Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 206 The Ring Spirit War Ends

Okay. Di Xiyang stretched slightly: Brother Fang Xiao, I am relieved that you have these thoughts.

It shows that you are really a qualified lord.

Here, I'll give you this. You should be able to use it.

After the words fell, Di Xiyang took out a token and handed it to Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao couldn't help being stunned, and immediately checked the token handed over by Di Xiyang.

[2-star tree spirit messenger job transfer order (legendary level)]

[Introduction: Two targets can be transferred to the legendary 5-star profession, Tree Spirit Messenger. 】

Seeing this token, Fang Xiao couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Originally, Fang Xiao wanted to tactfully remind Di Xiyang about this matter.

Let's see if Di Xiyang is willing to transfer the things that the Tree Elf King exploded to him. Then he can pay a huge price.

After all, the legendary job transfer order is really very important to Fang Xiao.

Unexpectedly, Di Xiyang took it out and handed it to him without even mentioning it now.

This made Fang Xiao feel a little inexplicably moved for a moment.

After all, this is a legendary job transfer order, and it can provide job transfers to two targets. Its value is simply unimaginable.

The fact that Di Xiyang can be handed over directly to him without asking for any compensation shows that the other party really cares about him.

Originally, Fang Xiao had some doubts about whether Di Xiyang was taking advantage of him, but now all these doubts have been put aside.

Speaking of which, if Di Xiyang really made use of himself, then after killing the Elf King, he could collect the trophies from the enemies killed by Fang Xiao and his men everywhere.

In this way, a wave of harvest can be directly achieved, and the NPC forces can also obtain quite a lot of the most rare hero orders, which will greatly increase the power of Shattered Rock City in one fell swoop.

But Di Xiyang didn't do that. After she killed the Tree Elf King, she rushed all the way here and handed the most precious legendary job transfer order revealed by the Tree Elf King directly into Fang Xiao's hands. .

If Fang Xiao still doubts Di Xiyang, then it is no longer a matter of suspicion, but a problem with his brain.

It seems that Di Xiyang is very likely to be really attracted to herself, otherwise there would be no reason to be so kind to herself and pay so much.

Fang Xiao took a deep breath, and then said slowly: This legendary class transfer order can provide two people with job transfers. I will give you a hero order later. When you use the hero order, this The two of us will use the block token together.”

Di Xiyang treated Fang Xiao like this, and Fang Xiao naturally couldn't treat Di Xiyang badly.

NPCs who do not belong to the player's power basically have no way to obtain hero tokens, but Fang Xiao is different. Fang Xiao is a player, and his NPCs can get hero tokens by killing enemies.

So for Fang Xiao, although the Hero Token is relatively precious, it is not particularly scarce.

In this war, whether it was Fang Xiao or the soldiers of his flying troops and ground troops, they killed a lot of enemies. The spoils of war have not yet been collected, but when they are collected, There must be a large number of hero orders.

Just borrow flowers to offer to Buddha, give one to Di Xiyang, and then let Di Xiyang become a hero profession, with up to three professions.

In this way, Di Xiyang's strength can be raised to another level again.

And when Di Xiyang becomes stronger and helps him like this, there is no doubt that it is equivalent to increasing his own power in disguise.

However, speaking of it, Fang Xiao still cannot see the detailed panel of Dixiyang. Among the information he sees, Dixiyang still belongs to Broken Rock City.

I don't know what method I can use to completely bring Di Xiyang under his control.

At this moment, Fang Xiao suddenly thought of a way, but then temporarily put the idea aside.

The idea is simple, it’s the setting sun of marriage.

As long as he marries Di Xiyang, there is no doubt that Di Xiyang will definitely be a member of his power, and he can also use Di Xiyang to permanently have a better relationship with Broken Rock City.

However, the time the two people have known each other is still a bit too short.

Although it can now be seen that Di Xiyang really has him in her heart, it would be too presumptuous to mention marriage directly, and it would also appear that Fang Xiao took the initiative to propose marriage for profit.

This is not what Fang Xiao wants.

There is no rush in this matter.

You can wait for a while and wait until the two parties get along for a while before Fang Xiao mentions this matter again. Then it will not appear so presumptuous and Di Xiyang will not feel that he mentioned it to the other party for his own benefit. thing.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang smiled softly, then looked at Fang Xiao with a smile, and asked aloud: I want to know, is this Hero Token a gift from you yourself? Or is it a gift from you? , in order to compensate for the legendary job transfer order I gave you?

After hearing Di Xiyang's inquiry, Fang Xiao answered directly without hesitation: Of course it's my heart. It's my personal gift to you.

Hearing this, Di Xiyang couldn't help but smile with satisfaction: Okay, brother Fang Xiao, then I will accept it.

After waiting here for almost half an hour, I saw a large number of dark shadows densely appearing in the distance, approaching here.

Upon seeing this, Fang Xiao stood up from the ground and looked over.

Soon, these black shadows came closer. Some of them are the large number of ground creatures in the ring spirit forest, and some are the ground troops brought with them.

Under the leadership of Hu Yu, five tree elf priests came to Fang Xiao with Hu Yu.

After seeing Fang Xiao, the five tree elf priests looked at each other.

Then one of the tree elf priests spoke to Fang Xiao: Human lord, we lost this war, and we lost it miserably. Your subordinate has already told us the message you want to convey, and we agree. I accepted your surrender.

After hearing the words of the tree elf priest, Fang Xiao smiled on his face, and then said to the other party: Okay, since you surrender, you will be one of your own from now on.

Don't worry, I won't treat you badly in the future. The casualties caused in the war are inevitable. These things have just been revealed.

The reason why Fang Xiao said this was naturally to appease the five tree elves for sacrifice, and at the same time, he also said it to the ordinary tree elves behind him.

