Xiyang, let me take you to visit the territory. I'll also meet Huang Yunjie and see if he is free now. You can give him some advice on the territory's development plan.

Fang Xiao stood up from the stone bench, and then spoke to the sunset.

Hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly, and then stood up: Your mind is all about territorial affairs.

Fang Xiao smiled slightly when he heard this: Of course I have you in my heart, Xiyang. Otherwise, why don't I ask someone else to guide me in planning my territory? Don't I trust you, Xiyang?

Di Xiyang's eyes were like water, and he stayed on Fang Xiao for a moment, then showed a sweet smile: Okay, if you say this, I will give you good guidance.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Sure enough, girls in any world need to be coaxed.

Then Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang away from the lord's mansion and began to patrol around the territory.

It didn't take long for Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang to find Huang Yunjie, who was busy directing many craftsmen.

Because the Ringling Forest has now been defeated by Fang Xiao, the territory that Fang Xiao originally radiated into the Ringing Forest can now be fully exploited and developed.

Therefore, Huang Yunjie is now directing these craftsmen to dismantle the original city walls of the territory and plans to expand towards the Ringling Forest.

Until all the territorial areas in the ring spirit forest are circled.

This is what Fang Xiao specifically explained to Huang Yunjie before.

After all, if the territory wants to develop better, it must use every inch of land within the territory.

Only in this way can the territory become more and more prosperous.

If it is only developed in a small area, it will obviously not be developed at all.

Not to mention anything else, the current territorial areas are already somewhat insufficient for the residential buildings and special buildings that need to be built.

When he saw Fang Xiao, Huang Yunjie immediately stepped in front of Fang Xiao, and then saluted Fang Xiao: I have met the lord.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly to Huang Yunjie, indicating that he didn't need to worry about it, and then asked Huang Yunjie: Yunjie, are there any problems with the work here?

If you have any problems, just tell me directly. If I can help you handle it, I will definitely handle it for you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yunjie immediately shook his head, and then replied loudly: Lord, don't worry about things here. They are all arranged very well and there are no problems.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then pulled Xiyang beside him, and then said to Huang Yunjie: Xiyang is very knowledgeable about the planning and development of the territory. During the time she followed me on patrol in the territory, We also discovered a lot of minor problems in the territory.”

Next, let her tell you, and you will check and fill in the gaps in this area, and strive to handle all aspects of affairs properly.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yunjie turned his gaze to Di Xiyang next to him, then slightly arched his hands towards Di Xiyang, and then said: Since the lord said so, I guess Your Excellency Xiyang is indeed quite proficient in this aspect.

If you find any problems in the territory, please tell me as soon as possible.

After hearing Huang Yunjie's words, Di Xiyang smiled softly, and then began to talk to Huang Yunjie about the various minor problems he had discovered in the territory.

Huang Yunjie frowned and listened carefully. He waited until Di Xiyang finished speaking, then nodded solemnly.

Then he said aloud: It is indeed my negligence. If you hadn't mentioned it, Mr. Xiyang, I really wouldn't have considered these small issues.

After hearing Huang Yunjie's words, Di Xiyang shook his head slightly, and then said aloud: I heard your lord told me that basically all the government affairs of the territory now fall on you alone. You need to think about it every day. There are too many things going on, so it is very normal that some minor problems have not been discovered.”

Upon hearing this, Huang Yunjie immediately saluted Fang Xiao: Thank you, Lord, for your understanding. Next, I will deal with all these minor problems, and I guarantee that Lord, you will be satisfied!

Hearing this, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then reached out and patted Huang Yunjie's shoulder, and then said loudly: Don't be anxious, things have their own priorities. These small problems will not cause any harm in a short period of time.

For now, you should complete the first task I have given you. After it is completed, it will not be too late to resolve these minor problems one by one.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yunjie immediately nodded to indicate that he understood.

Then he continued to direct the craftsmen to be busy.

Fang Xiao didn't say anything more, and then turned around and left here with Di Xiyang.

After walking around the territory again, Fang Xiao then rushed back to the lord's mansion with Di Xiyang.

After returning to the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao began to unpack his own boxes.

There are nearly 1,000 mysterious treasure chests, and Fang Xiao plans to open them all this afternoon.

See what you can get out of it.

It would be great if you could be lucky enough to get a blueprint of a one-star city-level lord's mansion.

At that time, Fang Xiao will be able to upgrade his current territory by two levels again.

In this case, when the territory ranking opens next month, Fang Xiao believes that he will definitely be at the top.

Of course, with his current level of a one-star main city-level territory, he could only produce the drawings of a one-star main city-level lord's mansion at best.

The probability of the blueprint being produced is quite low, let alone the highest level blueprint.

Therefore, although Fang Xiao was full of expectations, he did not completely place his hopes on it.

After all, in this battle with the Ringling Forest, although a lot of enemies were killed, the number of creatures in the entire Ringing Forest was actually quite small, not even 1/10. .

However, now the entire Ring Spirit Forest has been basically taken down by Fang Xiao.

These creatures that have been conquered so far must not be killed anymore. After all, they are now equivalent to Fang Xiao's subordinates.

However, it will definitely not take too long for another war to break out, because if nothing unexpected happens in White Elephant City, we will be able to discover the huge changes in the Ringling Forest and what happened in detail today.

No matter how late it is, I can fully understand it tomorrow at most.

After understanding it, there is no doubt that the other party will definitely head towards the Ringling Forest, and then start to snatch the territory and resources of the Ringing Forest.

Among the ring spirit forest creatures that Fang Xiao has conquered so far, the lowest ones are at the epic level.

