Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 217 Death of the Great Worshiper

Noting Fang Xiao's gaze, the expressions of the two black-robed men who were entangled with Hu Yu and Wu Xiong changed drastically.

A look of fear flashed in his eyes.

The strength of the two of them is actually only a little stronger than that of the White Elephant City Lord. On the one hand, they can kill the White Elephant City Lord so easily, so it will not be difficult to kill them.

Not to mention that Wu Xiong and Hu Yu were entangled in front of them, and they could also put a lot of pressure on him.

Faced with the existence of a single profession, the advantages of multi-profession are too great.

If it weren't for the fact that Wu Xiong and Hu Yu's career stars were a bit low, then Fang Xiao wouldn't even be needed. The two of them would be able to get rid of the two men in black robes.

Noticing the look of fear flashing in the eyes of the two men in black robes, Fang Xiao's expression did not change at all, and then he drove the Feishuang Elephant leader and rushed towards the two men quickly.

There was no room for relaxation from the beginning of this war.

Soon, Fang Xiao drove the Feishuang Elephant leader and rushed to the vicinity of the two black-robed men.

Then he quickly attacked one of the men in black robes.

Since the man in black robe was dealing with Takeo's attack, he couldn't make much response to Fang Xiao's attack.

Just when Fang Xiao drove the Feishuang Elephant leader and passed by the opponent, he directly left a huge knife incision on the opponent's back.

This is because the opponent dodged in time. If the opponent did not dodge in time, the knife would cut the opponent's neck.

After the opponent was severely wounded by Fang Xiao, Takeo, who was fighting with the opponent, also seized the opportunity and left another wound on the opponent's body.

At this time, Fang Xiao had already steered the leader of Feishuang Elephant around an arc and rushed towards the black-robed man again.

This time, facing Fang Xiao's attack, the opponent no longer had any chance to dodge, and his head was chopped off by Fang Xiao's knife.

The corpse fell directly from the flying mount at his feet, and finally landed heavily on the ground below, and then a pile of loot exploded.

The situation here was obviously noticed by the great minister of the Glory Alliance. Not only did his eyes widen, but there was a light of hatred in his eyes.

Want to get rid of the sunset.

However, Di Xiyang, who was fighting with him, was always suppressing him. How easy was it for him to get rid of Di Xiyang?

Di Xiyang was entangled with him. He couldn't even escape, let alone snatch the flying mount to support the remaining man in black robe.

Fang Xiao, on the other hand, quickly drove the Feishuang Elephant leader towards the remaining black-robed man again.

Faced with Fang Xiao's attack, there was no accident. The black-robed man was directly hit hard. Fang Xiao didn't even need to take action for the second time. Hu Yu and Wu Xiong jointly seized the opportunity for the severely injured black-robed man. , killed directly in one blow.

The corpse fell from the flying mount and then fell to the ground, exploding a pile of loot.

At this point, the only threatening enemy on the entire battlefield was the Glory Alliance Grand Priest. Looking at the Glory Alliance Grand Priest who was fighting back and forth with the setting sun, Fang Xiao couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

The opponent was able to fight back and forth with Di Xiyang, which showed that the opponent was definitely not something Fang Xiao could handle at the moment.

At least, he cannot control the Feishuang Elephant leader to get close to the other party, otherwise, the other party may seize the opportunity and threaten himself instead.

At this time, Wu Xiong and Hu Yu had already arrived at Fang Xiao's side, and the two of them also set their sights on the great priest of the Glory Alliance who had been fighting back and forth with Di Xiyang.

Then he asked Fang Xiao: Lord, what should we do next?

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then answered loudly: We use long-range attacks to attack the opponent, don't get close to him. I believe that when we use long-range attacks to attack him, Sunset can suppress him firmly and let He couldn't dodge.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong and Hu Yu immediately nodded, indicating that they understood Fang Xiao's thoughts.

