Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 215 The decisive battle in White Elephant City

In the face of absolute strength, conspiracy and tricks are of no use.

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes, then clenched his fists and walked outside: Wu Xiong, go gather everyone and let the tree elves gather together all the nearby ring spirit forest creatures.

They want to fight head-on, so let's fight head-on!

I will let them know that whether it is overall strength or top-level combat power, they are not worthy of coming here to try.

Takeo immediately responded respectfully and ran outside quickly: Yes! Lord!

After Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang all the way to the front yard, he and Di Xiyang jumped directly onto the Feishuang Elephant leader, and then drove the Feishuang Elephant leader to fly towards the west.

At this time, Hu Yu was already commanding the troops to assemble.

However, the troops he assembled were all troops in the territory, and there was no one from the tree elves to coordinate them yet.

Fortunately, just now, Fang Xiao had already given instructions to Takeo and asked Takeo to make arrangements.

I believe it won’t be long before it can be integrated.

After everyone is integrated, the next step is to have a head-on confrontation with Baixiang City.

This battle is undoubtedly very important. If Fang Xiao capsizes in the gutter and loses this battle, then he and his territory will probably cease to exist.

And if he can win this battle and annex White Elephant City, then Fang Xiao will harvest a large amount of resources and trophies, which can provide the needs of his territory for a long time to come.

And you can also use the mysterious treasure chests dropped by killing enemies to try for the blueprints of the lord's mansion and see if you can get the blueprint of the one-star city-level lord's mansion.

If it can be opened, Fang Xiao will be able to upgrade his territory by two levels again.

The improvement at that time was definitely quite huge.

In particular, in the upcoming territory rankings next month, Fang Xiao is very confident that he can occupy the first place as long as he can advance two levels in a row.

Fang Xiao is also looking forward to the rewards for territory ranking.

The system arranges a separate section for the territory ranking, and it is only opened in the second month, which is enough to show the importance of this section.

Then, the reward for first place is absolutely beyond imagination.

Even Fang Xiao is not sure what the reward for first place will be.

However, as long as you can get it, you can definitely have a snowball advantage and develop better and better in the future.

This is quite important.

Fang Xiao did not drive the Feishuang Elephant leader to rush to the middle of the Ring Spirit Forest.

The other party's appearance now clearly meant that he had something to rely on. It was obviously very irrational behavior for him and Di Xiyang to go deep alone. It was not necessary at all.

When the large forces of both sides engage in battle, it is obviously the safest way to go out together with the large forces.

Fang Xiao attaches great importance to this battle and knows that the impact of this battle is beyond imagination. Therefore, he will naturally not take risks and do anything irrational.

He stayed on the back of the Feishuang Elephant leader together with the setting sun, staying in mid-air for nearly an hour.

Finally, all the troops under Fang Xiao had been assembled.

The tree elves also mobilized all nearby ring spirit forest creatures that could be mobilized.

Under their command, the guards stood on both sides of Fang Xiao's troops.

For a moment, the whole scene looked quite vast and full of oppression.

Di Xiyang glanced at Fang Xiao beside him, and then asked aloud: Brother Fang Xiao, are we waiting here now for the other party to attack?

After hearing Di Xiyang's inquiry, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said loudly: Yes, since the other party has assembled troops on such a large scale, they are ready to attack us.

Then, they must be ready. They think they are fully prepared. In this case, there is no need for us to take the initiative. We can just wait for them to come over and act steadily.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly and did not refute.

Next, as Fang Xiao waited, time passed bit by bit.

After about two more hours, finally, through the bright moonlight tonight, Fang Xiao saw the dense figures appearing in the distance.

These people are the soldiers who attacked from Baixiang City.

There are also flying troops in Baixiang City, but the number is quite small, only about 500.

At this time, sitting on the leading flying creature was a man wearing armor.

When Fang Xiao saw the other party's figure clearly, he also saw the other party's information.

The other party is the current city lord of White Elephant City, and he is also a legendary five-star person.

After seeing clearly, Fang Xiao immediately turned his attention to the people around him and glanced back and forth.

Soon, he frowned because he did not see any other legendary existence except the Lord of White Elephant City.

At this moment, Fang Xiao was really confused. What did the other party have to rely on to dare to attack so openly?

Just when Fang Xiao was lost in thought, the city lord of White Elephant City stood up from his flying mount, and then shouted at Fang Xiao: You damn guys, you actually attacked our soldiers in White Elephant City. The White Elephant City cannot tolerate this. Will swallow it.

And you will also pay the price for the bad behavior you have done.

Lord of the enemy force, tell me your name, and I will not kill the nameless people with my sword.

After hearing the words of the Lord of White Elephant City, Fang Xiao glanced around again, but he still didn't see any legendary existence.

After squinting his eyes for a moment, Fang Xiao then answered aloud: You must all know clearly in Baixiang City that I killed the Tree Elf King and destroyed the forces of the Ring Spirit Forest.

Then the entire Ringling Forest should be my territory, but this territory is too huge, so it will take me some time to occupy it.

In the end, I didn't expect that you gang of insidious villains would take the opportunity to seize the territory of the Ringling Forest area. Isn't this equivalent to seizing the territory of my territory?

If it were you, would you be able to endure it? You are despicable and shameless, and you still have the nerve to bark here. I wonder why you are so thick-skinned?

Is it possible that you are able to sit in the position of the Lord of White Elephant City just because of your thick skin?

After hearing Fang Xiao's answer, the mayor of Baixiang City not only turned blue and white.

