Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 214 General Attack on White Elephant City

After hearing the old man's words, the city lord of White Elephant City immediately responded respectfully: Great Elder, please rest assured, I naturally know everything about it, and I will not pay less for it.

In addition, I volunteered to give an extra 10% afterwards.

After hearing the words of the Lord of White Elephant City, the old man sitting in the middle seat narrowed his eyes slightly, and then slowly said: In that case, then the Glory Alliance will naturally help you solve this matter.

I also know the specific strength of the Tree Elf King of the Ring Spirit Forest.

The other party was able to kill the Tree Elf King in the Ring Spirit Forest. No matter what tricks they used, it is enough to prove how powerful the other party's hard power is.


When he said this, the old man in the middle seat paused for a moment, and then turned his attention to the man in black robe on the left.

Then he spoke out and said: Great Enshrined Lord, will you take two legendary beings to go with the Lord of White Elephant City?

After hearing the words of the old man in the middle seat, the man in black robe on the left immediately cupped his hands and walked directly to the Lord of White Elephant City without saying anything.

At this moment, a stone door suddenly appeared on the wall next to it. Then the stone door opened, and two more men in black robes walked out of it, and then stood next to the big offering.

Seeing this, the Lord of White Elephant City quickly saluted the old man on the seat: Thank you, Great Elder. After this matter is resolved, I will send all the price you have to pay here.

After the words fell, the Lord of White Elephant City took steps and walked in the direction he came from.

The three men in black robes behind him followed him closely.

The four people walked down the spiral staircase together. At this time, the creature that looked like a mouse was already waiting.

The creature was large enough to seat four people.

Soon, the four people jumped on the back of the creature and sat down.

After the four people sat down, the creature, which looked like a mouse, immediately started running wildly.

Without spending too much time, this mouse-like creature led four people to the stairs leading down from the city lord of White Elephant City.

The Lord of White Elephant City bowed his hands to the other three men in black robes, and then said aloud: You three, please follow me.

After the words fell, the Lord of White Elephant City led the way, and soon, everyone returned to the secret room along the stairs.

After arriving in the secret room, the city lord of White Elephant City spoke to the big worshiper among the three men in black robes: Big worshipper, what should we do now? Should we directly gather the people from White Elephant City and launch a counterattack against the opponent?

After hearing the question from the Lord of the White Elephant Great Wall. The great priest not only narrowed his eyes, but then said in a calm voice: There must be a certain process. I need to go to the Ringling Forest to check out the clues everywhere.

Let's see if, as you said, it was the other side that launched the attack first. If not, you know the consequences.

After hearing the other party's words, the mayor of White Elephant City showed a smile on his face: Of course, please feel free to make a big offering. Of course I know the consequences, so I will not do such stupid things.

After hearing the words of the city lord of White Elephant City, the big priest's eyes softened slightly: Okay, you can stay here for now. I will take them two there first. After confirming the situation over there, there is no After any problems, I will come back later and discuss with you a plan to deal with the other party.

After hearing the words of the great worshiper, the Lord of Baixiang City nodded respectfully and said nothing more.

Soon, the great priest took the other two men in black robes and left here quickly.

After confirming that all three people had left, the face of the city lord of Baixiang City turned gloomy?

Then he took steps, walked to his seat, and sat down: Glory Alliance. You really don't treat the peripheral forces like us who joined us as human beings. Don't let me seize the opportunity in the future...

The Lord of White Elephant City took a deep breath and finally clenched his fists.

The Lord of White Elephant City waited for about an hour before three figures in black robes returned to the secret room.

The leader of the great priest nodded slightly to the Lord of White Elephant City in front of him, and then said aloud: We have already investigated, and it is true that as you said, the other party launched the attack first.

Now it can indeed be confirmed that the other party launched the invasion into Baixiang City first.

Then, let's discuss how to deal with each other.

Let me talk about other information we found first. Judging from the traces left at the scene, the soldiers who were attacked should have been attacked by two people and a wild beast.

Based on the footprints left by that beast, no surprise, it should be the legendary one-star Feishang Elephant leader. This beast does not pose any threat to us.

So, we can put it aside, then, what we need to talk about now is the other two people.

Just from the traces left at the scene, there is no way to determine the strength of the two people, how much they are, and there is no way to determine the occupations of the two people.

After all, there are so many different professions. Even our Glory Alliance knows only a drop in the bucket of professional information.

However, one thing is certain, that is, the opponent is likely to have at least two legendary beings.

The reason is very simple. Since the other party dares to attack the temporary stronghold of your White Elephant City forces with two people, this shows that the two of them are confident enough and are not afraid of your White Elephant City's counterattack at all.

In this way, it can be confirmed in reverse that both of them are definitely legendary existences.

As for god-level beings, it should not be possible... because every god-level being is born with an abnormality, and there is no way to cover up this kind of abnormality...

When he said this, the great priest seemed to realize that he had said too much and immediately stopped his words.

Then he turned his gaze to the city lord of White Elephant City next to him, and then spoke loudly: Do you think we should go out together, and then get into the other party's territory and carry out a beheading plan?

If the beheading can be successful, it will also be a good thing for you in White Elephant City, because in this case, you can take down the other party without paying much price.

After hearing the words of the great worshipper, the Lord of Baixiang City not only raised his eyebrows, but was obviously moved.

