Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 216 Killing the Lord of White Elephant City alone

Fang Xiao had almost no hesitation and directly used the cavalry charge skill.

The next moment, he drove the Feishuang Elephant leader to a speed that increased dramatically, and he instantly distanced himself from the two men in black robes.

Although Fang Xiao is not afraid of confronting the two of them head-on, after all, he is a multi-professional being, while the other party is only a single-professional being.

However, it is really not necessary.

Because Fang Xiao's various skills are actually mainly based on speed and mobility.

Going head-on is the next best option.

Fang Xiao decided to use his speed advantage to approach the city lord of White Elephant City and kill him first.

As for the other two men in black robes, relying on his speed advantage, Fang Xiao felt that the other party would not be able to catch up with him during the duration.

The reason is very simple. If the flying creatures under their feet were not contracted with professional skills, then their own acceleration skills would not be able to affect the mounts under their feet.

Only mounts contracted with professional skills can enjoy the corresponding bonuses of professional skills.

In this case, even if these two men in black robes also have powerful acceleration skills, Fang Xiao is not afraid at all.

Because in the sky, as long as their mounts did not move fast, they would have no way of touching Fang Xiao.

Unless all the mounts under the feet of the two people are contracted with professional skills, then Fang Xiao will accept it and face them head-on.

However, Fang Xiao's speculation was obviously correct. These two flying creatures were not the mounts contracted by the professional skills of the two men in black robes.

When they saw the speed of the Feishuang Elephant leader under Fang Xiao suddenly increase so much, they were all stunned for a moment. They could only watch Fang Xiao helplessly as he quickly approached the lord of White Elephant City.

Fang Xiao's heart instantly calmed down. As long as these two men in black robes couldn't match him in speed, he could take advantage of his mobility and take the lead in getting rid of this guy, the Lord of White Elephant City.

The other party was so arrogant just now and even gave me the middle finger.

If you don't deal with the other party first, you will be sorry to the other party.

Seeing that the mount at Fang Xiao's feet had become so much faster and was freed from the entanglement of the two men in black robes, rushing towards him, the mayor of White Elephant City not only changed his expression slightly.

However, he quickly regained his composure.

After all, he is the lord of a force and has experienced many big scenes. Faced with this kind of crisis situation, he quickly calmed down.

Then he raised the long sword emitting light blue light in his hand, and slashed at Fang Xiao who was rushing towards him.

He knew very well that the mount under his feet could not compete with Fang Xiao's mount in terms of speed.

Therefore, it is completely impossible to escape from Fang Xiao's pursuit.

Moreover, if you turn around and run away, it will be equivalent to exposing your back to Fang Xiao, which will only make you more miserable.

Therefore, now, the best choice is to directly confront Fang Xiao.

Looking at the opponent's long sword, Fang Xiao's expression did not change at all, and he directly raised the newly acquired legendary hard gold shield in his hand.

Later, he used the strengthening skills of his shield class to strengthen the shield.

Soon, the opponent's long sword slashed hard on Fang Xiao's shield.

Fang Xiao just felt his shield vibrate, and then easily blocked the opponent's attack.

In Fang Xiao's other hand, the Blood-Drinking Knife was slashed out.

The fast opponent didn't react at all, leaving a huge wound between the opponent's waist and abdomen.

At this time, the leader of Feishuang Elephant happened to pass by the opponent's mount.

At the same time, he also kicked the White Elephant City Lord's mount, causing the White Elephant City Lord's mount to tremble violently, almost losing its balance and throwing the White Elephant City Lord off.

From this we can see why riding career transfer orders are so rare.

It's really because the riding profession has so many advantages.

Especially riding professions that can contract flying creatures have an absolute advantage when facing enemies.

It can attack the enemy from various favorable angles. Even if it cannot be defeated, it can still use its speed advantage to quickly distance itself from the opponent, and then continuously draw and consume it.

The only way to break the situation is to jump on a mount with a riding professional contract and then severely damage the mount.

In this case, the situation can be broken.

