The early morning sunlight shone through the window, and Fang Xiao opened his eyes immediately.

The biological clock he was accustomed to made him completely awake.

Fang Xiao sat up from the bed, put on his clothes and walked outside.

As soon as I opened the bedroom door and walked out, I saw the setting sun coming down the stairs.

After seeing Fang Xiao, Di Xiyang smiled softly: You are still on time as usual.

Fang Xiao smiled softly: What? You are so punctual at sunset, are you adjusting your sleep time specifically for me?

If you say yes, then yes. Di Xiyang winked at Fang Xiao and then walked towards the door.

The two of them went out together, then followed the maids to wash up, and then went all the way to the main hall.

At this time, many close men had already arrived in the main hall.

Now that everyone has not arrived yet, Fang Xiao is not in a hurry.

He walked to the main hall and sat down at the main seat, and then began to wait.

As time passed, more and more close men rushed to the main hall.

After everyone arrived, Fang Xiao glanced at everyone, and then said aloud: Since everyone is here, let me say something.

This morning, I plan to distribute the spoils of this war.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the confidants present couldn't help but look at each other, and then a flash of excitement flashed in their eyes.

For them, there is nothing more exciting than improving their own strength.

Fang Xiao saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and then spoke out: Hu Yu, come out.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Hu Yu immediately took steps and walked out from the crowd.

Then he saluted Fang Xiao: Lord, please do as you please.

Fang Xiao nodded to Hu Yu, and then directly took out the legendary long sword and a legendary transfer order from his lord's warehouse.

Then he spoke to Hu Yu and said: This is the legendary one-star job transfer order and the legendary one-star long sword. I leave these two things to you. I hope you will perform well in the future and do your best for the territory. make greater contributions.”

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Hu Yu was immediately excited.

Of course he understands what these two things represent, and he also knows how precious their value is.

Forcibly suppressing his excitement, Hu Yu then gave a big salute to Fang Xiao, and then took the legendary one-star job transfer order and the legendary one-star long sword from Fang Xiao.

Then he answered solemnly: Lord, please rest assured. I will never let you down.

After the words fell, Hu Yu handed back the heavy sword that Fang Xiao originally gave him to Fang Xiao, and then hung the new legendary one-star long sword on his waist.

Then he used the legendary job transfer order given to him by Fang Xiao, replacing one of his own professions.

After doing all this, Hu Yu's whole aura changed completely, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Hu Yu bowed to Fang Xiao with an excited expression, then returned to his seat and sat down excitedly.

Seeing Hu Yu's appearance, the other confidants present also became excited.

Then he looked at Fang Xiao expectantly, waiting for Fang Xiao's subsequent distribution of the spoils.

Fang Xiao's eyes swept across everyone's faces, then stopped on Wu Xiong, and then said aloud: Wu Xiong, come out.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong immediately walked out and saluted Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao didn't say much nonsense, and directly took out another legendary one-star job transfer order from his lord's warehouse, and then said to Takeo: Takeo, this legendary one-star The job transfer order is at your disposal.

I hope you will perform well in the future and don't live up to my expectations of you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong immediately bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao, and then stretched out his hand to take the legendary one-star job transfer order from Fang Xiao.

Then it was used.

Soon, the job transfer was successful.

After Wu Xiong returned to his position, Fang Xiao turned his attention to Bai Qing next to him.

Then he started to say: Bai Qing, come out.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Bai Qing immediately walked out, saluted Fang Xiao, and then waited for Fang Xiao's assignment.

Fang Xiao didn't say much, and then directly took out two legendary job transfer orders and the legendary one-star bow and arrow.

Then he said to Bai Qing: Bai Qing, these two legendary job transfer orders, as well as this legendary one-star bow and arrow, will be left to you to use from now on.

When Bai Qing heard this, his face turned red with excitement, because he really lacked a useful bow and arrow.

The quality of the bow and arrow in his hand is not high, and he has never been very comfortable in using it. Now Fang Xiao actually gave him a legendary one-star bow and arrow, not to mention how excited he was.

Then he quickly thanked Fang Xiao, and then took the job transfer order and bow and arrow from Fang Xiao.

At this point, the legendary items in Fang Xiao's hands have basically been distributed.

He still has a legendary one-star job transfer order in his hand. However, Fang Xiao plans to give this legendary one-star job transfer order to Di Xiyang after dinner to fill the third position of Shangdi Sunset. career vacancies.

In fact, Fang Xiao had already wanted to use it for Dixiuyang yesterday, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that after today's distribution of spoils, it would be more ritualistic to use it for Dixiuyang, so he left it until Now.

There is basically nothing to say about the distribution of the remaining legendary items and epic items.

After being busy all morning, Fang Xiao finally updated all the professions and equipment of his confidants, and the overall strength was greatly improved.

After the distribution was completed, Fang Xiao directly gave the order to the maids next to him, asking them to bring breakfast and everyone began to enjoy breakfast together.

The breakfast was quite sumptuous, and everyone ate very happily. After eating, Fang Xiao didn't let them go to various parts of the territory to perform their duties.

After everyone left, Fang Xiao turned his gaze to Di Xiyang aside, and then said, Xiyang, I'm not full yet.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang gave Fang Xiao a charming look, then stood up from her seat and said, Okay, I'll open a small stove for you now.

After the words fell, Di Xiyang turned around and walked towards the backyard.

He didn't wait too long in the living room before Di Xiyang came back with two plates of dishes.

Fang Xiao didn't say much and started enjoying Sunset's craftsmanship.