As for those rare creatures, there are simply too many of them.

When the war comes, just let the tree elves control them. There is no need to gather them all.

When there is a battle with the White Elephant City forces later, the casualties will definitely be much more serious than now.

After all, after the other party learns that the tree elf king has been killed, the leader will never show up easily when robbing the resources of the ring spirit forest.

If the opponent's leader doesn't show up, it's basically impossible to capture the thief first, capture the king, and then subdue the opponent's men.

When the time comes, Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang will go on a killing spree, and they will definitely be able to get a mysterious treasure chest far beyond what they are now.

Next, under Fang Xiao's nervous mood, he opened mysterious treasure boxes one after another.

It took several hours to open all the nearly 1,000 mysterious treasure chests.

As expected, it did not exceed Fang Xiao's expectations.

He did not draw out the blueprint of the one-star city-level lord's mansion.

There are quite a few blueprints for low-level lord mansions.

However, these drawings of the lord's mansion are of little use to Fang Xiao. They can only be sent to the trading house for sale, and then converted into gold coins.

However, there are also unexpected surprises.

For example, Fang Xiao issued three legendary one-star job transfer orders.

Currently, Fang Xiao's territory level is one-star main city level, so the highest job transfer order that can be issued is one-star legendary level.

Fang Xiao was quite satisfied with being able to get three yuan.

After all, judging from the usual urine properties, the more advanced things are, the harder it is to prescribe them.

In terms of probability, it is much more difficult for a one-star city-level territory to issue a legendary one-star job transfer order than for a one-star town-level territory to issue a legendary one-star job transfer order. many.

After Fang Xiao thought for a while, he decided to give one of the legendary job transfer orders to Di Xiyang for use.

After all, Di Xiyang can have three professions, but now he only has two, and one profession is vacant.

As for the remaining two legendary-level job transfer orders, Dang Xiao decided to give them to Hu Yu and Takeo respectively.

As for why you don’t use it yourself, the reason is very simple.

Although multi-professional legendary beings are stronger than single-professional legendary beings, single-professional legendary beings can easily crush legendary beings.

Therefore, with the multi-professional legendary existence of Di Xiyang, it is equivalent to having a stable top-level output combat power.

In this case, there is no need to create another multi-professional legendary level combat power. You can prioritize single-professional legendary level combat power to increase the overall strength of your territory.

Currently, there are only four of Fang Xiao's most trusted fighting confidants.

They are Hu Yu, Wu Xiong, Xu Chui and Bai Qing.

After these four people all become legendary-level beings, Fang Xiao will consider using the remaining legendary-level job transfer orders to train himself into a being with five legendary-level professions.

In fact, if there is a long-range attack profession among these three legendary job transfer orders, Fang Xiao would be very willing to let Bai Qing use it first.

Unfortunately, remote job transfer orders are really rare.

It is much scarcer than the melee class transfer order.

Therefore, these three legendary aircraft job transfer orders are all melee type.

Under such circumstances, naturally only Hu Yu and Wu Xiong can be used first.

As for why Xu Chui was not allowed to use it, the reason was very simple.

Xu Chui is a very simple-minded guy, and all he thinks about is fighting every day.

In comparison, it is not as cost-effective as Wu Xiong and Hu Yu.

After all, whether it is Hu Yu or Takeo, both of them are high-level talents with smart minds, understanding of strategy and tactics.

To put it simply, he is handsome.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Fang Xiao also opened a legendary one-star shield.

This actually makes Fang Xiao quite happy. In this way, he can directly eliminate the Flame Heart Shield in his hand.

Come use this legendary one-star shield.

This legendary one-star shield is called Hard Gold Shield.

The special effect of the hard gold shield is also very simple, which is damage reduction.

When receiving any attack, the shield can reduce the damage by 10%.

Although this effect is very simple, it is also quite outrageous.

The reason is very simple, and the introduction makes it very clear, that is, any attack can be mitigated.

In other words, no matter it is poison type, curse type, element type... no matter what it is, all of them can withstand 10% of the damage.

This effect can be described as quite outrageous.

It is indeed a legendary piece of equipment.

In addition, two legendary weapons were also opened. One legendary weapon is a bow and arrow, and the other legendary weapon is a long sword.

Originally, Fang Xiao planned to give this long sword to Di Xiyang for use.

Then give the bow and arrow to Bai Qing for use.

However, Di Xiyang directly refused.

The reason was very simple. Di Xiyang actually told Fang Xiao directly that the lining of her clothes, the wrist guards on her arms, and the boots on her feet were all legendary five-star equipment.

And she usually doesn't use weapons when fighting, she always fights with her fists.

Because the wrist guards on her arms have special effects on bare-handed combat.

Fang Xiao was quite surprised after hearing Di Xiyang's words, because when he observed Di Xiyang, he did not see the specific panel attributes of these pieces of equipment.

After Fang Xiao thought carefully for a while, he finally came to a conclusion.

That is, Di Xiyang's legendary five-star equipment may have special effects, making it impossible for him to see the specific details of these equipment.

It is indeed a legendary 5-star piece of equipment.

It was really an eye-opener for Fang Xiao.

From this, we can also see how profound the foundation of Broken Rock City is.

In this case, after thinking for a while, Fang Xiao decided to give this legendary long sword to Hu Yu for use.

As for the other legendary equipment and weapons that were released, as well as job transfer orders and other things, just wait until tomorrow and distribute them equally to the close men under you.

There are now a lot of these confidants of his.

It is precisely because of the large number that many of his subordinates are poor and have low-level weapons and equipment.

Even the same ones used by ordinary soldiers.

Now, I can make up for some of it.

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