After Fang Xiao thought for a moment, he continued to give instructions: You two go and inform all the people with legendary strength, so that as long as they have long-range skills, they will immediately launch an attack on the man in black robe.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Hu Yu and Wu Xiong immediately nodded slightly, then agreed and flew downwards.

Fang Xiao, on the other hand, drove the leader of the Feishuang Elephant and approached the great enshrinement of the Glory Alliance.

However, Fang Xiao did not get completely close to the opponent. When he was still some distance away from the opponent, he condensed a giant shield and then threw it towards the opponent fiercely.

Noting Fang Xiao's sneak attack, this great minister of the Glory Alliance not only changed his expression slightly, but he immediately wanted to dodge.

However, where would the setting sun give him a chance to dodge?

Suppressing him tightly, leaving him with no way to dodge.

Soon, the giant shield was smashed down from the front, and Di Xiyang took the opportunity to retreat. In an instant, the giant shield also hit the great priest of the Glory Alliance hard, and he and the ground where he was were directly smashed out. A huge pit.

However, neither Fang Xiao nor Di Xiyang obviously thought that the other party would die because of such a trivial matter.

I saw Di Xiyang, who had retreated, approach again in an instant, and then punched the giant shield pressing on the ground.

And the moment Di Xiyang punched it down, the huge shield broke instantly, and then the somewhat embarrassed Glory Alliance grand worshiper rushed out from underneath.

Then he collided hard with Li Xiyang's fist.

Then the two sides entered a tug-of-war again.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xiao not only frowned slightly.

It seems that it is really unrealistic to get rid of the opponent in a short time.

But it doesn't matter, Fang Xiao has a lot of time here, and even if he wastes it slowly, he can kill the other party.

You know, Bi Xiyang was originally a little stronger than the opponent, so he was able to suppress the opponent.

Even without the intervention of Fang Xiao, if the two of them keep fighting, the final winner will definitely be Di Xiyang, and there won't be any surprises.

But now that Fang Xiao has intervened, there is no doubt that this great Glory Alliance enshrinement will be defeated even faster.

Of course, this defeat was faster, but it was only compared to Di Xiyang who faced off against the opponent without any help. With the strength shown by the opponent, it would definitely last a long time.

While Fang Xiao was looking for opportunities to continuously attack the opponent, he also wanted to use the death of the city lord of Baixiang City to threaten the soldiers and senior officials of Baixiang City to surrender.

However, to Fang Xiao's expectation, although the death of the city lord of White Elephant City made the soldiers and senior officials of White Elephant City quite uneasy, when they saw that the great enshrinement of the Glory Alliance was still alive, they still resisted desperately without any surrender. the meaning of.

Obviously, the lord of White Elephant City should have said something to these men before the two sides officially started fighting. Otherwise, this would not be possible.

If this is the case, then if you want these soldiers and senior officials of White Elephant City to surrender to you, you still need to kill this great enshrinement of the Glory Alliance.

However, as Fang Xiao speculated, it would be difficult to kill the opponent.

During this period of time, the number of soldiers and high-level officials in White Elephant City who died will definitely reach a terrifying number.

However, since they were unwilling to surrender, Fang Xiao would not care too much about their lives.

And the more casualties they suffer, the more loot will undoubtedly be revealed.

In fact, if you do this, the benefits are hard to say. After all, on the one hand, you can gain more people, and on the other hand, you can gain more props.

It's really hard to compare the two, because Fang Xiao's side is no longer short of combat soldiers. There are already a lot of combat soldiers on his side.

If Fang Xiao is short of combatants, then the number of people must be given priority, but when he does not lack combatants, the benefits of personnel are not that high.

Next, Fang Xiao and his henchmen continued to kill the senior officials and soldiers of White Elephant City while waiting for the long-range skills to cool down. Once the cooling was completed, they immediately approached the Glory Alliance Grand Enshrinement and attacked the opponent. attack.