Only then did he realize that if he tried to trick Fang Xiao, even 100 of him would not be able to fool Fang Xiao.

He couldn't help but became angry, waved his hand, and then issued an order: Everyone attacks! Capture the enemy for me! Revenge for the dead brothers of White Elephant City!

As soon as the Lord of White Elephant City finished speaking, the soldiers below began to take action.

Sprint towards Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao was true to his word. He also waved his arm and signaled his trusted subordinates to lead the soldiers to attack together.

Soon, the soldiers on both sides were fighting together. As the fighting started, dense figures appeared, and some people continued to fall.

A large amount of blood flowed to the ground, which looked a little oozing under the moonlight.

Fang Xiao didn't pay attention to the fighting situation below.

Because with these fully upgraded confidants and soldiers under his command, even if they are not enough to crush the White Elephant City side, they will definitely not fall into a disadvantage.

Especially with the assistance of the creatures in the Ring Spirit Forest, the most important thing now is the Lord of White Elephant City.

If the opponent can be killed, then it shouldn't be a problem to take back the remaining soldiers in White Elephant City.

At this time, the Lord of Baixiang City obviously noticed that Fang Xiao was focusing on him.

He couldn't help grinning, then he extended his middle finger to Fang Xiao and said provocatively: Come on, let me see what you relied on to kill the Tree Elf King?

Fang Xiao couldn't help snorting, and then directly drove the leader of Feishuang Elephant to rush towards the opponent quickly.

Now, the two sides are fighting head-on.

There is no longer any need to retreat. No matter what the opponent has to rely on, Fang Xiao must now face it.

You just need to be a little more careful when dealing with the opponent to prevent any sneak attacks from the other side.

Looking at the Feishuang Elephant leader who was rushing towards him and Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang on his body, the Lord of Baixiang City couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and then pulled out the long sword from his waist.

The next moment, the long sword was covered with a layer of light blue light. As the light blue light lit up, three more flying creatures suddenly rushed out of the forest on both sides.

On each of these three flying creatures sat a man in black robes.

The appearance of these three men in black robes immediately made Fang Xiao alert.

He immediately shifted his gaze. After seeing the three people's figures clearly, Fang Xiao immediately saw their information panels.

According to the display on the information panel, one of the men in black robes is a high priest of the Glory Alliance, and the other two are inner-level members of the Glory Alliance.

And all three of them are legendary existences.

And they are all legendary five-stars.

The only difference is that this great minister of the Glory Alliance actually has three professions.

This made Fang Xiao couldn't help being shocked.

The reason is very simple. It is almost impossible for indigenous forces that have not come into contact with players to obtain a hero order. If you cannot obtain a hero order, you also have no way to become a hero unit.

In this case, the indigenous forces are basically single-professional.

In Fang Xiao's view, this may be a benefit provided by the system to the players, allowing them to gain a certain advantage when facing the indigenous forces that have already formed.

As a result, who would have thought that an indigenous creature with three professions would appear now.

This made Fang Xiao couldn't help but think of the fox spirits in his territory.

Fox Spirit successfully became a hero unit because of an adventure he had as a child, and changed his job to three different professions in life.

From this point of view, this great worshiper of the Glory Alliance probably had some adventures, so he was able to become a heroic unit.

Fang Xiao's face instantly became serious.

It turns out that this is what the lord of White Elephant City relies on.

I have to say, this reliance is really powerful.

I just don’t know what this Glory Alliance is.

Fang Xiao had never heard of it, and he had never heard it mentioned by Di Xiyang.

However, there was no time to think about this anymore. Fang Xiao immediately stretched out his hand, pointed at the big altar of the Glory Alliance, and then said to Di Xiyang next to him: Xiyang, be careful about that guy.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang immediately turned his attention to the big worshiper who rushed over. After frowning, his face became alert.

In her perception, the aura of the man in black robe was quite weak, so she ignored him immediately.

But now after Fang Xiao's reminder, I suddenly realized something was wrong.

Obviously this black runner looks the same as the other two black runner, but his aura is much lower than the other two.

It's easy to ignore the other person when you don't pay special attention to them.

But now when I pay special attention, I feel like the other person is deliberately hiding it.

The mounts under the buttocks of the three men in black robes are only legendary 1-star creatures, but they are very fast.

Obviously it should be specially prepared by the lord of Baixiang City for the three of them.

So before Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang approached the lord of White Elephant City, these three men in black robes were already approaching on their mounts.

The setting sun immediately calmed down, and then its whole body emitted a light that was like the afterglow of the setting sun.

Then he jumped up from the leader of Feishuang Elephant, and instantly jumped on top of the mount enshrined by the Honor Alliance.

The fist that glowed like the afterglow of the setting sun collided fiercely with the fist that glowed with a faint golden light.

Accompanied by a lifetime of extremely loud roars, the mount under the Glory Alliance's great enshrinement let out a shrill scream, and then fell directly downwards.

As for Di Xiyang and the great worshiper of the Glory Alliance, they both fell down together uncontrollably.

In the process of falling, the two people continued to fight in mid-air. With each fight between the two people, there would be a huge noise and a terrifying shock wave.

When the two fell to the ground, the shock wave erupted from the battle directly killed all the fighting soldiers around them.

The ground beneath their feet sank several feet.

After a brief look at each other, the two jumped up again and rushed towards each other.

When Fang Xiao saw the opponent and Di Xiyang fighting back and forth, he couldn't help but frowned.

However, he had no time to think too much now, because the other two men in black robes were already approaching him.

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