Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 212 White Elephant City’s Reliance

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Di Xiyang shook his head slightly: I have shown you all the information about White Elephant City that our Broken Rock City has obtained.

You should know that before the Ring Spirit Forest was cleared, there was a quarrel with us in Broken Rock City, so we basically couldn't go through the Ring Spirit Forest to explore the situation in the west. Therefore, we know a lot about the west side. limited.

So, I'm really not sure whether there is any support behind Baixiang City.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

Indeed, just as the sunset said.

On the other side of Broken Rock City, before the forces of the Ringling Forest were destroyed, it was indeed difficult to conduct surveys there.

Previously, Sunset came to negotiate and cooperate with the Tree Elf King of the Ringling Forest, probably to develop intelligence information to the west.

As a result, the negotiations collapsed, there was no cooperation, and the relationship between the two parties directly became deadlocked.

In this case, there is definitely no way to pass through the Ring Spirit Forest and continue to explore the information to the west.

In this case, the intelligence information in Broken Rock City is obviously relatively limited.

At least, for the situation here in the west, the access must be quite limited.

Therefore, after Fang Xiao pondered for a moment, he then spoke out and said: Currently, we have a direct conflict of interest with Baixiang City, and there is no way to make any concessions.

So, conflict between the two sides is inevitable. No matter what Baixiang City relies on, they will definitely have a big fight with them.

In that case, why not do this, Xiyang, you go down with me, wipe out this wave of White Elephant City troops, and then leave a few alive, and interrogate them to see what kind of support is behind White Elephant City.

If you can't force anything out of them, forget it. You just need to be more prepared when fighting with White Elephant City in the future.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

Fang Xiao said nothing more, and then immediately controlled the Feishuang Elephant leader and quickly swept downwards.

The soldiers who were building a temporary stronghold soon noticed the Feishuang Elephant leader flying over from above, as well as Di Xiyang and Fang Xiao on the Feishuang Elephant leader.

Then they immediately sent out a signal, quickly stopped what they were doing, raised their weapons, and prepared to deal with Fang Xiao's attack.

Soon, the leader of Feishuang Elephant pounced down, and his huge four elephant legs killed several soldiers with epic strength instantly.

Then he flicked his nose and swept away the soldiers with epic strength next to him.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang jumped down from the Feishuang Xiang leader and rushed towards the group of soldiers who were building a temporary stronghold.

When he saw that something was wrong, the leader of this group of soldiers ran away into the distance without saying a word.

However, his escape speed could not compare to Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang.

After Di Xiyang signaled to Fang Xiao, he immediately chased after him.

Fang Xiao, on the other hand, stayed behind to deal with these soldiers with epic strength with the leader Feishuang Xiang.

These soldiers with epic strength had basically no power to fight back in front of the Feishuang Elephant leader and Fang Xiao.

If the Feishuang Elephant leader existed alone, these epic soldiers might be able to grind the legendary one-star Feishuang Elephant leader to death with their cooperation.

However, Fang Xiao and the Feishuang Elephant leader exist at the same time. With Fang Xiao's current legendary 5-star+ strength, these epic soldiers cannot compete with them at all.

They often just set up the siege circle, and then Fang Xiao directly breaks through and is instantly dispersed.

Under Fang Xiao's back and forth charge, these epic soldiers quickly fell to the ground and died, and they continued to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the other side of Di Xiyang, he also quickly caught up with the leader who wanted to escape.

The moment the sunset approached, the leader instantly pulled out the long sword from his waist and stabbed toward the back fiercely.

The entire long sword is surrounded by light blue thunder and lightning, and is filled with a strong sense of oppression. Obviously, this should be the opponent's strongest skill.

The other party may not really want to escape when they make this move of escaping, but they are waiting for Fang Xiao and the others to catch up and then launch an unexpected skill attack.

However, his sudden attack might still be effective if he faced a legendary being of the same level.

But what he faced was Di Xiyang from three legendary professions. Di Xiyang's two fists emitted light like the afterglow of the setting sun, and then he easily grabbed the opponent's long sword in his hands.

After the electric python on the thunder sword was enveloped by the light like the afterglow of dusk, it was instantly suppressed.

Immediately afterwards, Sunset pulled hard, and in an instant the long sword was forcefully pulled out of the opponent's hand.

Then Di Xiyang swung violently, and the long sword was thrown directly to the side and plunged into the ground hard.

Then Di Xiyang stretched out his other hand, and with lightning speed, broke both of the opponent's arms in an instant, then grabbed the opponent's hair, as if carrying a dead dog, and quickly moved towards him. rushed back in the direction.

When he rushed to the side of the temporary stronghold, Di Xiyang quickly kicked out his legs, directly breaking the leader's legs.

Then he rushed towards the remaining epic soldiers alone.

Next, under the siege of Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang, these epic soldiers were quickly wiped out.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly to Xiyang, and then said, Thank you for your hard work, Xiyang.

Di Xiyang shook his head slightly, then stretched out his finger and pointed at the leader who collapsed on the ground in the distance.

Then he spoke out and said: It's not hard. I basically didn't put in any effort. That guy is over there. Go and interrogate him.

Hearing this, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then took steps and walked quickly towards the leader who collapsed on the ground.

After arriving in front of the other party, Fang Xiao knelt down, looked at the other party, and spoke slowly in an oppressive tone: Tell me all the information about your White Elephant City.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the leader narrowed his eyes slightly, and then spit directly towards Fang Xiao.

