The next moment, the dagger in his hand was inserted directly into his heart by the tree elf priest.

Then, he looked at the Elf Wood, and then fell from the legendary flying creature at his feet.

Fang Xiao silently stared at the tree elf priest. When he saw him smashing to the ground, completely losing his life, and exploding with a pile of loot, he withdrew his gaze.

Although Fang Xiao did not kill the other party, the two sides are currently at war. In this war, the other party's suicide behavior is probably judged to belong to Fang Xiao's side. Otherwise, the spoils should not be So much will come out.

After Fang Xiao withdrew his gaze, he immediately turned to the other flying creatures present, and then slowly spoke to these flying creatures: All flying creatures present now, immediately land to the ground, waiting obediently to be surrendered.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the flying creatures present glanced at the body of the tree elf sacrifice below, then glanced at Fang Xiao, and finally, slowly landed downwards.

After they all landed, Fang Xiao quickly climbed down from the Elf Tree, then landed on the ground and walked towards these flying creatures.

I've met the lord. At this time, Hu Yu came to Fang Xiao with his remaining trusted subordinates who were still alive.

Hu Yu now looked quite embarrassed, with wounds all over his body and blood everywhere, as if he was a bloody man.

However, Fang Xiao's current image is not much better than Hu Yu's.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly to Hu Yu who walked next to him, and then said aloud: Hu Yu, how is your injury? Let everyone use these medicines first, and stabilize the injury first.

After finishing his words, Fang Xiao took out a large amount of treatment medicine directly from his lord's warehouse and distributed it to the confidants present for use.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Hu Yu and the injured subordinates did not dare to hesitate and immediately began to use the drugs Fang Xiao had distributed for treatment.

Soon, the injuries on his body were sorted out a little, so that at least they would not worsen for the time being.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then spoke to Hu Yu and ordered: Hu Yu, I plan to ask you to go and meet the ground troops. The huge movement just now should be known to all the creatures in the Ring Spirit Forest. , the death of the Tree Elf King.

Go and convey what I just said, and ask them to surrender obediently. If they continue to resist desperately, then their final result will be certain death.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Hu Yu immediately cupped his hands towards Fang Xiao, and then replied aloud: Okay, Lord, I will definitely live up to my fate.

After the words fell, Hu Yu immediately took steps and rushed towards the distance.

However, before Hu Yu could leave Fang Xiao's sight, a familiar figure appeared in Fang Xiao's sight.

This figure is none other than Di Xiyang.

Looking at Fang Xiao and others who were in a state of embarrassment, the setting sun seemed quite bright and dazzling at this time, and even the clothes on their bodies did not have any wrinkles.

Di Xiyang, who possesses many treasures and has extraordinary strength, is not at a disadvantage even when facing the Tree Elf King who is not separated from the Ring Spirit Forest.

It was obviously quite easy to deal with the tree elf king who was separated from the ring spirit forest.

Di Xiyang took steps easily and ran towards the direction, very fast, and soon she was in front of Fang Xiao.

When he saw that Fang Xiao looked like a bloody man, Di Xiyang not only smacked his lips, but then said loudly: It seems that the situation here is much worse than I imagined.

But fortunately, there is nothing wrong with you.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao smiled softly, and then said to Di Xiyang: It doesn't matter whether my side is miserable or not. The main thing is that you finally killed the Tree Elf King completely. This also means that We finally won the final victory in this war.

Anyway, thank you very much.

After listening to Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang couldn't help but smile softly, and then said aloud: What can we thank you for? By the way, you can use this thing.

After the words fell, a crystal clear bead instantly appeared in Di Xiyang's hand.

This bead is quite beautiful, and its overall size is only as big as the belly of your little finger.

The next moment, with a flick of the sunset, the bead was instantly ejected and landed on Fang Xiao's body.

The moment it touched Fang Xiao's body, the beads immediately broke apart visibly to the naked eye, and then a stream of light blue water instantly passed over Fang Xiao's body.

Fang Xiao suddenly felt quite comfortable all over his body, as if someone had given him a full-body massage.

The next moment, all the blood on his body had been cleaned up and scattered on the ground. His whole body looked clean, and the wounds on his body were slightly healed at this time.

The injuries on his body were obviously much lighter.

Not only did Fang Xiao's eyes light up slightly, he had to admit that the treasures in Di Xiyang's hands were really unimaginable to him, there were too many.

Now, Fang Xiao also understood why the sunset was so light and calm, with no wrinkles in her clothes.

It's very possible that it wasn't that she wasn't injured at all, but that she used such a bead after killing the Tree Elf King.

Fang Xiao smiled softly at the sunset, and then said aloud: Thank you, sunset, by the way, do you have any extra in your hands? These confidants of mine are also seriously injured.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then said aloud: This thing is quite precious. I don't feel bad if it is used on you. How can there be so many things for other people to use? .”

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, the confidant standing next to him immediately saluted Di Xiyang, and then said aloud: Your Excellency Xi Yang, the lord just asked this subconsciously out of concern for us. , please don’t create any rift with the lord.”

The lord has given us medicine to treat our injuries. Now there is no serious problem. We just need to rest well. It won't take long before we can be completely healed. The lord doesn't have to worry about us. We don't have anything. question.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly. Thinking about it, he was indeed presumptuous. This thing must be very precious and cannot be used by everyone.