After finishing the meal, Fang Xiao took out the remaining legendary job transfer order, handed it to Di Xiyang in front of him, and slowly said: Xiyang, this legendary job transfer order is It’s specially left for you, so use it.”

In this way, you have three legendary professions, and there must not be many people who can pose a threat to you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang couldn't help but look at Fang Xiao charmingly, stretched out her hand to take the legendary transfer order handed over by Fang Xiao: Okay, it's rare that you, brother Fang Xiao, are so thoughtful, then sister, I will accept it. It’s your wish.”

Di Xiyang said nothing and directly used the legendary one-star job transfer order in his hand.

After the career change halo appeared, Di Xiyang immediately stepped into it.

The job transfer was successful soon.

Seeing that Di Xiyang's job transfer was successful, Fang Xiao stood up, and then spoke to Di Xiyang: Xi Yang, go for a walk to the Ringling Forest and see what the reaction is from the White Elephant City. They have been here until now. He should have reacted.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly and did not reject Fang Xiao's proposal. Then he followed Fang Xiao and walked outside.

Soon, the two people arrived in the front yard.

The leader of Feishuang Elephant, who had basically recovered from his injuries, immediately stood up from the ground when he saw Fang Xiao, and then called out to Fang Xiao.

In fact, now that Fang Xiao has recovered so many legendary ring spirit forest creatures, he has a better choice to replace the Feishuang Elephant leader.

However, after repeated thinking, Fang Xiao did not make the substitution.

Because once the mount is replaced, the Feishuang Elephant leader will die directly. Since regaining the Feishuang Elephant leader, it has been following Fang Xiao in various battles.

In this war in the Ringling Forest, Fang Xiao made great contributions, so Fang Xiao still cherishes some old feelings and has no intention of replacing them.

Unless he can obtain a legendary riding profession transfer order in the future, he may consider this aspect.

If there was no legendary riding class transfer command, then Fang Xiao would not consider replacing the leader of Feishuang Elephant at all.

Soon, Fang Xiao brought Di Xiyang to the side of Feishuang Elephant leader, and then jumped up with Di Xiyang.

After jumping on the back of the Feishuang Elephant leader, Fang Xiao then drove the Feishuang Elephant leader directly into the air and flew towards the Ring Spirit Forest.

The leader of Feishuang Elephant was still very fast, and soon entered the ring spirit forest and approached towards the west.

When passing through almost half of the ring spirit forest, Fang Xiao instantly made the Feishuang Elephant leader slow down because he saw the enemy.

In the Ring Spirit Forest below, a large number of humans were busy building strongholds and cutting down trees.

And the flag set up among these people is the flag of White Elephant City.

Previously, Di Xiyang showed Fang Xiao the information about Baixiang City, so Fang Xiao still had some understanding of Baixiang City.

Di Xiyang stood next to Fang Xiao and looked at the soldiers of Baixiang City who were busy building a stronghold below. He was not only raised his eyebrows.

Then he said to Fang Xiao: Brother Fang Xiao, it seems that the response from Baixiang City is faster than you think.

It's just this morning, and the other party has already built a stronghold in the central area of ​​the Ringling Forest. It seems that they should have started taking action yesterday evening.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said: It is indeed much faster than I predicted, but it doesn't matter, this is what was expected.

Currently, my territory is still digesting the resource points near the Ringling Forest. If we want to arrange these, it will take at least until tomorrow.

As for White Elephant City, expanding directly to the middle of the Ringling Forest should be their current limit. Next, they will definitely need to digest this part of the territory and resource points.

It should not continue to expand in the short term, so it is estimated that it will take another two days to conflict with the other party.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang raised his brows slightly, and then said to Fang Xiao: Brother Fang Xiao, should we go down directly to find trouble for them now? It's just these soldiers, and I'm the only one People can handle it all.”

Fang Xiao did not have any doubts about Di Xiyang's words.

Legendary existences can easily crush them when faced with Legendary beings. Only an extremely large number of Legendary ones can pose a threat.

Not to mention that Di Xiyang is now a three-career legendary being. Even an ordinary single-career legendary being will be crushed in front of her.

Legendary level is even less worth mentioning.

Moreover, the busy soldiers below are basically epic-level beings, and the leaders who lead them are legendary-level beings, but there are not many in number.

Therefore, if Di Xiyang really takes action now, as he said, he will definitely be able to easily get rid of all these people without leaving any one behind.

Fang Xiao shook his head slightly, and then said to Di Xiyang: The lord of White Elephant City shouldn't be a fool, right?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Di Xiyang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and replied loudly: He is definitely not a fool. If he was a fool, how could he force the Tree Elf King to use the Tree Elf? The clan's secret skill is integrated with the Ringling Forest, directly restricting one's freedom forever, and there is no way to leave the Ringing Forest.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao pondered for a moment, and then said softly: Then, this problem is very big.

Since we can deal with the Tree Elf King, the City Lord of White Elephant City, who has always been hostile to the Tree Elf King, must have some speculation about the death of the Tree Elf King. Then he should be able to judge that we have a very powerful top fighter here. With such power, he can even directly kill him, the city lord.

In this case, he did not expand cautiously. Instead, he expanded with all his strength last night, directly expanding to the limit of what he can currently expand. This behavior is obviously offending us.

Isn't the other party afraid? Even if the other party hides so that we can't find it, it will be very easy for us to kill their subordinates. What's more, we can even attack White Elephant City directly...

Sunset, I want to ask you, does Baixiang City have any support behind it?

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