Then when are you going to let me become your de facto wife? Di Xiyang blinked at Fang Xiao, then covered his mouth and smiled softly.

Hearing Di Xiyang's straightforward words, Fang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes stayed on Di Xiyang's face for a moment.

Then he slowly asked in reply: As for the sunset, when do you think is the right time?

After hearing this, Di Xiyang moved closer to Fang Xiao again. The two of them were almost nose-to-nose, and could feel each other's hot breath.

Then Di Xiyang looked at Fang Xiao for a long time, and then slowly said: As long as you think it is suitable, then any time is suitable.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then slowly said: After solving the forces in Baixiang City, what do you think?

After hearing Fang Xiao's answer, Di Xiyang couldn't help but show a satisfied smile on his face, then stretched out his slender fingers and lightly tapped his cheek.

Then he said slowly: Okay, brother Fang Xiao, you have to remember what you said, and you can't go back on it.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao showed a smile on his face, and then replied aloud: Don't worry, I have never broken my promise. At least, this is always true for the people I like.

Di Xiyang nodded slightly, then walked to the side and sat down, and then said to Fang Xiao: If you need my help in dealing with Baixiang City next, just ask, and I will try my best to help you.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao smiled softly, and then replied aloud: Okay, Xiyang, thank you very much.

When Di Xiyang heard this, he waved his hand gently, and then said aloud: Why do we say thank you between us? Are you deliberately trying to get angry with me? Don't do this again.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly and agreed.

Then Fang Xiao took out a Hero Token from his lord's warehouse.

Then he handed it over to Di Xiyang beside him.

Di Xiyang blinked slightly, then stretched out his hand to take the Hero Order from Fang Xiao.

Then he said aloud: Okay, since it is your wish, brother Fang Xiao, then I will use it.

After the words fell, Di Xiyang said nothing more and directly used the hero order in his hand.

After Di Xiyang finished using the Hero Order, Fang Xiao then spoke to Di Xiyang and said: Okay, now Xi Yang you can have three professions at the same time. Let's use the tree spirit envoy's job transfer order together. Bar.

After he finished speaking, Fang Xiao directly took out the tree spirit envoy transfer order that Di Xiyang had given to him from his lord's warehouse.

Then Fang Xiao said nothing more and directly used the tree spirit messenger job transfer order in his hand.

Soon, a career change halo appeared on the ground. Fang Xiao gestured to the setting sun and then walked inside first.

Seeing this, Di Xiyang immediately stepped into it with Fang Xiao.

Soon, the two people successfully changed jobs.

After the job transfer was completed, Di Xiyang gently clenched his fist, and then said to Fang Xiao: Brother Fang Xiao, now that I have become stronger, I can protect you better in the future.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao followed the other person's words and said, Okay, I can't do without you in the future.

When Di Xiyang heard this, he couldn't help but smile and his eyes turned into a crescent shape: Is that so? That's really great. I really hope that you, brother Fang Xiao, will never be able to leave me.

Just as the two were flirting, the maid came in from the outside, and then said to Fang Xiao: Lord, lunch has been prepared, do you want to serve it now?

When Fang Xiao heard the words, he immediately nodded slightly, and then said loudly: Okay, let's serve it now, just for two people.

Because the war has just ended, many issues in the territory need to be dealt with by Fang Xiao's close men, so Fang Xiao does not plan to let them have lunch with him at the lord's mansion at noon today.

If they are outside, when the chefs in the training camp deliver meals to the soldiers, they will naturally have their share.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, the maid nodded slightly, then turned and left.

After a while, the food was served.

Fang Xiao gestured to the setting sun, and then the two of them came to sit down at the dining table and began to enjoy lunch.

While Fang Xiao was eating his food, he slowly said to Xiyang, When can I eat your food again, Sunset?

Ever since I ate the meals you cooked, I always feel like they don't taste enough when I eat them.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang swallowed the food in his mouth, then smiled softly, stretched out his palm to point at the food in front of him: Then when you dine with your subordinates in the future, eat less. , after enjoying the meal with them, I will cook one for you privately, what do you think?

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction: Okay, then I'll do the hard work for you Xiyang.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang shook his head slightly, and then said, As long as you, brother Fang Xiao, like to eat, it won't be hard at all.

After the two of them had lunch, Fang Xiao ordered the maid to ask everyone in the lord's mansion to leave the lord's mansion temporarily.

The reason is simple, because Fang Xiao wants to upgrade his lord's mansion.

In this war with the Ringling Forest, a large number of epic and legendary creatures were killed.

Therefore, the drawings of the four-star town-level lord's mansion and the five-star town-level lord's mansion that Fang Xiao needs are available.

In this way, Fang Xiao can directly upgrade his current fourth-level town-level territory to the next larger level.

As for the next major level of the territory, Fang Xiao now also knows what level it is.

The reason is very simple. The four-star town-level lord's mansion blueprints were created by epic two-star monsters. The five-star town-level lord's mansion blueprints were created by epic three-star monsters.

And during this war, an epic 5-star monster also revealed a blueprint of the Lord's Mansion.

The name of this blueprint of the lord's mansion is called the blueprint of the two-star city-level lord's mansion.

In other words, the next level after the town level is the main city level.

However, it is a pity that there are no epic four-star monster explosions with blueprints of the lord's mansion, so Fang Xiao cannot directly upgrade his territory from the four-star town level to the three-star main city level in one go.

Now you can only use the four-star town-level lord's mansion drawings to upgrade your territory to the five-star town level.

Then use the five-star town-level lord's mansion drawings to upgrade the territory to the one-star main city level.