So he immediately changed the subject, and then said aloud: Now everything is basically over, Sunset, you and I can go sit next to each other for a while. Next, after the ground troops under my command arrive, we can clean up the area here. battlefield, and then began to gradually take down the entire Ringling Forest.

By the way, we still need your cooperation for the follow-up protection work.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly, agreeing to Fang Xiao's request.

Obviously she also knew that if her legendary existence was not used to intimidate the scene, there would probably be some accidents in the subsequent subjugation work.

After Di Xiyang came and sat down next to Fang Xiao, Fang Xiao then slowly asked Di Xiyang: By the way, Xiyang, the information I got from your Broken Rock City before is that there are 7 rings in the Ringling Forest. A tree elf priest.

There is one person in each of the three directions, southeast and north, and four in the west. But when the attack came this time, I found that there was one on the Elf Wood side.

Did they come from other directions in advance, or did you, Broken Rock City, not detect the situation on Elfwood's side?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then a look of understanding appeared on his face: No wonder you suffered such heavy losses. It seems that it is because of this tree elf priest that we have not detected.

There's nothing we can do about it. The Elf Wood belongs to the core area of ​​the tree elves. Outsiders have no way of approaching it. When I came to the Ring Spirit Forest to discuss with the Tree Elf King, I never got close to the Elf Wood. .”

So, there is no way to detect the situation here. In other words, there are actually eight tree elf priests in the Ringling Forest.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then said aloud: When I first had a conflict with the Ring Spirit Forest, I killed one of their tree elf priests.

When we were here at the Elf Wood just now, the tree elf priest who was guarding the Elf Wood must have sacrificed himself. He is probably gone.

The tree elf priest who came over later also committed suicide under my pressure. So, if nothing else happens, there are still five elf priests in the Ring Spirit Forest.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang raised his eyebrows slightly, and then asked aloud: What do you plan to do with the next five tree elf priests?

Fang Xiao didn't hesitate and answered directly: They must all be killed!

After hearing Fang Xiao's answer, Di Xiyang not only raised his eyebrows slightly, but finally put a smile on his face and did not speak immediately.

Obviously, she was quite satisfied with Fang Xiao's answer.

Fang Xiao glanced at the setting sun, and then said aloud: The Ringling Forest is under a full-scale attack. No matter how hard we try to defend against the enemies in White Elephant City, we will definitely not be able to take care of it at this time.

So, all the tree elf priests must have rushed to the main battlefield. So far, I have not seen the other five tree elf priests. If nothing else, they should be with the ground troops. .”

The reason is very easy to understand. The number of flying creatures is definitely not comparable to that of ground creatures. To command these flying creatures, it is obvious that a tree elf priest is enough.

Therefore, later on, there was only one tree elf priest who came with these large forces of flying creatures. Most of the other tree elf priests rushed to the more terrifying ground troops, and then attacked these terrifying ground troops. Troops are in command.”

However, now the Tree Elf King has been killed by you, and I have arranged for Hu Yu to go and convey my instructions.

When the time comes, I will convey what I said before to the tree elf priests of the ground troops. As long as they are not mentally ill, they will definitely lead the remaining ground troops in the Ring Spirit Forest to surrender.

And after they surrender, you definitely can't kill them directly in front of them, otherwise it will easily cause unrest. After all, this behavior is equivalent to killing prisoners.

However, I have a method here, that is, I will take you to have a private conversation with them, and then when you have a private conversation, you directly kill them.

Then, after they died, you shouted loudly, saying that they dared to attack me, the lord, to avenge the Tree Elf King at this time, and they were simply reckless.

At this time, I just need to stand up and announce to the remaining tree elves that these tree elf priests are still evil and want to kill me to avenge the tree elf king while they are talking to me alone. , but I am a magnanimous person and will not count the sins of these tree elf priests on all the ring spirit forest tree elf clan.

So, I will still give them a life of peace and contentment and grant them the status of subjects. In this way, not only can I get rid of all the remaining 5 tree elf priests, but I can also harvest a wave of remaining ordinary tree elves. their favor.”

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the corner of Di Xiyang's mouth twitched slightly, and then looked at Fang Xiao in disbelief. After a while, he slightly pursed his lips, and then said: Wow, wow, wow, it's really true. I never thought that you, my brother Fang Xiao, could be so insidious.

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao not only rolled his eyes slightly, but then answered aloud: How can this be considered sinister? At most, he is resourceful and has more strategies in his heart, right? Xiyang?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang pursed his lips and smiled, and then slowly said: Yes, yes, resourceful, brother Fang Xiao is really smart, but how can you guarantee that all ordinary tree elves will believe you? Rhetoric?

After hearing Di Xiyang's words, Fang Xiao smiled slightly, and then said: It doesn't matter, I didn't intend to let all the tree elves believe it. They just need to know that I can completely rely on these tree elf priests. , put the blame on them and affect them, but I didn't do that.

On the contrary, he exposed them and was willing to give them the same treatment as his subjects.

This alone, as long as they have a little bit of selfishness in their hearts, is enough for them to be grateful to me. What's more, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. This is enough, don't you think? Sunset.

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