After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the expressions of the two men changed slightly.

Then he lowered his head to Fang Xiao, signaling his surrender.

Obviously they knew very well that if they really offended Fang Xiao, then they would face a situation where death was inevitable.

But now if he obeys Fang Xiao, he can still survive at least for now.

The reason why they did not surrender to Fang Xiao before was because the great minister of the Glory Alliance was not dead yet.

If the other party is not dead, they don't know whether the other party will escape. If the other party escapes, then surrendering in front of him will, in their view, lead to a certain death situation in the future.

Because it will definitely be remembered by the other party.

But now it is different. Now the great worshiper of the Glory Alliance has died. In the future, if the Glory Alliance destroys Fang Xiao's power, they can have many excuses to fight for their own chance of survival.

But he must not offend Fang Xiao now, otherwise, he will definitely die.

Fang Xiao just glanced at the two of them and didn't care too much.

To be honest, he could guess that the forces behind these three black-robed men should indeed be quite powerful. However, Fang Xiao did not think that the other party's forces could directly destroy his own.

And as long as there is no way to directly destroy his own power, it will undoubtedly be quite simple for Fang Xiao to make a comeback.

After all, he is a player.

Has the bonus of territorial talent.

It’s so easy to snowball.

These indigenous forces are simply not comparable.

Fang Xiao will look at their performance from these two people in the future. If they really show anything wrong, then Fang Xiao will definitely eliminate them without any hesitation.

If they are honest, then even if they have a little strange thoughts now, it doesn't matter.

Afterwards, Fang Xiao drove the Feishuang Elephant leader and began to pack up the loot on the battlefield.

As for the cleanup of the entire battlefield, Fang Xiao was completely relieved that Wu Xiong and Hu Yu were responsible for it.

After all, they were responsible for the previous wars, and they are already quite experienced in this area.

The cleaning work of the entire battlefield lasted until noon, and then it ended.

In Baixiang City, Hu Yu and Wu Xiong led people to ransack their homes, and all the people in the city were brought back to the territory. As for all the property in the city, Fang Xiao put it into the lord's warehouse.

There are many people in Baixiang City, the total number is about 30,000.

However, Fang Xiao's territory has now reached the main city level, and the scope of the entire territory has expanded much compared to before.

Therefore, even if all these 30,000 people are resettled, it will not be enough to fill all the areas in Fang Xiao's territory.

In addition, today is already the 24th day since Fang Xiao came to this world. There are still a few days until next month. Fang Xiao can consider building a sacrificial altar.

After all, Fang Xiao has now obtained considerable funds through these major wars with indigenous forces.

The cost of building a sacrificial altar was nothing to Fang Xiao.

It is also worth mentioning that the lord of White Elephant City revealed a legendary five-star job transfer order, and it is also a 2-star one. It can transfer jobs to two people, which is quite a profit.

In addition, although the two ordinary men in black robes did not reveal their job transfer orders, the Grand Priest of the Glory Alliance contributed two job transfer orders.

A legendary five-star one, and a legendary three-star one.

Obviously, he had two out of three legendary professions.

The only pity is that these two career transfer orders are only one-star, and can only change jobs for one person.

After Fang Xiao thought about it for a while, he decided to use the 2-star legendary 5-star job transfer order revealed by the mayor of Baixiang City for himself and Xu Zhui.

In this way, Xu Chui can also become a legendary 5-star powerful being, and he can also have an additional legendary profession.

As for the other legendary professions, Fang Xiao also plans to use them himself. In this way, he will have 4 legendary professions, and then he will have enough strength to crush the legendary masters of the same level.

After all, multi-professional legendary beings can easily crush single-professional legendary beings.

Not to mention the legendary five-star job transfer order that the Glory Alliance Grand Priest broke out, which is far from comparable to the normal legendary level job transfer order.

That's right, the legendary five-star job transfer order revealed by the Grand Priest of the Glory Alliance is called [Glory Guard]. It actually has four skills, and each skill is quite outrageous.

In addition, each skill has no restrictions on weapons, and any weapon can be used.

The profession enshrined in the Glory Alliance was so terrifying, and as a result, Sunset was able to steadily suppress the opponent.

It is enough to show that Di Xiyang's original legendary five-star profession is definitely no worse than the profession enshrined by the Glory Alliance.

It might even be much stronger.

No wonder that before, even though the Tree Elf King had not yet separated from the Ringling Forest, Di Xiyang was able to fight the Tree Elf King in the environmental forest and had a slight upper hand.

In other words, Earth Sunset is definitely now infinitely close to God in strength.

And after Fang Xiao had these job transfer orders, he could also do this, even better than Di Xiyang.

Because Fang Xiao has five professions.

Fang Xiao also became more confident in dealing with the revenge of the forces behind this glorious sacrifice.

After returning to the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao asked Di Xiyang to rest first. After all, this war lasted for so long.

It can be seen that Di Xiyang is indeed quite tired.

And Fang Xiao also planned to give Di Xiyang a surprise.

After waiting for the sunset to rest, Fang Xiao immediately called the maid over.

Lord, please give me your instructions. The two maids in front of them bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao and waited patiently for Fang Xiao's instructions.

Fang Xiao glanced at the two of them, and then said aloud: Go to the back garden, break off all the beautiful flowers, and then put them in the flower basket and bring them to me.

After pondering for a moment, Fang Xiao added again: It's probably enough to pick 10 baskets.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, the two maids immediately nodded, then turned and left.

After the two maids left, Fang Xiao decided to carry out his own box-opening operation.

A lot of White Elephant City soldiers were killed this time, so there were more than 3,000 mysterious treasure chests that fell out.

