After finishing his words, Fang Xiao looked at Hu Yu who was standing aside and said, Hu Yu, I'll leave it to you to recover the resource points in the nearby Ring Spirit Forest.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Hu Yu immediately responded respectfully, and then replied to Fang Xiao: Lord, please feel free to leave it to me, I will definitely take care of it.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly to Hu Yu: Okay, I believe you. You have never let me down in your work. Go ahead and do it.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Hu Yu nodded slightly, then said nothing more and immediately led the people towards the distance.

Fang Xiao turned his attention to the other confidants around him, and then said aloud: The others will come back to the territory with me, and we will discuss the subsequent territory development plan.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, a tree elf priest next to him hesitated and asked Fang Xiao: Lord, do we also want to participate?

After hearing the other party's inquiry, Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then answered aloud: Of course you have to participate. Since you have chosen to surrender to me, then you are the subjects of my territory, and I will need to entrust you with it in the future. As important subordinates with important responsibilities, you cannot be absent from this kind of thing.

Okay, let's go.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao took the lead and walked towards the lord's mansion.

Just kidding, the purpose of his so-called meeting today was to set a trap for these tree elf priests and then kill them all. How could they be absent?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the tree elf priests looked at each other, said nothing more, and then immediately followed Fang Xiao's footsteps.

Fang Xiao immediately led a group of people back to the territory, and then rushed towards the lord's mansion.

After arriving at the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao summoned everyone to the front hall.

Then everyone was asked to sit down, and then they started to talk about some rough plans for future development.

Of course, these plans were very vague and not very detailed, leaving the confidants present with little understanding.

Fang Xiao's eyes swept across everyone present, and finally landed on the five tree elf priests.

Then he slowly said: I need to let a few people carry out the detailed arrangements for the follow-up, and all the remaining irrelevant personnel should leave.

Takeo and the five tree elf priests stay, and the others can go and do what you should do.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the confidants present were a little confused, but they didn't say much. They immediately stood up, saluted Fang Xiao, and then turned around and left.

Not long after, only Fang Xiao, Wu Xiong, Di Xiyang, and five tree elf priests were left in the entire front hall.

One of the tree elf priests looked at the setting sun next to him, then at Wu Xiong next to Fang Xiao, and then asked aloud: Lord, I wonder what detailed arrangements you have for us to make next? We We will definitely do our best to get everything done, and we will also show you our sincerity in surrendering to you.

We are really touched that you have such trust in us.

Fang Xiao squinted his eyes and did some calculations to find out where the departed confidants were.

Then he yelled loudly: What are you waiting for five people to do? You actually want to assassinate this lord!

Fang Xiao's voice was very loud, and he could guarantee that his voice would be heard by everyone around the lord's mansion.

At the same time, before the five astonished tree elf priests could make any moves or words, Di Xiyang had already made a move.

She came to the side of these five tree elf priests in an instant, and then her whole body exuded a faint light, like the afterglow of the sunset, full of a depressing beauty.

The next moment, before the five tree elf priests could react, Di Xiyang killed them all one by one.

One of the tree elf priests used his special protection skills in a critical situation.

But in the face of Ji Xiyang's attack, it had no effect.

After all, his defensive skill is only a legendary skill, but the skill Di Xiyang uses to attack is a legendary five-star skill.

He was even able to fight against the tree elf king who had not disintegrated with the ring spirit forest before.

You must know that the tree elf king at that time was infinitely close to the god level.

The gap between the two sides is simply too huge and difficult to bridge.

In the blink of an eye, the bodies of five tree elf priests were lying on the ground, and at this time, the close men who had just left not long ago also rushed back again.

When they rushed back to the front hall, they looked at the corpses of the five tree elf priests on the ground and were slightly stunned.

Then one of them immediately saluted Fang Xiao, and then asked: Lord, do you know what happened? We just walked out of the lord's mansion when we heard your voice, so we didn't hesitate and rushed back again.

After hearing the inquiry from his trusted subordinates, Fang Xiao immediately answered aloud: I think these five tree elf priests are quite powerful. I want to exchange sincerity for sincerity, so I want to entrust them with important tasks and let them serve. Make some contributions to the territory, so that we can reward them in the future and make them return to the territory.

Who would have thought that I would exchange my sincerity for my sincerity, but in exchange for their pretense, they would suddenly attack me when they approached me. Fortunately, I reacted in time and dodged their sneak attack.

Then Sunset next to them immediately killed them on the spot. They probably thought this was the best time for them to take action. They will never have such an opportunity again in the future.

After all, Sunset will definitely be with me every day from now on, and I will rarely have any chance to have close contact with them, so they really can't hold back and want to avenge their tree elf king.

These remarks were naturally thought up by Fang Xiao in advance.

Among his confidants, apart from the absolutely loyal Takeo, there are only a few people who are worthy of Fang Xiao's complete trust.

Fang Xiao is actually not very relieved about the remaining confidants.

So this drama still has to be staged with them.

If Fang Xiao hadn't put on such a show in front of them, he would have become a treacherous and sinister villain in their eyes.

For an absolutely loyal and loyal subordinate like Takeo, no matter what kind of person Fang Xiao is, he will naturally not mind, nor will he have any grudge against Fang Xiao.

