The great elder of the Glory Alliance was silent for a while, and then he slowly spoke out: The enemy is more difficult to deal with than I thought. After fighting with the opponent, the leader of the opponent's force is not at all inferior to me, and even exceeds it. Me some.

As for his subordinates, their strength far exceeds that of our Glory Alliance and those peripheral forces.

The situation is almost one-sided.

I want to rescue the second elder and escape together, but I can't do it at all.

In fact, if I didn't have a riding profession and the Flying Squirrel Leader's flying speed is top-notch, I'm afraid I would have stayed there and never come back.

After hearing the words of the great elder of the Glory Alliance, the third elder's expression changed slightly.

Being able to receive such comments from the great elder of the Glory Alliance is enough to show how difficult the opponent is.

So after a while of silence, the third elder of the Glory Alliance slowly spoke up and said: Great Elder, we will definitely settle this grudge with each other in the future.

Let the other side be arrogant for two days now. By the way, where are we going to move to next?

After hearing the third elder's inquiry, the great elder of the Glory Alliance thought for a while, and then slowly said: If nothing happens, this guy will definitely annex all the territories of the forces that attack him. It will fall, so if we are nearby, it will be very dangerous.

Go north, let's go north.

When the leader went to look for opportunities to break through to the god level, the direction he went was also north.

After hearing the words of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, the third elder was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly and agreed with the statement of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance.

But after hesitating for a while, the third elder showed a hint of worry on his face.

Obviously I still felt a little uneasy.

At this time, the second priest who was following him suddenly spoke: Great Elder, the other party has become so powerful in such a short period of time.

You said that in the future, would you...

When he said this, the second worshiper of the Glory Alliance did not continue, but he believed that the great elder of the Glory Alliance would definitely understand what he was talking about.

As expected, the great elder of the Glory Alliance frowned fiercely, and after a few minutes of silence, he slowly said, If you don't reach the god level, you will always be an ant.

Just wait. When our leader reaches the god level and returns, all the accounts will be settled with the other party.

It is extremely difficult to achieve god-level strength. No matter how rapidly the opponent develops, there is no shortcut at this point.

Furthermore, even if the other party really breaks through to the god level, the worst thing we can do is stay away from here completely and never let the other party find us.

Hearing the aggrieved words of the great elder of the Glory Alliance, the third elder of the Glory Alliance nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Because he knew that what the great elder of the Glory Alliance said was right.

Now everything depends on when their leader can break through to the god level.

If, when their leader breaks through to the god level, no one from the enemy forces has reached the god level, then the enemy forces will have no power to fight back in front of them, and they will definitely have no choice but to perish.

And if someone in the opponent's force reaches the god level before their leader reaches the god level, then there is no way to cover up the strange phenomena that will occur after reaching the god level.

In this way, they can get the news, and after getting the news, they only need to stay away from this territory completely and fly away.

The worst thing is, let's forget the past revenge, after all, revenge is revenge.

But you can't commit the act of committing suicide.

A group of people rushed north in embarrassment.

At the same time, Fang Xiao also brought the two prisoners to the temporary stronghold of the Glory Alliance.

Looking at the empty secret room, Fang Xiao walked back and forth twice, and then said aloud: Are you two playing tricks on me?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the expressions of the two prisoners suddenly changed, and one of them quickly said: What an injustice! The former base of the Glory Alliance was here.

It's absolutely true, and there are still many traces left by them here, which can be proved.

They must have moved away immediately after you defeated them. We definitely didn't lie.

Especially, this place is also connected to the territories of our other forces. You only need to follow the shortcut to reach the core of other forces' territories very quickly. There is absolutely no possibility of fraud.

Hearing the prisoner's explanation, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then quietly touched and winked at Takeo next to him.

The next moment, Takeo suddenly took action and killed both of them directly.

Fang Xiao picked up the trophies, and then said: Wu Xiong, you determine the territory of each force through the quick passage, and then we will lead our elite soldiers to bring back all the population and wealth.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Wu Xiong immediately understood, bowed to Fang Xiao, and quickly left here.

Afterwards, Fang Xiao waited here. After Wu Xiong came back after figuring everything out, Fang Xiao took everyone away from here.

After returning all the way to the territory, Huang Yunjie arranged for people to take care of the battlefield.

All the trophies were piled together, saving Fang Xiao the trouble and put them all directly into his lord's warehouse.

Immediately, Fang Xiao and Takeo, with their elite troops, rushed towards Takeo's discovered territory of influence.

The subsequent recovery work was basically without any problems.

In order to assist the Glory Alliance in attacking Fang Xiao, these forces basically brought all the legendary masters they could bring with them.

Those left in the territory are the remaining defeated generals.

So when Fang Xiao and Wu Xiong led their elite troops to rush over, they took down all their remaining troops with almost no effort.

Then collect all their belongings into their own territorial warehouse.

Escorting the population in their territory towards their own Dawn City.

After being busy until late at night, Fang Xiao and Wu Xiong collected all the population and wealth of these 12 forces and transported them back to their Dawn City.

Late at night, Fang Xiao took a little inventory of the trophies harvested in his lord's warehouse, and couldn't help but smile.