Because only in this way, after returning to the territory, Fang Xiao could find an opportunity to let Di Xiyang kill all five of them, and then he could show his image more upright.

After all, he accepted their surrender regardless of past grievances, but they later wanted to assassinate him. This was obviously unkind and treacherous on their part.

This is Fang Xiao's purpose.

After appeasing the five tree elf priests for a few words, Fang Xiao then spoke out and gave instructions: Hu Yu, take these five tree elf priests with you to conquer the forces in the ring spirit forest, and then gather together The area close to our territory.”

After the words fell, Fang Xiao turned his gaze to Di Xiyang aside: Xiyang, please take care of me.

After hearing this, Di Xiyang immediately nodded slightly.

Of course she understood what Fang Xiao meant. It was obvious that Fang Xiao was asking her to keep an eye on these five tree elf priests to prevent them from causing anything.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he didn't say anything more, and then he came to the side of the leader of Feishuang Elephant, whose injury had improved a lot.

When Fang Xiao just came down from the Elf Tree, he treated the Feishuang Elephant leader with medicine. The injury has not recovered yet, but it has basically stabilized.

At least it's okay to fly, but it's not very good when it comes to fighting.

Of course, there is no battle to fight now.

Next, Fang Xiao only needs to ride the opponent to collect the loot from all over the Ringling Forest.

After all, whether it is the ring spirit forest creatures killed or the trophies they exploded, they are very rich resources for Fang Xiao.

As for the flying troop soldiers who died in the battle, as well as the ground troop soldiers, I believe Hu Yu can handle it.

After all, there were no more than two wars in their territory. Everyone knew exactly how to take care of the battlefield after each war.

Fang Xiao does not need to explain anything in this regard.

Fang Xiao patted the head of the Feishuang Elephant leader. After the Feishuang Elephant leader stood up, Fang Xiao drove it directly into the air, and then flew elsewhere.

Whenever the Feishuang Elephant leader came close to the trophies, Fang Xiao would directly collect all the trophies into the lord's warehouse.

This convergence method is also the fastest convergence method that Fang Xiao has researched in previous wars.

Fang Xiao went to various places to collect loot.

Hu Yu, on his side, led many soldiers under his command and began to conquer the biological forces that had not yet surrendered in the Ringling Forest.

With these five tree elf priests around, the creatures in the ring spirit forest everywhere naturally had no objections to surrender and chose to surrender directly.

And Di Xiyang watched the five tree elf priests from the side, and they did not dare to do anything unusual.

After all, the other party can kill the Tree Elf King, and it is even easier to kill them. They still know this very well in their hearts.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and it was not until evening that Fang Xiao finally collected all the loot from all over the forest.

It has to be said that the scope of the battlefield this time is really too large, and the dead ring spirit forest creatures are also quite terrifying.

That's why Fang Xiao restrained himself for a long time.

Of course, the injury to the Feishuang Elephant leader is also a very important factor.

With the injury on his body, the flying speed is naturally not as fast as before, and after flying for a period of time, he needs to slow down a bit.

However, no matter what, everything has finally been restrained.

After restraining himself, Fang Xiao immediately drove the Feishuang Elephant leader towards his territory.

When they arrived at the ring forest area near the territory, there were already densely packed with various creatures.

Obviously, these are ring spirit forest creatures from other areas that Hu Yu led the five tree elf priests to conquer.

Fang Xiao was very satisfied, because not to mention the extremely large number of ground creatures, there were at least tens of thousands of flying creatures alone.

You know, when we came to deal with Fang Xiao, none of the rare flying creatures appeared.

At least the ones appearing are flying creatures with epic strength.

Now that these rare flying creatures have been restrained, the number becomes quite terrifying.

Huang Yunjie had also led the ordinary soldiers in the territory here at this time and was maintaining order everywhere.

When he saw Fang Xiao flying back with the leader of Feishuang Elephant, Huang Yunjie immediately greeted him.

After Fang Xiao drove the Feishuang Elephant leader to the ground, Huang Yunjie immediately saluted Fang Xiao, and then said aloud: Congratulations, Lord, on your great victory. I have arranged for people to kill the soldiers who died. All the bodies have been collected and placed as usual.

After hearing Huang Yunjie's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly to him, and then jumped off the leader of Feishuang Elephant.

At this time, Hu Yu's close men in the distance, as well as Di Xiyang and five tree elf priests, also walked towards this side.

After arriving in front of Fang Xiao, he immediately saluted Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao nodded to them, and then spoke: What happened here can't be kept secret for too long. I believe it won't be long before the White Elephant City side will know the true situation here.

At that time, don't think too much. The other party will definitely not let go of its plan to get a piece of the pie. It will definitely enter the Ringling Forest area directly and start to occupy the resources and territory of the Ringing Forest area.

But it doesn't matter. For now, we just need to digest the spoils.

The Ringling Forest is quite large and has a lot of resources. It's impossible to conquer it all at once.

So wait for a short period of time. After we have digested the loot here and conquered the nearby resource points, we can then start dealing with White Elephant City.

Don't worry, everyone, for us now, there is nothing to fear from Baixiang City.

Fang Xiao's words were not bragging.

This time, a lot of epic and legendary creatures in the ring spirit forest were killed.

Therefore, there are also many epic and legendary class transfer orders that fall out.

After all these job transfer orders are used, Fang Xiao will be able to pull out a terrifying epic-level army under his own hands.

He can also transform all of his closest subordinates into legendary beings.

In addition, after he and Di Xiyang used the legendary job transfer order of the tree spirit messenger, their overall strength was enough to crush the White Elephant City side.

And Fang Xiao's next strategic target is Baixiang City.

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