If you want to upgrade your territory from one-star main city level to two-star main city level, you will need the blueprint of the one-star main city level lord's mansion.

And this is exactly what Fang Xiao lacks.

If you want to obtain the blueprint of a one-star main city-level territorial mansion, you must either kill epic 4-star monsters or rely on the mysterious treasure chest to open it.

Speaking of which, the more advanced the lord's mansion blueprints are, the harder it is to obtain them.

In this war, although the number of legendary creatures was far less than those of epic creatures, there were not many legendary creatures in the first place.

Generally speaking, Fang Xiao killed quite a few legendary creatures.

Not even a single legendary creature appeared on the lord's mansion blueprint.

However, it can also be understood that the biggest factor limiting the development of the territory is actually the level of the territory.

In this way, the necessary items to upgrade the territory level will inevitably be very, very rare.

Moreover, Fang Xiao now has a large number of mysterious treasure boxes in his hands, all of which were obtained during this war.

The number is close to 1,000, more than 900 of them.

After Fang Xiao first raises his territory level to the one-star main city level, and then opens these mysterious treasure chests, there is a high probability that he will be able to open the drawings of the lord's mansion at the one-star main city level.

Once Fang Xiao opens it, he can directly use the two-star main city-level lord's mansion drawing in his hand to upgrade his territory to the three-star main city level in one go.

Next, it depends on luck.

Soon, Fang Xiao led all the people in the lord's mansion to leave the lord's mansion and came to the outside of the lord's mansion.

Looking at the sizable lord's mansion in front of him, Fang Xiao was looking forward to what the lord's mansion would look like after he upgraded it twice.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Xiao took out all the drawings of the four-star town-level lord's mansion and the five-star town-level lord's mansion drawings.

After checking the upgrade conditions of the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao directly purchased all the required materials from the trading house.

The cost of these materials was quite high, costing Fang Xiao hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

But for the current Fang Xiao, it is nothing. The current Fang Xiao can be regarded as a lord with considerable assets, and his background is quite deep.

In particular, he has now captured the Ring Spirit Forest. After destroying the White Elephant City and devouring the foundations of the two major forces, the Environmental Forest and the White Elephant City, Fang Xiao will definitely be able to become one of the players among the players. Top-notch.

Immediately, Fang Xiao took the lead in using the 4-star town-level lord's mansion drawing in his hand.

As the mist enveloped the entire lord's mansion, it began to slowly expand outward.

After the thick fog completely dissipated, the entire lord's mansion immediately changed its appearance.

You don't even need to go in to see, just from the changes on the outside, the entrance and the walls, you can see how huge the benefits this wave of improvement has brought.

Therefore, Fang Xiao didn't bother to enter the lord's mansion again to check the internal situation, and directly used another five-star town-level lord's mansion drawing in his hand.

Soon, the lord's mansion was shrouded in white mist again, and then expanded outwards again.

The scope of outward expansion this time is obviously much larger than the last time.

This is normal. Fang Xiao used the five-star town-level lord's mansion drawings to directly upgrade the five-star town-level territory to the one-star main city level. The improvement brought by this large-level leap is definitely greater than that brought by the small-level leap. The improvement is much greater.

The expansion time this time was fully 10 times longer than the last time.

After the expansion stopped, it didn't take long for the fog to completely dissipate, and then the lord's mansion in front of him also changed greatly.

I saw that the wall of the lord's mansion was twice as high as before, the gate at the entrance was also twice as big, and the two stone lions at the door turned into two jade unicorns.

It looks extremely luxurious and full of nobility and majesty.

Not only was Fang Xiao extremely satisfied, but he immediately couldn't wait to lead the people standing outside the lord's mansion towards the inside of the lord's mansion.

Soon, a group of people arrived inside the lord's mansion. The changes inside made Fang Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

The entire front yard has doubled in size, and is decorated with many exotic flowers and plants, making it look quite exquisite and elegant.

The main hall in the front yard is about twice as large as before, while the number of side halls has been increased from two to six, and the size of each side hall is similar to the size of the previous side hall.

At the same time, whether it is the main hall or the side hall, the decoration in all aspects is much more luxurious than before, and Fang Xiao did not spend so many gold coins to buy materials from the trading house.

Fang Xiao was quite satisfied with the entire front yard, and then he took steps towards the back.

When they arrived at the backyard, Fang Xiao found that there was more than one backyard.

Instead, there are two full backyards.

In each backyard, there is a main building, in addition to 9 guest bedroom pavilions.

It is dotted with various exquisite decorations, as well as various exotic flowers and rare trees.

Just walking in it will make people feel relaxed and happy.

In addition to these two backyards, there is also a garden.

The garden is about the same size as the two backyards combined.

There are all kinds of flowers and plants growing in the garden that Fang Xiao has never seen before.

There are also various decorations carved from jade.

In addition, there is a small lake. There is a stone pavilion in the center of the lake.

On the other side of the lake, there are several woods. These woods are in full bloom at this time. These flowers are somewhat similar to plum blossoms and look quite beautiful.

When we arrived at the stone pavilion in the middle of the lake, we could see all the flowers blooming in these woods, which can be said to be quite beautiful.

Di Xiyang and Fang Xiao were sitting in the stone pavilion, looking at the beautiful scenery of the entire garden.

Then a warm smile appeared on Di Xiyang's face, and then Fang Xiao spoke up and said: It's so beautiful. Although it's not as majestic as the City Lord's Mansion in Broken Rock City, it has a unique elegant charm. It's Broken Rock City. It’s incomparable to the city lord’s palace.”

And having you by my side makes me feel even more warm.

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