However, after hesitating for a while, the Lord of White Elephant City shook his head slightly, and then said aloud: I don't think it is safe. It's not that I doubt your strength.

I just think that if we rush into the opponent's territory rashly now, no one will know whether there are any traps in the opponent's territory. After all, as far as I know, some traps can completely threaten the legendary level. existing.

After hearing the answer from the lord of Baixiang City. The great worshipper's eyes flashed with disdain, but his tone did not change much: There are indeed traps that can deal with legendary existences, but you may not know how rare they are.

Besides, I don't think the other party will set up traps to deal with legendary existences in their territory, waiting for us to take the bait.

After all, if you had not exposed the existence of our Glory Alliance, the other party would have judged that only you, the city lord, was a legendary being. Since the other party has at least two legendary beings, do you think they would be afraid of you alone? Is there a legendary existence?”

Especially, the other party can kill the Tree Elf King. What danger do you think you pose to them?

After hearing the words of the great worshipper, the city lord of Baixiang City not only felt a little embarrassed on his face.

However, he did not dare to take any offense to the large offering in front of him.

After all, the great priest in front of him is an inner member of the Glory Alliance, and he is just a peripheral force joining the Glory Alliance.

It is precisely because he is only a force on the periphery of the Glory Alliance that there are many restrictions when seeking help from the Glory Alliance.

Even if these conditions are met, getting help from the Glory Alliance still requires paying a considerable price.

The status of the two parties is completely unequal. If he dares to offend in any way, the result will definitely not be something he can bear.

Therefore, the Lord of Baixiang City took a slight breath, then calmed down his emotions, and then tried to make his voice calmer: Big worshiper, I don't mean that, I mean, if we go deep into the enemy's interior, for the enemy The specific situation is unclear, which is obviously very reckless and not safe.

So, I think we should pursue a safe approach, that is, I directly order all the soldiers in Baixiang City to assemble, and then launch an attack on the other side's forces.

When attacking the opponent, there is no doubt that the legendary existence in the opponent's territory will definitely not watch the show and will definitely attack.

At this time, we can judge how many legendary existences the other party has, and they can use this as a breakthrough point.

When the time comes, we will launch an attack on these legendary existences. I believe that if we face the enemy head-on, we will definitely be able to crush them.

And once we crush the opponent's legendary existence, there will naturally be no problem in subduing the enemy's remaining ordinary soldiers.

After hearing the words of the city lord of White Elephant City, the great minister thought for a moment, and then nodded slightly: What you said makes some sense, and if we do what you said, it will indeed be much safer.

But you have to think clearly, if you do this, the soldiers under your command will definitely suffer serious losses.

After hearing the words of the Great Enshrinement, the Lord of White Elephant City waved his hand nonchalantly: Dear Enshrinement, don't worry, I can bear all these losses.

After hearing the words of the Lord of White Elephant City, the great priest narrowed his eyes slightly, and then nodded slightly: Okay, since you said so yourself, then naturally I won't say anything more, then just follow what you said. Come on.

When the time comes to attract the legendary level among the opponent's forces, I will take action with you to take down all the legendary level beings among the opponent's forces.

The lord of Baixiang City nodded: Okay, Grand Priest, leave this matter to me. I will gather the soldiers in the territory first and then launch a full-scale attack on the opponent tonight. What do you think?

After hearing the words of the Lord of White Elephant City, the great priest nodded, then opened his mouth and replied: No problem, you just have to figure it out.

The Lord of White Elephant City didn't say anything more after hearing the big worshiper's answer.

Finally, he stood up and walked out of the secret room.

In the evening, the entire Baixiang City began to mobilize.

All the soldiers gathered together and then started heading towards the Ring Spirit Forest.

Until late at night, almost all the soldiers in White Elephant City had gathered in the central area of ​​the Ringling Forest.

Naturally, the huge move here cannot be hidden from Fang Xiao's informants.

Soon, the information was reported to Fang Xiao.

When Fang Xiao heard Takeo coming to report, he happened to finish eating the dishes that Di Xiyang had finished.

After hearing the news reported by Takeo, he immediately stood up from his seat: Okay, will you start gathering all your forces now to prepare for a general attack on us?

It's so impatient that something feels wrong no matter how you look at it. Is it because we attacked the other party during the day? We destroyed dozens of temporary strongholds of the other party? Did we make the other party angry?

But this is not right. Our behavior during the day is actually more like a deterrent. So when the other party saw this deterrent, they were not afraid at all. Instead of restraining themselves, they launched a general attack. This problem is very Very big.”

What do you think? Sunset?

After the words fell, Fang Xiao turned his eyes to Di Xiyang aside, wanting to hear her opinion.

After hearing Fang Xiao's question, Di Xiyang pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly, and replied aloud to Fang Xiao: I don't think there is any problem with your inference.

After we destroyed the opponent's temporary stronghold, the opponent directly launched a general attack on us tonight, and was not even willing to collect the resource points of the Ring Spirit Forest. This shows one thing, that is, the opponent may already have quite a lot of resources. Great certainty to deal with us.”

It even feels like it can eat us directly.

So, I think your previous inference may be correct. This White Elephant City should really have some great support, but I don't know what this support is.

What are you going to do now? It seems that there is no other way except to face the enemy head-on. After all, the opponent is now openly showing that he wants to compete with you in terms of hard power.

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