The harvest this time was really great, beyond his imagination.

The main reason is that the Glory Alliance is so powerful that it only comes to attack Fang Xiao, but it actually drags 12 forces together to attack.

Although the foundation of these 12 forces is completely inferior to Broken Rock City and even weaker than White Elephant City, they have collected all the wealth and population of the 12 forces.

That's a qualitative change.

It is conceivable how much it will promote Fang Xiao's territory.

The population of Fang Xiao's territory has now exceeded 100,000.

At this moment, Di Xiyang opened the door and walked in. Seeing Fang Xiao with a smile on his face, he couldn't help but also have a smile on his face.

Then he spoke out and said: It seems that you are very happy today.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao directly stretched out his hand and pulled Di Xiyang into his arms.

Then he reached out and touched Di Xiyang's face, and then said aloud: Now that the threat in the front row has been basically eliminated by us, we basically don't need to worry too much about the other party.

After all, judging from the current situation, the opponent's only chance to make a comeback is probably their leader who has never seen the beginning or end of the dragon.

But for so many years, the other party has never shown his face. It shouldn't be possible. He just showed his face recently.

And even if he does show up, I don't think he can threaten the safety of our Dawn City.

Because through this war, we have gained too many spoils. As long as we can develop steadily for a period of time, the power of the entire Dawn City will be improved by leaps and bounds.

Of course, these are just one aspect. In fact, the thing that makes me happiest is your wedding with Xiyang.

There is basically nothing to worry about next. We just need to prepare for the wedding of the two of us with peace of mind.

I will formally marry you into Dawn City.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang smiled softly, then kissed Fang Xiao on the face, and then said slowly: You are really glib, but I like to hear it.

Since you won't be so busy next time, please spend more time with me in the future.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao showed a smile on his face and nodded slightly.

Morning of the 27th.

After Fang Xiao got up refreshed in the morning, he went all the way to the front hall.

Because there are too many people who need to be resettled, and all aspects of planning and construction in the territory require supervision.

So at this time, there were not many confidants waiting in the vestibule.

After Fang Xiao glanced around, his eyes quickly fell on Hu Yu, who was sitting in the front.

Noticing Fang Xiao's gaze, Hu Yu immediately stood up, bowed to Fang Xiao, and said aloud: Please give me your orders, Lord.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly to Hu Yu, indicating that he didn't need to be polite, and then said aloud: I have basically arranged all aspects of the territory's affairs.

There is basically no need for you to worry about it, Hu Yu. I have arranged a very important thing for you. Come and do it well for me.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Hu Yu nodded immediately, and then waited for Fang Xiao's next words.

After Fang Xiao sorted out his words, he then said aloud: I have left all the wedding arrangements and other matters in the territory to Qian Ling, but the wedding team has not been completely determined yet.

So I thought about it and decided that you are the most suitable person. Next, you can select some soldiers with excellent spirits and identify them as the wedding team.

When the time comes, follow me to Dawn City to welcome the bride.

In short, we cannot let our Dawn City lose face when the time comes.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Hu Yu immediately accepted the order: Yes! Lord, I understand, and I will definitely arrange this matter properly.

Fang Xiao had already discussed with Di Xiyang last night, and asked Di Xiyang to rush back to Broken Rock City the day before the wedding.

Then the next day, Fang Xiao led the wedding team and went to Broken Rock City to welcome her back to Dawn City with a glorious sunset.

After Hu Yu sat back down, Fang Xiao thought for a moment and then turned his attention to Wu Xiong next to him.

Then Takeo was left to ask aloud: Takeo, among the soldiers around the battlefield and those soldiers whose territory was surrendered, are there any traps among them?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Wu Xiong immediately raised his hands and said, Lord, there is no problem.

The top leaders of their forces have been almost wiped out. I will reorganize them all and mix them together. No one dares to cause trouble. Don't worry.

Next, I will train them well and try to integrate them into the Dawn City family as soon as possible.

After hearing Wu Xiong's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, feeling relieved.

Takeo has always done things properly, and now it seems that he has not been disappointed.

The reason why Fang Xiao killed the legendary masters of those forces before was not only because he coveted the job transfer orders and trophies they dropped.

Another reason is that Fang Xiao is worried that they will reconnect with the surrendered soldiers and then form a small group in their own territory.

This is definitely not what Fang Xiao wants to see.

They are completely different from the copycats that Fang Xiao conquered before.

The soldiers at the mountain stronghold actually have a very vague concept of lords, and they don't have a particularly clear concept of loyalty.

Therefore, Fang Xiao can keep the high-level officials of the cottage and use them with confidence.

But these fully formed city forces and their soldiers have a very clear concept of lords.

Loyalty is also extremely high.

If Fang Xiao hadn't killed almost all their senior leaders and the few remaining senior leaders took the lead in surrendering, it would have been almost impossible for them to surrender to Fang Xiao.

In this case, it is naturally even more impossible for Fang Xiao to keep these senior officials.

In short, Fang Xiao knew very well who could stay for his own use and who could not.

The only thing that makes Fang Xiao regretful is that he has killed so many legendary masters, but no legendary master has revealed a blueprint of the lord's mansion for him.

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