As for others, such as Xu Chui, a fool, or Hu Yu, some of the people who have followed him very early, they probably won't mind too much.

But for those close men who joined later, Fang Xiaoke couldn't guarantee it.

Therefore, it is very necessary to invite them to watch this drama, at least that's what Fang Xiao thinks.

My glorious and heroic image will still remain in the hearts of most people.

Only a few people need to know about his dark side. Too many people don't need to know about it. The more people know about it, the more detrimental it will be to Fang Xiao's future rule.

It will also have a great impact on Fang Xiao's future arrangements in all aspects.

After hearing Fang Xiao's statement at this time, most of the close men had no doubts about Fang Xiao, and immediately spoke out to express that Fang Xiao had killed well.

Then they cursed at the corpses of these tree elves.

Some even couldn't help but kicked him hard.

This person is none other than Xu Chui.

Looking at the naive Xu Zhui, Fang Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Then, he opened his mouth and said to these indignant henchmen: Okay everyone, since I have nothing to do, let's forget it.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Xu Zhui, who was kicking the corpses of these tree elves for sacrifice, immediately frowned, and then said loudly: How can I forget it! Lord Lord! These damn tree elves are so evil, I I feel like I can’t be trusted at all!”

Why don't you just give the order and let me take my soldiers and horses to exterminate the tree elves directly? What do you think?

What a damn guy. Even after surrendering, he still persists in his evil intentions and wants to attack the lord. It's really not a pity to die.

After hearing Xu Zhui's words, Fang Xiao not only raised his eyebrows.

Originally, if it was similar, Fang Xiao was going to let Di Xiyang speak, and then he could go down the steps.

Unexpectedly, Xu Chui, a fool, actually said it in advance.

That was fine, so Fang Xiao directly took over the conversation and said aloud: These tree elf priests indeed deserve death, but one person is responsible for what they do. The five of them are evil to this lord and do not represent the other ordinary tree elves who surrendered. We think the same way.

Since we have killed five of them on the spot, then this matter is over. There is no need to vent our anger on other ordinary tree elves.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang, who was already ready to speak, immediately seized the opportunity and spoke out: Lord, I think it is okay to expose this matter, but it cannot leave the tree elves with nothing at all. Know.

I think the sins of these five tree elf priests should be made public, so that ordinary tree elves can know the ugly faces of these five tree elf priests. At the same time, they should also be made aware that the lord is magnanimous and will not punish these five damned people. They should be grateful that the guy's guilt is being blamed on them.

And the most important thing is, if you, Lord Lord, do not disclose the guilt of these five tree elf sacrifices to the ordinary tree elves, then these ordinary tree elves will not be able to see these five tree elf sacrifices, and they will definitely have a grudge in their hearts. .”

You may even have evil intentions towards the lord in the future. I suspect that you, the lord, secretly eradicated these five tree elf priests. This will not be conducive to the development and harmony of the territory in the future, let alone these people. The ordinary tree elves return to their territory.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, several close men immediately spoke directly and expressed their agreement.

Fang Xiao hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly, and then said: What you said makes sense. Although these five people are dead, the mistakes they made should really be punished by those ordinary people. The tree elves know.

As you said, if it is not announced, it may affect the ordinary tree elves' sense of belonging to the territory in the future. Okay, let's leave this matter to Takeo. Takeo, what do you think?

After the words fell, Fang Xiao immediately turned his eyes to Takeo aside.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong immediately reacted and then saluted directly to Fang Xiao: Lord, don't worry, just leave this matter to me. I promise to let those ordinary tree elves handle it. We recognize your magnanimity, my lord.

Let them have a greater sense of belonging to the territory.

After hearing Takeo's words, Fang Xiao nodded, and then motioned Takeo to do it directly.

Takeo said nothing more, immediately took steps, turned and left the hall.

After Wu Xiong left, Fang Xiao then looked at the other people present, and then said: Everyone should go to work first. The sneak attack on me by these five tree elf priests was really beyond my expectation, so the follow-up plans need to be adjusted.

I will distribute the spoils of this war tomorrow. You can all come here to gather tomorrow morning.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the confidants present immediately expressed their understanding, and then turned around and left.

After they all left, Fang Xiao then turned his gaze to Di Xiyang aside, and slowly said, Xiyang, what do you think of my acting skills just now?

After hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Di Xiyang rolled her eyes slightly, then came to the side and sat down, and then said slowly: It's pretty good. To be honest, I really looked down on you before.

However, you can use this acting skill on others, but don't use it on me.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao smiled softly, and then said: Xiyang, don't worry, these acting skills of mine will only be used on outsiders, not you.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang's eyes not only lit up slightly, but then he asked Fang Xiao with a smile: It will only be used by outsiders? What do you mean... I am your wife. ?”

Looking at the smiling face of Di Xiyang, who put his face in front of him, Fang Xiao couldn't help but licked his lips slightly.

I have to say that the sunset is so alluring at this moment.

The other party kept provoking Fang Xiao every now and then, which really made Fang Xiao a little unable to bear it.

However, developing the territory is the first priority now, and other matters are not urgent for the time being.

After calming down a little, he then smiled softly at Sunset, Sunset, if that's what you think, then that's it.

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