But the problem is that people with riding professions can use their own acceleration skills on their flying mounts.

As a result, the speed of the blessed flying mount is far beyond what normal flying creatures can match, and even getting close is very difficult.

Previously, Sunset was able to seize the opportunity and jump directly onto the mount of the Grand Priest of the Glory Alliance. The reason was also because that mount was not the mount contracted by the professional skills of the Grand Priest of the Glory Alliance.

Therefore, that mount cannot enjoy the blessing of acceleration skills. In this case, it will naturally not be able to rely on its own mobility to make Dixiyang unable to jump on it.

Fang Xiao's side is completely different. The leader of Feishuang Elephant can benefit from Fang Xiao's acceleration skills, so he is extremely fast and highly maneuverable.

There was no way the other party could take the opportunity to get closer and jump on the back of the Feishuang Elephant leader.

When Fang Xiao attacked the enemy, because the enemy's overall strength was weaker than Fang Xiao, it was already very difficult to face Fang Xiao's attack.

Not to mention taking the opportunity to jump on the leader of Feishuang Elephant under Fang Xiao's feet.

Moreover, even if the opponent can really jump up, the situation will actually be better for Fang Xiao.

Because the opponent's overall strength is not as good as Fang Xiao, if the opponent really jumps up, they will face Fang Xiao and directly face Fang Xiao's violent attacks.

There was no chance of attacking the Feishuang Elephant leader under Fang Xiao's feet.

Therefore, this only way to break the situation is actually quite useless.

After all, if the enemy's strength exceeds Fang Xiao's, Fang Xiao will not ride the Feishuang Elephant leader to fight the opponent in close combat, but will distance himself and consume him from a distance.

After all, Fang Xiao is not stupid. He must know exactly how to fight in his own interests.

When the leader of Feishuang Elephant flew a certain distance, he immediately made a detour and then rushed towards the lord of White Elephant City again.

At this time, the two men in black robes were driving the flying mounts at their feet and quickly approaching the Lord of White Elephant City.

Obviously, they also knew very well that Fang Xiao's current target was the Lord of White Elephant City.

Moreover, they had no way to keep up with the flying speed of the leader of the Flying Frost Elephant.

In this case, the only way to deal with it is to get close to the lord of Baixiang City, and then the three of them gather together to deal with Fang Xiao's attack.

However, the speed of their flying mounts is too slow compared to the now blessed Flying Frost Elephant leader.

According to the current situation, at least Fang Xiao launched two consecutive attacks on the lord of Baixiang City before they could get close.

This not only made them frown tightly.

The reason is very simple. When the lord of White Elephant City fought Fang Xiao for the first time just now, he was directly and severely wounded by Fang Xiao.

In the next two attacks, no one knows whether the city lord of White Elephant City will suffer irreversible damage.

If this is the case, their numerical advantage will not be reflected very well.

However, just when they were anxious, the situation reversed again.

I saw two flying mounts below, flying directly towards the sky.

The target was exactly the two of them.

And the two flying mounts that flew up were none other than Hu Yu and Takeo.

Although the legendary professions of Fox Yu and Takeo do not have high star ratings, they both have three professions.

Therefore, if we deal with these two single-professional legendary five-star black-robed men, even if it does not threaten their lives, it is still very simple to contain them.

This change of situation caused the expressions of the two men in black robes to change drastically.

Because they knew very well that if the two of them were really entangled with each other, then the lord of White Elephant City would basically be dead.

However, there was nothing they could do.

After all, the flying speed of the mounts under their feet is fixed. It is impossible to suddenly give an acceleration skill to make the speed soar like Fang Xiao did.

Soon, Wu Xiong and Hu Yu drove their flying mounts to get close to the two men in black robes, and then launched an attack.

Facing the attacks from Hu Yu and Wu Xiong, these two men in black robes naturally couldn't ignore them.

So he had no choice but to turn his gun and start dealing with Wu Xiong and Hu Yu.

On this side, Fang Xiao's second battle with the leader of Baixiang City has ended.

