However, there is no rush in distributing items to his confidants.

Just wait until tomorrow morning to distribute them at the assembly. There is no need to go out and call people over today.

Next, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang stayed at the lord's mansion and did not go anywhere else.

After all, everything that Fang Xiao should have explained before has been explained.

Now all the things in the territory can be handled by the confidants under him. There is no need for Fang Xiao to run over and supervise their work processes.

You just need to wait for them to finish later and then go over and check the results yourself.

It was not until evening that Fang Xiao's confidants returned to the lord's mansion one after another and reported to Fang Xiao.

All the tasks assigned to them by Fang Xiao have basically been completed.

So Fang Xiao asked them to wait in the side hall.

When dinner time arrived, Fang Xiao asked the maids to bring the prepared dinner into the restaurant, and then asked these confidants who came over to come to the restaurant to start enjoying dinner together.

This time, Fang Xiao didn't eat much because he still remembered Di Xiyang's promise to him.

You can open a small stove for yourself later.

The craftsmanship of Di Xiyang is not comparable to that of Zhu Xiangxiang.

Compared with the meals made by Zhu Xiangxiang with the help of the maids, the meals made by Di Xiyang are naturally more attractive.

After a simple dinner, many of his confidants briefly said goodbye to Fang Xiao and then left the lord's mansion.

After all these confidants left, Fang Xiao then turned his gaze to Di Xiyang beside him, and then blinked gently at Di Xiyang: Xi Yang, I'm not full yet.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang covered her mouth and smiled, then stretched out her slender fingers and lightly tapped Fang Xiao's nose: What a greedy little cat, okay, okay, just wait a moment. Come on, I'll go to the kitchen in the backyard and open a small stove for you.

By the way, is there anything in particular you want to eat?

Facing Di Xiyang's question, Fang Xiao shook his head gently, and then said aloud: As long as it's Xiyang's food, I like to eat it.

Fang Xiao really meant what he said, because all the meals prepared by Di Xiyang were quite delicious.

So there's nothing to nitpick.

All you need to do is go to the kitchen at sunset and cook with the ingredients in the kitchen, and that's it.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly, and finally said nothing more and walked toward the backyard.

This time the upgrade of the lord's mansion has brought about considerable changes. The kitchen alone is more than 10 times larger than before.

The number of stoves available for cooking has also increased from one to three, so even if Zhu Xiangxiang is still busy in the kitchen, it doesn't matter at all, and it will not affect Di Sunset's cooking of another meal.

Next, Fang Xiao waited in the living room. It didn't take long before Di Xiyang rushed back to the living room from the backyard with two plates of dishes.

Glancing at Fang Xiao, who was sitting quietly waiting on the seat, Di Xiyang placed the two plates of food in his hands on the dining table.

Then he waved to Fang Xiao: Okay, brother Fang Xiao, it's ready, come and eat.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then eagerly picked up the chopsticks and began to enjoy.

After the food was in his mouth, Fang Xiao chewed hard. The delicious taste brought by the aroma of the food and the right seasonings made Fang Xiao couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly.

Then he said sincerely to Di Xiyang, It's really delicious.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang was undoubtedly very happy. She smiled softly next to her, then supported her chin with her arm and looked at Fang Xiao quietly: Brother Fang Xiao, do you like to eat? That’s fine, as long as you like to eat it, I’ll make it for you every day from now on.”

Hearing Di Xiyang's affectionate words, Fang Xiao picked up a piece of food and fed it to Di Xiyang's mouth: Come on, Sunset, you can eat some too.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang obediently opened his mouth, then let Fang Xiao stuff the food into his mouth and chewed it carefully.

She didn't know whether she was savoring the deliciousness of the food she cooked, or savoring Fang Xiao's intimacy with her.

The meal passed by in this rather ambiguous atmosphere.

After eating, Fang Xiao then took Di Xiyang to the residence in the backyard, and then began to assign a place to Di Xiyang.

Originally, Fang Xiao planned to assign Di Xiyang to the guest bedroom pavilion next to it.

However, Di Xiyang was quite reluctant.

Fang Xiao would naturally not force this.

So he arranged Di Xiyang again to the second floor of his master bedroom.

Anyway, the master bedroom pavilion is quite luxurious and spacious, so it is not a problem to live in it at sunset.

In fact, Fang Xiao would rather live on the first floor with Di Xiyang, but Di Xiyang is obviously very reserved. She is very happy to live in the same building as Fang Xiao, but when the relationship between the two parties has not been confirmed, she is obviously I don’t want to live on the same floor as Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao is not in a hurry. It won't be long before there will be a reaction from Baixiang City. By then, it will be time for the two sides to fight.

The war between the two sides should not last too long.

After the war between the two sides is completely over, Fang Xiao plans to propose directly to Di Xiyang.

At that time, there will naturally be no need to engage in such ambiguity anymore, and we can just be direct.

At the same time, the palace of the lord of Baixiang City.

Ye Wushuang, the city lord of Baixiang City, was sitting in the seat in the main hall, quietly listening to the detailed reports being made by his confidants below.

After waiting for his men to finish speaking, he slowly raised his head, and then said aloud: Based on your investigation, it can be roughly inferred that the other party should have used a trick to temporarily let the Tree Elf King and Ring Spirit Separate the forest, and then use this time to kill it.

Won the war with the Ringling Forest.

It's just that I'm quite curious, which method did the other party use? After all, as far as I know, there are indeed several ways to separate the Tree Elf King from the Ring Spirit Forest, but no matter which method, It is quite difficult, otherwise, we in White Elephant City would have dealt with that bastard Tree Spirit King long ago, without having to wait until now.

