Next, everyone began to assemble the wedding team, and then after arranging it, they rushed towards Broken Rock City in a mighty manner.

Fang Xiao's wedding party was quite grand this time.

First of all, there are 3,000 soldiers with excellent spirits down there.

Everyone was wearing red ribbons and holding a lot of festive decorations in their hands.

In the sky, there are 1,000 aerial troops riding flying creatures. Each flying creature is hung with red satin, flying in the wind, looking quite festive.

Fang Xiao was riding the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger and was at the front of the team, beaming with joy.

While rushing on the road, Fang Xiao opened the territory ranking panel.

In fact, Fang Xiao had already checked it when he got up in the morning.

As he expected, he was ranked first in the territory.

The reason why I continue to check now is because it shows that the settlement reward will be settled at 24:00 on the 1st of this month.

So Fang Xiao wanted to see if any lord would overtake him at the last moment?

However, it turned out that he was obviously worried.

His four-star main city-level territory firmly occupies the first place in the player territory rankings.

The second place is the two-star main city level.

If the other party wants to overtake Fang Xiao. The difficulty is not generally high.

Because the opponent needs to first use a two-star lord's mansion blueprint, and then use a three-star lord's mansion blueprint, in order to reach the same level as Fang Xiao's territory.

The ranking of this player's territory is of course also the same as the territory level.

There is a description below the ranking, that is, if the territory levels are the same, then the ranking will be based on the time when the territory level increases.

In other words, even if the second place can raise the territory level to be exactly the same as Fang Xiao.

He's still in 2nd place, too.

Because Fang Xiao upgraded his territory to the four-star main city level much earlier than he did.

If you want to overtake, so to speak, it should be impossible.

After reading it, Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction and then closed the territory ranking.

The territory ranking list only shows today’s 24-point settlement rewards, but it does not show what the rewards for each ranking settlement are.

Fang Xiao is still looking forward to this very much. For first place, the reward will not be too bad no matter how you think about it.

In addition, after 24:00 last night, a new lord talent extraction also appeared in the system.

As expected, Fang Xiao once again added a lottery interface, and it was fixed as a god-level talent.

This month, the two talents Fang Xiao received are [Agricultural Blessing (Elite Level), Craftsman God’s Favor (God Level)]

[Agricultural Blessing (Elite Level): All agricultural harvests in your territory are increased by 5 times. 】

[Favor of the Craftsman God (God level): People who are engaged in construction, crafting, and manufacturing in your territory will have their efficiency increased by 100 times. 】

This god-level talent is even more powerful for Fang Xiao.

The reason is very simple. What is more difficult for Fang Xiao now is mainly the development of the territory.

For example, the casting of city walls, the construction of houses, and all aspects of layout planning.

Are these difficult problems to solve at present?

Because Fang Xiao has conquered too many people. So far, only 1/3 of the conquered people have been resettled, and 2/3 have not yet been resettled.

And because Fang Xiao has upgraded the territory level, the territory scope is even larger.

The city wall that had been briefly repaired before also needed to be demolished again and then expanded a second time.

Now that he has this god-level lord talent, there is no doubt that Fang Xiao will no longer have to worry about these things in the future.

The next tedious tasks in these territories will become very simple and can be completed easily.

Not only that, if Fang Xiao expands in the future, he doesn’t have to worry too much.

Because after the expansion of the general's territory is completed, it will be easy to settle all the conquered people.

In addition, there is another point that is more important.

That's the crafting of weapons.

So far, the highest professional star rating of these blacksmiths under Fang Xiao is only 1-star epic level.

Originally, Fang Xiao felt a huge headache because of the improvement in their professional star rating.

But now it's more perfect.

With this god-level lord talent, they can build weapons and equipment like crazy, and then improve their professional star level, and the improvement speed will be a hundred times faster than before.

It's not a problem at all to reach the legendary level.

And when the blacksmiths under Fang Xiao can generally reach the legendary level, they will be able to produce legendary weapons and equipment in large quantities.

When the time comes, once all his soldiers are equipped with legendary weapons and equipment, Fang Xiaogang will be quite excited just thinking about the scene.

When the time comes to fight other enemies, it can be said that even the ordinary soldiers with epic strength under his own hands can compete with the opponent's masters with legendary strength.

After all, the improvements in equipment and weapons are quite huge.

Fang Xiao definitely understands this very well.

For example, the Blood-Drinking Sword in his hand has been upgraded to a one-star legendary level after this battle with the Glory Alliance and the United Forces.

After the Blood-Drinking Sword reaches one star at the legendary level, its use is completely different from when it was at the legendary level.

In short, the extraction of this god-level talent made Fang Xiao feel quite comfortable.

In addition, the talent for agriculture is also quite good.

The reason is simple. The various fruit trees and crops that Fang Xiao planted last month are basically fully mature.

These two days are harvest time.

And coincidentally, with this agricultural talent bonus, the harvest of his fruit trees and various crops can be directly increased by 5 times.

Apart from anything else, there will definitely be no shortage of food in his territory for a long time to come.

It can even make the people of the territory live more comfortably.

There are pasta, meat, and fruits.

After all, if the output is large, these things can be put into the market of the territory, so that these people can buy them so that they can afford them.

And if they can have meat to eat, pasta to eat, and fruits to eat, their lives will undoubtedly be quite happy.

And when they live a happy life, it will naturally bring stability to the territory and prosperity and development.

These thoughts simply passed through Fang Xiao's mind, and soon he turned his attention back.

It’s not too late to make arrangements for these things in the next few days.

The most important thing now is my wedding.

After marrying Di Xiyang, it can be said that Di Xiyang belongs to Dawn City.

As for Broken Rock City, they were tied to a chariot with him.