There were so many mysterious treasure chests that Fang Xiao felt that he might not be able to open them all in one afternoon.

I have to be busy at least until the evening.

However, Fang Xiao naturally likes to see this kind of busyness.

With so many boxes, Fang Xiao felt that the probability of being able to open a blueprint of a one-star city-level lord's mansion was quite high.

Once the blueprint of the one-star city-level lord's mansion is revealed, Fang Xiao can upgrade his current territory by two levels again.

As for the territory ranking list for next month, it can be said that it is a sure shot.

Holding back his excitement, Fang Xiaocubic began to unpack the box.

During the process of unpacking, two maids came several times and placed ten flower baskets with picked flowers on one side of Fang Xiao.

As expected, Fang Xiao's unpacking operation lasted until the evening. When the maid came to report to him that dinner had been prepared, it had not yet been opened.

None of his close men came to have dinner with him tonight.

The reason is very simple. There are too many people resettled in Baixiang City. Therefore, all Fang Xiao's confidants are assisting in the resettlement work to prevent any accidents in the territory.

So Fang Xiao ordered the maids to bring him a meal.

After Fang Xiao gave the order, it didn't take long for the two maids to bring the dishes. Fang Xiao stopped unpacking and started eating.

After dinner, Fang Xiao took the flower basket to the backyard, and then began to place the flowers in the basket at the door of the master bedroom.

It didn't take long for Fang Xiao to arrange these beautiful flowers into a big heart shape.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Xiao calmed down a little, then came to the door and knocked on the door with his finger.

He believed that with Di Xiyang's strength, he would be able to hear his knocking clearly.

Sure enough, not long after, the sound of footsteps descending the stairs was heard inside.

Footsteps soon approached the door, and then the door was opened, revealing the figure of Sunset.

The local sunset clearly saw the heart-shaped flowers placed in front of the door. Not only did the whole person's eyes widen, but there was a touch of surprise and surprise in his eyes.

Fang Xiao took the opportunity to grab Di Xiyang's hands, and then asked affectionately: Xiyang, will you marry me?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang not only opened her mouth slightly, but also seemed a little at a loss.

Waiting until Fang Xiao looked at the sunset lovingly again, he repeated what he just said.

This time, Di Xiyang finally calmed down, then showed a sweet smile to Fang Xiao and nodded gently: I do.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao smiled slightly, then stretched out his arms and hugged Di Xiyang directly.

Then he spoke out and said: Tomorrow, I will arrange for someone to go to Broken Rock City to propose marriage, discuss the date of our wedding with the Lord of Broken Rock City, and prepare a grand wedding for you then.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang's eyes were full of sweetness, but his reason was still very clear.

She spoke to Fang Xiao and said: There is no hurry on the wedding day. After we eradicate those three men in black robes, the forces behind them will definitely come to take revenge. After we have dealt with them all, we will not hold the wedding again. Not too late at all.”

Also, if you arrange for someone to discuss the wedding with my brother tomorrow, bring a copy of my letter with you. I will explain it to my brother and ask him to arrange for the three chief guards in the city to come over and assist us.

I forgot to tell you, our Broken Rock City has three guard captain positions, and the people in this position are all legendary beings.

The retired captains of guards and the abdicated city lords in the past are also legendary existences. After retirement, they will become the shadow guards of the city.

No one in the Shadow Guards has the right to transfer, including my brother. They don't show up at ordinary times. Even my brother can't see them. They will only respond when Broken Rock City faces a crisis.

Oh, my father is an exception. He really ran away and disappeared without a trace, instead of becoming a Shadow Guard.

In short, mobilizing those three guard fields is the best effort that my brother and I can make at the moment.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly: Xiyang, you are so considerate and considerate. I am really lucky to be able to marry you.

Well, by the way, you just got up and haven't had dinner yet. Follow me to the side hall. I'll ask the maid to bring you dinner. You can eat some.

To be honest, Fang Xiao was a little surprised by Di Xiyang's words. He did not expect that there was a hidden power like Shadow Guard in Broken Rock City.

If the retired captain of the guard and the abdicated city lord are not dead yet and are still alive, then this is definitely a quite terrifying force.

No wonder Broken Rock City is still standing. It is estimated that the big forces near Broken Rock City are aware of the hidden power of Broken Rock City.

That's why they didn't dare to provoke Broken Rock City, allowing Broken Rock City to maintain its unique neutral status.

But think about it, if you are not strong enough, how can you remain neutral all the time? After all, if you want to remain neutral, it does not mean that others are willing to let you remain neutral.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly, and then obediently followed Fang Xiao towards the side hall.

After arriving at the side hall, Fang Xiao immediately asked the maid to prepare another meal and serve it.

Not long after the food was served, Di Xiyang began to have dinner?

Fang Xiao came to the side and began to continue his unpacking operation.

After working for more than an hour, Fang Xiao finally opened all the mysterious treasure boxes in his hands.

What surprised Fang Xiao was that the drawing of the one-star city-level lord's mansion that he had always wanted was actually made available.

Naturally, it goes without saying what this means.

At this time, Di Xiyang had already finished dinner and had been sitting aside watching Fang Xiao unpacking the boxes.

So Fang Xiao immediately greeted the maids not far away and asked them to gather all the people in the lord's mansion and wait outside together.

Then he took the lead to take the sunset and walked out first.

After arriving outside the lord's mansion, it didn't take long for all the people in the lord's mansion to come out.

After confirming with the maid that there was no one in the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao then took out all the drawings of the one-star city-level lord's mansion and the two-star city-level lord's mansion drawings from his lord's warehouse.

Prepare to upgrade your territory to two levels in a row.

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