level.

This can be seen from previous experience.

Therefore, it is expected to kill the monster with legendary one-star strength to reveal the blueprint of the three-star main city-level lord's mansion.

You might as well place your hopes in your own mysterious treasure chest.

Now Fang Xiao's territory is at the three-star main city level, and the highest lord's mansion blueprint that can be found in the mysterious treasure box is the three-star main city-level lord's mansion blueprint.

This hope is undoubtedly much higher than the probability of killing monsters and exploding blueprints.

In this war, so many enemies died, so the number of mysterious treasure chests that exploded was tens of thousands.

Fang Xiao still has some expectations for the three-star city-level lord's mansion drawings that were released.

Since there were so many mysterious treasure boxes, it took half a day to finally open almost half of these mysterious treasure boxes at noon.

The blueprint of the three-star city-level lord's mansion that Fang Xiao wanted has still not been released.

However, Fang Xiao was not discouraged. After all, this thing was indeed quite difficult to open.

Moreover, Fang Xiao has only opened half of the mysterious treasure chest, and half of it has not yet been opened. It is still worth looking forward to.

Fang Xiao asked the maid next to her if the lunch meal was ready.

After getting the maid's answer, Fang Xiao stopped unpacking and waited for the maid to bring the food.

Today at noon, Fang Xiao's confidants will not come again.

Because there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with today.

They didn't have much time to come over for dinner.

So, after the maid brought the lunch, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang ate some together, and then continued their unpacking business.

What Fang Xiao didn't expect was that after opening more than 100 mysterious treasure boxes, a miracle occurred.

He actually produced a blueprint of a three-star city-level lord's mansion.

This not only made Fang Xiao feel quite surprised.

In fact, although he had some expectations in his heart, his hopes were not very high.

He has already made preparations. After opening these tens of thousands of mysterious treasure boxes, there are still no blueprints of the three-star city-level lord's mansion.

Unexpectedly, the situation turned out to be far better than he thought.

Only about halfway through, a drawing of a three-star city-level lord's mansion came out.

Fang Xiao took a deep breath, excited, and then stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the maids were arranged to have everyone leave the lord's mansion temporarily and go outside.

Because Fang Xiao wants to upgrade his territory from the three-star main city level to the four-star main city level.

The maids are obviously quite experienced in this kind of thing.

It didn't take long before all the people in the lord's mansion were organized and left.

Then came outside to wait.

After Fang Xiao brought Di Xiyang to the door of the lord's mansion, he then went directly to the trading house to purchase the materials needed for the upgrade.

Then he used the three-star city-level lord's mansion drawings in his hand to start upgrading his territory.

At present, Fang Xiao has destroyed so many indigenous forces, and there is no shortage of gold coins in his hands.

Soon, the lord's mansion was shrouded in a white mist. After the white mist disappeared, the entire lord's mansion changed again.

The area has become much larger, and the overall look is more refined and elegant.

Fang Xiao immediately took Di Xiyang into the lord's mansion and took a look around.

It was found that the overall change was not very big.

It's just that there are many more residential pavilions in the two backyards, and there are many more types of exotic flowers and plants.

There are also various carved decorations, which become more numerous.

However, the changes brought by this small-level upgrade are not particularly big, and it is understandable.

Next, Fang Xiao returned to the main hall and continued his unpacking operation.

There are still half of the mysterious treasure chests left that have not been opened. If another blueprint of a four-star city-level lord's mansion could be opened, Fang Xiao would laugh out of his dreams.

But obviously, Fang Xiao didn't have this chance, because he kept driving until ten o'clock in the evening. After opening all the mysterious treasure boxes, he still did not reveal the blueprint of the four-star city-level lord's mansion.

Although this was a pity, Fang Xiao didn't care too much. After all, this thing depends entirely on luck.

And it must be the more advanced the lord's mansion, the more difficult it is to draw the blueprint.

Fang Xiao was already very happy to be able to develop a blueprint of a three-star main city-level lord's mansion, allowing him to be promoted.

Then Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang to inspect various parts of the territory, and then returned to the lord's mansion to rest directly.

In the next few days, Fang Xiao focused all his attention on Hedi Xiyang's wedding.

On the 30th, Fang Xiao personally sent Di Xiyang back to Broken Rock City.

Accompanied by the setting sun, no guard dared to stop him.

Di Xiyang directly took Fang Xiao all the way to the city lord's mansion, and saw Di Chenguang who was drinking.

Huh? Sister? Why didn't anyone notify me when you came back?

Seeing Di Xiyang and Fang Xiao walking in, Di Chenguang first took a deep look at Fang Xiao, then turned his attention to Di Xiyang with a smile on his face.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, Di Xiyang glanced at the three captains of guards following him, and then gently waved his hand to signal them to go down.

The three people immediately bowed to the setting sun and morning light respectively, then turned and left the hall.

In the blink of an eye, only Fang Xiao, Di Xiyang and Di Chenguang were left in the hall.

Di Xiyang came to Di Chenguang's side, then put his hand on Di Chenguang's shoulder, and said loudly: Brother, you have some conscience. When you came into Broken Rock City just now, I saw it. Everywhere in Broken Rock City The lanterns and festoons are being put up, probably in preparation for my sister’s wedding tomorrow, right?”

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Di Chenguang immediately puffed up his chest, and then spoke out: That's it! How dare I neglect my sister's life-long event? I have arranged this for several days in advance.