From now on, there will be no problem if Broken Rock City is half the power of Dawn City.

It just so happened that Fang Xiao also had the idea of ​​doing business transactions.

After all, if trading is good, it can only trade with players, and there is no way to trade with indigenous forces.

If you want to trade with indigenous forces, you still need to be like the ones in Broken Rock City.

You need to do business everywhere.

As for Fang Xiao, he is not proficient in this aspect.

And there are also no business talents in his own territory.

But now, after joining forces with Broken Rock City, Fang Xiao can use the power of Broken Rock City to help him do business or invest in Broken Rock City himself.

Then get a share of the merchant's income.

These are quite beneficial to Fang Xiao.

As long as he can eat a piece of the cake in business, it can be said that in the future, Fang Xiao will basically not have to worry too much about money.

The speed of the welcoming team was not too slow, and they arrived at Broken Rock City at noon.

But what Fang Xiao didn't expect was that there were quite a lot of people waiting at the gate of Broken Rock City.

And there are many people waiting, and their appearance is quite strange. You only need to look at them to know that they are not the earth elves of Broken Rock City, and of course they are not humans.

For example, there was a middle-aged woman who was extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and with ice-blue eyes, standing next to Di Chenguang.

This is obviously a person from an outside force, not of the earth elves or humans.

Of course, Fang Xiao didn't feel too surprised.

After all, Broken Rock City does business every day and has dealt with countless forces.

In this world, there are countless different races.

For example, in Fang Xiao's current territory, not only humans, but also various orc races account for 1/3 of the total population of the territory.

soon. Fang Xiao rode the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger and landed at the gate of Broken Rock City.

After landing at the gate of Broken Rock City, Fang Xiao immediately jumped off the leader of the Golden Yuhu and walked to Di Chenguang.

Di Chenguang nodded to Fang Xiao with a smile on his face, and then said aloud: The speed is not bad, not too slow.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, Fang Xiao also smiled: Of course I won't delay such an important matter. By the way, are you ready for Sunset?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Di Chenguang nodded slightly: There is no problem. My sister is already waiting at the City Lord's Mansion. You just need to go to the City Lord's Mansion first and welcome her out.

In addition, let me introduce to you again. These are all the various forces that Broken Rock City has good relations with. They are here to congratulate my sister on her wedding.

After hearing what Chen Guang said, Fang Xiao immediately said hello to the people next to him.

And these people were also quite polite to Fang Xiao.

Obviously, after these forces learn about Sunset's big wedding in Broken Rock City, they will definitely investigate the person who is going to Sunset's wedding. Then they must know about Fang Xiao's recent performance.

This record cannot be underestimated by any force.

And since they are on good terms with Broken Rock City, there is no doubt that they will not be hostile to Fang Xiao unless they commit suicide.

Under such circumstances, he would naturally choose to make friends with Fang Xiao and establish a good relationship.

Fang Xiao was a little perfunctory with these people, and then said to the morning light: Okay, I'll go to the sunset now.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao led his team through the entrance of Broken Rock City and rushed towards the city lord's mansion.

On the way, I saw lights and colorful decorations everywhere, which was quite lively.

The people of Broken Rock City stood on both sides of the street and watched, obviously very curious about Fang Xiao.

After arriving all the way to the City Lord's Mansion, Fang Xiao asked the wedding team to wait at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and then followed Di Chenguang into the lord's mansion.

It didn't take long for Fang Xiao to find Di Xiyang, who was dressed quite luxuriously.

The wedding dress of Di Xiyang is based on the style of Broken Rock City.

This is an earthy yellow long skirt. The whole dress is quite complicated, with a large number of special patterns embroidered with gold thread.

Fang Xiao didn't understand what it meant, but it was definitely quite troublesome to make.

Making this long skirt definitely took a lot of tailoring and put a lot of effort into it.

Otherwise, it would probably not be possible to make it.

Fang Xiao took steps to come to Di Xiyang, and then slowly stretched out his palm.

Sunset, here I come.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang showed a happy smile on his face, and then stretched out his hand to grab Fang Xiao's palm.

stood up from his seat.

Immediately afterwards, the two held hands and slowly walked out of the city lord's mansion together.

Then Fang Xiao didn't say much, and directly stretched out his hand to hold the princess of Di Xiyang in his arms.

Then he took steps, stepped on the back of the Golden Feather Tiger leader, and then controlled the Golden Feather Tiger leader to take the lead and fly towards the outside of Broken Rock City.

The wedding team followed closely behind Fang Xiao and rushed all the way.

Di Chenguang also led a team and followed Fang Xiao's team.

After all, the wedding will be officially held in Dawn City, so Di Chenguang and others need to follow Fang Xiao and go to Dawn City to attend the wedding.

After the wedding is over, return to Broken Rock City.

When heading to Dawn City, there were quite a large number of people, including not only the troops sent from Broken Rock City.

There are also people sent by various other forces.

Therefore, it was already dusk when we rushed back to Dawn City.

The venue where Fang Xiao held his wedding this time was the Lord's Square that he built in Dawn City.

At this time, the Lord's Square was filled with wine tables, and a high platform was built in the center.

Fang Xiao, who came from time travel, has a special obsession with his original wedding customs, so this time he planned to go through the ceremony with the sunset.

Soon, all the guests came to the wine table and sat down.

The person who presided over the wedding this time was Qian Ling.

She first stood on the high platform and thanked the guests who came.

Then he spoke out and said: Okay, then let's hold the wedding in accordance with the customs of our territory.

I would like to invite the lord and his wife to come to the front.

After hearing Qian Ling's words, Fang Xiao immediately took Di Xiyang's palm and came to the front of the high platform.

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