However, Fang Xiao reacted very quickly, tilting his head slightly to avoid the other party's saliva.

The next moment, Fang Xiao stretched out his fingers and stabbed several parts of the opponent's body with lightning speed.

Several small holes were made in the other party's body.

Fang Xiao was very careful when taking action to ensure that the injuries he caused were extremely painful, but would not cause serious injury to the opponent.

With Fang Xiao's current legendary strength, his physical strength is already quite strong.

Although it cannot be used directly as a weapon, if it is used directly to attack this leader with legendary strength, the opponent will obviously not be able to withstand it.

As Fang Xiao started, the other party immediately let out painful screams and wails.

Fang Xiao looked at the other party expressionlessly, and then repeated his previous words again.

The leader gritted his teeth, then stared at Fang Xiao silently, and then slowly uttered a few words from his mouth: It is absolutely impossible for me to tell you!

After the other party finished speaking, an unexpected scene appeared for Fang Xiao.

I saw that the other party actually bit off his own tongue, and then spit it out on the ground.

At this scene, even Fang Xiao couldn't help but frown fiercely.

He really didn't expect that this leader would be so cruel. He would rather bite off his own tongue than reveal any information about White Elephant City.

But it doesn't matter, Fang Xiao still left a few soldiers in the temporary base. He didn't kill them just now, but knocked them unconscious.

Seeing how tough the leader was, Fang Xiao stood up from the ground and walked to the two soldiers who had been knocked unconscious.

Then he carried two people and walked to the leader.

Then two slaps in the face woke up the two soldiers who were in a dazed state.

When the two people saw the miserable condition of their leader, they couldn't help but widen their eyes in horror.

Fang Xiao glanced across the faces of the two soldiers, then stretched out his finger, pointed at the leader in front of him, and then said aloud: You two, tell me all the information you know about Baixiang City, otherwise If so, his fate now will be your fate.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the leader not only widened his eyes, but then hesitantly wanted to speak, but his own tongue had been bitten off by himself, and he could not utter complete words at all. He could only say something. , people don't know what he is talking about.

And as he opened his mouth, a large amount of blood flowed down the corners of his mouth, making the two soldiers look more and more frightened.

Finally, one of the soldiers spoke out with a trembling tone: Can you give me a way to survive? If you can give me a way to survive, I am willing to tell you all the information I know about White Elephant City.

After hearing the soldier's words, the leader who collapsed on the ground not only widened his eyes, but also wanted to attack the soldier viciously.

But his legs and hands had been broken by the setting sun, so he could only reach over and try to bite the soldier, but Fang Xiao hit him on the head with a fist, and he suddenly fell dizzy. on the ground.

Fang Xiao then turned his gaze to the soldier who opened his mouth, and then said aloud: If you are willing to tell me all the information you know about Baixiang City, I can accept your surrender and incorporate you into my army. In the army.”

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the White Elephant City soldier not only widened his eyes, but then slowly asked: Excuse me, what is your position among the forces that destroyed the Ringling Forest?

Obviously, from Fang Xiao's tone, he could tell that Fang Xiao's identity was different, but he was still a little unsure.

Fang Xiao glanced at the other party indifferently, and then answered loudly: I am the lord, do you have any questions?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, another soldier who had been silent until now quickly spoke up and said: I am willing to surrender, and I am willing to tell you all the information I know.

However, Fang Xiao moved his palm slightly and directly broke the opponent's neck.

After casually throwing the opponent's body aside.

Then Fang Xiao turned his gaze to the soldier in front of him. At this time, the soldier's face turned pale with fear.

Fang Xiao slowly spoke to the other party: You have to know one thing, that is, I didn't just leave you two alive, there are more than a dozen alive in this temporary camp. They were just beaten by me. Entered into a state of dizziness.

So, I can still force them to question them. The reason why I stay with you now and agree to your request is very simple, because you are very sensible and spoke up immediately.

Now I give you a chance to tell me all the information you know. The request I just agreed to is still valid, but if I notice that there is anything strange in what you said, what will happen to the two of them? This is your fate.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the soldier nodded in horror, and then quickly opened his mouth and told Fang Xiao all the information he knew.

However, what makes Fang Xiao regretful is that the information the other party said is not very helpful to Fang Xiao, because the other party is just an ordinary soldier and the information he knows is too limited.

The other party just stated the general arrangements of his superiors for this operation, nothing more.

It doesn't even know the distribution of troops and every detail of the operation.

And when Fang Xiao asked the other party what he relied on behind Baixiang City, the other party was even more confused.

When Fang Xiao opened his mouth to answer, he didn't know what Bai Xiangcheng had behind him.

No matter whether it was the other party's demeanor, reaction, or tone of voice, there was nothing unusual about it. It was obvious that the other party was probably not lying.

He obviously didn't know what was behind Baixiang City.

Fang Xiao not only turned his gaze to the leader next to him who was groggy and about to die. It seemed that the other party should know this information, but unfortunately, there was no way to force any information out of the other party.

Fang Xiao let go of the frightened soldier, then walked to the other two unconscious soldiers and woke them up.

Then he used some means and began to extract information from the two soldiers.

When he discovered that the information extracted from the two soldiers was no different from the previous soldier, Fang Xiao suddenly lost interest.

Then he took a step forward, walked to the side of Di Xiyang, and said aloud: It seems that these ordinary soldiers really know very little. There is no way to know the information I want to get from them.

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