And Di Xiyang also has a tacit understanding. Every time Fang Xiao and Fang Xiao's men carry out a long-range sneak attack, they will suppress the Glory Alliance's great sacrifice, making it impossible for the other party to dodge.

Eat every long-range attack skill honestly.

Therefore, as time went by, the great minister of the Glory Alliance became increasingly embarrassed, with bloodstains and wounds all over his body.

Of course, because the opponent's strength is too strong, the opponent has avoided almost all fatal wounds. These wounds are only distributed in unimportant locations on the opponent's body. Although they have a considerable impact on the opponent, they are far from serious injuries.

But it doesn’t matter, since it won’t be difficult for a while, then just keep on consuming it.

Next, the war continued until the early morning of the next day.

The soldiers and senior officials in White Elephant City suffered extremely heavy casualties. At least half of the soldiers were dead, and less than 10% of the senior officials in White Elephant City were dead.

And this was even when Fang Xiao and Fang Xiao's confidants did not go out of their way to kill. If they really went out to kill, one night would be enough to wipe out the entire army in Baixiang City.

On the other side, the great sacrifice of the Glory Alliance finally showed some flaws after a whole night of consumption. Many of its vitals were attacked and injured.

This had a huge impact on his whole person.

Then under the attack of the setting sun, he began to become in danger.

Finally, as one of his mistakes appeared, Di Xiyang instantly seized the opportunity to get close to the opponent, and then punched the opponent's heart hard.

This punch sent the opponent flying instantly and landed hard on the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The great minister of the Glory Alliance just straightened up and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Di Xiyang had already approached again, and then punched the opponent's head hard, smashing the opponent's head directly into the ground.

After that, Di Xiyang kept swinging his fists and continuously attacked the opponent's head. Slowly, the reaction of the great sacrifice of the Glory Alliance became smaller and smaller. Finally, he lost his breath completely, and a bunch of loot fell to the ground. .

Di Xiyang took a deep breath, and then sat down on the ground regardless of her image. Obviously, this battle took a huge toll on her, otherwise, she would never be so disrespectful of her image.

Fang Xiao quickly drove the Feishuang Elephant leader and landed next to Di Xiyang, and then asked Di Xiyang with concern: Xi Yang, are you okay?

After hearing Fang Xiao's caring words, Di Xiyang reluctantly showed a smile, and then replied: Don't worry, I don't have any big problem, I'm just too tired, I just need a good rest.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then helped Di Xiyang to sit on the leader of Feishuang Elephant.

After the sun set, Fang Xiao then took control of the Feishuang Elephant leader and began to recruit and surrender the remaining White Elephant City soldiers and senior officials.

This time, with the death of the great priest of the Glory Alliance, the remaining senior officials and soldiers finally stopped being stubborn and began to surrender.

Afterwards, Fang Xiao asked his soldiers to go and unite the surrendered soldiers.

Then Fang Xiao rode the leader of Feishuang Elephant to the surrendered senior officials.

At this time, only two of the senior officials of White Elephant City were still alive. When they saw Fang Xiao, their faces were complicated.

Fang Xiao's eyes stayed on the two of them for a moment, and then he asked directly: Do you two know who the three black-robed men I just killed are?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, one of the senior officials of White Elephant City shook his head solemnly, and then replied loudly: Before the official battle with you, the city lord told us about their strength, but he did not tell us about mine. identity.

However, the strength of the three of them alone proves that the status of the three of them is good. Even if the city lord doesn't tell us, we can guess that they must belong to an extremely terrifying hidden force.

You must have made some guesses about this, right? And to be honest, I really didn't expect that you would kill the three of them despite your guesses.

It seems that you are really not afraid of the forces behind the other party? This is why I am willing to surrender.

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Xiao said calmly: Of course I will not be afraid of the other party's power, but since you have surrendered, no matter what the reason is, don't have any other thoughts, otherwise... I hope you will never I don’t know what the consequences will be.”

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