In this battle, one of the hands of the lord of Baixiang City was chopped off by Fang Xiao.

At this time, the City Lord of White Elephant City, who had been pretending to be calm, finally showed a look of horror on his face.

Because he is now very aware of the current situation.

The two black-robed men from the Glory Alliance were entangled by Fang Xiao's men and had no way of rushing over to support him.

When he faced Fang Xiao, the overall strength gap was really too big.

This situation is almost a certain death situation.

Because he couldn't even escape.

In terms of flying speed, his flying mount is not even worthy of Fang Xiao's current Feishuang Elephant Leader.

Facing the leader of Feishuang Elephant and Fang Xiao who rushed over for the third time, the Lord of Baixiang City raised his arm with the broken hand.

Then he spoke to Fang Xiao and said, Don't kill me. I am willing to withdraw my troops immediately and will never invade your territory in the future. At the same time, I am willing to transfer all areas of the Ring Spirit Forest to you.

After hearing the other party's words of begging for mercy, Fang Xiao's expression did not change at all.

What a joke, as long as he kills the city lord of White Elephant City, and then takes care of those men in black robes, not to mention the Ringling Forest, even the entire White Elephant City will be his.

Why accept the surrender of the lord of White Elephant City?

Moreover, even now, the other party has only let go of the Ringling Forest area.

You know, the Ringling Forest area should originally belong to Fang Xiao.

Because the power of the Ring Spirit Forest was destroyed by Fang Xiao, it can only be said that the other party really does not know whether to live or die.

In fact, Fang Xiao also considered whether he would suffer revenge from the forces behind them after killing these men in black robes.

But after thinking for a while, Fang Xiao put aside this concern.

The reason is simple. If he can kill the city lord of White Elephant City and regain the entire power of White Elephant City, then the power of the entire territory will be raised to a higher level again.

Moreover, after a wave of the mysterious treasure chests obtained in this war is opened, I believe there will be a huge improvement.

The most important thing is that these three men in black robes and the Lord of White Elephant City are all legendary existences.

And this is a battle between forces, not a solo kill in the wild.

And if such forces fight, usually the leader of the other party will be given a job transfer order.

Even if these three men in black robes don't show up, at least the lord of White Elephant City will definitely show up.

In this case, Fang Xiao's territory would be able to steadily have at least one more legendary five-star being.

Fang Xiao couldn't refuse this temptation.

For Fang Xiao currently, this is also the biggest gain.

And based on his current relationship with Broken Rock City, if any problems really arise, I believe that Broken Rock City will not sit idly by.

And as long as the enemy cannot destroy him in one wave, he can obtain the opponent's job transfer order and various rare materials as long as he kills the enemy.

You can continue to snowball and make yourself stronger and stronger.

It can even destroy the opponent's power.

Anyway, after today's incident, even if I let these three men in black robes go, I will definitely have a huge conflict with the forces behind them, which is completely impossible to ease.

In this case, then simply go all the way to the dark side and offend the other party to the point of death. Anyway, there won't be much difference.

Soon, Fang Xiao rushed to the side of the White Elephant City Lord again. Facing another attack from the White Elephant City Lord, Fang Xiao relied on the legendary shield in his hand to easily resist it again.

Because the opponent was missing a hand this time, there was obviously a huge flaw when facing Fang Xiao's attack. Fang Xiao immediately seized the opportunity and directly slashed the opponent's neck with the Blood-Drinking Knife.

In an instant, the opponent's neck was cut in half, and his whole head almost fell off.

Fang Xiao, on the other hand, drove the Feishuang Elephant leader and passed by the opponent instantly.

When he turned around to look, the Lord of White Elephant City had fallen off the flying mount at his feet and was falling hard downwards?

When the other party hit the ground, a cloud of dust suddenly kicked up, and a hole appeared on the ground.

At the same time, a pile of loot exploded next to him, and he was obviously completely dead.

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then turned his gaze to the two men in black robes who were entangled with Hu Yu and Wu Xiong.

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