After hearing the words of the city lord of Baixiang City, the confidant below immediately slightly bowed his hands to the city lord of Baixiang City.

Then he spoke out and said: Lord City Lord, what should we do now? Should we send people to attack the Ringling Forest and seize the resources and territory of the Ringing Forest?

But if this is the case, will it conflict with the force that destroyed the Ring Spirit Forest force?

After hearing the inquiry from his confidant, the Lord of White Elephant City narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said loudly: The resources and territory of the Ring Spirit Forest must be occupied, there is no doubt about this.

After all, these things are too important for the development of our White Elephant City, and there is no way to give them up.

And there is another point that we must consider, that is, even if we do not invade the resources and territory of the Ringling Forest, the forces that destroy the Environmental Forest will digest the resources and territory of the Ringing Forest. After that, will it guarantee not to conflict with our White Elephant City? Do you think it is possible?

After hearing the question from the City Lord of White Elephant City, this confidant thought for a moment, then immediately shook his head slightly and answered loudly: Lord, I think it is obviously impossible.

The reason is very simple. The Ringling Forest forces have been under pressure from our White Elephant City and are basically unable to carry out any expansion.

Their tree elf king cannot leave the ring spirit forest area. Based on this analysis, as long as that force does not invade the ring spirit forest area, it should be difficult for the ring spirit forest forces to threaten them.

In the end, they were still eliminated by the Ring Spirit Forest. From this point, it can be seen that this force should be quite aggressive.

If the other party is allowed to digest the resources and territory of the Ring Spirit Forest, then our White Elephant City will definitely be invaded.

After hearing the words of his confidant, the Lord of White Elephant City nodded slightly, and then said with a solemn expression: Your analysis is not wrong, I think so too.

So instead of waiting until then and facing the opponent's aggression, it is better to take the initiative now. While the opponent has just captured the Ring Spirit Forest, there will inevitably be losses. Therefore, when he is in a weak period, fight with the opponent to take over the Ring Spirit Forest. The resource points and chassis will be occupied to strengthen our power in White Elephant City.

At the same time, we can also advance this conflict directly. While the other party is at war with the Ring Spirit Forest and has not recovered its strength, we can directly contact the other party to see what kind of strength and heritage the other party has.

However, if nothing else, the other party should be quite powerful... Then, if we have to, we can ask the Glory Alliance for help.

After all, the Glory Alliance will not provide any help when launching a war of aggression against foreign countries. However, if the enemy launches an attack on our White Elephant City and wants to threaten and invade our White Elephant City forces, the Glory Alliance will not sit idly by.

After hearing the words of the city lord of Baixiang City. The confidant below hesitated for a moment and said, City Lord, if we take the initiative to enter the Ringling Forest area, will the Glory Alliance judge us as an active aggressive war?

In this case, I guess they will ignore it. After all, when we had conflicts with the Ringling Forest before, they always responded to our requests without giving any response at all.

After hearing the worries of his trusted subordinates, the Lord of White Elephant City thought for a moment, shook his head slightly, and then said, Probably not. You know, the Ringling Forest has been destroyed by that force. Now it belongs to Empty turf.”

The expansion of White Elephant City to occupy empty chassis without owners is completely normal expansion.

After all, the other party only destroyed the Ring Spirit Forest forces and did not include the territory. Now we are taking advantage. The Glory Alliance will not think that we are an act of aggression.

And after we incorporate the resource points and territory of the Ring Spirit Forest into our own territory, this blank territory will already belong to our sphere of influence in White Elephant City.

At this time, there is a conflict with the force that destroyed the Ring Spirit Forest. As long as I spend more money to deal with the old guys in the Glory Alliance, then you can disguise the situation here and pretend that the other party is the first. The situation of launching an attack on us should allow the Glory Alliance to lend a helping hand.

After hearing the words of the city lord of White Elephant City, a look of confusion appeared on the face of the henchman below: Lord, pretend that the other party is attacking us first. How should we pretend that we are going to attack us first? Could it be that I will arrange for someone to go there when the time comes? Provoke the other party and then let the other party attack us first?

After hearing the inquiry from his confidants, the Lord of White Elephant City immediately shook his head, and then said aloud: Why can't you turn your head? Think about it, no matter what trick the other party uses to eradicate the Tree Elf King , in fact, it can be inferred in disguise, does the opponent’s force have a fairly strong combat power?”

And this combat force even has the ability to directly threaten my life. At this time, whether the other party conflicts with us first, or we conflict with the other party first, this existence will inevitably take action, and the troops led by him, What do you think will happen if there is a war with us?

After hearing the words of the city lord of Baixiang City, this confidant was not only stunned for a moment, but then suddenly realized: You mean, when the conflict breaks out between us and the other party, it will inevitably cause heavy losses to our side, and at this time, we can Pretend that the other side launches an aggressive war against us first, right?”

The Lord of Baixiang City nodded slightly when he heard this, and then there was a hint of admiration in his eyes: Yes, you are a bit smart, you can turn this corner, you are indeed the person I like, I will leave this matter to you Came to make arrangements.”

Just remember, as long as you don't take the initiative to show up, there is basically no danger. You can just direct from behind.

After a conflict with the other party, the losses caused are acceptable, because the more serious the losses on our side, the more likely it is that the Glory Alliance will judge that it was an aggressive war launched by the other party.

And once the judgment is successful, as long as I spend a big price to let the Glory Alliance send a helping hand to help us deal with that force, it won't be a problem.

After destroying that force, the benefits will definitely far exceed our efforts.

After all, the other party can destroy the Ringling Forest, and its background is quite strong, not to mention the background of the Ringing Forest itself that the other party annexed. Okay, you go down and make arrangements.

The night passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the early morning of the 23rd day.

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