After hearing this, Di Xiyang nodded with satisfaction, then walked to a seat aside and sat down.

Then he said aloud: Is my hotel still there?

After hearing Di Xiyang's inquiry, Di Chenguang immediately replied: Yes, sister, after you left, Di Xin'er has been in charge of the hotel.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly, and then a smile appeared on his face: Oh, that little girl is pretty good, okay.

Then I'll stay back at the hotel tonight.

Tomorrow morning, Fang Xiao will bring people to welcome the bride. I will come to the City Lord's Mansion tomorrow morning.

As for the specific matters related to this, brother, you will be solely responsible for it. After all, sister, I don't know much about this aspect either.

You know, I hate etiquette and all that.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Di Chenguang smiled helplessly, and then said aloud: Okay, sister, you don't need to worry, I will take care of everything.

After the words fell, Di Chenguang turned his attention to Fang Xiao next to him, and then Fang Xiao asked aloud: Fang Xiao, are you ready over there?

Yes, everything is ready. I will bring people over early tomorrow morning. Fang Xiao nodded immediately.

Di Chenguang was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke out: Remember, be good to my sister, otherwise, Broken Rock City will let you know what the price is.

As soon as Di Chenguang finished speaking, before Fang Xiao had time to speak, Di Xiyang next to him slapped Di Chenguang on the back.

Taking pictures of the morning light on the ground, I couldn't help but take two steps forward, and then I stabilized my body.

Di Xiyang rolled her eyes slightly, and then said aloud: Can I not keep track of whether Fang Xiao is good to me or not?

If he treats me badly, can I marry him? Don't threaten him here.

If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will beat you.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Di Chenguang shrank his head subconsciously. When Fang Xiao saw this, he couldn't help but laugh.

Apparently, Di Chenguang had been beaten by Di Xiyang many times before.

Seeing Di Chenguang's appearance, Di Xiyang's words softened slightly, and then he spoke out: Okay, I know you care about sister, and sister can feel your feelings, but you don't have to worry about sister. of.

Fang Xiao is a very good man. In addition, Fang Xiao promised me that after marrying me, he will send someone to send you a batch of hero orders.

When the time comes, you can use it for yourself and your trusted subordinates. In this way, I will feel more at ease with you.

After the words fell, looking at Di Chenguang who was slightly stunned, Di Xiyang then stretched out his hand and hugged Fang Xiao's arm, and then said aloud: Okay, brother Fang Xiao, let's go, let's go to the hotel first. one time.

Then you can go back and get ready. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow morning.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then turned and left here with Di Xiyang.

When I arrived at the hotel, I saw a girl from the earth elf family sitting inside.

When the girl saw Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang, she was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and walked towards Di Xiyang.

After arriving in front of Di Xiyang, the girl bowed to Di Xiyang uneasily, and then said aloud: I have met Mr. Xi Yang, when did you come back?

Di Xiyang stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl's head, and then said aloud: Don't be so nervous. I don't know how to eat people. I just came back not long ago.

I heard from my brother that during this period, you have been taking care of the Sunset Hotel...

When he said this, Di Xiyang looked inside, and then nodded with satisfaction: It seems that you took care of it pretty well. Thank you for your hard work.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Di Xin'er blushed for a moment, and then said aloud: Master Xiyang, you are exaggerating, this is just what I should do.

Di Xiyang then led Fang Xiao into the hotel and said, Brother Fang Xiao, please go back first. We will meet again tomorrow morning.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao didn't say much. He just gave Di Xiyang a hug and then replied: Okay, I'll go back first. See you tomorrow morning.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao stopped fussing, turned around and left the place directly.

As a lord of one side, Fang Xiao naturally couldn't act like a little daughter just because he couldn't see Sunset for a long time.

It doesn't fit his character or who he is.

After leaving the hotel, Fang Xiao came all the way to the leader of the Golden Yuhu, and then drove the leader of the Golden Yuhu to fly directly into the sky and rushed back to his Dawn City.

Di Xiyang had already greeted the patrolling guards, and they also knew that Fang Xiao was about to marry Di Xiyang.

Therefore, naturally no one would come to stop Fang Xiao without a good eye.

After Fang Xiao returned all the way to the territory, he then inspected all aspects of the work in the territory and learned that everything was being carried out safely, so he returned to his lord's mansion with peace of mind.

Returning to the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

I was used to getting along with Di Xiyang, but now that he suddenly left, I was really a little uncomfortable.

Then Fang Xiao found something to do on his own to divert his attention.

In the blink of an eye, the 30th passed.

The 1st of the following month.

Fang Xiao got up early and then asked the maid to come over and do some simple grooming for him.

Putting on the bright red robe that the territorial tailor had prepared a long time ago, Fang Xiao looked in the mirror and was generally very satisfied.

Then he left the backyard and came all the way to the front hall.

I saw that in the front hall, basically all the confidants had arrived.

Today is Fang Xiao's happy day, and they will naturally not be absent. They will hand over all kinds of things to the more trustworthy people under them.

Fang Xiao glanced over them. Everyone was wearing quite festive clothes.

Fang Xiao had a smile on his face: Okay everyone, we won't have breakfast in the territory this morning. We will go directly to Broken Rock City to welcome the bride.

Yes! Lord Lord!

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the confidants present immediately accepted the order.

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